► http://www.syriannc.org/

Syrian National Council المجلس الوطني السوري —
► http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/10/02/syrian-opposition-launches-national-council-to-overthrow-assad/
Syrian Opposition Launches National Council to Overthrow Assad
Syrian dissidents meeting in Turkey have formally announced the creation of a council designed to overthrow President Bashar Assad's regime.
► http://www.euronews.net/2011/10/02/syrian-opposition-forms-national-council/

Syrian opposition forms National Council
world news - Syria’s main opposition groups joined on Sunday in a meeting in Istanbul to form a united front against the Bashar al-Assad regime.

Syrian opposition movements form National Council
Syrian opposition groups said Saturday that they have formed a breakaway government, but many details were yet to emerge.
► Syrian activists form a 'national council
► Egypt’s largest political bloc recognizes Syria’s opposition council
► http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2011/10/11/171303.html
► Libya NTC says recognises Syrian National Council
► http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/04/201142710920318302.html
► http://www.thenational.ae/news/worldwide/middle-east/syrian-dissidents-gather-in-damascus-to-build-unity

Syrian dissidents gather in Damascus to build unity - The National
As the Syrian opposition's efforts to unite and organise in the struggle against the regime gained momentum, the United Nations announced the death toll after almost seven months of protests had risen to more than 2,900.

► http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/09/20119285034218812.html

Western states give way on UN Syria sanctions
New draft resolution drops demand for immediate sanctions against Damascus in bid to gain Security Council support.
► http://www.syriannc.org/
Syrian National Council المجلس الوطني السوري —
► http://www.foxnews.com/world/2011/10/02/syrian-opposition-launches-national-council-to-overthrow-assad/
Syrian Opposition Launches National Council to Overthrow Assad
Syrian dissidents meeting in Turkey have formally announced the creation of a council designed to overthrow President Bashar Assad's regime.
► http://www.euronews.net/2011/10/02/syrian-opposition-forms-national-council/
Syrian opposition forms National Council
world news - Syria’s main opposition groups joined on Sunday in a meeting in Istanbul to form a united front against the Bashar al-Assad regime.
Syrian opposition movements form National Council
Syrian opposition groups said Saturday that they have formed a breakaway government, but many details were yet to emerge.
► Syrian activists form a 'national council
► Egypt’s largest political bloc recognizes Syria’s opposition council
► http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2011/10/11/171303.html
► Libya NTC says recognises Syrian National Council
► http://english.aljazeera.net/indepth/opinion/2011/04/201142710920318302.html
Syrian opposition formed the Suriah National Council (SNC), which openly declared its aim to topple President Bashar al-Assad of his power. Formation of councils were practical following the Libyan opposition National Transition Council (NTC) to oust Muammar Gaddafi.
The Syrian National Council consisted of diverse groups with different ideologies, including the Islamists and secularists. Among some groups, there were the networks of Damascus declaration pro-democracy, the banned political party the Muslim Brotherhood, that was often to coordinate the demonstrations and some tribal groups.
The establishment of the council was supposed to do months ago, but its structure and purpose not authorized until the conference in Istanbul, on Sunday, 2 October 2011.
The Syrian National Council consisted of diverse groups with different ideologies, including the Islamists and secularists. Among some groups, there were the networks of Damascus declaration pro-democracy, the banned political party the Muslim Brotherhood, that was often to coordinate the demonstrations and some tribal groups.
The establishment of the council was supposed to do months ago, but its structure and purpose not authorized until the conference in Istanbul, on Sunday, 2 October 2011.
"I think the Assad regime really has lost confidence in the world. The world is now waiting for Syria united opposition, which is able to provide an alternative to this regime that the world can give recognition. The council condemns the policy of sectarian incitement by the Assad regime, which threatens the national unity and encourage the country to civil war. "said Bourhan Ghalioun, an opposition figure who read the SNC's declaration.
Beside Ghalioun , there were the leaders of Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammad Riad al Shaqfa and members of the Damascus Declaration, Samir Nashar. Samir Nashar is the spokesman for the Syrian Free National Party, a small opposition party established in 2005. He is also a member of the Committee for Reviving the Civil Society. He was arrested by Syrian authorities on March 25, 2006 in Aleppo by agents of the military secret service after he returned from a meeting of exiled opposition figures in Washington, D.C. On March 26, the Syrian Human Rights Organisation called for his immediate release. On March 27, he was released from custody.
In a statement read by Ghalioun, SNC rejected the foreign intervention or military operation to bring down Al-Assad's regime by force. SNC insisted the protesters should remain in peaceful ways. However, according to SNC, the international community has an obligation to protect the Syrian people.
Beside Ghalioun , there were the leaders of Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, Mohammad Riad al Shaqfa and members of the Damascus Declaration, Samir Nashar. Samir Nashar is the spokesman for the Syrian Free National Party, a small opposition party established in 2005. He is also a member of the Committee for Reviving the Civil Society. He was arrested by Syrian authorities on March 25, 2006 in Aleppo by agents of the military secret service after he returned from a meeting of exiled opposition figures in Washington, D.C. On March 26, the Syrian Human Rights Organisation called for his immediate release. On March 27, he was released from custody.
In a statement read by Ghalioun, SNC rejected the foreign intervention or military operation to bring down Al-Assad's regime by force. SNC insisted the protesters should remain in peaceful ways. However, according to SNC, the international community has an obligation to protect the Syrian people.
► http://www.thenational.ae/news/worldwide/middle-east/syrian-dissidents-gather-in-damascus-to-build-unity
Syrian dissidents gather in Damascus to build unity - The National
As the Syrian opposition's efforts to unite and organise in the struggle against the regime gained momentum, the United Nations announced the death toll after almost seven months of protests had risen to more than 2,900.

One of the main members of Syria's opposition Riad Shakfi addresses the press conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, on Oct 2, 2011. Syria's opposition agreed in principle Sunday to form a seven-member executive committee for their national council following three days of deliberations behind closed doors in Turkey's largest city of Istanbul. (Xinhua/Ma Yan)

One of the main members of Syria's opposition Abdulahat Sattuf addresses the press conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, on Oct 2, 2011. Syria's opposition agreed in
principle Sunday to form a seven-member executive committee for their national council following three days of deliberations behind closed doors in Turkey's
largest city of Istanbul. (Xinhua/Ma Yan)
principle Sunday to form a seven-member executive committee for their national council following three days of deliberations behind closed doors in Turkey's
largest city of Istanbul. (Xinhua/Ma Yan)

One of the main members of Syria's opposition Burhan Galyon addresses the press conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, on Oct 2, 2011. Syria's opposition agreed in principle Sunday to form a seven-member executive committee for their national council following three days of deliberations behind closed doors in Turkey's largest city of Istanbul. (Xinhua/Ma Yan)

One of the main members of Syria's opposition Ahmed Ramadan addresses the press conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, on Oct 2, 2011. Syria's opposition agreed in principle Sunday to form a seven-member executive committee for their national council following three days of deliberations behind closed doors in Turkey's largest city of Istanbul. (Xinhua/Ma Yan)

Main members of Syria's opposition applauded during the press conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, on Oct 2, 2011. Syria's opposition agreed in principle Sunday to form a seven-member executive committee for their national council following three days of deliberations behind closed doors in Turkey's largest city of Istanbul. (Xinhua/Ma Yan)
► http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2011/09/20119285034218812.html
Western states give way on UN Syria sanctions
New draft resolution drops demand for immediate sanctions against Damascus in bid to gain Security Council support.
Ghalioun said SNC "Is open for all Syrians", AFP reported. Ghalioun would lead the SNC, it would include Bassma Kodmani as the spokesperson.
The new group would convene the general assembly of 190 members in early November. "Maybe in Turkey", said Kodmani. SNC would have a leader, general secretary with 29 members representing the seven factions of the Syrian opposition.
SNC member Hassan Hashimi said they would consist of six members of Local Coordinating Committee, five of Muslim Brotherhood and four from liberal groups, led by Ghalioun. The remaining five members of the secretariat were independent figures, four Kurds and one Christian.
"Another opposition faction will also have representatives on the seven-member executive committee," said Hashimi. Representatives from the opposition and protests during the six-month met at the end of last week when there was a decline in insurgency (which was said by the UN) has claimed at least 2700 lives since it erupted in mid-action in March 2011.
► http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/worl>d-africa-15284056

Gaddafi son 'captured in Sirte'
Reports that Col Muammar Gaddafi's son Mutassim has been captured spark celebrations in Libya, although there is no official confirmation.

Mutassim Gaddafi's girlfriend tells of the final days of Libyan regime - Telegraph
Mutassim Gaddafi's former girlfriend, Dutch glamour model Talitha van Zon, talks to Nick Meo about the dying days of the Gaddafi regime.
► http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/inside-moammar-gadhafi-son-mutassim-million-dollar-years/story?id=12984138

Inside Gadhafi Son's Million Dollar Party
Flanked on all sides by beautiful women, Mutassim Gadhafi, son of embattled Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, sat in a crisp white shirt with his hair slicked back and quietly sipped expensive champagne straight from the bottle on a lush Caribbean island while Beyonce serenaded him on New Year's Eve 2009.
Inside Gaddafi's inner circle : A look at the people Muammar Gaddafi relies on to entrench his rule and to remain in power in Libya.
Here is a look at some of the most influential figures within Gaddafi's inner circle - who, between them are understood to wield significant military, security or political power. Their actions are seen as crucial to the tightness of Gaddafi's control over Libya - over the past decades, today, and in the immediate future.
Dr Abdulqader Mohammed al-Baghdadi
Secretary of the General People's Committee (Prime Minister) since 2006. The 59-year-old chairs the oil and gas council and the Libya Investment Authority, one of the world's largest sovereign wealth funds and reportedly the holding company which manages Gaddafi's wealth. He is also a member of revolutionary committees and is involved in past violence. He is one of the 16 senior administration figures slapped with a travel ban by the United Nations Security Council.
Mousa Kousa
Minister of Foreign Affairs. He is a former head of external intelligence and negotiated Libya’s normalisation pact with the US and European powers.
Colonel Abdullah al-Senussi
Right hand man and brother-in-law to the Libyan leader - and director of Military Intelligence. The 61-year-old's past history includes a suspected involvement in the Abu Selim prison massacre. He was convicted in absentia for the 1989 bombing of UTA flight 772, in which 170 people died. He was also included in the UN's travel ban.
Abdulqader Yusef
Head of Muammar & Gaddafi's personal security and responsible for the regime's security. Yusef, 65, has a history of directing violence against dissidents. Also banned from leaving Libya by the UN Security Council.
Abu Zayd Umar
The director of the External Security Organisation. Umar is a regime loyalist, heads the external intelligence agency and is a former envoy to the UN - who, on Saturday, banned him from travelling.
Matuq Mohammed Matuq
Secretary for Utilities. Matuq is a senior member of the regime and is involved with the Revolutionary Committees. The 59-year-old's history of involvement in violence and suppression of dissent earned him a place on the Security Council's travel ban list.
Khamis Muammar Gaddafi
Khamis is the 33-year-old son of Muammar Gaddafi and commands military units involved in the repression of demonstrations. Banned from travelling by Saturday's UN Security Council resolution, which also ordered a freeze on his assets.
Mutassim Gaddafi
National Security Adviser and son of Muammar Gaddafi. The 35-year-old's closeness with the regime led to the UN giving him a travel ban and inclusion in the asset freeze.
Saadi Gaddafi
Commander of special forces and 37-year-old son of the Libyan leader. His command of military units involved in repression of demonstrations led to his inclusion in the regime travel ban - but the Security Council decided not to include him in the family asset freeze.
Saif al-Islam Gaddafi
Director of the Gaddafi Foundation and Muammar Gaddafi's 39-year-old son. Responsible for inflammatory public statements encouraging violence against demonstrators, he has had his assets frozen and banned from travelling by the UN resolution.
Abdulsalam Jalloud
Formerly the second in command in Libya after leading the 1969 coup with Gaddafi. A former prime minister and interlocutor with western powers in the 1970s and 1980s. Has not been heard from since the beginning of unrest and is rumoured to have submitted his resignation - and/or to be under house arrest.
Mustafa Al-Kharoubi
Member of the Revolutionary Command Council and part of the cadre which led the 1969 coup. He is a former head of military intelligence and an interlocutor with the Arab countries until the 1990s. He has also FFnot been heard from since the beginning of the unrest and is rumoured to have submitted his resignation and/or to be under house arrest.
Al-Khoueldi al-Hamidi
Member of General Provisional Committee for Defence. He is a member of the Revolutionary Command Council and led the 1969 coup with Gaddafi. He has also not been heard from since the beginning of the unrest and is rumoured to have submitted his resignation and/or to be under house arrest.
Ahmed Ibrahim
Spiritual leader and voice of the revolutionary committees’ movement, became minister of education for a while and recently spearheaded attacks on attempts to reform the government.
► (source : Al JAzeera @ http://english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/2011/02/2011227192852808945.html )
► http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/worl>d-africa-15284056
Gaddafi son 'captured in Sirte'
Reports that Col Muammar Gaddafi's son Mutassim has been captured spark celebrations in Libya, although there is no official confirmation.
Mutassim Gaddafi's girlfriend tells of the final days of Libyan regime - Telegraph
Mutassim Gaddafi's former girlfriend, Dutch glamour model Talitha van Zon, talks to Nick Meo about the dying days of the Gaddafi regime.
► http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/inside-moammar-gadhafi-son-mutassim-million-dollar-years/story?id=12984138
Inside Gadhafi Son's Million Dollar Party
Flanked on all sides by beautiful women, Mutassim Gadhafi, son of embattled Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, sat in a crisp white shirt with his hair slicked back and quietly sipped expensive champagne straight from the bottle on a lush Caribbean island while Beyonce serenaded him on New Year's Eve 2009.
Inside Gaddafi's inner circle : A look at the people Muammar Gaddafi relies on to entrench his rule and to remain in power in Libya.
Here is a look at some of the most influential figures within Gaddafi's inner circle - who, between them are understood to wield significant military, security or political power. Their actions are seen as crucial to the tightness of Gaddafi's control over Libya - over the past decades, today, and in the immediate future.
Dr Abdulqader Mohammed al-Baghdadi
Secretary of the General People's Committee (Prime Minister) since 2006. The 59-year-old chairs the oil and gas council and the Libya Investment Authority, one of the world's largest sovereign wealth funds and reportedly the holding company which manages Gaddafi's wealth. He is also a member of revolutionary committees and is involved in past violence. He is one of the 16 senior administration figures slapped with a travel ban by the United Nations Security Council.
Mousa Kousa
Minister of Foreign Affairs. He is a former head of external intelligence and negotiated Libya’s normalisation pact with the US and European powers.
Colonel Abdullah al-Senussi
Right hand man and brother-in-law to the Libyan leader - and director of Military Intelligence. The 61-year-old's past history includes a suspected involvement in the Abu Selim prison massacre. He was convicted in absentia for the 1989 bombing of UTA flight 772, in which 170 people died. He was also included in the UN's travel ban.
Abdulqader Yusef
Head of Muammar & Gaddafi's personal security and responsible for the regime's security. Yusef, 65, has a history of directing violence against dissidents. Also banned from leaving Libya by the UN Security Council.
Abu Zayd Umar
The director of the External Security Organisation. Umar is a regime loyalist, heads the external intelligence agency and is a former envoy to the UN - who, on Saturday, banned him from travelling.
Matuq Mohammed Matuq
Secretary for Utilities. Matuq is a senior member of the regime and is involved with the Revolutionary Committees. The 59-year-old's history of involvement in violence and suppression of dissent earned him a place on the Security Council's travel ban list.
Khamis Muammar Gaddafi
Khamis is the 33-year-old son of Muammar Gaddafi and commands military units involved in the repression of demonstrations. Banned from travelling by Saturday's UN Security Council resolution, which also ordered a freeze on his assets.
Mutassim Gaddafi
National Security Adviser and son of Muammar Gaddafi. The 35-year-old's closeness with the regime led to the UN giving him a travel ban and inclusion in the asset freeze.
Saadi Gaddafi
Commander of special forces and 37-year-old son of the Libyan leader. His command of military units involved in repression of demonstrations led to his inclusion in the regime travel ban - but the Security Council decided not to include him in the family asset freeze.
Saif al-Islam Gaddafi
Director of the Gaddafi Foundation and Muammar Gaddafi's 39-year-old son. Responsible for inflammatory public statements encouraging violence against demonstrators, he has had his assets frozen and banned from travelling by the UN resolution.
Abdulsalam Jalloud
Formerly the second in command in Libya after leading the 1969 coup with Gaddafi. A former prime minister and interlocutor with western powers in the 1970s and 1980s. Has not been heard from since the beginning of unrest and is rumoured to have submitted his resignation - and/or to be under house arrest.
Mustafa Al-Kharoubi
Member of the Revolutionary Command Council and part of the cadre which led the 1969 coup. He is a former head of military intelligence and an interlocutor with the Arab countries until the 1990s. He has also FFnot been heard from since the beginning of the unrest and is rumoured to have submitted his resignation and/or to be under house arrest.
Al-Khoueldi al-Hamidi
Member of General Provisional Committee for Defence. He is a member of the Revolutionary Command Council and led the 1969 coup with Gaddafi. He has also not been heard from since the beginning of the unrest and is rumoured to have submitted his resignation and/or to be under house arrest.
Ahmed Ibrahim
Spiritual leader and voice of the revolutionary committees’ movement, became minister of education for a while and recently spearheaded attacks on attempts to reform the government.
► (source : Al JAzeera @ http://english.aljazeera.net/news/africa/2011/02/2011227192852808945.html )
What the heck is going on here? On June 7, 2011, reported that Mutassim Gaddafi was dead. Now he was arrested. Currently reported that he was arrested in Sirte, and the NTC supporters celebrated it with cheering, singing and waving the new flag of Libya.
Ah, but, whatever the song was sung by them, I am somewhat pessimistic if the Libyan people would like to sing the song and music of this kind.
Ah, but, whatever the song was sung by them, I am somewhat pessimistic if the Libyan people would like to sing the song and music of this kind.
When I was hit by negative thoughts, it kept following me until it was time for us to sleep. Usually he calmed my mind by gently stroking on my belly. He thought I was just delirious. "Darling, is it possible if, ... oh ... how? Is it possible that Gaddafi has died?"
"There are no reports about it, hon"
"What if they do not know about it?"
"Do you think you know it?"
"Of course not .... heehehe ... I'm just rambling."
"Let us wait and see it, how and to where the groove of this Libyan news."
"Just like a fictional story, dahling.... this story ends with a float."
"Floating, ... hmm, that's your term, say it's floating, but it remains under control, is not it?"
"They have no right to kill Gaddafi"
"You're right."
"When the so-called civilized societies impose a small country with all its might, to destroy the infrastructure that was created from generation to generation - I do not know, whether it's good or not?"
"Honey,...please, can you stop talking about this topic in our bed?"
Except for the marriage itself, he and I both know about one thing. I am a queen and he is the king in all areas of this apartment that we had together, ranging from the living room, family room, bedroom to kitchen, and we will each maintain the stability of this relationship starting from the crown of the head, also in the heart until the big toe. No imperative things here, except the intimacy between us. You know I lovehimhim.
"Why the palace was attacked? Did they exterminate the rats in this way?"
"Indeed many people were killed in the attack."
"Was he there?"
"He wasn't there, sweatheart. He had slipped away for a long time, but the civilians who ultimately became the victims."
"Where and how is he now?"
He didn't answer my question, but then he kissed my lips tightly. His kiss was very cloudy, so highly requested a reply. There's nothing much progress breaking news over weekend. For this time, I returned his kiss.
But, well, it is. As usual, I will always think of something else when I'm going to finish one thing. While kissing him, I was still thinking about Russia, which has a charismatic personality and didn't like meddling with "other people's business". And the man who was kissing me has a charm of personality Russia. Mwahh! (ehhehe...You can't be satisfied in a kiss with the American whose mouth was too busy munching the failure of troubled assets relief program to increase the liquidity to wall street market, Cisca! .........
► http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/04/us/anti-wall-street-protests-spread-to-other-cities.html?_r=1
Anti-Wall Street Protests Spreading to Cities Large and Small
Demonstrations similar to the one that began in Lower Manhattan last month are popping up across the country, aided by social media and fueled by anger at financial institutions.
Anti-Wall Street Spread to Chicago
For the sake of voicing resentment, a number of protesters willing to pay U.S. $ 2,245 to enter the event the U.S. Futures Industry Association.
Thousands of people consisting of teachers, religious leaders, and union members gathered in downtown Chicago, United States, to voice their frustration over high unemployment and income inequality. The rally that took place during rush hour traffic has made the City of Chicago to a standstill.
The demonstrations that took place at five separate locations were inspired by the movement of the Anti-Wall Street which took place in New York since last month. But, the it is not officially affiliated with Wall Street occupy (OWS).
As they shouted, 'We are the 99%' and '"Tax them!, tax, tax the rich,'"a number of protesters marching on Michigan Avenue and gathered outside the Art Institute of Chicago, where the U.S. Futures Industry Association held a cocktail reception. The other protesters lined up outside a luxury hotel where the U.S. Mortgage Bankers Association were holding a meeting. For the sake of voicing resentment, a number of protesters willing to pay U.S. $ 2,245 to get into the event.
"Do you sleep peacefully at night?" sneered a protester who wore a suit to Michael Heid, director of Wells Fargo Home Mortgage, a mortgage lender in the U.S. famous. Executive Director of the U.S. Mortgage Bankers Association David Stevens advised conference participants to ignore the protesters.
"We recognize that our industry is facing a deficit of trust with policy makers and the public, and the people in this industry has given contribution to the events that caused the financial crisis," the association said in a statement.
Chicago Police estimated the protest organized by a coalition group Stand Up Chicago was attended by about 3000 people. Citing the official website of the coalition Stand Up Chicago, the demonstration was intended to claim jobs, homes, and their schools.
"We want to highlight the game in the financial sector," said Adam Kader from Interfaith Union, Arise Chicago, joined in the coalition. "They (financial sector) chase us, so now is the perfect time to convey a message about how miserable we are."
Minority Leader, U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi said she supported this national rally, such as the Occupy Wall Street. "I support the message, either from the Anti-Wall Street or from political groups and others, that change must happen," Pelosi told ABC News. Pelosi added, the bailout money was to trigger the rally. In addition, Pelosi saw the anger caused by the unemployment of U.S. citizens which was above 9%.
President Barack Obama hoped to improve the economy by funding worth U.S. $ 447 billion to create jobs in the U.S., which was a combination of tax cuts and infrastructure spending.
► http://ciscazarmansyah.blogspot.com/2011/10/graceful-stretching-from-new-york.
Newstories: Graceful Stretching from New York
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