Oktoberfest is a two-week festival held each year in Munich, Bayern, Germany, in late September and early October. This festival is one of the most famous event in this city and also the largest festival in the world with around six million visitors annually. Other cities in the world also hold festivals festival in Munich using this as a model, even using the name Oktoberfest.
The event is usually held for sixteen days up to and including the first Sunday in October. But if this Sunday falls on the 1 or 2, then the festival will continue until October 3rd (German Unity Day). The festival is held in an area called Theresienwiese, or in short "d'Wiesn".
Theresienwiese Aerial View in Munich
Beer is the main focus in this festival, and the opening of the festival is marked by the opening of the keg by the mayor of Munich by saying "O'zapft is!" (Language Bavarian for "It has been opened!"). Special Oktoberfest beer that has flavor and alcohol content is more dense and hard as well prepared for this event. Beer is served in a quart-sized glass called Maß. The first glass is given to the Minister-President of Bavaria. Only the local manufacturers are allowed to serve this beer in a Bierzelt, serving beer tent large enough to accommodate thousands of people.
Visitors can also enjoy various kinds of food, mostly traditional dishes such as sausages, hendl (chicken), käsespätzle (cheese noodles), and sauerkraut, along with other dishes typical of Bayern, such as roast beef oxtail.
► http://www.fischer-vroni.de/
Willkommen - Fischer-Vroni
► http://www.ochsenbraterei.de/
Ochsenbraterei - Herzlich Willkommen! - Wellcome!
Herzlich Willkommen! Wellcome! in der Ochsenbraterei - Wiesn-Festzelt auf dem Münchner Oktoberfest, weltberühmt für seine Ochsen und das Spaten Oktoberfestbier.
► http://www.festzelt.schottenhamel.de/de/home.htm
Schottenhamel Festzelt
► http://www.hacker-festzelt.de/
Hacker-Festzelt Himmel der Bayern
► http://www.bavariashop.com/Octoberfest/Oktoberfeststein_2011_official_-_1_0_l.html
Bavariashop - Oktoberfestkrug 2011 offiziell - 1,0 l
Hippodrom - Oktoberfest - Infos, Promis, Bilder und Geschichten
Das Hippodrom präsentiert Informationen, Bilder, Prominente, Dirndl, Lederhosen, Geschichten, Reisen, Lifestyle und Essen zum Oktoberfest, München und Bayern.
► http://www.muenchen.de/veranstaltungen/oktoberfest.html
Die offizielle Seite zum Oktoberfest in München.
Die offizielle Seite zum Münchner Oktoberfest. Die Wiesn in München. Infos zum 178. Oktoberfest 2011: Bierzelte, Fahrgeschäfte, Reservierungen, Bilder und Videos.
► http://www.dirndl.com/trachten/trachten-dirndl-guenstig-online.html
Online Dirndl günstig und bequem von zuhause aus kaufen
Modebewusstsein und günstiger Preis müssen nicht unbedingt einander ausschließen. Man kann durchaus ein trendiges Dirndl online günstig erstehen. Einfach und bequen von zuhause aus kaufen.
► http://www.marquise.de/en/ethno/index.shtml
La Couturière Parisienne: Ethnic Costume
Bavarian, Japanese and Chinese Costume
Theresienwiese Aerial View
360° panoramic photography by T. Emrich. Visit us to see more amazing panoramas from Munich and thousands of other places in the world.
► http://www.spiegel.de/international/zeitgeist/0,1518,789197,00.html
Back to Bavaria: Tradition Reigns at Munich's 'Other' Oktoberfest - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - Internat
Bavarian folk music, old-fashioned carnival rides and a beauty pageant unlike any other. At Munich's 'other' Oktoberfest, the city has found a way to keep the beloved festival true to its traditional roots.
Crown Prince Ludwig, who later became King Ludwig I married Princess Therese of Saxony-Hildburghausen on October 12, 1810. Munich residents were invited to attend the royal parties and various celebrations held on the square in front of the town gates throughout the 16 days. The square was named Theresienwiese ("The square Theresie") as a form of respect for the Crown Prince, and the locals called it "Wies'n". At the time of the celebration was closed, horse racing was held for the royal family and all the people of Bayern.
The tradition of horse racing every year became the forerunner of Oktoberfest, but at this time is no longer contested. Small cottages were replaced with beer tents and drinks in 1896. Furthermore, the livestock show and parade with the carousel was added. Whether by accident or intentionally, the crown prince's wedding to coincide with the activities of empty beer storage spring to make the autumn beer.
This is the Dirndl. If it is interpreted in a variety of languages Bayerisch-Österreich (German height language) means "Dirne" or "Deern", with a sense for luxury clothing for young girls.
Origin of the word "Dirndl" was for a special form of fancy dress in the western Alps, but since the 30s, this dress began to become fashionable, and in early 2000, this dress was preferable by the Bayern (Germany) and Switzerland. These old clothes, (which was always called "tracht" by the Germans) was defined to be tight dresses for women, at the top, its seam rather wide of the neck (also showing the breasts). Its skirt was wide and up to the ankles (which in the presence of fashion, long skirt also varies) and it was given an apron dress (like a chef cooking), depending on the shape of clothes (can be a variety of colors, not necessarily white), and wearing a white short-sleeved blouse and of course must be strict in use. Depending on the show, this Dirndl can be made from a variety of colors and materials (fabric catton, leinen, or of silk fabric. The model was innocent until flowering.
There was another unique way to tie a rope on the apron, tied at the front (abdomen). On the front left was for women who didn't have a spouse (also for those who were looking for partners/boyfriends). The front right side was for women who already have a partner/boyfriend/husband (also those who were labeled "Not alone"). There were also those who tied it in front of middle, it meant the girls who had not been able to choose (maybe she had a boyfriend / partner, but finding the new ones).
Origin of the word "Dirndl" was for a special form of fancy dress in the western Alps, but since the 30s, this dress began to become fashionable, and in early 2000, this dress was preferable by the Bayern (Germany) and Switzerland. These old clothes, (which was always called "tracht" by the Germans) was defined to be tight dresses for women, at the top, its seam rather wide of the neck (also showing the breasts). Its skirt was wide and up to the ankles (which in the presence of fashion, long skirt also varies) and it was given an apron dress (like a chef cooking), depending on the shape of clothes (can be a variety of colors, not necessarily white), and wearing a white short-sleeved blouse and of course must be strict in use. Depending on the show, this Dirndl can be made from a variety of colors and materials (fabric catton, leinen, or of silk fabric. The model was innocent until flowering.
There was another unique way to tie a rope on the apron, tied at the front (abdomen). On the front left was for women who didn't have a spouse (also for those who were looking for partners/boyfriends). The front right side was for women who already have a partner/boyfriend/husband (also those who were labeled "Not alone"). There were also those who tied it in front of middle, it meant the girls who had not been able to choose (maybe she had a boyfriend / partner, but finding the new ones).
I'd never wear it. And I'm not going to wear the clothes that I think it's embarrassing. Occasionally, I drank the beer, but it was usually I did when he started grumpy for no reason and asked me to accompany him to drink until we were a little drunk. Then we both fell asleep with the thought "We wanted to get drunk" and then the "drunk" has done well. In the drunk he said, "Honey, you're beautiful." In the tipsy I heard and answered him, "You, too darling. You're so handsome and strong."
Realizing that it was just a ridiculous flattery, finally we were both awake and stop drunk.
Well, that's the fate of two people who love each other and intend to get drunk .....
"You lie, don't you?"
"You also lie, don't you?"
"I love you."
"I love you, too"
"But you love him, too."
"I do not know it."
"I know that."
"I know I love you."
"If you love me, leave him for me."
"I can't."
"Just because."
"I hate this."
"Me, too."
"But I can't stop loving you."
"Nor me."
"How long do we have to be like this?"
"Throughout this love can survive."
"Love makes drunk."
"Are you drunk?"
"Me, too."
"Do you know that we're drunk?"
"Ehehehee ... yes darling"
"Me, too. Hahahaha ..."
In the special arena "Oide Weisn", a native of Munich and its surroundings could be proud with Bavarian tradition which was not just drinking beer. The Beauty Queen was not seen from her face, but of her reliability in performing everyday tasks of the past society, ranging from making some cookie dough to raise a liter-sized glasses of beer simultaneously. "By carrying out the traditional culture of Bavaria, it means that we have cultural roots, "said a spokesman for Oktoberfest, Sabine Elisabeth Barthelmess. This event could promote the Bavaria culture such as clothing, music, culinary until the typical souvenir. Well, they love their own culture and traditions, das ist gut. Alles ist in ordnung. Oompa loompa doompadee! Dee..., dooo.
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