R.I.P : Steve Jobs
"Death is the best invention of life"
(Steve Jobs speech in Stanford University graduation ceremony in America in 2005)
(Steve Jobs speech in Stanford University graduation ceremony in America in 2005)
Apple outlets around the world has become an impromptu memorial for company founder, Steve Jobs. People left flowers and candles at Apple's outlets, while millions of people mourning the death of Jobs, a technology pioneer who played a key role in changing the global electronics industry.
Business competitors, colleagues, political leaders and fans paid tribute to Jobs, who co-founded Apple in 1976 and used it to introduce successful products include the Macintosh computer, iPod, iPhone and iPad.
Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak told CNN that Jobs was a "visionary and great leader." Wozniak said that Jobs believed in technology as the future.
U.S. President Barack Obama called Jobs as one of "the greatest innovator" America. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg grateful to Jobs to show that what was constructed by him could "change the world". Former U.S. President Bill Clinton said the his predilection for his work and his perseverance in the fight against cancer was an inspiration.
Jobs death news spread far across the world and to the International Space Station, where commander Mike Fossum said him as a rare person who has the "energy, skill and genius" to make something come true. Fossum said the world would be losing Jobs. Business competitors, political leaders and admirers all reverenced for him. Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates, Jobs old rival and former business partner, said on Wednesday that the influence of Jobs in the tech world would be felt "for next generations" Gates, the early supporter of Macintosh computer, said that working with Jobs was "a very big honor."
► http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-12215485
Obituary: Steve Jobs
Steve Jobs, who has died aged 56, was an erratic genius who revolutionised personal computers and gave the world the iPod.
► http://edition.cnn.com/2011/10/05/tech/social-media/steve-jobs-web-reaction/index.html
Web mourns Jobs' death, finds inspiration in his life - CNN.com
Steve Jobs has consistently managed to capture the world's attention with his stage events. On Wednesday evening, the world took to the Web to express their condolences about the news of his death.
► http://in.reuters.com/article/2011/08/25/idINIndia-58958120110825
Competitors of Samsung's technology praised his "spirit of renewal", calling him as a "great businessman." Both of the tech giant were involved in a series of patent lawsuits since April. Apple company sued Samsung for allegedly copying technology used in iPhone and iPad, which was very popular for making their own products such as smart phones and tablet computers.
Citing Jobs as one of America's greatest reformer, U.S. President Barack Obama said, "Perhaps no greater tribute to Steve's success, rather than the fact that most people know about his death through the tools of his creation."
Apple issued a statement on its website on Wednesday night, saying that the company had lost a genius of extraordinary intelligence, visionary and creative, and that the world has lost a wonderful person. "Those of us who are fortunate enough to know and work with Steve, has lost an honored and cherished friend, and (loss) advisors who provides the inspiration." Apple also said that the spirit of Steve Jobs would always be the foundation for Apple forever.
Jobs died on Wednesday at the age of 56 years after a long struggle against pancreatic cancer.
Physics : Saul Perlmutter, Brian P Schmidt, Adam G Riess
Oslo - Three scientist, Saul Perlmutter, Brian P., and Adam G. Riess, shared the Nobel Award in physics in 2011 for their discovery of the universe, which growing more rapidly. They won a prize money of U.S. $ 1.4 million.
"Scientists discover the universe will end up and frozen like the ice," wrote the Nobel Award committee in a press release on Tuesday, October 4, 2011.
All three of these scientists doing the research separately to dozens of exploding stars (supernovae) in the depths of the sky. In 1998 they revealed the results of observations made. The results shocked the cosmology world, because the greater the distance of universe was visible, then the faster the galaxies away.
► http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/
The Nobel Prizes
Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Pr
These findings are a continuation of scientist Edwin Hubble in the first half of last century which mentioned about the universe expands. The findings still leaves question marks regarding the universe fate, whether it eventually collapse or keep expanding faster and faster. "This award makes my knees tremble," said one of Nobel laureate in physics, Brian P. Schmidt, in an interview with Nobel committee. Then, what causes the universe expands faster and faster? Next study mentions it as the Dark Energy as its ringleader.
This energy controls 70 percent of materials in the universe. Dark energy had been in Albert Einstein's paper scribbles when he learned the universe. At the time, Einstein rid Dark Energy factor of equation. Later, he called this removal as the biggest mistake he had done. Now after 13 years, it is found the development of universe which accelerated due to Dark Energy, and gets the prestigious position in science development.
Adam G. Riess
Brian P. Schmidt
Half of the prize worth 1.5 million USD for Saul Perlmutter, and half were distributed to Brian Schmidt and Adam Riess. "Finally we tell the world about this amazing results, that the universe is accelerating," said Schmidt. "It is too crazy to be true and I think we are a little scared." he added.
► http://msowww.anu.edu.au/~brian/
Brian P. Schmidt, Home Page msowww.anu.edu.au
Nobel Prizes began to be given since 1902. Physics category at last year won by Russian scientists for experiments about Graphene, the thinnest and strongest materials in the world.
Chemistry : Dan Shechtman
Dan Shechtman
► http://www.badische-zeitung.de/panorama/auszeichnung-fuer-einen-beharrlichen--50306870.html
Panorama: Chemie-Nobelpreis: Auszeichnung für einen Beharrlichen - badische-zeitung.de
Angefeindet für seine Entdeckung: Der Israeli Dan Shechtman erhält den Nobelpreis für Chemie. BERLIN.
► http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/06/science/06nobel.html?_r=1
Daniel Shechtman Wins Nobel in Chemistry
Daniel Shechtman was recognized on Wednesday for his discovery of chemical structures called quasicrystals.
STOCKHOLM (AFP) .- Israeli scientist Daniel Shechtman, Wednesday (10/5), was elected as the winner of 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry award for his success in finding a crystal-like elements (Quasicrystals), a chemical structure that shaped mosaics (it was originally considered impossible to be created). But Schechtman succeeded in proving that the manufacture of quasi crystals was not impossible. In fact he proved, quasi-crystalline structure was not symmetrical circular, but a variety of forms ranging from Islamic mosaics to pentagonal symmetry, which were considered by chemical scientists of the world, it was not possible.
This colourful pattern is the first evidence of non-spherical particles coalescing into a "quasicrystal". Researchers reporting in Nature used computer simulations to show how four-sided pyramids organise themselves into different motifs (as shown by the dice) and then into the dense 3-D pattern. (BBC's)
In the midst of a world's skeptical view of quasicrystal mosaic shaped discovery, this Israeli scientist felt challenged to prove this view was wrong. Through hard work over many years in the chemical laboratory in Washington, United States, where he worked, Schechtman in 1982 finally managed to find a quasicrystal that had been doubted its existence. However, the majority of the world's chemical scientists still didn't accept the findings and considered Schectman as a braggart. Even, the Nobel Prize twice, Linus Pauling is a scientist who also rejected this finding.
"I tell everyone who will listen that I have the material to the shape of pentagonal symmetry, but they just laugh at my finding," Shechtman said in one article that was published by his alma mater, related to his description of quasicrystals, as quoted by AP, Wednesday (10/5).
The Nobel Committee to assess this professor at Haifa Institute of Technology has an important contribution in finding a useful chemical materials for human life. in this case, Shechtman invention is used as the main ingredient of super strong steel-making and also a number of medical devices, such as surgical needles.
The bearer of Grief Metaphors : Tomas Gösta Tranströmer
► http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-15200547
Swedish poet wins Nobel Prize
Tomas Transtroemer, a Swedish poet praised for his "transluscent images", becomes the 108th recipient of the Nobel Prize for literature.
Swedish poet Tomas Tranströmer (80), which often presents simple works but mystical about nature, history, and death, won the Nobel Prize in Literature 2011 on Thursday (06/10/2011). Tranströmer was awarded for being able to present the pictures of "opaque", concise, and dense" reality. "He gives us fresh access to the reality," said the jury of the Swedish Academy. "His poetry is full of imagination and emotion, but also contains the unexpected things, so it makes his work simultaneously disorienting and refreshing."
This famous poet in Scandinavian region was touted as a Master of Mysticism, which often presented the consciousness like a dream. "Most of Tranströmer's poem collections characterized by economic, concrete things, and metaphor. Tranströmer has shifted towards an even smaller format with a higher degree of concentration, "said the jury.
In his press conference on Thursday, Tranströmer (who is always smiling) said that the gifts given to him was "very special". His wife, Monica, answered the other questions posed. Her husband suffered a stroke in 1990, so it made his communication skills became impaired.
► http://tomastranstromer.net/
(no title)
Tomas Tranströmer
- Official Website of Tomas Tranströmer
- Biography on Pegasos
- Biography and Poems on Poets.org
- Biographical profile on Bloodaxe Books website
- Griffin Poetry Prize Lifetime Recognition tribute, including audio and video clips
- 28 haiku from "The Great Mystery" translated by Anatoly Kudryavitsky, with his essay on Tranströmer
- Sorrow Gondola translated by Patty Crane, with essay by David Wojahn, letter from Jean Valentine, and more in Blackbird, Spring 2011, Vol. 10, No. 1.
- Poems in English translation at Samizdat
- Poetry Fix video on Tranströme
As an amateur pianist, every day he played the piano with his left hand that sill could be moved and filled his morning activity by listening to classical music. He even was listening to music when a call came from the Swedish Academy on Thursday.
Permanent secretary of the Swedis Academy Peter Englund told Swedish television that Tranströmer has been nominated for the prize every year since 1993.
" His work about death, history, and memories, look at us, create us, and makes us important, because humans are part of the prison where all the major entities meet, "said Englund. "It makes us important, so we never feel small after reading the Tranströmer's poem, "he added.
Many of his works were translated by American poet, Robert Bly, into English. His work was also translated into other languages.
His poetry collection's book were, among others, The Great Enigma: New Collected Poems (New Directions, 2006), The Half-Finished Heaven (2001); New Collected Poems (1997); For the Living and the Dead (1995); Baltics (1975); and Windows and Stones (1972).
Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt welcomed the election of Tranströmer by saying his expectation about reading interest would increase in the country. "I'm happy and proud! I know that many people have long wishes for this," he said.
Tranströmer, the seven Swedes who won the prestigious prize, would receive a prize worth 10 million Swedish kronor (1.48 million U.S. dollars, or 1.08 million euros) at the handover ceremony in Stockholm on December 10.
Physiology or Medicine : Ralph Steinman, Bruce Beutler, Jules Hoffmann
Ralph Steinman
► http://www.rockefeller.edu/research/faculty/labheads/RalphSteinman/
The Rockefeller University » Scientists & Research
The immune system contains a system of dendritic cells, which captures, processes and presents antigens and provides additional controls on the development of antigen-specific immunity and tolerance.
► http://www.nobelprize.org/press/nobelfoundation/press_releases/2011/steinman.html
Press Release - The 2010 Financial Management of the Nobel Foundation
Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize
► http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-10-03/nobel-laureate-ralph-steinman-dies-3-days-before-prize-announced.html
Nobel Laureate Ralph Steinman Dies 3 Days Before Prize Announced
Rockefeller University first heard around 5:30 a.m. that Ralph M. Steinman, a cell biologist at the school, won the Nobel Prize. Half an hour later, they learned from his family that Steinman had died three days earlier.
Canadian scientists, Ralph Steinman who received the Nobel health 2011 has passed away last Friday. In fact, he and professor of genetics from The Scripps Research Institute in California, Bruce Beutler, and former President of French National Academy of Sciences, Jules A. Hoffmann, succeed to get a Nobel Prize announced on Monday, October 3, 2011.
Bruce Beutler
Jules Hoffmann
► http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/2011/index.html
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2011
Nobelprize.org, The Official Web Site of the Nobel Prize.
Ralph was a professor of immunology at Rockefeller University, New York. He died at the age of 68 years with a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer that has been eroding over the past four years. Although he's gone, Raplh still entitled to receive half the prize distribution of a total of about 1.45 million USD. The other half was divided for Bruce and Jules.
The committee of Nobel laureates bestowed upon their services in understanding how the human immune system was activated, so the impact was opening the way for prevention and treatment of disease. Bruce and Jules got a Nobel Prize because they have identified the protein receptors (which recognize the bacteria and then activates the body's defenses), while Ralph considered meritorious because he found the dendritic cell that regulate the immune system and cleanse the body from microorganisms.
Nobel committee expressed its grief and sorrow to hear the Ralph's death. Rules of the Nobel Prize that has existed since 1974 stating that the Nobel couldn't be awarded posthumously, unless the death occurred after announcement. In 1996, William Vickrey died a day after announcement. William succeed in economic. Before 1974, there were two people who received the Nobel Prize in posthumous status. Both were Dag Hammarskjold (Peace Nobel 1961), and Erik Axel Karlfeldt ( Literature Nobel 1931).
And, for the three impressions on this one, is absolutely no link or possibly belonging to the inspirational criteria for the Nobel ceremony in 2011 ... Tadaaaaa 
Three Diva for Peace : Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee, Tawakul Karman
Leymah Gbowee
Tawakkul Karman
► http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/2011/
► http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15214032
Profiles: 2011 Nobel Peace Prize winners
Profiles of the three women who share the 2011 Nobel Peace Prize
► http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/world_now/2011/10/cairo-three-womens-rights-activists-win-nobel-peace-prize.html
CAIRO: Three women's rights activists win Nobel Peace Prize
REPORTING FROM CAIRO -- The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to three women from Africa and the Middle East who symbolized the nonviolent struggle to improve their nations and advance the role of women's rights throughout the world.
► http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/08/world/nobel-peace-prize-johnson-sirleaf-gbowee-karman.html?_r=1
Nobel Peace Prize Awarded to Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee and Tawakul Karman
Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, her compatriot Leymah Gbowee and Tawakul Karman.
► http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/226523/20111006/nobel-peace-prize-2011-winner-curse-prediction.htm
Nobel Peace Prize 2011 Winner Might Want to Send Honor Back to Oslo
► http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-15211861
Three women win Nobel Peace Prize
The 2011 Nobel Peace Prize is split between three women - Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and activists Leymah Gbowee of Liberia and Tawakkul Karman of Yemen.
OSLO - Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, and her compatriot, Leymah Gbowee, which mobilized their fellow women in fight the civil war in their country, as well as women's rights activists and democratic Yemen, resignation Karman, won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday (10/07).
"They are entitled to a total prize worth 1.5 million U.S. dollars to be divided equally for their nonviolent struggle for women's safety and rights of women to participate fully in the work of peace," said President of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Thorbjoern Jagland in the announcement of the award. "We can not achieve democracy and lasting peace in the world unless women have the same opportunity as men to influence the development at all levels of society."
Johnson-Sirleaf (72) is the first female president freely elected in Africa. She will advance to a second term and will face a general election next Tuesday.
Gbowee mobilized and organized the cross-ethnic female and inter-faith to end the civil war in Liberia. She also fought to ensure women's participation in elections.
About Karman, the Nobel Committee said, "In the most difficult circumstances, both before and during the revolution of the Arab Spring, Karman has played an important role in championing the women's rights, democracy and peace in Yemen. This is the Norwegian Nobel Committee hopes, the gift to Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Leymah Gbowee, and Tawakul Karman will help to end the oppression of women that still exist in many countries, and to realize the enormous potential of democracy and peace that can be represented by women," he said.
Jonathan Amos

5 October 2011
Last updated at 10:50 GMT
Dark discussion ahead for Europe and US
Europe will build a space telescope to investigate this year's Nobel-winning research on "dark energy". But how will the US react to Europe's attempt to take a lead in this important field?
Surrey to start making radar satellites
The British spacecraft manufacturer SSTL announces its intention to start building small, low-cost radar satellites.
I swear, I'm very interested in space science. But dunno, every time I read his writings, it seems easier for me to sing like this.
When people have not been able to solve the mystery of dark matter in the universe, is now found again to more abstruse phenomenon , ie the Dark Energy. What is the Dark Matter? What is the Dark Energy? Please do not mistakenly interpreted as a powerful vampire powers of darkness, ghosts, and others. Dark energy here is the problem of natural science.
Astronomers can observe celestial objects like stars and galaxies, because the objects emit the light. Celestial objects that produce light are categorized as light material. There are other heavenly bodies which don't emit the light, such as black holes, black dwarf star, and interstellar gas clouds.
Dark objects are difficult to be observed because they do not directly emit the waves that can be detected by humans. Sometimes their existence is known only indirectly. For example, the existence of interstellar gas clouds known from the absorption of starlight behind the cloud. If no stars behind it, of course the interstellar cloud won't be detected.
Another example such as the X-ray source, Cygnus X-1, are believed to be a black hole, not because they are visible but because some of the facts supporting the conviction. Near the black hole, there's a star being sucked up by the Black Hole. The material flows from the star into Black Hole emits the powerful X-rays. From X-ray observations, it's believed the Black Hole is there. Black hole which roam alone in space, away from other objects, is difficult to detect its presence.
Knowledge of the Dark Matter is still growing. Now even the experts suspect that the biggest contributor of Dark Matter is WIMP (Weakly Interacting Massive Particle) or large mass particles, but it almost does not interact with other particles. The Dark Matter such as WIMP is expected to contribute 25-30 percent of the universe's mass. The stars just 0.5 percent. So, what's the most? The observations lead to the Dark Energy.
What is the Dark Energy? How the mechanism of its formation? What to do with ordinary matter? What law of physic apply to it? Various fundamental questions have not yet found the answer with certainty. Just its nature as opposed to gravity is known. If the gravity has the nature of attraction, then the Dark Energy is produced by something repulsive. Imagine this, for example, if the force between us and the Earth was suddenly turned into a repulsive nature, then we would be ejected into space, more and more distant from Earth. How could we live? It's terrible, is not it?
How do scientists know that Dark Energy exists if they do not know what causes it? The existence of Dark Energy is known from observations of supernova that occurred in distant galaxies. As we know, in a galaxy there are many stars, could reach hundreds of billions of numbers. At the time of the supernova, one of the stars in the galaxy exploded. The blast was so powerful, so the star that exploded was looking much brighter than other stars. Sometimes, supernovae even more brilliant than all the stars in its parent galaxy. Supernova is a tremendous explosion which marked the demise of a large mass stars. The total energy emitted by a supernova in a few seconds can be equivalent to the radiant energy of a star over a period of millions to billions of years. Certain types of supernovae energy output can be calculated by the astronomers based on the properties of radiation beam. They are much fainter than those calculated theoretically.
Maybe people will say, the distance makes supernovae appear dimmer. However, although astronomers have included a distance factor into the calculation, it is not enough to make a supernova looks like a dim observed. Various possible explanations have been tried, but only on the existence of Dark Energy is still open the possibility of an explanation why the supernova is so dim.
The explanation is that the supernova is moving away accelerated, meaning that its parent galaxy also accelerated away, that the galaxies move away from each other is generally agreed upon by astronomers, because the observational evidence suggests so.
According to Newton's law of gravity, the movement away from one another must be slowed down because of the force of attraction between objects in the universe. Just like a stone thrown vertically upwards, then the movement grows slowly, because when the stone moves upward, there is the force of gravity pulling it downward.
The problem is, the observation of distant supernovae indicates that the movement of galaxies away from each other faster and faster. What causes that acceleration? There must be a force in the opposite nature of the universe with gravity, which pushes galaxies (where the supernova occurred) away. The style is thought to have come from the Dark Energy.
The discovery of Dark Energy is very influential on the theory of the universe (which is based on the assumption that the force between two objects is always attract to each other). If there is a repulsive force between objects, it means that the basic assumption of the universe theory is not entirely correct. If the base of a building is not strong, then the building can collapse. What happens if the basis of a theory, like the Universe theory is wrong? Maybe the old theory will collapse and the scientists must construct the new theories.
To investigate the Dark Energy further, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) United States was planning a new research project, the Dark Energy Survey (DES). Activities of this project was to conduct observations of faint objects very far away using a 4-meter diameter telescope equipped with highly sensitive detectors. The location of observation is in Cero Tololo, a very high mountain areas in Chile, South America. The main goal of this project was to find new facts relating to the mysterious Dark Energy.
Adam Riess has been pursuing the Dark Energy for 13 years. He is one of the discoverers of Dark Energy as Type 1a supernovae found much fainter than expected, which means that the supernova was farther than expected. The only thing that might happen is the universe's expansion is accelerating from time to time. Until the discovery, astronomers generally believe the cosmic expansion rate periodically slowed as a result of the gravitational pull of the galaxy from one another. The results show there are forces that work against the mysteries of gravity and pushing galaxies away from each other with an increasing rate. Well, to know the limits of Dark Energy is required an accurate value of Hubble constant.
Alma telescope begins study of cosmic dawn
By Pallab Ghosh
Science correspondent, BBC News, Chajnantor Plateau
► Alma
► Alma/Hubble
► Hubble
Reading For Today
► http://www.shiftoftheages.com/
► http://divinecosmos.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=category§ionid=6&id=18&Itemid=36
► http://home.iae.nl/users/lightnet/creator/masterfile.htm
► http://www.cosmicawareness.org/html/greatest_messages.html
PARIS - The world's largest radio telescope in the Atacama Desert, northern Chile, is ready to enter the first phase of operations.
Complex of radio telescope Atacama Large Millimeter / submillimeter Array (ALMA), which has been built within a decade, has installed an antenna 16 of a total of 66 antennas to be installed. "The number of antennas that still amounted to 16 pieces is enough to launch its first scientific observation" said the European Southern Observatory (ESO).
16 antennas, each measuring 12 meters and it weighs 100 tons, is the first contribution to the European ALMA project, as part of their collaboration with the United States (U.S.) and Japan. Similarly, as quoted by AFP on Sunday (07/31/2011).
These devices installed in Chajnantor Plateau with a height of five thousand feet above sea level, joined the ALMA antennas from other international partners. AEM European Consortium which is under contract with ESO, a party who makes these antennas.
"ALMA Early Science observations scheduled to begin this year. "Although ALMA is still under construction, but the 16 antennas are ready to beat the other similar telescopes, "said the ESO in a statement. It is said by the ESO that astronomers from around the world have sent thousands of research proposals for the first ALMA. The first antenna was installed in September 2009. Meanwhile, the total construction is expected to be completed in 2013, which will resulting in a very powerful telescope to study the planets, stars, galaxies and the universe.
Later when ALMA is fully operational, then the results of observations made can be 10 times larger than the Hubble Space Telescope. ALMA program itself has a budget of $ 600 million.
Currently we are approaching the end of the Millennium. The mystic paranormal, metaphysical practitioners and observers would have to know and realize that the men are on the threshold of a major change in its evolution. Most have got a picture or a "vision of the future" or just to feel about what will happen. However, those who lay their lives or who tend to rely solely on reason and senses, need to ponder further and more vigorous attempt to reach an understanding of the transition and what will happen after that.
By the year 2000 we will leave an era influenced by the constellation PISCES and will soon enter the Aquarius era. This indicates the occurrence of a major change to the "Golden Age", which brings spiritual and mental development of human potential with increased awareness and human perception. Then followed by an increase in other fields.
So far, about the birth of the universe, galaxies, solar system, about the creation of man and the processes of evolution are the things that we can not possibly understand it thoroughly. It is the secret of God the Creator who covered up. In the new age future, these secrets will further continue to unfold, but while we are in a state of crisis because we are facing a time of transition, there is a "leak" of information through the messengers of God who has given the authority and duty to make known to humans.
In general, the information received by certain people, chosen by God to accept it, is based on the entity (the energy of God) which has a multi-dimensional existence in nature, ie the higher dimensions of the 3rd dimension inhabited by humans. Beside them, the information is also provided by creatures from another planet that is "concern" and worry about the planet earth and its contents, which estimated are not ready for that transition. Sometimes the information presented is not readily accepted, absurd, fantastic, but it may contain a truth that is very much needed by the people of the earth.
I do not expect that everyone who reads this post will take it for granted everything in it. Instead, I recommend to do a "check and recheck", reviewing this information, particularly by way of connecting with the True Self (Higher Self) respectively to get the confirmation, or match them with the expert view of metaphysics, the mystic or psychic who has the ability to see the multi-dimensional nature behind this universe.
We are entering the Solar Zone Photon
Our Solar System is part of the galaxy called The Milky Way, is part of a universe which, according to the spiritual information, there are 12 universes in this universe. Our Universe is the last one created. Furthermore, our natural universe is the part of super highway of the universe (Super Universe, or the Omniverse) and so on.
Each of the Universe, every galaxy, every solar system has a sun. The position of our Solar System is on the edge of one galaxy, circling a Central Sun of Pleiades star cluster, named Alcione. Our Solar System following its planets including the earth takes 25,860 years to around the Alcione.
In 1961, the world of science through satellite instruments have been successfully detected a photon zone (Photon Belt) surrounding the Pleiades with the perpendicular. Because of our Sun and planets around Alcione over 25,860 years, then each ± 12 500 years of our solar system collide with the Photon zone. To traverse the Photon zone takes 1000-2000 year. Actually, since 1961 our solar system have started to enter the Photon zone, just at the edge, and will be at its center around the years 2011-2012.
The entry of our solar system into the Photon zone gives the impact of increased frequency of vibration of the earth and the enhancement of human consciousness, which in turn triggered major changes in life on planet earth.
The enhancement of the natural vibration frequency due to the photon energy also increases the activity of volcanoes, earthquakes, climate change, global warming, the ozone holes and others.
The start of transition signs can be seen from so many events that are not pleasant in recent days. Life seems more difficult, the future looks bleak. Social life, politics and the economy are disrupted. Many people affected by anxiety, mental confusion, and vent their emotions by acts of violence, cruelty, the desire to achieve success and renewal.
When the transition will occur, no one knows. How beautiful when we sleep tonight, then tomorrow when we wake up we've found a New World.
What is a Photon zone?
Photon Belt or Photon zone is an area that consists of particles of light photons. Photon light is the result of anti-electron's (positron) collision with electrons. The collision caused both types of particles destroy each other, which then caused a photon or particle of light energy. Later in the future, this photon energy will be a source of primary energy to cover the energy needs. There will be a total change in the field of Science, Technology and Human Consciousness.
What happens during the transition?
On the edge of this photon zone there is a limit called the Zone Nil (Null Zone). In the Null zone there is a very large energy compression where the magnetic field is very dense, so that everything that crosses the zone must be having a change. This also means that the magnetic field of the earth and the sun would be converted into a new type of magnetic, namely the interdimensional magnetic. Thus, it is expected about the onset of something changes in the magnetic and gravitational electric field of the earth, where it's actually already happening now.
The Photon Belt Golden Age
Another consequence that will happen is, that all power tools can not function, the lights will not start, the car can not be in the ignition. It is estimated that for a few days the inhabitants of earth will be confronted with circumstances that are not understood and will live in darkness.
Day 1-2: The sun is not visible and not glowing, so the earth into darkness, the air is very cold.
Days 3-4: There is a dim light, such as at dawn, the stars began to appear in the sky.
Day 5-6: The days will continue to light (in 24h ), all the living creatures feel more excited to receive the new energies. Supernatural abilities start to arise, inhabitants of the earth feel the New Age realization.
The changes in this vibration frequency is so terrible, so it is called as the new birth of planet Earth and mankind, The Dawn of New Age.
Human of the earth become the galactic
In the transition it is certainly there will be a "filter". Anyone who does not qualify, there will likely be destroyed because of one reason. They will experience physical death, then the spirit or soul is transferred to other planets that more appropriate with their evolutionary development. New nature with the vibration frequency been improved can only be inhabited by humans who have a high awareness.
Master St Germain called this Photon zone as Golden Nebula, where people enjoy a golden age when men are united with the Golden Nebula, and they will have the Super Consciousness. Perhaps this is the time mentioned in scriptures that man should be changed "in the blink of an eye .
Suddenly the ability of telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, clairaudience and other spiritual abilities that had been owned by only certain people will belong to everyone. The inhabitants of the earth will be a Superman or Superbeing.
Human physical body that succeed beyond the transition period and remain alive will be changed. Physical needs are also reduced, unlike the present-day humans are so many needs. Life on the new nature will give people the opportunity and ability to rejuvenate the physical body and live indefinitely. There is no death, no decay, only the perfection of life. Time and life as we know it today does not exist anymore, everything will be fulfilled.
Humans live in eternity, but it does not mean they will be trapped in the same physical body for eternity. There are other ways to transit from one dimension to another dimension without experiencing physical death process. New Man will have the nation's leader with a multidimensional awareness, lead the humanity towards a peaceful, prosperous and happy in accordance with the plan of God the Creator. Our planet's history and origins of the human race will be revealed. History that had been imagined or invented by the historians is very different from the actual events. Most importantly, eventually people will understand who they are, know who they are in the past and what duties and their destiny, not merely as the men of the earth, but as a galactic humans who have the cosmic consciousness.
Cosmic consciousness
What is happening now is something extraordinary, which has never happened in our world, the opportunity to do a "quantum leap" toward higher consciousness will open for everyone. When our solar system has been in photon energy's flow, humans will live in the 5th dimension nature. The curtain that limits human understanding of other dimensions will be lost. All the truth and knowledge of God, man, the evolution life process and the universe will belong to humans, including the knowledge about life in the star system as well as other planets.
With the Photon energy, interplanetary travel will become easier, as well as travel between countries or between continents. Eventually the human race will become members of Galactic Federation, and learn to live in harmony with the inhabitants of other planets in the Universe.
From the experience of life between planets, humans will have the awareness that they are not solely the citizen of planet Earth, but also the citizens of galaxy, even the citizens of Universe or Cosmos. Humans will appreciate the Cosmos Consciousness.
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