Sunday, March 20, 2011

Friendship in News (38)

CieL- FreYa Ceastle
Late at night, you're hanging out alone now. And you'd like someone to join you for a bit. So you think about whose company you want now, then you walk into your office and you sit. You call a friend to have a conversation. You are talking on the phone for quite a while till you hear a sound that means someone's recording, and your thinking privacy's gone out of style. You can't hide your prying eyes, cause we know all about your spies. We've had enough of your endless lies. There ain't no way to hide your prying eyes.

Cisca Zarmansyah likes this.

Cisca Zarmansyah : I can't believe it, you still remember our first doodles. Are you still keeping our "incognito"?

CieL- FreYa Ceastle : Yes, I am. I...

CieL- FreYa Ceastle : We maken onze weg naar uitsterven. Er is niet zoveel meer voor ons te doen. Onze bedrijven hebben hun deuren gesloten. De fabrieken zijn stilgelegd operaties en verhuisde ze in het buitenland. De koning van wanhoop is gekroond. Hij heeft ons gewikkeld in zijn armen. Oh, we zijn depressie-gebonden! We houden het huis brandende vuren. Elke dag is veel moeilijker dan de vorige. Er is nog steeds een veelbesproken paar. Wie onvermoeibaar streven om onze manier van leven te herstellen, normen die hoger zijn. Het enige dat we verloren moet worden gevonden, Als we ooit gaat dit vast te stellen.

Cisca Zarmansyah : Sorry, ik vergeet waar de uitdrukking is geschreven ....

CieL- FreYa Ceastle

Cisca Zarmansyah likes this.

CieL- FreYa Ceastle

There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, you can't take part. And you've got to put your body upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. (MARIO SAVIO)

Peace of the Action

Most of the rest of the world is aware that the US is a Military/Corporate Empire and that the spread of this Empire is harmful globally to peace, the environment, and economic health.

Cisca Zarmansyah likes this.

CieL- FreYa Ceastle
People are afraid of themselves, of their own reality. their feelings most of all. People talk about how great love is, but that's bullshit. Love hurts. Feelings are disturbing. People are taught that pain is evil and dangerous. How can they deal with love if they're afraid to feel? Pain is meant to wake us up. People try to hide their pain. But they're wrong. Pain is something to carry, like a radio. You feel your strength in the experience of pain. It's all in how you carry it. That's what matters. Pain is a feeling. Your feelings are a part of you. Your own reality. If you feel ashamed of them, and hide them, you're letting society destroy your reality. You should stand up for your right to feel your pain. (JIM MORRISON)

Welcome To American Freedom Radio

Welcome To American Freedom Radio, No Rules, No Taboo Subjects, No Fear of Doom. Uniting Freedom Loving People To Save Our World!

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Valentino Vie
dépêchez-vous rentrer, ma femme. Je m'ennuie le son de votre souffle ici

Watch Documentaries and Animated Films Online -
Watch quality Canadian documentary, animation and Fiction

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Almira Izzati
Riveting talks by remarkable people, free to the world
TED: Ideas worth spreading
TED is a small nonprofit devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading -- through, our annual conferences, the annual TED Prize and local TEDx events.

Cisca Zarmansyah likes this.

Almira Izzati

Death By Hamburger: How Much Meat Is Too Much? | Food
A proponent of the light-on-meat flexitarian diet, recommends thinking of meat as "condiment instead of a large-meal focal point."

Cisca Zarmansyah likes this.

Cisca Zarmansyah : Burgers that can kill us :

40 Unhealthiest Burgers
Summer officially starts today, and so does hamburger season. From In-N-Out's quadruple cheeseburger to the Wendy’s Baconator Triple to the Hardee’s Monster, VIEW OUR GALLERY of caloric A-bombs.

Red Meat Could Lop Years Off Your Lifespan

A large study showed eating too much red meat can increase risk of cancer, heart disease and troubles with dementia and ulcers as well.

Cisca Zarmansyah with Miroslav Fidler

Miroslav Fidler : its me...? oh noooo

Miroslav Fidler: To ano.. docela jsem se zasmál.. ten pán mi je povědomí.. už jen ta skvělá amgličtina.... takovou taky ovládám...

Valentino Vie
Le temps devenu irréversible conduit l'humanité vers une finalité que dieu seul est en mesure d’en fixer l’échéance.

L'occident ou la fixation narcissique par Fethi GHARBI
Notre espèce semble atteindre son apogée, position privilégiée pour celui qui se donne la peine d'observer son parcours. Il ne peut alors que constater l'amorce de son déclin et l'approche probable de son éclipse. Obnubilé par son narcissisme, l'homme moderne, ayant détrôné les dieux, s'est cru(...)

Cisca Zarmansyah likes this.

Cisca Zarmansyah : Règles du jeu de Foot au Proche-Orient...Noy, this is our hehehe :

CieL- FreYa Ceastle

The Network of Spiritual Progressives
‎2342 Shattuck Avenue, Suite 1200, Berkeley, CA 94704 . Phone: 510-644-1200 . Fax: 510-644-1255 .

Cisca Zarmansyah and Adriaan Zef like this.

Cisca Zarmansyah: Everything that has ever happened in the history of the universe is the prelude to each of our lives. Everything that has happened from the beginning of time has become the platform from which we launch our lives. (Spirit Matters by Rabbi Michael Lerner) more :

Valentino Vie

L'Agent orange tue encore [Voltaire]
www.voltairenet.orgL'Agent orange tue encore | La guerre du Viêt Nam continue | Au cours des guerres au Viêt Nam et en Irak, les Etats-Unis ont privé les mouvements de résistance de cachettes naturelles en détruisant les jungles et les palmeraies.

Cisca Zarmansyah and Adriaan Zef like this.

CieL- FreYa Ceastle : You Tube videos of Bill Davis:

Vietnam Veterans Against the War: Press Release

Cisca Zarmansyah
► La réaction des auteurs de violations des droits humains :

Rapport mondial 2010 - Introduction | Human Rights Watch
La réaction des auteurs de violations des droits humains Intensification des attaques contre les militants, organisations et institutions de défense des droits humains Par Kenneth Roth, Directeur exécutif de Human Rights Watch.

► Guantánamo and Its Aftermath:

Human Rights Center
The Human Rights Center promotes human rights and international justice worldwide and trains the next generation of human rights researchers and advocates.

Almira Izzati


Cisca Zarmansyah likes this.

Cisca Zarmansyah : Worried about Iraqis writing their own history? Then let's violate international law, again! :

Worried about Iraqis writing their own history? Then let’s violate international law, again

Military-controlled Information Access, Academic Imperialism, and the Cultural Cleansing of Iraq On three previous occasions I raised the issue of the illegality of seizing Iraqi documents, relocating them to the U.S., and then controlling access to them for the purpose especially of Pentagon-funded academic researchers–see: "Minerva Research Initiative Violates International Law and Iraqi Sovereignty," and "Minerva Project and Looted Iraqi Documents,” and "What are the Pentagon's Minerva Researchers Doing?".

CieL- FreYa Ceastle
Make the world a better place

Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם: Make the World a Better Place
Tikun Olam-תיקון עולם: Make the World a Better Place: Essays on politics, culture and ideas about Israeli-Arab peace and world music

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Cisca Zarmansyah : you may laugh at me, but I always feel this will make my world be better:

CieL- FreYa Ceastle

Home / Photos / Warning / How can a car accident cause such burns and cuts ? - Media Monitors Networ
Media Monitors Network (MMN) is a non-profit, non-partial and non-political platform for those serious Media Contributors and Observres who crave to know and like to help to prevail the whole truth about current affairs, any disputed issue or any controversial issue by their voluntarily contribution

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Cisca Zarmansyah : Do you like this?
You came to an already living land
And called it a discovery of Columbus
You attacked the natives
And called them savages
You brought syphilis, Influenza, alcohol and different diseases
In the new world and wiped out the natives
Only a trail of tears is left.
You dropped A bomb on Japan
You brought war to Viet Nam.
You spread land mines which have
Mimed and killed children, women and men
You quickly forgot Bay of Pigs.
How about Hawaii, Philippines and other countries
You brought slaves from Africa
You attacked Afghanistan.
You attacked Iraq with a false pretext.
How about Abu Gharib Prison,
You have weapons of mass- destruction
International Propaganda Machinery
You have the most weapons.
You can attack anyone anytime
And you call me a terrorist.

by: Ifti Nasim

Valentino Vie
Je le ferais tout pour vous, ma femme.

Islamic Insights | Islamic Insights
Islamic Insights - Holistic News Inspired by the Quran and AhlulBayt is a weekly online magazine that seeks to address the religious, spiritual, social, cultural, and political concerns of the Western Muslim community, all from the perspective of the Qur'an and the Holy Household of the Prophet.

Valentino Vie : L'islam comme source de libération :

Moyen Orient : L’islam comme source de libération - Youssef Girard
www.ism-france.orgMoyen Orient : 'Par la foi, l’action trouve sa voie, et par l’action, la foi trouve sa voie'.
Cisca Zarmansyah : etes-vous sûr, Noy? voulez-vous vraiment tout faire pour moi?,5063

Valentino Vie
Le Charançon Libéré - Article11
www.article11.infoPartout où tu tournes les yeux, les mêmes méchants crétins qui se poussent du coude. Un vrai festival… Les connards sont à la fête, occupant tout l’espace et ne t’en laissant qu’une portion de plus en plus congrue.

Cisca Zarmansyah likes this.

Cisca Zarmansyah : Nino, il ya tellement de choses que je veux discuter avec vous, et je pense que nous pouvons le faire tout en buvant un verre de lait au chocolat, vous et moi ..

Valentino Vie - serving the caged prisoners in Guantanamo Bay

We have are lost our way in this country. We have entered a new dark age of injustice and it is frightening that we are overwhelmed by it. I know I am representing innocent people; innocent people who know that a jury they face will inevitably be predisposed to find them guilty.

Pranay Suresh and Cisca Zarmansyah like this.

Almira Izzati : Not just Guantanamo: U.S. torturing Muslim pre-trial detainee in New York City :

Race-Talk » Blog Archive » Not just Guantanamo: U.S. torturing Muslim pre-trial detainee in New Y Just another WordPress site

Valentino Vie

Une femme Premier ministre en Australie -
L’Australie a porté jeudi pour la première fois une femme à la tête du gouvernement, Julia Gillard, après l’éviction surprise au sein du parti travailliste de Kevin Rudd dont la popularité s’est effondrée.

Cisca Zarmansyah likes this.

Cisca Zarmansyah : Rudd, a remporté de nombreux suffrages dans les sondages jusqu'à une date récente, mais le soutien pour lui a été abandonnée après un changement politique sérieux, y compris une retraite dans la conception du marché du carbone pour lutter contre le changement climatique.

CieL- FreYa Ceastle

US Afghan commander faces sack - Arab News

You and Valentino Vie like this.

Almira Izzati : McChrystal's exit comes at key point in war:

McChrystal's Exit Comes at Key Point in War

Cisca Zarmansyah : General McChrystal Tops List of Military Newsmakers:

Project for Excellence in Journalism (PEJ) | Understanding News in the Information Age
The Project for Excellence in Journalism is a research organization that specializes in using empirical methods to evaluate and study the performance of the press.

Cisca Zarmansyah

1,354 Years in the Making: The "NEW" War That Could Rocket Oil Past $220 Before 2011 © 2010 Agora Financial, LLC. All rights reserved. Content of this site may not be redistributed without the express written consent of Agora Financial, LLC..

1,354 Years in the Making:
The "NEW" War
That Could Rocket Oil
Past $220 In 2011

by Byron King, Editor

What could be eight times bigger than the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan — and lethal enough to at least DOUBLE the price of gas and oil next year? Brace yourself for the "new" and bloody war nobody saw coming... by bunkering down against soaring energy costs, thanks to a "safe haven" financial plan that could pay you gains up to 668%...

Nobody in the Pentagon will talk openly about it. Nobody in the White House knows what to do. But make no mistake... What I'm about to show you could be the deadliest surprise threat to your money and livelihood of the coming year.

I say "new" because as you'll see there's not much new about it at all — the pressure's been building behind this for the last 1,354 years! Yet for the first time in history, that pressure has found its release. I’m imagining a volcano of blood.

When it blows, you could see your savings get SLAMMED... the dollar thrown into a TAILSPIN... and, here's what will stun the still-recovering world economy, gas and oil prices doubling or even tripling within the next 12 months. How on earth is that possible? It's the last thing most people expect, from market pros to bumbling D.C. bureaucrats... but if nothing changes in what I'm about to show you... this is a page in future history books that's already writing itself.

I'll show you the evidence myself. If I'm right, as many as eight key Islamic countries are hurtling headlong toward a bloody "new" war — with each other — that's been FOURTEEN CENTURIES in the making. This could begin as early as the next 12 to 18 months. And with no less than 66% of the world's key energy reserves smack dab in the crosshairs. Sound impossible?

Even if I'm only half right, and we get an oil-state stalemate unlike anything the world has ever seen — you could see oil soar past the old high of $147.30 per barrel, well on its way to as much as $220... with gasoline bucking against a ceiling of $8 per gallon.

I'll show you how this unfolds below. You'll see the maps, I'll name the names. And I'll reveal to you the stunning web of "secret revenge" that lies behind it all... waiting over 1,354 years for this moment!

Soaring Oil Costs, Even a Dead Economy?
Remember the "Nixon Shock" and market collapse of '73? Stocks fell 43%... but that didn't stop oil and gas prices from quadrupling thanks to an Oil Embargo.
And how about 1979 and gas lines? Even with Jimmy Carter's "malaise" and stagflation, oil prices almost tripled... thanks to the hostage crisis in Tehran.
It was oil that German subs targeted in both World Wars... and oil Japan gunned for in Pearl Harbor... even Afghanistan is part battle over a $3.2 billion oil pipeline.
After the S&L banking crisis of the late '80s, oil still soared in Gulf War One... and soared again on 9/11, despite the aftermath of the dot-com bomb. It took off again in 2003, as bombs dropped on Baghdad.
With politics as a driver, oil doesn't need a red-hot economy to take off... even the last peak of $147 came six months after the Dow first started shedding points and two years after property markets turned south!

Of course, events like these echo around the world. And nobody gets the chance to just "sit on the sidelines." But there's good news too. Because, you see, just like every major shift of history... deep within every crisis... you'll also find an opportunity to protect yourself. And this event is no exception. For instance, the last time we saw politics push up the price of petroleum, my readers found strategic gains in a "self-defense" move that shot up by 668%. In fact, we've used all kinds of moments in flux to make protective and even impressive gains. Take a look at this small sample, drawn straight from our posted track record...

Our Strategic Gains in Turbulent Times
137% gains on KeyWest Energy 174% gains on PetroChina
151% gains on Wheaton River Minerals 270% gains on the July silver calls
162% gains on Intrepid Minerals 104% gains on the ICON Energy Fund
332% gains on Glamis/Francisco Gold 108% gains on Norsk Hydro
668% gains on Metallica Resources 118% gains on Anglo American PLC
105% gains on Gentry Resources 160% gains on Western Oil Sands
151% gains on Tocqueville Gold 182% gains on Talisman Energy
228% gains on Niko Resources 142% gains on BG Group
263% gains on Coeur d'Alene Mines 177% gains on Coeur d'Alene Mines again
116% gains on Cameco

And we continue to post new gains, even now. Some of today's open positions have already shot up 52%... 57%... 71%... 76%... 92%... 117%... 168%... 187%... 198%... 208%... 212%... 213%... 215%... 524%... and 553%... with more to come! (I can't name those stocks for you right now. That wouldn't be fair to my readers. But I'll tell you how to find out about all of them, right after you finish reading this letter.)

My point is, today's moment is even larger than anything we've seen before. But so are the opportunities I see right now for you to protect yourself. I'd hate for you to miss any of them, while you still have the opportunity to make your move. Over the next four minutes, I'll show you how. But before I do, let's step back so I can explain how this "war" begins. Long before $147 oil... before the war over 9/11 or the war in Afghanistan... before either war in Iraq, the 1979 Iran hostage crisis, or even the oil crisis of 1973. All the way back to a lamb dinner, served up one evening in the year 629 AD...

The Murder That's About
to Change the World
Nobody could have known that the dinner they were about to eat would one day change history. Some say it was goat. Others say it was lamb. Either way, it was poisoned.And the guest of honor was Mohammed, the controversial founder of Islam. It was just one bite, that's all it took. He tasted the poison and immediately spit it out. But it was too late. He would soon die, sparking a bitter and deadly divide.

See, when Mohammed died nobody could agree on who should take over...

And they've been killing each other as a result ever since. On the one side, you've got the Sunni Muslims. They're the ones that run Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, and many of the other countries in the Middle East. On the other, you've got the Shia Muslims. It's the Shia that run Iran. And now run Iraq, as well as Lebanon and Syria.

Think Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland... Serbs vs. Croats in Bosnia... or even the religious Thirty Years War that ripped apart Europe in the 16th century. 

Only this Sunni-Shia split has built up pressure now for the last 1,354 years.

But it's only now that this pressure has found its ultimate release — with Iran driving a new Shia uprising smack dab in the middle of the most dangerous place on Earth — the oil-soaked Middle East. Isn't the Middle East already a mess? Yes, it is.

What's different is that too many in the West... right up to the White House and the Pentagon... don't "get" just how deep this Islam divide could go or how far it could run. Take a look at this map...

The Deadly Sunni-Shia Divide — 2011
If it's black in this map, it's Shia ground. It's also mostly oil heartland
and some of the most strategic territory in the entire Middle East!
One terrorist with a grudge can do a lot of damage. Iran, all by itself, could even be a deadly force. But can you imagine what millions of Shiites with a 1,354-year old ax to grind could do?

The 162-Million-Man March
Nobody knows exactly how many Shia there are right now in the Middle East. That's because in all but four Middle Eastern countries, Sunni leaders don't bother to count. Sunni schools teach that Shiites aren't real Muslims. Shias don't get a seat in government. They can't become judges or even testify in high courts. In Sunni-run Saudi Arabia, Shias and Sunni can't even marry.

For centuries, the Shia have been the underclass.But now, for the first time in history, they see this as their chance to turn the tide. And how big a tide is it? Hands down, saber-rattling Iran has the most — 70 million Shia. But then you've got the "liberated" Shia of Iraq — 22 million. Plus as many as 2 million Shia in Iran-backed Lebanon. And up to 4 million Shia in Iran's top ally, Syria. Then you've got another 700,000 Shia in Kuwait... up to 500,000 Shia in Bahrain... up to 400,000 Shia in the United Arab Emirates... 300,000 Shia in Oman... and around 100,000 Shia in Qatar, according to the Pew Research Center in Washington. On top of that, as many as 10 million Shia in Yemen... another 7 million Shia in Azerbaijan... and 11 million Shia in Turkey... not to mention the combined 30 million Shia in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Not all Shia want a revolution.But out of between the 147 million to 162 million Shia spread from Pakistan to Lebanon and Azerbaijan to Yemen, enough do that this is the river of "Secret Revenge" and common blood running through the entire Middle East. The Sunnis are worried. Especially in Sunni-run Saudi Arabia. And especially now. Here's why...

"New" Oil War Flashpoint #1:
The Real Reason Iran
Wants the Bomb
Don't forget, Iran used to be Persia. At one point Persia was the biggest and most powerful empire in history! Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Egypt — even Israel — the Persians controlled them all. Along with all of Afghanistan and Pakistan and most of the oil-rich coast of the Caspian. For 300 years, Persian armies held off the Roman Empire. Their scholars walked with Aristotle and Plato. And influenced Greek art. It was the Persians who invented chess. And the windmill.Not to mention bricks, algebra, trigonometry, and wine.The bottom line is... no Empire forgets its past glory. The Iranians resent losing theirs. But now they see a chance to get it back.

The nuclear bomb? Tehran's crackpot leaders don't just want it to scare Israel. They want it so they can throw a dark shadow over their Sunni Arab neighbors, too!  Take a look at this... 

Iran's First Move...
With total control of the Hormuz "oil chokepoint" in the Persian Gulf
and new power in "liberated" Iraq, the Iranians have a brand new foothold
for kicking off the long-awaited "Shia Revolution."
You'll notice two things. First, you'll see how Iran's Shia influence has spilled across the border into southern Iraq. Southern Iraq is where you'll find six of Iraq's eight "Supergiant" oil fields. It's also where you'll find a key border with Shia Islam's mortal enemy — Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is Sunni.For eight years back in the 1980s, Saudi Arabia helped Iraq wage a bloody war against Iran. Along with other Sunni governments, the Saudis even gave Saddam over $47 billion to launch missiles and nerve gas attacks over the Iranian border. Iran hasn't forgotten. Or forgiven. (Imagine if Canada or Mexico had given money to Japan to help them bomb Pearl Harbor. Iran has waited to make the Saudis pay — and now they have their chance.)
"Iran is clearly seen as a very serious threat by those on the other side of the Gulf front."

— Gen. David Petraeus,
Jan. 31, 2010
The second thing you'll see in the map above is that Iran has almost total control over the Strait of Hormuz. Hormuz is the tight waterway that connects the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean. Over 17 million barrels of oil have to pass through Hormuz every day. That's 40% of all the oil shipped in the world. And 90% of all the daily oil shipments from the entire Middle East.

With Hormuz alone, Iran could cripple the world overnight.
Today, Iran backs Shia militants in Iraq. They give them money and guns. They've even helped Shia politicians take over the Iraqi government. Why?
Because gaining control in Iraq takes the Iranians one step closer in their twisted plot for secret revenge. For another one of those steps, just look further south... to Yemen.

"New" Oil War Flashpoint #2:
Yemen's Ugly Secret
The Pentagon has just tripled its budget on Yemen. Top U.S. General Patraeus just had a not-so-secret meeting with Yemen's president. And our own State Department calls Yemen a “threat... to global stability.”
What gives? Even ABC News just called Yemen the next "top target" in the terror war and a "near-perfect haven for terrorists." Obama just sent Yemen our troops, ships, and weapons. Here's what's happening...

The Shia Revolution's Next New Front...
Yemen's on/off Shia revolution gives and "Gate of Tears" oil chokepoint
could soon give Iran a strategic "backdoor" attack point into Saudi Arabia...

Yemen might be a failed country with a collapsing government, a shrinking oil supply, an exploding population and not much of anything else but lawlessness and chaos. But what Yemen does have is position. It sits just on the tip of the Arab peninsula... south of another key Saudi border and on the coast of another key oil strait called Bab-el-Mandeb. That name means the "Gate of Tears."
How Islam's Next "New"
World Oil War Will Begin
"Nature," goes the old saying, "abhors a vacuum." For instance, when a failed assassin's bullet burst a blood vessel in Vladimir Lenin's brain in 1922...

madman Josef Stalin quickly stepped in to fill the void. Likewise when the Weimar Republic collapsed in 1933... and Hitler stepped into power.

Today there's a new void about to be filled — in the ravaged Middle East — and the lethal force that's stepping up to fill it could plunge the entire region into a "new" Islamic war.

If that happens, nearly 66% of the world's oil supply will get caught in the crosshairs.

Soaring energy prices can hit almost every aspect of life... and pummel any economy... but there are ways you can protect yourself, financially. Read on to find out how...
And like Hormuz, most oil states on the Red Sea can't get a drop of oil out without shipping it through the Bab-el-Mandeb. Over 3.3 million barrels go through every day.

Blocking this chokepoint alone could slap a $30 "political premium" on the price of every barrel of oil... but there's an even bigger threat taking shape. 

For the last six years, Yemen has fought a vicious and bloody war with Shia rebels. These rebels are poor. There's no way, says a Yemen general, these rebels "could fund and fight this war with pomegranates and grapes... no doubt there is Iranian support."

Could it be true? Absolutely.  Iran loves to buy loyalty.
Take the $1 billion Tehran now "donates" every year to Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon. Or the billions they gave Syria's Shia president to build cement factories, car factories, power plants, and storage silos. 

In return, Iran gets Hezbollah's Arabic-speaking terrorists to run militant Shia training camps in Iraq. And gets Syria to distribute Iran's money and weapons to others in the Shia network.
The secret money Iran sends to Shia rebels in Yemen could soon have a payoff too — by opening up another route for "backdoor" Shia access into Saudi Arabia. Yemen's rebels have already hit towns across the Saudi border. And the Saudis have hit back, losing dozens of troops in the process. We’re just in the first innings of this one. How bad is it? So far, 50 Saudi schools along the border have had to close. Another 240 border towns have already been evacuated. And Saudi jets have already dropped bombs in Yemen. What exactly has the Saudis running scared?

Final Oil War Flashpoint #3:
Iran's Final Prize — Saudi Oil
Don't think for a minute that I think Iran's plot for "secret revenge" could succeed. But the threat alone could be enough to kick oil much higher. And sooner than you might think. For instance...
  • Our CIA, Britain's M16, and other top spy agencies say Iran could have a working nuclear bomb within three months... .
  • The Times of London uncovered a confidential document that says Iran already has a "neutron initiator" ready to test. That's the part you need to trigger a warhead.
  • And Der Spiegel, the German magazine, says Iran may even have the tech and material to build a simple nuclear bomb before the end of THIS year.
But the Bomb is just a beginning. Even if the go ahead to build a nuke never comes from Iran's top cleric, the more immediate danger is a wildfire of Shia-Sunni unrest... starting in Iran's new hotbeds of Shia support... and spreading across the rest of the Sunni-run oil states... with the richest oil fields in the world's richest oil nation as the final battleground.  Take a look at this last map...

The Final Battleground — Saudi Arabia!
Suddenly, Iran has its mortal enemy, Saudi Arabia, surrounded —
millions of Shia even live on top of the Saudis OWN biggest oilfields.

As you can see, Saudi Arabia looks like a sitting duck. Iran has a Shia network that reaches from Afghanistan to Lebanon once again... more connections building along the Persian Gulf... Yemeni Shias to the south... and Shia connections along the oil rich Caspian Sea.

You could see this spread to the nearly two million Shia that live and work on Saudi Arabia's oil fields very soon. Even though that's exactly what the Saudis — and our own Pentagon — hope will never happen.
As you read this, big and small Gulf states are piling up weapons, stocking anti-missile batteries, and sandbagging their oil terminals, ports, and water desalinization plants...

Abu Dhabi alone has already bought $17 billion worth of U.S. anti-missile hardware. And the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia just splurged on weapons, to the tune of $25 billion. As you read this, our own F-16 fighter jets, Patriot missile systems, giant cruisers and up to 20,000 more U.S. troops are quietly digging in for an epic fight... that could spread past Iraq and Yemen... and even into Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain. All to get ready for what could be the fight of a lifetime...

Say Hello to the "Jihad Generation"
It's not just our experts saying it. Leaders in all three of America's biggest Middle East allied countries — Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia — claim the epic Sunni-Shia showdown is in the cards. It could start from any one of the flashpoints I just named. But no matter how it starts, Saudi Arabia is where it's most likely to end up. Why? Not only is Saudi Arabia home to Mecca, Islam's holiest place... but it's also home to the corrupt and U.S.-allied Royal House of Saud, considered an insult to all Islam. Think about it.

In a country where they'll cut off your hand for stealing and whip you for holding a glass of whiskey... Saudi princes gorge on cocaine and prostitutes, gambling, palaces, and more. 

All while the vast Saudi underclass starves on just $6,000 per year and 30% unemployment. And as many as two million of that underclass is Shia. With a 1,354-year-old ax to grind and billions of dollars in oil revenues as the prize. It's a near-perfect formula for a FULL-ON war. And the fuse is already lit.

Iran is ready to assert its place in the world. Think Japan or Germany in the 1930s. The threat is there, it's large, and it's not going away anytime soon.

How the world responds, we can't know.  But I can tell you how oil could respond... by exploding to new record highs. Possibly as high as $220 per barrel by spring of the coming year... with gas not topping out until it hits as much as $8 per gallon. That's very bad news for millions around the world. And yet...

When Historical Shifts Happen,
Getting Rich Can Be Your Best Protection
Have no illusions — any military response, on any front — could only accelerate the spike in oil prices. So the first thing you're going to want to do is simply get out of the way.  But you're also going to make defensive moves with your money."Rock Kicking Former Navy Pilot Discovers Resource Riches"

Byron King, Rock-kicking Resource Expert
It was a lunchtime talk that changed Byron's life. He was a geology student, studying at Harvard. And he and a few friends got to sit in and listen to M. Hubbert King — M.I.T.  geoscientist and petroleum expert — give a bold and shocking presentation about the looming threat of "peak oil."

Worldwide, said Hubbert, oil production would peak. And a new era of permanent petroleum scarcity would begin. Today, it's a widely accepted reality. Back then, says Byron, "you could have heard a pin drop."

But scarcity also leads to opportunity. And days after Byron the "rock kicking" geology student graduated from Harvard — with honors — he drove straight to Texas where he took up a top-level oil exploration job with a Fortune Top 20 oil firm.

He helped them find deposits. He helped them design drilling rigs. Byron even helped them squeeze extra oil out of already tapped fields.
But this was also back when a lot of his colleagues served America in Korea and Vietnam. And Byron felt that call too. So a few years in, he said goodbye to his oil industry friends and joined the U.S. Navy — where he logged 1,200 flight hours and 128 death-defying carrier landings as a tactical jet pilot!

After active officer duty in the Navy, Byron felt another call — to join his father in the family law practice back in Pennsylvania, where he returned and practiced law for the next seventeen years.

Today, the one thing that's never left Byron is his passion for research into resources. Not just oil and natural gas, but everything from gold and silver to uranium, platinum, copper, and more. Byron has spent years studying and researching the nuts and bolts of the resource industries and today he's one of the world's top resource experts.
Maybe you've seen or heard Byron during his frequent radio and TV interviews. Maybe you've seen one of his many colorful speeches at international investing conferences.

But far and away, the best way for you to find out which money-making resource opportunities Byron has on his radar right now is to check out a risk-free trial subscription to his top-ranked monthly newsletter, Outstanding Investments. Read on to find out how...
And the best way to defend yourself and your wealth in this kind of crisis couldn't be more obvious — you need to hitch a ride on the prices that will go UP as this unfolds. In a moment like this, that can be easier than you might think.

Over and over again, throughout history, things that are key to survival are also among the first things to go up in a time of chaos like I foresee ahead. 

Not just with oil. But other raw resources that nations, advancing armies, and even innocent bystanders simply can't do without. These are the assets you can see, use, and touch. Think about it.

What critical resource need helped drive Germany into BOTH world wars... drove Japan to bomb Pearl Harbor... and helped fuel the Allies that crushed them? Oil.

After the Yom Kippur War... during the Iranian hostage crisis... during countless clashes in Palestine and Israel... during both Gulf Wars... we saw oil prices take off.
Couldn't it happen again? Of course it could.

Like I said, the rising threat alone... so close to nearly 66% of the world's shrinking oil and gas reserves... could be enough to set this price explosion into motion.
When that happens, you could still get very rich... 

Take the 174% gain my readers and I recently posted on PetroChina... or our 160% gain on Western Oil Sands... another 182% on Talisman Energy... 104% on the ICON Energy Fund... and 524% so far on Suncor Energy... 

And of course, energy's not the only "defensive" power play...

My readers and I also posted 118% gains on the diversified mining company, Anglo American Ltd... plus another 151% gain that we discovered with Tocqueville Gold... our 263% gain with Couer d'Alene, plus another 177% gain on the same stock, a second time around... and another 270% gain that we saw on silver call options... 

The bottom line? Markets, up or down, hate uncertainty.
And that's what you could see driving this shocking new opportunity. That's why I'm URGING you to send for my new FREE 2011 Crude Awakening Countdown Library.

Inside, I've included five FREE reports — all detailing which special money moves to act on NOW if you want to protect yourself and your money during the crisis ahead.

These reports name 18 plays you could be missing.
I'm offering to share all 18 moves with you FREE — even as I also share these same moves with my paid-up subscribers. And yes, I'll even cover shipping and handling.

The reports are yours, no questions asked.
Let me give you a glimpse of what you'll find inside...

Defensive Energy Power Play #1:
The Single Best Energy Stock
to Own Over the Next 20 Years
(Hint: it’s 6,859 miles from the Mid-East…)

One easy way to "get out of the way" and still gain as oil goes up... is simply to go outside of the Middle East to find the best oil providers. In 1973, the smart money ran from OPEC oil... and into oil opportunities in Canada, Mexico, and the UK. Today you've got even more smart energy "safe havens." Today that strategy can work even better.

But that's only part of the reason I believe this first major "defensive energy" stock could be the single best oil company opportunity for you to own over the next 20 years.

How so? Let me take you to a place that's thousands of miles from the Middle East... and well beyond the reach of any crackpot dictator or terrorist. Yes, it's also an oil field. Nobody even knew much about it until 2006, the first year they cracked through the field's overlying layer of salt — more than a mile of it — and into dense carbonate rock — and about eight billion barrels of oil. That's more than the entire proven reserves of Norway. But then they kept looking and found — in a deposit almost 500 miles long and 100 miles wide — what could be as much as 100 billion barrels of oil. Easily, that's the biggest single oil-bearing zone anywhere in the world. Bigger than almost all the oil fields in Iraq, combined. Bigger than all the reserves in Russia. Or Iran, for that matter. Bigger than the Saudi's legendary Ghawar. Yet, until just recently, nobody even knew it was there...

The Greatest Energy
Discovery in 100 Years

See, here's the thing. This massive new find I'm telling you about — they call it the Tupi Field — isn't really what you picture when you think of a "field" of oil at all. You can't drive past it. You can't see it. In fact, no human can actually get close to it... and live. You see, the Tupi Field is hidden some two miles below the blackest, roughest seas just about anywhere on the planet...  as far as 240 miles off the coast of Brazil. It is, in fact, so far below the surface of the ocean that the water pressure alone would crush a steel-fortified Navy sub like you could crush a soda can.

And that's just the ocean floor. You need to go even deeper — 19,000 feet through multi-million year-old anthracite and salt deposits — to get to the beds of ancient limestone that hold the oil. Crews go out on massive ships to set up the rigs. They use satellite images to find the deposits and then automated underwater robots to lock the drilling equipment into place.

Just tapping the deposit can take as many as three months to set up... at a cost of as much as $600,000 per day. Even to hire a helicopter to fly to the offshore drilling sites can take as long as two-hours over open water and up to $50,000 for the fuel and pilot... for each flight.
"Byron has been a favorite of mine for a few years now. He combines the intellect of a Ivy league geologist, lawyer, military man with the down-to-earth style and wisdom that makes you feel like you are getting advice from a very smart version of your dad; or a very good friend."
— Steve C.
You can see why this massive oil deposit took so long to discover. It wasn't long ago that we had the technology.
Then again, it wasn't long ago that anybody but the energy industry pros understood just how desperate we are to find and tap more and more remote oil discoveries like this one.
They call this kind of oil opportunity "deepwater crude."
This company I'm telling you about dominates this new field. They also have their geologists and engineers looking for even more breakthrough offshore energy discoveries just like this one.
Of course this isn't the only deepwater crude fortune-maker in town. I've got three more I'd love to show you.

In fact, you'll find the full story in just one of the five special reports I'd like to send you, called Deepwater Crude Bonanza: Four Ways to Get Rich on the New Oil Frontier.
It's included with your free 2011 Crude Awakening Countdown Library.
Inside, not only do I name the single best energy stock of the next 20 years... but I also give you all my research on three other must-own "deepwater crude" plays, including...
  • The cutting-edge American deepwater technology company that has oil majors worldwide lined up to use their specialized rigs. Only a handful of companies worldwide can do what they do. And with up to 300 new deepwater rigs to come online by 2012, this company is lining up contracts by the score — this could be an easy 50% gainer over the 12 to 18 months ahead.
  • A trusted family-owned company that you already know, but what you might not know is that they're sitting on top of a second huge "deepwater" deposit almost as big as the one I just mentioned. They're also one of the few companies with the tech-savvy to drill the now-famous Bakken Oil Formation here in the U.S. This one has matched rising oil prices dollar for dollar before... and could triple from where it sits today.
  • And finally, what my readers and I now call the "most important oil equipment company in the world." Why? Because right now they're the single largest deepwater equipment supplier not only to the top offshore company I mentioned, but also to the other majors now crowding in — including Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron, BP, and more. What they make, nobody else can quite do. You'll see why in your free copy of my newest "deepwater" report.
Remember, I don't come at these opportunities like a broker trying to make commissions. This area is my trained specialty. I've spent years as a working oil exploration geologist. I study these opportunities with an understanding of the science and discoveries they're talking about.

And even when you factor that in, I'm convinced this new era in deepwater crude technology is a game changer. Not just the future of Big Oil, but also the single best way for you to get rich during the radical shift in energy politics headed down the pipe.

Once you let me rush you a free copy of Deepwater Crude Bonanza: Four Ways to Get Rich on the New Oil Frontier — one of the five special FREE reports in your 2011 Crude Awakening Countdown Library — you'll quickly see why. And then there's more...

Defensive Energy Power Play #2:
Two More Ways to Get Rich...
As Shanghai Goes Dark!

Obviously, it's not just the U.S. with an eye on oil anymore. Even through the worldwide financial bust, China's kept on growing at a record clip... with oil and other energy needs to match. Some of what they've done is make deals for more power, including multi-billion dollar deals with our enemies in Iran.
"China is preparing to build three times as many nuclear power plants in the coming decade as the rest of the world combined..."

— The New York Times
But even then, booming China could go bust if they don't fix their growing energy problems. Take China's situation with coal —– at one point during the winter of this year they were down to a 10-day supply.

The problem for China is that the country uses coal to crank out 80% of its electricity.  For over 1 billion customers, that's a lot of coal. They can't get it out of the ground fast enough. Or safely.
So they're ramping up to go nuclear instead. As you read this, China has 11 nuclear reactors producing electricity.  They're already building 17 more. But they want to rocket that number to 124 full capacity reactors over the next several years. By the year 2030, that could pump up their demand for uranium 10 times over.

The last full year on record, China used 769 tons of uranium. Beijing's new plan would call for 20,000 tons per year. Yeah, but what about wind, solar, or geothermal? Not one is nearly as ready for prime time as nuclear. Think about it. Right now around the world, you've got 436 nuclear reactors up and running. Plus another 50 being built. And another 137 reactors in the blueprint stage. Along with 295 more new reactors on the table for approval.

The U.S. just announced plans to start building more — on top of the 104 reactors we've already got going. In fact, the U.S. already gets about 20% of its power from reactors. And we're on track to make more.
"Nuclear energy... has the power to light a city in a lump the size of a soda can."
— Wired
Even Belgium, Sweden, South Korea, Switzerland, Japan, Spain, the U.S., the U.K., and France all get between 23% and 75% of their power from nuke plants. And those numbers are going up too.

According to a study by researchers at MIT, power demand could triple over the coming decades — and a huge portion of that new demand will be met with nuclear power!
That makes the next big question easy...

Who Has Uranium?
First, guess who doesn't. Uranium deposits are hard to come by in the Middle East. Instead, you've got Australia, the U.S., Canada, France, Argentina, Brazil, and India dominating the market. Along with South Africa, Nigeria, Algeria, and Gabon. I'm sure you remember, uranium stocks more than doubled from 2003 to 2007, during the first half of the second Gulf War. Uranium also shot up from $10 to $130 a pound.
Along with everything else, it crashed in 2008. Now, years later, it's still at a bottom price... new uranium production has flat-out stalled... yet all the surging power demands are still there. Especially from China.
Take a look at this chart...

It's not hard to do the math. China has $1 trillion parked in U.S. dollar reserves. Most of the time, those dollars are a wasting asset. Meanwhile, cheap uranium can meet China's exploding energy needs many times over... compared to increasingly expensive oil. In their shoes, what would you do? Shanghai alone has already sucked up most of the energy output of the massive Three Gorges Dam. China's other enormous cities are hungry for cheap power, too. So is their massive industrial machine. And India, with plans to up their nuclear power output eight times over during the next decade, isn't far behind.

That could easily make 2011 the "year for uranium."
And that's why I'd love to share two easy ways for you to gain from the coming reawakening in uranium and nuclear-driven stocks. One gives you a simple way to move on every uranium sector that could jump higher over the year ahead, from miners and storage, to nuclear equipment, plants, enrichment, and transportation. It's a single play, tracking the whole uranium boom. Including moves that get you outside of the dollar. Yet you can act on this without sending a nickel outside the U.S.

I'm already sharing this same research with my paid-up Outstanding Investments subscribers. But I'd like to send it to you right now, as part of special invitation, FREE. You'll find both this special move and a second one in another brand new report I call China's Next Big Crisis: Two Ways to Get Rich... As Shanghai Goes Dark
It's included as one of five FREE reports you'll get when you give me permission to send you my new 2011 Crude Awakening Countdown Library.

You'll find everything you need inside, from more on how and why uranium could hit over $100 this year... to why some call for $250 uranium in the near future... plus everything about the only two uranium moves you'll need to make to see huge gains on this, over the months and years ahead. In just a moment I'll show you how to send for this special report, along with the rest of your FREE library. But first let me ask you an important question...

What's the Single Biggest Secret
Behind History's Greatest Fortunes?

Oscar Wilde once said, "Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot."
"Over the past 12 months, Outstanding Investments is up 49.98% by Hulbert Financial Digest count, compared to a 28.3% gain for the dividend-reinvested Wilshire 5000 Total Stock Market Index.... over the past five years, the letter has achieved an 18.3% annualized gain... over the past 10 years, the letter has achieved a 14.88% annualized gain, compared to a negative 0.27% annualized for the total return Wilshire."
— Peter Brimelow, Marketwatch
I don't need to tell you, between plundering banks and blundering bureaucrats, a lot of regular Americans have watched their 401k and retirement "riches" stolen right out from under them, these past couple of years. But when push comes to shove... in times of historic growth and epic crisis... what's the one thing that's endured? For as long as anybody's kept track, it's "stuff"... real, tangible, usable, tradable, blatantly valuable wealth.

In short, the raw resources you need to thrive and survive. It's really that simple. It's no accident that's where the smart money flocks in good times and bad. It's also no accident that this is the story of one great fortune after another. Think about it...
  • John D. Rockefeller built a staggering fortune  — worth $212 billion in today's dollars and nearly four times bigger than Bill Gates stash of $57 billion — with Standard Oil.
  • Just before the crash of 1929, Rockefeller and other mega-rich investors like J.P. Morgan, Joseph F. Kennedy, and Bernard Baruch ALL shifted out of stocks and into gold — getting even richer in the process.
  • Andrew Carnegie — who also crushes Gates with a fortune worth nearly $112 billion in today's dollars — got that rich making steel.
  • Frederick Weyerhauser, worth more than $72.2 billion in today's money, made all of that after starting out with timber, land, and saw mills.
  • Andrew Mellon and his brother Richard each made about $36 billion, in today's terms, by branching out from banking and into oil, steel, aluminum, and coal.
Real assets are more than just the building blocks of great family fortunes, they're also the backbone of history. Not just with oil and the Middle East, but the timber riches that made Europe... the aqueducts that fed Roman fields... and Aztec gold and silver...

Forests that became armadas... coal and iron that made behind England an industrial power... steel that made America... the list goes on. And this has never been more true than right now.
Nearly 42,000 people read my research letter Outstanding Investments and they're already mastering those same cycles, watching resource riches pile up — even now.

This is the #1 Performing Stock Letter of The Last Five Years
-Mark Hulbert
Outstanding Investments was ranked by respected and impartial industry watchdog Mark Hulbert as the #1 performing advisory letter over a five-year period in 2005 and again in 2006 and 2007. That's quite an honor. Here's a glimpse at how we did it...

In 2002, our readers locked in 84% gains on Corner Bay... 96% gains on EOG Resources... 75% gains on American Water Works... 136% gains on R.J. Reynolds... and 137% gains on Key West Energy... plus another 151% gain on Wheaton River Minerals... 162% gains on Intrepid Minerals... a solid 332% gain on Glamis/Francisco Gold... and 668% gains on Metallica Resources.

In 2003, our readers socked away another 88% gains on Northgate Exploration... plus 105% gains on Gentry Resources... 151% gains on Tocqueville Gold... 228% gains on Niko Resources... and 236% gains on Coeur d'Alene Mines... just to name a few.

For 2004, Outstanding Investment readers closed out PetroChina with a solid 174% gain... plus another 55% on Atacama Minerals... 116% gains on Cameco... 24% gains on the Canadian Oil Sands Trust... 32% gains on Southwest Water... and 270% gains on the July 2005 silver calls... plus a slew of other small and fast winners.

In 2005, we took in another 60%, 44% and 45% gains on Harmony Gold, Schlumberger and Petro Kazakhstan Inc... and posted 51% gains on CONSOL Energy just a few weeks later. We hit with a fat 70% gain on both SUEZ SA and Petro-Canada... and 73% gains on Wheaton River Minerals and Anadarko Petroleum Corp.... plus 85% on Precision Drilling... 86% on Kerr-McGee... 88% on the INVESCO Energy Fund... 104% gains on the ICON Energy Fund... 108% gains on Norsk Hydro... 118% gains on Anglo American PLC... 160% gains on Western Oil Sands.... and an impressive 179% gain on Talisman Energy.

In 2006 and 2007, we closed out 147% gains on BG Group… 83% on Placer Dome… 78% on OMI Corp.… 87% on Walter Industries… and 177% on Coeur d’Alene Mines.

In 2008, 2009 and 2010 we saw 33% on Foundation Coal Holdings... 40% on Alleghany Technologies... 43% on Consol Energy...61% on AngloGold Ashanti… 96% on Goldcorp... 166% on Newmont Mining...

And now in 2011, we're posting open positions that are already up 52%... 57%... 71%... 76%... 92%... 117%... 168%... 187%... 198%... 208%... 212%... 213%... 215%... 524%... and 553%... with more to come!
I'd like to send you a set of nine FREE gifts so you can see what I'm recommending you do right now. Plus, up to a full trial year — at no charge — of this top-ranked, award-winning advisory letter. Read on for more details...

Independent industry watchdog, Mark Hulbert, has even ranked us as the #1 Performing Investment Letter of the Last FIVE YEARS... not once but three times! I'm proud of that record. I'm even more proud of what some of my readers say... 

What Others Say
Outstanding Investments reader Jeff Burke wrote in,
"It's difficult to be unhappy when all of the recommendations I hold from Outstanding Investments are up a minimum of 36%!"
Then there's reader Charles Bowman,
"I made a 140% gain with Tocqueville Gold - great pick! And 64% on Northgate, another winner!"
And paid-up reader Kenneth Lang wrote,
"I think Byron King has done one hell of a stellar job. His readings are meaty, well grounded, profitable, and invitingly pleasurable and command priority reading."
My publisher has a whole pile of reader letters.
Here's a sample from just a few more...
"My stock portfolio has increased 52% in eight months as a result of the insight of Outstanding Investments. I plan to be a subscriber for years to come..."  — paid-up subscriber Fred Hanson.
"I made back the cost of the subscription on my first buy, within about a week... Your newsletter is a great deal!" — paid-up subscriber Adam Dillard.
"Thanks for all the good analysis. Subscribing to Outstanding Investments is one of the best investment decisions I've ever made." — paid-up subscriber Wade George.

I'd love the chance for you to see what everybody's talking about, too. That's why I'd like to invite you to try my research letter Outstanding Investments for yourself. And you can start FREE, by letting me rush you the entire 2011 Crude Awakening Countdown Library we talked about. That's yours to keep, at no charge. Once you've had a chance to look that over, I've got an even better invitation for you. One I think you'll like very much. You'll find the details at the end of this letter. But first, let me give you another small sample of what you'll discover... 

Defensive Energy Power Play #3:
The Gold Secret Nobody's Telling

What's the single best money move you could have made, from 1999 until now? You must already know... it's gold. With the yellow metal alone, you could have quadrupled your wealth. While S&P stocks fell 9.7%... gold shot up 323%. If that sounds like a fluke, go back over the last 25 years. You'll find the single best year for stocks was just 31%... while gold's best year topped 100.2%... and precious metal coins did even better, up 198.8%! But you've got to wonder now...

Has Gold Had Its Run?
From 1979 to 1982, during the Iranian hostage crisis and the worst inflation the U.S. has seen yet, the yellow metal surged 2,329%.At 323%, we haven't even covered a fraction of that ground. But all over the news, you can hear mainstreamers call for an "end" to gold's bull run. It's the same message they read back in 2010, during gold's seven corrections that year. Yet gold prices shot up again each time — and finished the year hundreds of dollars higher than its low. Anyone who listened missed out on all those gains. Will we see even more corrections? No doubt. But the bottom line is that just like with oil, instability can drive gold higher.

My Outstanding Investments readers have already seen gains on 13 out of the 14 mining stocks we're tracking right now. And I don’t mean measly un-noticeable gains, instead we’re seeing gains of 117%, 187%, 212%, 213%, 215%, and 553%. For years, I've helped my Outstanding Investments readers stay ahead of gold and silver markets, too. And right now... I'm still urging them to pay attention. I hope you're paying attention too. Because I'm convinced that today's gold story is far from done. That's why I'd like to include a third FREE report with your 2011 Crude Awakening Countdown Library. I call this third report, Bullion and Beyond: Ultimate Wealth Protection Against the Coming Dollar Collapse. Inside, here's just some of what you'll find...

Three Ways You Could Still
See Triple Your Money on Gold

What if you could take any remaining move in gold... even a small one... and as much as triple those gains? Because I firmly believe you could, in ways that could soon take even "gold bugs" by surprise.

"I almost bailed out when gold and oil took a dip... but followed your suggestion to stay in... Now I'm up 28% with only your recommendations in my portfolio. I also followed your recommendation on CDE, and it's up 8% already. Keep up the good work."

— Bill B.
How? You can read all about it in another FREE report I'll send you, called Bullion and Beyond: Ultimate Wealth Protection Against the Coming Dollar Collapse.

Take a look... First, Discover How to Own Gold at Just $174 Per Ounce — The first move I'll show you is easily one of the cheapest ways to get a piece of booming gold ownership, from a company that trades for $408 of market capitalization per ounce of gold. Translation: This senior miner is on track to become the lowest cost gold producer in the world. Big institutions have already soaked up more than half these shares (64%), and some of the best geologists, corporate mining talent and mine managers, are flocking to work with this company.

Then I'll Show You How to Lock in Up To $600 in Gains on Every Ounce — As you read this, the next gold company I reveal for you in this special report is still getting gold out of the ground at less than $400 an ounce. With gold still well above $1,000 threshold... that's like locking in over $800 gain on every ounce. And that just means a fatter gain for shareholders. What's more, this is a miner with a huge cash pile. They're putting that cash to good use too, snapping up other top-performing miners and soaking up their gold and silver reserves.

And Finally, You'll Discover Years of Gains to Come, Thanks to the World’s Largest Privately Held Gold Reserve Yep, you read that right, this next opportunity gives you the chance to profit from the largest privately held gold reserve in the world — OVER 135 MILLION OUNCES! This is one of the best long-haul gold plays you'll ever come across, and I’ll show you why now is exactly the right time to stake your claim.

Like I said, you'll find all three of these companies covered in deep detail, in your free copy of Bullion and Beyond: Ultimate Wealth Protection Against the Coming Dollar Collapse. You'll find more inside, too.
  • How to lock in as much gold as you like for pennies on the dollar.

  • How to pile up your gold and silver gains tax-free.

  • How to buy coins and bullion without getting ripped off.

  • The absolute two best gold stocks for you to own right now.

  • Nine ways to own gold preferred by America's "super rich."

  • How to store your metals safely and without management fees.

  • The shocking story nobody's telling you about "peak gold."

  • How to get Lloyd's of London to insure your gold at no cost.

  • Why one gold exchange-traded fund (ETF) beats the others.

  • The "bank account" where you can park physical silver and gold.

  • "Name Your Price" gold — decide how much you want to pay.

  • How to safely collect gains and income on "outside-the-dollar" gold.

  • How to pick junior mining shares with much less risk.

  • The single easiest way to own either silver or gold.

  • Home-run gains on gold at a tiny fraction of spot gold prices.

  • How to buy all the gold you want without paying huge brokerage fees.
I hope you'll let me rush you a FREE copy, at my expense... along with a total of NINE free gifts altogether, all yours immediately if you simply accept my invitation below.  Here's what you'll get, once you do...

A Fortress of Protection
During the Epic Crisis Ahead
Say yes to a simple trial subscription to Outstanding Investments, and the first thing I'll do is rush you my entire 2011 Crude Awakening Countdown Library — FREE. Inside you'll get... 

Crude Awakening: How to Survive the Total Global Energy Crunch 2011
Brace yourself for a whole new surge in global oil prices — as a 1,354-year-old schism in Islam fills the vacuum left by war in the Middle East, and spreads like wildfire from one petroleum-producing country to the next. The new Yemen threat, "post-war" bombings in Baghdad, even Iran's race for nukes — it turns out they're all deeply connected to this coming catastrophic political and financial event. Not only does this first FREE report show you at least three market moves that could protect you financially, it shows you how an impending oil spike will change the way the entire world deals with energy over the years ahead (worth $49, but yours FREE).

Bullion and Beyond: Ultimate Wealth Protection Against the Coming Dollar Collapse
There's just no way, with near-zero interest rates and trillion-dollar cash injections by the Federal Reserve, to ignore the threat of crushing inflation ahead. Fortunately, there IS a way to protect yourself and even grow your money — with the nine powerful strategies you'll find in this timely FREE report, from how to own "name your price" gold at a fraction of the bullion value... how to pile up precious metal gains tax-free... and how to pick up gold and silver coins at a huge discount... plus, the only mining shares you need to own right now... all in this second FREE report (worth $49, but yours FREE).

Deepwater Crude Bonanza: Four Ways to Get Rich on the New Oil Frontier
While the rest of the world was caught up in the financial crisis, the single biggest energy breakthrough in 100 years just took place — nearly five miles below the surface of the sea. Brand new technology finally makes it possible to tap as much as 100 billion barrels of new oil. Yet it's still early enough to make a fortune on the four breakout "deepwater oil" plays you'll find in this special new report (worth $49, but yours FREE).

China's Next Big Crisis: Two Ways to Get Rich... As Shanghai Goes Dark!
With just two stocks, you could get rich — as China's biggest cities go dark. How so? See, China is already so short on coal to fuel their power plants... they have to shut out the lights in Shanghai and other big cities, just to save on electricity! Long-term, that can't work — so they're going nuclear, with plans to build three times as many uranium-fueled power plants. These two stocks should both soar. And you can read all about them in this fourth FREE report (worth $49, but yours FREE).

"Tight Gas" and High Yields: The Energy Breakthrough That Can Pay You Double-Digit Dividends
Just added — this fifth extra bonus report reveals the breaking story behind "tight gas" — easily the next big thing in U.S.-based energy. What the experts love is that "tight gas" could be the breakthrough that could cover America's gas needs for decades to come. What my readers and I love is that owning these shares also lets you collect a huge dividend... while letting you pile up gains on the shares at the same time. You'll find it all in this added extra fifth bonus report (worth $49, but yours FREE). All together, that's $245 worth of gifts — and it's all yours to keep at no charge, just for agreeing to give my top-ranked advisory newsletter, Outstanding Investments, a try. And that's just the beginning...

Never Miss a Market Move, With Our Members-Only Portfolio Updates and E-Mailed "Hot Opportunities" — Included FREE
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Imagine if you'd just bought a top-of-the-line Mercedes S600. A year later, you roll back into the dealership, drop the keys on the counter and say you want your money back. You'd get laughed off the lot! But this is exactly what I'm asking you to do here. I'm asking you to simply give us a chance to show you how Outstanding Investments earned its ranking three years in a row as the #1 Performing Advisory Letter of the Last Five Years — at no risk to you. It's like taking a luxury sedan for a lifetime test drive.

Take the FREE reports and other gifts. Get our investing recommendations for a year, or even two years. Half of your subscription is completely free. The other half you can cancel anytime for a complete refund. Even if you're reading your last issue on the last day of the subscription, you can still change your mind. Cancel on the spot, call me at the number I'll provide and I'll send you a check to cover every penny you paid to sign on. It's that simple. 

And of course, you still get to keep all the issues and free gifts I've sent. No questions asked. Maybe that will sound crazy. Maybe someone else will read this offer and start rubbing his hands, knowing full well he could take advantage of me... simply by signing up now, enjoying all the recommendations and then canceling. But I'm not worried.

I'm confident you'll read the reports I'm ready to send... and all the issues... and you'll see immediately just how valuable this investment research can be. You'll get the chance again and again to rake in returns. And you'll thank me for it long before your subscription ends. Maybe you'll even feel eager to sign on again. That's what I believe will happen. In the meantime, I will do everything I can to meet your high standard of  excellence, just to make sure I can count on you coming back for more over the years ahead. It's that simple.

I hope that sounds fair to you. I also hope it's something you'll decide on quickly. See, a lot of investors think that this last soaring cycle of the commodities market was all we get. We believe there's a whole lot more ahead. But you don't want to wait too long to get in position, or you'll miss out. So don't wait too long to make up your mind.

Byron King, Editor
Outstanding Investments
January, 2011
P.S. Accept my special invitation within the next 11 days... and there's another gift I'd like to give you, on top of the nine FREE gifts I just mentioned. Click below for details...

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Afghanistan (2) Islamophobia (4) Island of Lemurs Madagascar (1) Island of the Blue Dolphins (1) Isoroku Yamamoto (1) Israel (20) Israel Tsvaygenbaum (1) Israel-Palestine 2012 (5) Issei Sagawa (1) Italy (2) Italy Election 2013 (4) Italy Flood 2012 (1) Italy Flood 2014 (1) Itinerary (1) Ivan Denisovich (1) Iwo Jima (2) Jack Andraka (1) Jacob Cohen (2) Jacqueline Kennedy (1) Jacques La Marche (3) Jacques Rogge (1) Jalal Talabani (1) Jamaica (1) Jambalaya (1) James Brown (1) James Burns (1) James Earl Jones (1) James Gandolfini (1) James Randi (1) James Salter (1) James Town (1) Jan Grigoruk (1) Jan Švankmajer (1) Janeites (1) Janet Jackson (1) Janis Joplin (4) Japan Robo (1) Japan Tsunami 2011 (2) Japan water cannons (1) Japanese artist Ryoji Ikeda (1) Jason deCaires Taylor underwater tourist attraction (1) Jason Koharik (1) Jay Michaelson (1) Jazz (41) Jazz French Guitarist Thomas Dutronc (1) Jean-Michel Jarre (1) Jean-Paul Sartre (2) Jeff Back (1) Jeff Besoz (2) Jeff Cremer (1) Jeff Stahler (1) Jeffrey Miron (1) Jenni Rivera (1) Jeremiah Ridgeway (1) Jeremy Hunt (1) Jeremy Irons (2) Jeremy Telford the Balloon Guy (1) Jeremy Wade (1) Jerry Sandusky (1) Jessica Cox (1) Jewish Rabbi Aharon Cohen (1) Jewish Rabbi Dov Lior (1) Jewish Rabbi Ovadia Yosef (1) Jewish Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt (1) Jews (9) JFK (12) Jihad Makdissi (1) Jim Bishop (1) Jim O'Neill (1) Jimi Hendrix (1) Jimmy Carter (1) Jimmy Fallon (5) Jimmy Scott (2) Jimmy Wayne (1) JimmyKimmelLive (14) Jin Deui (1) Jiroemon Kimura (2) Jiroemon Kimura Dies (1) JJ Cale (6) Joan Miro (1) Joel Stein (3) Johan H. Schell (4) Johannes Vermeer (1) John Albers (1) John and Ann Betar (1) John B Sutherland (1) John Deasy (1) John Dominis (1) John Galliano (1) John Kiriakou (1) John Nash (2) John Pilger (5) John Steinbeck (1) Johnny Cash (1) Jon Rawlinson (1) Jonathan Amos BBC (7) Jorge Luis Borges (1) Jorge Mario Bergoglio (2) Jose Curbelo (1) Jose Figueroa Agosto (1) Jose Mujica (3) Joseph Brodsky (1) Joseph Farah (1) Joshua Oppenheimer (3) Josiri (1) Journalist Ben Anderson (1) Journey (1) Journey into America (1) JPS (4) JR French graffiti artist (4) JT (1) JTV (1) Jujube (1) Julia Gillard (3) Julian Assange (2) Julius Caesar (1) July Morning (2) Jumping Stilt (1) Juno (2) Jupiter (1) Jurassic Park 4 (1) Just a Yellow Lemon Tree (2) Just For Me Today (2) Justin Chart (1) K-Pop (1) Kabuki Theatre (1) Kaing Guek Eav (1) Kala Azar (1) Kalinka - Malinka (1) Kamal Meattle (1) Kamala Harris (2) Kanak Tribe (1) Kanamara Matsuri (1) Kangaroo (1) Karl Jaspers (1) Karolin Klüppel (1) Karzai (2) Kashmir (1) Katyn Massacre (3) Katyusha (1) Kayaking (1) KC & Sunshine Band (1) Kebab (2) Keepin Cool Underpressure (1) Keihanaikukauakahihuliheekahaunaele (1) Keith Olbermann (2) Kennel Club (6) Kenneth and Helen Felumlee (1) Kenny G (15) Kentucky Fried Chicken (1) Kerry Love Letter (1) Kevin Richardson (1) Kevlar (1) Khaled Hosseini (2) Khamis Gaddafi (1) Khrizantema (1) Kill Your Darlings (1) Kim Dotcom (4) Kim Jong-il (2) Kinetic Typography (1) King Kurtis (1) King Momo (1) King Penguin (3) Kinkajou (1) Kiss Photo (1) Kiss The Rain (1) Kiwifruit (1) Kleber Criolo Gomes (1) Knock 3x (1) Koala (3) Korubo (2) Kosovo (1) Kosovo organ trafficking (2) Koto Okubo (1) Kris Jenner (1) Krokodil (3) Kumbh Mela (6) Kurt Cobain (3) Kusma-Gyadi Bridge (1) Kya (1) Kymatica (1) L.A. Affairs (12) L'hymne à L'amour (1) LA (1) LA County Arts (1) LA Homeless (1) LA Meatless Monday (1) La Mer de Pianos (1) LADA (1) Lady Washington (1) LAFD (1) LAFF 2014 (1) Laincloth (1) Lambada (1) Lamborghini Egoista (1) Lamhaa (1) Lampedusa (2) Lance Armstrong (19) Langur Baby (1) Laotong (1) Lapaloma Blanca (1) Larry Burrows (1) Larry Sabato (1) Lascaux (2) Lascaux Cave Paintings (1) LASIK (1) Laszlo Krasznahorkai (1) Latino (29) Laura Dekker (1) LAX (4) LAX shooting (2) Le Corbusier (1) Le Massif de Charlevoix (1) Le Nuage (1) Le Week-End (1) Leading Lights (1) Leandra Becerra Lumbreras (1) Learjet (1) Lebanon (2) Lech Walesa (1) Led Zeppelin (1) Leela and Zuri (1) Lego (11) Lego Photographer Mike Stimpson (1) Leishmaniasis (1) Lemon Festival 2012 (1) Lenin (2) Lent (1) Leo Sayer (1) Leon Trotsky (1) Leprosy (1) Les Miserables (3) Letter from Vladimir Putin (2) Letters From Dad (1) Leukaspis (1) Li Bai (1) Liao Yiwu (1) Libya (35) Libya 2012 (3) Libya 2013 (3) Liliger (1) Lilly Pulitzer (1) Lim Chang-geun (1) Lion Cubs (8) Lionel Messi (2) Literary (1) Little Dancer William Stokkebroe (1) Little Nemo (1) Little Russia (2) Liu Bolin (2) Liu Qiyuan (1) Liu Wei (1) Liu Xiaobo (1) Lizzie Velasquez (1) Llama (3) London 2012 (2) Longan (1) Lorenzo Cherubini Jovanotti (1) Loris (5) Lorraine Mondial Air Ballons at Chambley-Bussieres (1) Los Angeles (9) Louis Simpson (1) Louis Theroux (1) Louis Vuitton (2) Love (16) Love Chemistry (1) Love Chess (1) Love is Blue (1) Love Lock (1) Love Story (10) Loveless Face (13) Lucy (1) Luiz Paulo (1) Lunar Eclipse (4) Lunasleep (1) Lute music (1) Lyon's light festival (1) Maasai Tribe (3) MachinimaPrime (2) Madagascar (3) Madame Blue (1) Magic Mushrooms (1) Magician Darcy Oake (1) Maglev Train (2) Magnetar (1) Mahmoud Darwis (1) Majlis al Jinn (1) MAKS airshow (1) Malala Yousafzai (17) Malalai Joya (1) Malawi Music Peter Moanga (1) Malaysia Airlines (13) Malcolm X (1) Malek Alzeugbi Ribal Jeddah (1) Malek Jandali (1) Mali (2) Mali Music Festival (1) Malian guitarist Vieux Farka Toure (1) Man Ray (1) Manatee (3) Mandrill (1) Mangosteen (1) Mansoor Ijaz (1) Manta Ray (1) Manuel Álvarez Bravo (1) Manuel Boleaga Duncan (1) Manuel Valls (4) Mapuche (1) Marc Verbessem and Eddie Verbessem (1) Margaret Thatcher (2) Marijuana (2) Marine Le Pen (3) Mario Balotelli (1) Mario Biondi (1) Marion Cotillard (1) Mark Bittman (1) Mark Fonseca Rendeiro (7) Mark Levin (2) Mark Martin (2) Mark Pinkus (1) Marmoset Monkey (2) Mars 30 à 1977 (3) Mars Colonist (1) Mars on Earth (1) Mars500 (1) Marsel van Oosten (1) Martin Hughes-Games (1) Martin Jacques When China Rules The World (1) Martin Luther King (8) Marxism (8) Mashable (1) Mashco-Piro Indians (1) Massive Mushrooms and Zombie Fungi (1) Massoud Barzani (1) Matkot (1) Matt Gone (1) Matt Jones Watermelon (1) Matt Peckham (1) Matthew Taylor (1) Matthias Meinharter (1) Matthieu Ricard (1) Mau Mau Uprising (2) Maurice Herzog (1) Mavericks Invitational (2) Maya Angelou (1) Maya Plisetskaya (2) Mayak nuclear (1) Mazen Maarouf (2) Me (3) Medal of Honor Warfighter (1) Mediastan (1) Meditation (3) Megan M. and Crystal B (1) Meggins (1) Meles Zenawi (3) Memphis Soul (1) Meningitis (3) Meringue (1) Mermaids (1) Mexico (1) Michael Bastian (1) Michael Dellabosca (1) Michael Grimm (2) Michael Hastings (2) Michael Hastings-Black (1) Michael Jackson (1) Michael Moore - Bowling For Columbine (1) Michael Quin (1) Michael Trimble (1) Michael Welty (1) Michel Collon (3) Michel Petrucciani (2) Mick Jagger (2) Mickey Baker (1) Mickey Mouse (1) MicrosoftResearch (1) Middle East (8) Middle East 2011 Kaleidoscope (1) Middle East Quartet (1) Mideast Peace Meeting 2010 (1) Mikhail Baryshnikov (1) Mikhail Kalashnikov (3) Mikhail Khodorkovsky (36) Mikhail Prokhorov (40) Mikimoto Kōkichi (1) Mikko Lagerstedt (1) Miko Peled (1) Millipede (1) Mimolette (1) Mindy McCready (1) Minecraft (14) Miriam Makeba (2) Miroslav Fidler (6) Misao Okawa (2) Misguided (1) Miso (1) Miss America 2012 (1) Miss Universe 2011 (1) Miss Universe 2013 (1) MisterEpicMann (1) Mistletoe (1) Mistletoe Kissing Prank (1) Mitt Romney Gangnam Style (2) MKUltra (1) Moa Bird (1) Mochi (1) Model Carley Watts (1) Mohammed Hussein Fadlallah (1) Moi Tribe (1) Moillusions (1) Monalisa (2) Monkey Callicebus Nigrifrons (1) Monkeys (11) Mono Sodium Glutamate (1) Monoamniotic Twins (1) Monster Trucks (1) Morgestraich (1) Moringa Oleifera (1) Moscow smoke 2010 (1) Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan (1) Mother Teresa (1) Motherhood quotes (1) Motorsport (1) Moulin Rouge (1) Mount Etna (1) Movember (3) Movie (1) Mozart Magic Flute (1) Mr Bean (1) Mr Lonely (1) MRSA (1) Mt Everest (2) Muammar Gaddafi (8) Muhammad Ali (1) Multatuli (1) Multiple Sclerosis (4) Munchies (1) Musée du Louvre (1) Music (6) Music Artist (3) Musician JJ Cale Dies (1) Muslim CocaCola (1) MV Lyubov Orlova (1) Mwai Kibaki (1) My Darling Clementine (1) My Dream (1) My favorite cartoon movies (4) My little cabbage (1) My Love Letter (2) My Sleep Profiler (1) Naga Sadhus (1) Nailympics (1) Nakba Day (1) Nanjing Massacre (1) Naomi Campbell (1) Napoleonic (1) NASA (7) NASA12222512 (1) Nascar (6) Natalie Fletcher (1) Natalie Jamieson (1) NATO (8) Nature (1) Nawal El Saadawi (1) Naxalite (1) Nay (2) Nazi (3) Neanderthal (2) Near-blind Frenchman Claudy Robin (1) Nelson Mandela (8) Nemo (1) Neocon Agenda (1) Nepal Earthquake (1) New Asterix (3) New Caledonia (1) New Orleans Mardi Gras (1) New Psycho Cybernetics (1) New Slow Loris (1) New Xbox One (1) New Year 2011 (1) New Year 2012 (2) New Year 2013 (2) New Year 2014 (3) New Year 2015 (1) New Year's Eve (1) New York (1) New York Fashion Week Spring 2014 (1) New York Pedicab (1) New Zealand Miners (1) News (3) News Archieves (14) News Links Note (39) NGC4526 (1) Niccolo Machiavelli (1) Nicholas D. 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Bush (1) Press (1) Prince Saud bin Abdul Mohsen (1) Princess Diana (1) Princess Madeleine (1) Professor George Pattison (1) professor T. 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MacDonald (1) Robin Williams (1) Robocop (1) Roboy (1) Roger Ebert (1) Rohingya (8) Rolling Stones (1) Romania (3) Rome (1) Romeo and Juliet (1) Romnesia (1) Romney Gangnam Style (1) Ron Mueck (2) Ron Paul (16) Ronan Dunne (1) Ronen Goldman (1) Rook (1) Rory Suchet (15) Rose Parade (2) Rosetta Stone (1) Rosoboronexport (2) Rotterdam's Chinese Light Festival (1) Royal Baby (1) Royal Wedding (1) RSA animate (5) RT (1) RT documentary (101) RT Yulia Shapovalova (2) Ruben Fulgencio Batista (1) Rui Palha (1) Russell Means (1) Russia (38) Russia Amphibious (1) Russia Black October 1993 (1) Russia Election (2) Russia Meteorite (3) Russia S-300 (1) Russia Victory Day Parade 2013 (2) Russia Victory Day Parade 2014 (1) Russia's fifth generation T-50 (1) Russia's Gazprom (11) Russian 9/11 (1) Russian Anti-Smoking Bill (1) Russian Babushkas (1) Russian Billionaire Andrey Melnichenko (1) Russian Billionaire Sergey Veremeenko (1) Russian Food Festival 2013 (1) Russian Skywalkers (1) RuSSian SoyuZ (2) Russian Spy (2) Russophobia (3) Rustem Adagamov (2) Rusty Schweickart (1) Rwanda Genocide (1) Ryan Travis Christian (1) S-300 SAM (1) Sabourjian (1) SAG Award 2013 (3) SAG Award 2014 (1) Saif al-Islam Gaddafi (2) Sakhalin island (1) Salena Jones (3) Salim Mia (1) Salma Hayek (1) Salman Rushdie (1) Salmonella (2) Salustiano Sanchez (2) Sam Bacile (1) Samantha Garvey (1) Samsung (4) Samuel J. 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"Thank you for your perception! I like your romantic side, even if I do not always comment and I'm glad that you're in my circle of friends."
(Courtesies by: Wolfgang A. Gerhardt)

Wolfgang A.Gerhardt : May be you like this Sunday collage

Cisca Zarmansyah : Before today, there never was a person doing this to me. You create a simple matter to look special. This is a special thing for me.

Cisca Zarmansyah : Thank you. I love it. I love you, my friend.

CieL- FreYa Ceastle : Hmm, he's so nice...

"I am me.
In all the world,
there is no one else exactly like me.
Everything that comes out of me
is authentically mine,
because I alone chose it --
I own everything about me:
my body,
my feelings,
my mouth,
my voice,
all my actions,
whether they be to others or myself.
I own my fantasies,
my dreams,
my hopes,
my fears.
I own my triumphs and successes,
all my failures and mistakes.
Because I own all of me,
I can become intimately acquainted with me.
By so doing,
I can love me
and be friendly with all my parts.
I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me,
and other aspects that I do not know
-- but as long as I am friendly
and loving to myself,
I can courageously and hopefully
look for solutions
to the puzzles and ways
to find out more about me.
However I look and sound,
whatever I say and do,
and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time
is authentically me.
If later some parts of how I looked,
and felt
turn out to be unfitting,
I can discard that which is unfitting,
keep the rest,
and invent something new
for that which I discarded.
I can see,
say, and do.
I have the tools to survive,
to be close to others,
to be productive,
and to make sense
and order out of the world of people
and things outside of me.
I own me,
and therefore,
I can engineer me.
I am me,
and I am okay."

(American Phychologist and Educator, 1916-1988)