Why is it that right-wing bastards always stand shoulder to shoulder in solidarity, while liberals fall out among themselves?
► http://www.the-bastard.com/index.php?section=25&page=3006

Afghanistan British Medic Among Foreign Aid Workers Ambushed And Killed By The Taliban
You, Cisca Zarmansyah and CieL- FreYa Ceastle like this.
Cisca Zarmansyah : Thank your lucky stars
http://michellemalkin.com/2010/08/08/taliban-executes-christian-medical-team-in-afghanistan-6-american-doctors-among-those-murdered/, #copy baracuda 767! IHY.
Michelle Malkin » Taliban executes Christian medical team in Afghanistan; 6 American doctors among.
Taliban executes Christian medical team in Afghanistan; 6 American doctors among those murdered.
Killed in cold blood: the British doctor who went to help in Afghanistan
A British doctor, Dr Karen Woo, was among ten aid workers ambushed and shot dead by gunmen in a remote area of northern Afghanistan.
Karen Woo: film tracks murdered doctor's doomed Afghan mission
Dr Karen Woo was killed by Taliban in Afghanistan while bringing medical aid to remote villages. Now her compassion for the country is revealed in a moving documentary, pieced together from video diaries by her fiance.
Pranay Suresh : by the same token, memsahib...

Disasters happen everywhere. This earth becomes older and more older.
► http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/china/2010-08/09/c_13435781.htm
► http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/photo/2010-08/08/c_13435652.htm

Deadly mudslide in China
Cisca Zarmansyah, Pranay Suresh and CieL- FreYa Ceastle like this.
Cisca Zarmansyah : The nature has its own way to destroy the lives of its inhabitants.
Almira Izzati: You know your real intentions. Please remember my suggestion last night. We love you, cutie
Cisca Zarmansyah : I love you all

Cisca Zarmansyah
and the subject is female!

Corto dirigido por Diego Barrera
You, Fairuz Azalia, Valentino Vie, Lakshmi Lavanya and 4 others like this
Cisca Zarmansyah : They are great artists that take big part in a great story which worked out by a great director.
Lakshmi Lavanya : and only those who understand it will understand, ie: you, C!
Cisca Zarmansyah The most handcuff of life steps isn't in the chain taut and heavy burden, but is on how to find the key that can release the shackle.
Cisca Zarmansyah : And the woman is crying with her black tears, but they will never drip in her cheeks. Why her tears are black? Because her tears seems like her tattoo...
Almira Izzati : wonderful![]()
Cisca Zarmansyah No one -- including me -- who would seriously laugh with a truncated childhood memories, but she must do so for the sake of freedom from shackles on her legs. And I'm sure the teddy bear is not bleeding, it's just... red!
Valentino Vie : Red is love , baby ...
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : Is male allowed to join in this program? I mean, I don't want to be present as an object, but also as a subject that complements the presence of a woman,... for example: you and me
Adriaan Zef : is it very near and dear to your heart? ..

"Esperma de Cueva"
Corto dirigido por Diego Barrera
You, Valentino Vie, Cisca Zarmansyah and 2 others like this.
Lakshmi Lavanya : I don't understand Spanish language!
Cisca Zarmansyah : so did I, but I can change the dialogue that I didn't understand with another dialogue in my heart. I call it as a Silence Dialogue.
Adriaan Zef :linetswinigeeno: http://www.theatricalarts.com/Site/Home.html. come on hon...... http://www.lacountyarts.org/
LA County Arts Commission - Homepage
Activities of the public agency which fosters the arts in Los Angeles County, including grant programs, performances sponsored, directory of county arts, and arts links.

Cisca Zarmansyah via Diego Barrera
You, Valentino Vie, Lakshmi Lavanya, Cisca Zarmansyah and 2 others like this.

Cisca Zarmansyah via Emilio Villa 'emi
You, Fairuz Azalia, Valentino Vie, Pranay Suresh and 3 others like this.
Almira Izzati : and it is overtime premium...! ....lol.....
Valentino Vie : Haiya my wife, please wake me up if I sleep away after we make love... I've to go early.
Cisca Zarmansyah : I really liked the sound of alarm, Noy. Especially when I had to put it close to your ear every morning...

Cisca Zarmansyah via Emy Barahona

You, Fairuz Azalia, Pranay Suresh, Lakshmi Lavanya and 3 others like this.
Pranay Suresh : it seems you both have the same taste in music

Amerika: New Right, Conservationist and Traditionalist Politics
Selfish individualism ruins civilizations by denying reality; eternal truths are the antidote. Science, Meritocracy, Rule of Law, Radical Honesty, Transcendental Idealism and conservative, family-oriented values.
You, Cisca Zarmansyah and Pranay Suresh like this.
Cisca Zarmansyah : How U.S. Economic Warfare Provoked Japan’s Attack on Pearl Harbor : http://www.independent.org/newsroom/article.asp?id=1930
www.independent.orgAsk a typical American how the United States got into World War II, and he will almost certainly tell you that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the Americans fought back.
Cisca Zarmansyah : Look at the social reality : http://www.corrupt.org/tags/social_reality
www.corrupt.orgGrowing up, my mother worked and also did a great job parenting three children who, I have to face reality, weren't always angels. She happened to work at the school we attended as soon as her last one was in Kindergarten.
CieL- FreYa Ceastle

www.westernyouth.orgIn the wake of Tuesday's racially-motivated shooting by Omar Thornton, the liberal media has twisted and turned in sickening fashion in another relentless quest to blame the victims.
Virginia NAACP Condemns Jim Webb
The Virginia NAACP vehemently disagrees with Jim Webb's article on
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : John F. Kennedy - Address on Civil Rights: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rS4Qw4lIckg&feature=player_embedded#!
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : Charles Sherrods Uncle Toms : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrcJ3cBDS7Y&feature=player_embedded

S Y N T H E S I S - Journal du Cercle de la Rose Noire.
www.rosenoire.orgThis is the extent of the knowable at present: there is the Self, and there is the Other. Between both terms lies the continuum which constitutes the playground and battleground of Life.
You, Fairuz Azalia, Cisca Zarmansyah and 2 others like this.
Cisca Zarmansyah : Mon cher Nino, dans la politique, tous les artistes sont des innocents. Et quand on les laisse seuls, ils peuvent s'épanouir ou se flétrissent, en fonction de leurs amusements qui ne peuvent pas être influencée. Et puis peut-être plus tard dans sa croissance causer ses ravages propre gloire ou à terme, elle doit dépasser la poussière qui se fond dans notre histoire.
Cisca Zarmansyah : Je vous manque tellement...:: http://www.nationaalrevolu
Valentino Vie : Les paupières de Cupidon flottement pendant un moment et les passions accumulées commencent à s'agiter comme les nuages de mauvais augure d'un orage. Moi, perdu à l'esprit, est soudainement actualisée et canalisé le désir se déchaîne avec toute la férocité d'une bête carnivore. Nos baisers sont soufflées et notre amour-flèches à pointes sont envoyés vers l'ouest sur les vents de désir aiguisé. Que les courants invisibles peuvent découler de moi à vous avec une force de pénétration invisibles, mais néanmoins ressentie par le cœur qui bat douce recevoir dans votre sein comme une horloge. La percussion témoin en tapotant un rythme sanguine et la régulation de la vie-force que je chéris au-delà de tout. Je l'écoute de votre approche, d'attente, comme une sentinelle consacré à un autre aperçu de votre beauté.

Capitalism is the extraordinary belief that the nastiest of men, for the nastiest of reasons, will somehow work for the benefit of us all...!
Pranay Suresh likes this.
Adriaan Zef : Oho....Leh We Tok
Adriaan Zef : ■ http://www.libertarianstandard.com/
Valentino Vie : Hey, let me remind you! The polite politics suggests art of politics as well mannered, got it?
CieL- FreYa Ceastle: I prefer the futuristic options..!

www.novembercoalition.orgWorking to end drug war injustice. The November Coalition is a non-profit, grassroots organization who are educating the public about the destructive increase in prison population in the United States due to our current drug laws.

Republic of Lakotah – Mitakuye Oyasin
Official Web Site of the Republic of Lakotah

Left libertarian content from around the web...
You and CieL- FreYa Ceastle like this.
Adriaan Zef : Love in the private sphere can be very sectarian. Thus a father could love his child to do anything for his child's success. A radical group can be so loved up sacrificing his life through suicide bombings. An ethic of solidarity was far from the two examples. Ethics of political solidarity in encouraging love on a new dimension: Public dimension. To love is to see others not as ideological enemies or objects, but as an equal political subjects. Loving means giving an opportunity for all perspectives to enter into a public discourse.
Valentino Vie : Since the Parliament of France in the 19th century, the term is also often associated with left-sense "progressive" and "alternative to the dominant power structure". In this sense, this polarization could be upside down. Precisely the socialist and Marxist ideas that was the right and reactionary.
Valentino Vie : In countries in post-communist decade in 1990, for example, instead of socialists and communists who advocate steps "regressive". They become defenders of the status quo and protecting the domination of the bureaucrats in the various state-owned industries. This group, with In other words, become the reactionaries in the true sense of the word. Conversely, liberals became burglar of "old" economic structure. They fight for the deregulation and privatization rapidly and simultaneously. They sought to eliminate the power base of the bureaucrats and support the emergence of an independent power of private entrepreneurs and efficiently. So, in the context of post-communist system, the liberals really into the progressive and alternative opposition. Liberalism, in other words, a radical leftist forces.
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