À l'occasion des quarante ans de la loi Veil (17 janvier 1975), nous portons à la connaissance de nos lecteurs ces trois textes d'Alain Soral traitant de la question de l'avortement, parus en 2002 et 2003 dans Jusqu'où va-t-on descendre? et Socrate à Saint-Tropez, réunis depuis 2008 dans les Abécédaires de la bêtise ambiante.
Il y a deux visions de l'avortement :
1) La vision progressiste, qui permet à une fille d'éviter d'être mère dans de trop mauvaises conditions pour elle et pour l'enfant (viol, accident contraceptif chez la fille trop jeune, trop grande précarité sociale...). Un avortement dont le droit à la récidive devrait être contrôlé, pour qu'une liberté acquise ne tourne pas au droit à l'irresponsabilité remboursée par la Sécurité sociale.
2) La vision réactionnaire, celle du «mon corps m'appartient» de la femme dégradée en jouisseuse consommatrice qui, ne voulant pas voir plus loin que ses désirs individualistes conçus comme des droits (c'est mon choix), a perdu tout sens du devoir; tout sens du lien de l'enfantement avec le sacré (donner la vie) et le collectif (perpétuer l'espèce).
Déresponsabilisation de l'individu et désacralisation de la vie qui conduisent aujourd'hui le législateur à porter à douze semaines la limite légale de l'avortement, en attendant plus, toujours plus... jusqu'à la banalisation planifiée de l'infanticide.
Inconséquence érigée en style de vie, pour que tourne à plein la société-du-désir-de-consommation, qui permet aujourd'hui à la «jeune fille moderne» d'être à la fois pour l'avortement le plus libre, contre la peine de mort (pour des coupables lointains mais pas pour l'innocent dans son ventre) et écologiste : toujours prête à laisser faire la nature, sauf quand celle-ci s'adresse directement à elle.
[Alain Soral, Jusqu'où va-t-on descendre? Blanche, 2002]
Avortement (1)
Parce que c'est mon choix
210 000 avortements par an en France pour 720 000 naissances, soit 30 % des futurs enfants qui passent à la poubelle. Un chiffre en hausse constante malgré trente-cinq ans de contraception remboursée par la Sécurité sociale. Contrairement à ce que les bien-pensants de gauche veulent nous faire croire avec leurs yeux humides, il ne s'agit plus d'une pratique marginale, extrême, désespérée, mais bien d'une pratique de masse désormais banalisée. Là où nous mène, entre autres, l'individualisme consumériste jouisseur et irresponsable à la C'est mon choix.
Avortement (2)
et fin programmée du sous X
Avant on cherchait plutôt à se débarrasser du poids de la filiation, à exister par soi-même et le projet, aujourd'hui on s'y complaît.
Parmi les victimes de ce néo-tribalisme de la vérité par l'origine, le plus lointain passé, l'héritage familial, communautaire, génétique... la remise en cause du sous X qui garantissait hier aux femmes l'anonymat à vie après un abandon d'enfant.
Combien d'émissions depuis quelques temps mettent complaisamment en scène de jeunes adultes (souvent des filles) exigeant, de façon geignarde et hystérique, que soit rompue cette promesse faite par l'État à la mère abandonneuse, au nom du droit de l'enfant.
Droit de l'enfant à quoi?
Outre l'incroyable mépris pour les parents adoptifs, ces parents qui sont les leurs en vertu de l'amour donné et compté pour rien, quand tout l'affectif se réinvestit de façon masochiste sur ceux qui n'en voulaient pas, quelle arrogance stupide et dangereuse de revendiquer comme un droit le fait de pouvoir influer – par une loi rétroactive – sur le hasard de sa naissance, de revenir sur ce qui devient d'autant plus irréversible qu'on le croit à ce point déterminant.
Et pourquoi pas demain, après des enfants attaquant leur mère au tribunal (toujours européen quand il s'agit de foutre la merde) pour les avoir confiés à l'adoption, des enfants d'ouvriers attaquant leurs parents pour avoir osé les faire naître chez des pauvres, ou des gros, ou des ploucs?
Quelle haute idée faut-il avoir de l'importance de sa lignée et de soi-même pour prétendre bouleverser des vies étrangères, souvent rebâties dans l'oubli difficile et la douleur, sous prétexte de se reconstruire; surtout quand, en fait de reconstruction, on risque de découvrir, derrière le drame de l'abandon, le drame encore plus noir et autrement traumatisant du viol ou de l'inceste...
À voir de plus en plus se déployer dans les médias cette étrange complaisance pour ce narcissisme pervers fait de surévaluation du passé, de froideur pour les parents adoptifs et de ressentiment pour la mère génétique, on peut se demander effectivement si la femme qui enfanta sous X n'aurait pas mieux fait, comme on l'y incite désormais, de recourir à l'avortement.
[Alain Soral, Socrate à Saint-Tropez, Blanche, 2003]
Wow, it's nice to talk about the baby, because it must be related to issues surrounding underwear and things in the underwear, both in women and men's underwears.
I dunno know for sure what the underlying thoughts of this France's sexy bald man, but my instinct says this is definitely the issue about sex, right? Hooray... sex, pregnancy, abortion and death.
Well, you may die at any time, unknown, somewhere, anywhere, based on the assumption that a right to stay alive means also a right to die, as long as you do not involve other people. But if you make other people die because of what you did, then your deeds will be rewarded with sanctions in the form of punishment, reinforced by legislation, written or implied.
Definitely, this problem requires too many sentences to simply say, "I need to arm myself of rape and pregnancy." Arming myself with a gun? Ah, it is always and always, the original idea of my partner. He said, "There is no shield around you when you are not with me, so you should know how to use this gun to protect yourself from rape, not only because this gun can protect you from an unwanted pregnancy, but also because rape is a severe insult on the degree of your femininity."
Then I imagine I'm laid to be raped by an ugly man, ... "Oh damn, why does he have to rape? Because I take the fight during the process when his penis trying to enter my vagina? What if I just shut up, no thrashing, and maybe eventually I decided to enjoy his treatment and I do not do the slightest physical resistance to reject an unknown penis enjoys my vagina?"
Then maybe I will lull my rapist with a sweet conversation begins with, "Hello, what's your name? Quel est votre numéro de téléphone? Quelle est ton adresse? Do you have a wife? Or how many wives can you have?" ... ehehehe ... Je ne sais pas, eehehhe ... Quel livre est à toi? Vas-tu manger sans moi? et... Ils ne s'habillent pas, ahahaa... It's not a rape, but self-introduction, Cisca! Yeah? Oh, I see. And one of my most eminent imagination is, "What it feels like being raped by Alain Soral?" Ohhh, ahahaha... it truly requires a reverse burden of proof, Cisca! You seriously like him? If yes, keep your feelings in a safe place, and stop imagining silliness. Be an elegant beautiful princess. Sell yourself as expensive as possible, and do not go on sale, you know? There are many gorgeous sluts in France. And today you are talking about rape, not prostitution, even though we know that the sluts can also be raped. And it requires a further investigation to determine whether a prostitute would be offended if she was raped, or whether she will be treated appropriately when she demands her rights as a good woman such as a nun or a holy virgin.
This topic will be able to lead us to divert journalistic style into story, yes, story. We can start from the title, "Abortion, Women's Rights over Their Body and the Aspects of Social Protection." or abortion in terms of ethics, Christian, Islamic, whatever their religion, yes, religion, ...
Many perspectives, but despite the variety, I never asked you to, "Let's Talk About Love", for example, ehehee ... you know, all of this feels very boring without practice, right? I mean: making love, not abortion.
Life is so precious. To all women, please do not perform abortions if it is not based on medical considerations. Crime and abortion: well, ideologically, it is the fruit of secular social system. Haha, until this sentence I'm speechless, imagining abortion as a woman's conscience.
I think this issue needs to be elaborated and enlightened to the parties that take one side of the debate, namely the traditional perspective that actually override the interests of women themselves. In fact, as a moral agent, every woman has the ability that can be used to act morally, so that she has an obligation and responsibility, and can be held responsible for her actions. Ability I mean here in the form of reason, freedom and willingness. With this capability, the moral agent can make a moral judgment before acting, in order to avoid wrongdoing, morally.
From the moral point of view, abortion has its own assessment. This is a reality, we live in a pluralistic age, no exception in terms of morality. Every day we meet with people from ethnic, social layer region and different religions. In the direct and indirect meetings with various layers and groups we witnessing or dealing with a wide range of views and attitudes which, in addition to having a lot in common, has also many differences and even contradictions. Each view claims to be the most correct view and valid. Apparently, the unity of normative order is not there anymore. Faced with such a situation, we finally ask, but what we ask is not just what is our duty and what is not, but what norms to determine what should be regarded as a liability.
More and more human way of thinking changed. Man is not a dead stone and "fanatical". Since time immemorial, there have been many ways of thinking, such as rationalism, individualism, nationalism, secularism, materialism, consumerism, religious pluralism, as well as the way of thinking and modern education that has a lot to change the cultural environment, social and spiritual community.
There are still many people trapped in a culture of shame where notions such as "respect", "reputation", "good name", "prestige" are emphasized. When people commit a crime, it is not considered a bad thing, but to be hidden from others. Not because of the evil deed itself is considered important, but the important thing is that evil deed will not be known to avoid embarrassment. Penalties in shame culture comes from outside, from what is said and think of others.
When an issue is not discussed, when most people shut up or do not want to hear, this does not mean the issue is unimportant. In fact, when something is considered taboo, then it becomes a big problem. The lack of space to talk about sex becomes the cause why the abortion rate is increasing every year. Society does not have access to information about sexuality and reproductive health that should be their right.
Labelling "illegitimate child" is also a disgrace to the family and frightening specter for women who want to maintain their fetuses. Women have always been the victims, they are subordinated in law, culture and even in their own reproductive rights. Uterus, where the fetus grows is under the women's control as owners of the means of reproduction have always been linked as a matter of women, women's fault. Meanwhile, men seem to be a separate part in this problem.
It is time we do not see the concept of pro-choice and pro-life as a delimiter. There is a free space between them. Therefore, the issue of abortion is a very complex issue, can't only be viewed from the standpoint of religion, law, or medical course. Abortion should be viewed comprehensively, because this is not a stand-alone issue. There are various factors that can be seen, including religious, social, economic, and others. During this time, when the public and the government to talk about abortion, the victims are always women, whereas there are many reasons why women have abortions, including the participation of men who have not seen as part of the process in unwanted pregnancies.
Jeez, I'm not happy with the lineup of these words. The problem is, here I'm talking about abortion while I and my partner -- before I could finally get pregnant, thank God, -- even always talk about to adopt a baby.
Although at that time my partner always showed his patience in waiting and waiting, but there was a time I saw him -- at the end of a deserted road, without friends -- talking alone, while the sound of crickets singing chattering at midnight...
He spends his days as if it is an endless life
He fondles this life without a chance to think
Seconds and dust mingled, joking in dim twilight
Breath and sweat mingling, will change into spoiled dews
He is still waiting for tomorrow, even without certainty
He's always staring at tomorrow, though without any decision...
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