► 1 January 2016 : The emotional landscape has changed abruptly, leaving you to wonder about the complexities of relationships. This unexpected shift can mark the start of something new as cracks appear in a brittle shell that once kept you safe. It's time to emerge and face the world on your own terms, so don't get sidetracked by trying to repair the breach. Instead, dream about all the potential ahead for the baby chick once it is free from the nest.
► 2 January 2016 : Listening to the voice of reason isn't easy today as relationship tension tugs at your heartstrings. Unfortunately, your words are more inflammatory than you realize, especially if you impulsively open your mouth before considering anyone else's feelings. Thankfully, you can reduce the negative impact of your rash reaction by simply remembering to be respectful of other people's perspectives. In the final analysis, acting for the good of all brings more emotional satisfaction than only looking out for yourself.
► 3 January 2016 : You're swept up in a whirlwind of cosmic energy as you naively attempt to untangle your emotional attachments. You might try to take an impartial approach to relationships today, but you still could encounter a block until you make a tough decision. Not surprisingly, the right choice now may alter the trajectory of your life. Luckily, your clear intentions help you to cast the current circumstances in a positive light, empowering you to walk fearlessly into the future.
► 4 January 2016 : Withholding your thoughts today may be a sensible strategy, even if it's not easy to remain silent. Your key planet Mars is anxiously squaring contentious Mercury, making it exceptionally tough to speak your mind without blowing your cool. Even if you can keep your feelings under wraps for a while, you're likely to let loose later in the day. There's no question about it; the less you say now, the more peaceful your life is. Discretion is the better part of valor.
► 5 January 2016 : You're already busy networking with your friends and associates these days because Mercury has set up shop in your 11th House of Groups. However, as the Trickster turns retrograde, you begin to reconsider your career strategy and want to share your revised goals with your peers. Discussing your future is a prelude to the pragmatic planning that must follow as you imagine the possibilities ahead. What you talk about today is the foundation for all your tomorrows.
► 6 January 2016 : You may be so blinded by your own plans now that you could blur the lines between your true ambitions and your immediate need for some excitement. You might even be attracted to danger as your desire to flush your system with adrenaline overtakes your logical mind. It's okay to push your own boundaries, but be conscious and cautious about intruding into someone else's safe space.
► 7 January 2016 : You can't contain your excitement today as the obstacles to pursuing your happiness seem to fall away. You may be buzzing with anticipation about an upcoming adventure, but satisfaction isn't as close as you think now. Don't be flippant about the complexities you must manage or you could miss the nuggets of wisdom waiting to be discovered. If you're truly serious about your goals, you just might be able to execute your plans flawlessly. Humility is the ticket to your success.
► 8 January 2016 : Giving someone the cold shoulder isn't nice, even if you want to send a message of disapproval today. Withdrawing support isn't helpful if your response is actually based on your current fear of the unknown. It's more productive to engage in an honest discussion about the cause of your concerns without throwing any blame around. However, don't expect the tension to dissipate immediately. A river cuts through rock not because of its power but because of its persistence.
► 9 January 2016 : Assuming you have the right to boss people around won't necessarily demonstrate your ability to lead in the way you wish. Although the Capricorn New Moon intensifies your 10th House of Status, people are more likely to follow you when they see you're walking your truth, not when you run around barking commands at them. Ironically, you can produce the lasting impact you want if you adopt a gentler approach in all your interactions. In fact, all you need to do now is take responsibility for your own actions and hope others will do the same.
► 10 January 2016 : You're so sure you must be practical today that you're likely to put your dreams on hold and channel all your energy into producing tangible results. It isn't that you're incapable of acting sensibly; it's just your irrepressible need for independence comes out when the Moon enters unconventional Aquarius this afternoon. But be forewarned this is not a smart time to burn bridges by alienating anyone who supports you. Instead, find ways to speak your truth without instigating a fight. When in doubt of your next move, remember Mr. Spock's Vulcan proverb, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
► 11 January 2016 : You're so sure you must be practical today that you're likely to put your dreams on hold and channel all your energy into producing tangible results. It isn't that you're incapable of acting sensibly; it's just your irrepressible need for independence comes out when the Moon enters unconventional Aquarius this afternoon. But be forewarned this is not a smart time to burn bridges by alienating anyone who supports you. Instead, find ways to speak your truth without instigating a fight. When in doubt of your next move, remember Mr. Spock's Vulcan proverb, "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
► 12 January 2016 : You are driven by a powerful desire to experience the thrill of sensual enjoyment today and are drawn toward anything that stimulates an emotional buzz. Your nerves are on edge and you don't want to wait for satisfaction. Thankfully, your irrepressible spontaneity can be expressed creatively. Take a chance and cross to the wild side of the street while sexy Venus aligns with rebellious Uranus in your sign. Sometimes you have to risk going too far in order to discover how far you can go. Poet Robert Frost wrote, "Freedom lies in being bold."
► 13 January 2016 : You are poised in anticipation, eager to ride the fluctuating waves of contradictory energy. You believe that maintaining a positive attitude will overcome all challenges, but you may have underestimated the power of the cosmic tides now. A smarter strategy could be to retreat and reevaluate your plans today, instead of futilely pushing against the currents. A steadier pace improves your chances of reaching your destination. By practicing a little patience, you can transform your unbridled optimism into tangible results.
► 14 January 2016 : You're quite sure of your ability to perform the impossible today, even if your energy is dispersed over too many projects. Although your current confidence is refreshing, it might very well seem out of place. You understand you should take your commitments more seriously, but you possess an irrepressible certainty that everything is going to play out just the way you planned. Thankfully for you -- and annoyingly to others -- your intuition is probably right on the mark. Allowing events to unfold organically now could magically lead to success.
► 15 January 2016 : You are known for your willingness to run ahead of the pack, whether or not the Moon is visiting your impetuous sign. Nevertheless, the Aries Moon provokes you to say yes quickly now, without considering alternative paths. Meanwhile, the Moon's harmonious alignment to karmic Saturn in your 9th House of Future Vision requires you to find a more reliable route to success, even if it means you won't get there as soon. Don't jump on the fastest horse today, because learning a meaningful lesson along the way might be more important than reaching your destination.
► 16 January 2016 : There's an overload of excitement in the air today, yet you have no way of knowing what might happen next. Contrary to your reputation, you actually enjoy a bit of stability but drudgery can weigh you down, prompting you to crave dramatic change. Although you prefer to call the shots, you're definitely not in charge now. Accept reality's challenge by letting go and trusting that someone else will step in and do the right thing. Knowing what you can and can't control is the sign of true wisdom.
► 17 January 2016 : Although the recent cosmic energy keeps spinning you in circles, wonderful experiences and amazing opportunities continue to open your eyes. In fact, you're not ready to let the good times slip away without one last attempt to capture the gold. Luckily, the stars are on your side now, but you could end up offending someone if you don't know when to quit. It's likely that everyone can tell when you're exaggerating, so be honest and stick to the facts. Thankfully, speaking the truth won't impede your success or interfere with your fun if you keep the fuss to a minimum.
► 18 January 2016 : It seems as if everyone is in a tizzy over the storms appearing on the radar. Meanwhile, you're busy rounding up a search party to go out and locate all the potential rainbows. It's not that you are in denial of the danger lurking ahead; it's just that you can see the good in almost anything today -- whether it's there or not. Others may think you're acting recklessly, but you figure that someone has to believe in the silver lining hiding in the dark clouds, even if it doesn't really exist.
► 19 January 2016 : It seems as if everyone is in a tizzy over the storms appearing on the radar. Meanwhile, you're busy rounding up a search party to go out and locate all the potential rainbows. It's not that you are in denial of the danger lurking ahead; it's just that you can see the good in almost anything today -- whether it's there or not. Others may think you're acting recklessly, but you figure that someone has to believe in the silver lining hiding in the dark clouds, even if it doesn't really exist.
► 20 January 2016 : Starting new projects can be quite exciting since you can't wait to see what's next. Although your mind is on fire with lots of amazing ideas, you're not interested in jumping into an unstable set of circumstances just for the thrill factor. But you need to know that even the most brilliant plans you initiate now might not produce tangible results for at least another week. Take your time and make sure you're working toward sensible goals before you set out in a new direction.
► 21 January 2016 : Engaging others at work may be a struggle today because the super-sensitive Cancer Moon encourages you to find shelter behind a solid wall. You might find yourself worrying about personal matters, distracting you from your assigned tasks. You could even ask for extra time off to take care of a family matter now. Ultimately, increasing your efficiency on the job helps you create a little magic. Completing tasks quickly is the first step to gracefully balancing your private and public obligations.
► 22 January 2016 : You've been surfing the waves of change with such concentration that you forgot to give much thought to what you will do next. Now that you have a little time to contemplate life, you can begin to see how much has already shifted at the workplace. Nevertheless, tread lightly today; there are still more twists and turns ahead. Don't let any words slip out of your mouth before you consider the effects of your message. Think first, talk later.
► 23 January 2016 : You might believe the strength of your convictions is enough to overcome a challenging relationship issue now. The Leo Full Moon emphasizes your 5th House of Self-Expression, possibly triggering an emotional outburst that can help your cause as long as you remain reasonable. Don't ride roughshod over other people's feelings; if you inadvertently offend anyone, be gracious and apologize as soon as you realize your mistake. Rather than fanning the flames of drama today, let it go. Take the high road and move forward to love.
► 24 January 2016 : Instead of complaining about the weekend chores that are still on your plate today, quickly prioritize the tasks and decide which ones can be temporarily set aside with no ill effects. It's healthy to make time for guilt-free fun while the creative Leo Moon is kicking up her heels in your 5th House of Play. Although you're eager to join in social activities, you're not sure how much personal freedom you must sacrifice to be a part of the group. Risk-taking is favored now; the only way to discover your limits is to jump on the bandwagon and embrace the unknown.
► 25 January 2016 : You might have thought all was sitting pretty within your world, but it becomes apparent today that something was wrong all along. You may not be able to fix it immediately, but that won't stop you from trying now. Keep in mind that your tendency to impulsively respond to a crisis isn't always the most productive solution. Putting things right is going to take some serious time and thought. Proceed with great determination but don't expect miracles overnight.
► 26 January 2016 : You have been trying to manage career-related issues based on old information while Mercury did its retrograde dance in your 10th House of Profession. Although you made valiant efforts to move forward, your thinking was stuck in the past. However, it's now time to let go of recent events and get serious about executing your plans. Although you may temporarily lack confidence, don't seek security by looking back. It will take a few days until you gain enough objectivity to see that you're truly on the right track.
► 27 January 2016 : You have been trying to manage career-related issues based on old information while Mercury did its retrograde dance in your 10th House of Profession. Although you made valiant efforts to move forward, your thinking was stuck in the past. However, it's now time to let go of recent events and get serious about executing your plans. Although you may temporarily lack confidence, don't seek security by looking back. It will take a few days until you gain enough objectivity to see that you're truly on the right track.
► 28 January 2016 : You might think you're being incredibly flexible today and that everyone should just fall in line with your plans. However, your faulty assumption could lead to awkward relationship dynamics as others tire of acquiescing to your demands. Don't wait for someone to lose their temper before you are willing to listen to their concerns. Acknowledging your rigidity around certain issues creates a focal point for a conversation. Talking it out gives you the best chance for working things out to everyone's satisfaction.
► 29 January 2016 : Your natural tendency to run the show can be blown out of proportion today. Your ability to visualize the best way to complete a project tempts you to exert control over your coworkers. But you may be so certain of your plan that you miss what your associates are bringing to the table. Relaxing the rigidity of your single-mindedness will be a relief to everyone, including you. There are many roads that lead to the same destination. A healthy exchange of ideas produces a successful collaboration.
► 30 January 2016 : Pursuing your career goals may take up a lot of your mind power today, leaving little energy left over for your regular weekend activities. But it's nearly impossible to separate the realistic objectives from idealistic fantasies. Nevertheless, you're more concerned with your own dreams than with the opinions of anyone else. Unfortunately, you might not be capable of achieving success now without the help of others. Whether you like it or not, it really does take a village.
► 31 January 2016 : You're itching to change the course of events today, but others aren't likely to follow your lead. Your impulsive nature acts as a red flag for some people, especially since you can jump to conclusions without the necessary facts to support your unconventional plans. Nevertheless, it's in your best interest to go ahead and be as inventive as possible now, but don't assume anyone else will join in your parade. Marching to the beat of your own drum is still more exhilarating than sitting around waiting for something to happen.
■ 26 April 2015 : Serving healthy foods with a smile may entice students to eat better
Well it's very good indeed. I also always thank my partner every time we reach sexual orgasm simultaneously, although to be honest, lately, I can reach orgasm because I'm imagining having sex with another man. And he never knows I always say sorry, too, in my heart, whenever I thank him for every interaction between us. I do not know what should be decided for our long relationship. I'm shackled by a dilemma. I want to go away, forever, every time I should be involved in "talks to sit" with my partner.
■ 21 December 2015 : Wired for gaming: Brain differences in compulsive video game players. Brain scans reveal new connections that are potentially beneficial, harmful
■ 4 January 2016 : Sugars in Western diets increase risk for breast cancer tumors and metastasis. Study in mice points to sugar's impact on inflammatory pathways as culprit
■ 5 January 2016 : Twin study estimates familial risks of 23 different cancers
■ 19 January 2016 : Slow heart rate does not increase risk of heart disease
■ 28 December 2015 : Midnight Snacks Might Damage Your Brain, Study
■ 8 January 2016 : Chocolate Is More Effective In Treating Persistent Cough Than Codeine, Study
■ 15 January 2016 : Boost Your Mental Health By Cultivating Your Interest in Arts, Says Study
■ 18 January 2016 : Flavonoids May Reduce Risk Of Erectile Dysfunction
■ 18 January 2016 : Fiber And Sugar In Food Influence The Quality Of Your Sleep
■ 19 January 2016 : Sleep Problems Cause Stroke Risk Among Elderly
■ 22 January 2016 : Want to Sleep Better? Include Fiber Rich Foods in your Daily Diet
■ 22 January 2016 : Texting Late at Night Hurts Teens' Academics, Sleep, Study Says
■ 24 January 2016 : Kind Drivers Live Longer Than Road Ragers, Study
■ 4 January 2016 : Soup up your diet! Food blogger reveals the healthy meals bursting with flavour that will stop you going hungry in 2016
■ 5 January 2016 : Just ONE hour of jogging or swimming a week is 'more effective in fighting obesity than counting calories'
■ 12 January 2016 : Having lots of siblings means you're 'at greater risk of behavioral problems and falling behind at school'
■ 14 January 2016 : EXCLUSIVE: Mel Gibson's 24-year-old girlfriend is sick of 'negative attention' at relationship with anti-Semitic rant actor who is same age as her mother (but this picture shows she wasn't always so shy)
■ 16 January 2016 : El Chapo had 'erectile dysfunction and received a testicular implant while on the run after exchanging steamy texts with Mexican soap star Kate del Castillo'
■ 19 January 2016 : Cocaine 'turns brain cells into CANNIBALS': Drug causes neurons to 'literally eat themselves'
■ 25 January 2016 : 'We haven't had to buy clothes for her in a year': Meet the adorable two-year-old Instagram mini model who designers are falling over themselves to dress
► BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY 2 December 2015 : Study: Exposure to violence leads to unethical behavior
► LIVE SCIENCE 19 December 2008 : U.S. Teens Portrayed as Violent, Unethical
► ANADOLU AGENCY 21 December 2015 : Economic crisis affects Greeks' health
► PRI 4 January 2016 : After six years in prison, an Iranian blogger sees a very different Internet
► NATIONAL REVIEW 22 December 2015 : 'It's Because I’m Black, Isn't It?' Obama : People Don't Like Me Because I'm Black
► TELEGRAPH 24 January 2013 : Lightning may cause headaches
Lightning could cause headaches and migraines, according to researchers who found that people are 25 per cent more likely to develop symptoms on the day of a strike.
► FOX NEWS 30 December 2015 : Lack of sleep may lead to overeating, study shows || ► SLEEP FOUNDATION : Lack of Sleep May Increase Calorie Consumption
► INDEPENDENT 11 January 2015 : Constance Hall: The story of the Perth mother and blogger who really just wants 'a bottle of wine and a hot boyfriend'
► NEW YORKER 15 January 2016 : Beauty Blogging in Dubai
► HEALTH NEWS 12 January 2016 : 5 Mental Blocks That Are Ruining Your Sex Life
■ 20 January 2016 : The Fashion Blogger Behind We Wore What
■ 20 January 2016 : The Most Mystifying Lines of Sarah Palin's Endorsement Speech
► GIZMODO 20 January 2016 : The US Military Wants a Chip to Translate Your Brain Activity Into Binary Code
► ECONOMIC TIMES 21 January 2016 : Mawlynnong: 'India's cleanest village' clings on to its serenity
■ 23 January 2016 : Breast milk protein could be used in fight against antibiotic resistance
■ 25 January 2016 : Deaths in Japan and Taiwan as record cold snap hits east Asia. At least 95 people die as record-low temperatures in region bring snow and ice cause flight cancellations and leave thousands stranded
► HOLLYWOOD REPORTER 24 January 2016 : 'Southside With You': Sundance Review || ► MASHABLE 24 January 2016 : Sundance review: 'Southside With You' transcends 'Obamas first-date movie'
► INDIAN EXPRESS 30 JAnuary 2016 : Google celebrates Amrita Sher-Gil’s 103rd birthday with ‘Three Girls' doodle || ► TIMES OF INDIA 30 JAnuary 2016 : Google tribute to Amrita Sher-Gil with 'Three Girls' doodle
► NATIONAL 30 January 2016 : Day in the life: Food for thought from Dubai vegetarian blogger
► INDEPENDENT 28 January 2016 : Cervical cancer: Model and blogger shares photo of her cervix to encourage women to get smear tests
► NEWS HEALTH 22 January 2016 : 5 Signs You Might Be 'Skinny Fat' || ► FOX NEWS 28 January 2016 : 5 signs you might be 'skinny fat'
► GUARDIAN 29 January 2016 : Dolce & Gabbana fashion range celebrates same-sex families || ► NY POST 29 January 2016 : Dolce & Gabbana celebrate same-sex marriage with new bag
► NEWS & POLITICS : An Urgent Christmas Message from Stefan Molyneux. Published on Dec 24, 2015 by Stefan Molyneux
► ENTERTAINMENT : 10 Countries That May Not Survive The Next 20 Years. Published on May 7, 2015 by Top Lists
► NEWS & POLITICS : Putin Declares War On The Luciferians. Published on Dec 29, 2015 by The Alex Jones Channel
► ENTERTAINMENT : President Obama on Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee w/ Jerry Seinfeld. Published on Dec 31, 2015 by Bad TV
► NEWS & POLITICS : Two giant asteroids heading towards Earth. Two monster-sized asteroids heading towards earth at 43,000 miles per hour. While our planet is safe, many earthlings see various omens and danger. Lionel of Lionel Media discusses the thin line between science and the images created by media with Manila Chan. Published on Dec 28, 2015 by RT America
► FILM & ANIMATIONS: Deadpool | Official Trailer 2 [HD] | 20th Century FOX. Based upon Marvel Comics’ most unconventional anti-hero, DEADPOOL tells the origin story of former Special Forces operative turned mercenary Wade Wilson, who after being subjected to a rogue experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers, adopts the alter ego Deadpool. Armed with his new abilities and a dark, twisted sense of humor, Deadpool hunts down the man who nearly destroyed his life. Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Morena Baccarin, Ed Skrein, T.J. Miller, Gina Carano, Brianna Hildebrand. Published on Dec 25, 2015 by 20th Century Fox
► PEOPLE & BLOG : Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Trailer (2016) - Paramount Pictures. Watch the trailer for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows! Coming to theatres and Real D 3D June 3, 2016. Starring: Megan Fox, Will Arnett, Alan Ritchson, Noel Fisher, Pete Ploszek, Jeremy Howard, Stephen Amell, Tyler Perry, Brian Tee, Laura Linney, Sheamus, and Gary Anthony Williams. Director: Dave Green. Producers: Michael Bay, Brad Fuller, Andrew Form, Galen Walker and Scott Mednick. Writers: Josh Appelbaum & André Nemec. Published on Dec 9, 2015 by TMNT Movie
► FILM & ANIMATIONS: Star Trek Beyond - Trailer (2016) - Paramount Pictures. From director Justin Lin comes STAR TREK BEYOND starring Idris Elba, Chris Pine, Simon Pegg, Zach Quinto, Zoe Saldana, John Cho, Anton Yelchin and Karl Urban. In theaters July 22nd.
Paramount Pictures Corporation (PPC), a global producer and distributor of filmed entertainment, is a unit of Viacom (NASDAQ: VIAB, VIA), a leading content company with prominent and respected film, television and digital entertainment brands. Paramount controls a collection of some of the most powerful brands in filmed entertainment, including Paramount Pictures, Paramount Animation, Paramount Television, Paramount Vantage, Paramount Classics, Insurge Pictures, MTV Films, and Nickelodeon Movies. PPC operations also include Paramount Home Media Distribution, Paramount Pictures International, Paramount Licensing Inc., and Paramount StudioGroup. Published on Dec 14, 2015 by Paramount Pictures
► ENTERTAINMENT : Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them - Announcement Trailer [HD]. In theaters November 2016! Published on Dec 15, 2015 by Warner Bros. Pictures
► FILM & ANIMATIONS: Happy Zoo Year! The new trailer for Zootopia featuring Shakira's new single "Try Everything", is here! Watch now and see the film in theatres in 3D March 4! The modern mammal metropolis of Zootopia is a city like no other. Comprised of habitat neighborhoods like ritzy Sahara Square and frigid Tundratown, it’s a melting pot where animals from every environment live together—a place where no matter what you are, from the biggest elephant to the smallest shrew, you can be anything. But when rookie Officer Judy Hopps (voice of Ginnifer Goodwin) arrives, she discovers that being the first bunny on a police force of big, tough animals isn't so easy. Determined to prove herself, she jumps at the opportunity to crack a case, even if it means partnering with a fast-talking, scam-artist fox, Nick Wilde (voice of Jason Bateman), to solve the mystery. Walt Disney Animation Studios' "Zootopia", a comedy-adventure directed by Byron Howard and Rich Moore and co-directed by Jared Bush, opens in theaters on March 4, 2016. Published on Dec 31, 2015 by Walt Disney Animation Studios
► FILM & ANIMATIONS : The Martian - Honest Trailers. Published on Jan 5, 2016 by Screen Junkies
► FILM & ANIMATIONS : Independence Day: Resurgence | Official Trailer [HD] | 20th Century FOX. We always knew they were coming back. After INDEPENDENCE DAY redefined the event movie genre, the next epic chapter delivers global spectacle on an unimaginable scale. Using recovered alien technology, the nations of Earth have collaborated on an immense defense program to protect the planet. But nothing can prepare us for the aliens’ advanced and unprecedented force. Only the ingenuity of a few brave men and women can bring our world back from the brink of extinction.
In Theaters - June 24, 2016. Cast: Liam Hemsworth, Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, Judd Hirsch, Vivica A. Fox, Brent Spiner, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Jessie Usher, Maika Monroe, Sela Ward. Directed by Roland Emmerich. Published on Dec 13, 2015 by 20th Century Fox
► ENTERTAINMENT : The Conjuring 2 - Official Teaser Trailer [HD]. The supernatural thriller brings to the screen another real case from the files of renowned demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren. Reprising their roles, Oscar nominee Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson star as Lorraine and Ed Warren, who, in one of their most terrifying paranormal investigations, travel to north London to help a single mother raising four children alone in a house plagued by malicious spirits. The Conjuring 2 in theaters June 10, 2016. Published on Jan 7, 2016 by Warner Bros. Pictures
► PEOPLE & BLOG : The Walking Dead: Mid-Season Premiere Trailer. Published on Dec 30, 2015 by tkkarle1
► GAMING : Clash of Clans: Traps (Official TV Commercial). Here's the true story of a Clasher named S3RVANT who taught 15 giants how to fly. Published on Jan 7, 2016 by Clash of Clans
► ENTERTAINMENT : Suicide Squad - Official Trailer 1 [HD]. Worst. Heroes. Ever. See SUICIDE SQUAD in theaters August 5th. Published on Jan 19, 2016 by Warner Bros. Pictures
► NEWS & POLITICS : The Rise of Sexual Terrorism | Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux. As dozens of sexual assaults by Syrian refugees on New Years Eve rock the country of Germany, Barack Obama moves forward on his gun control executive action. Stefan Molyneux joins Infowars to speak with Alex Jones about the hidden truth about the Crusades, the history of slavery, gun control, the addiction to power and the importation of a true rape culture. Published on Jan 9, 2016 by Stefan Molyneux
► PEOPLE & BLOG : SNOWBOARDING WITH THE NYPD. Published on Jan 24, 2016 by CaseyNeistat
► Nomads of Mongolia
► Leftfield "Head and Shoulders"
► The White Mountain
► Eclectic 3.0: The Roads Less Traveled
► Firefighters tackle Dubai blaze after all-night effort, investigate cause
► Turkish presidency says Erdogan's Hitler comments misconstrued
► 'Unforgettable' singer Natalie Cole dead at 65
► Saudi Arabia executes 47, including Shi'ite cleric - RIYADH - Saudi Arabia executed 47 people for terrorism it said, an apparent message to both Sunni Muslim jihadists and Shi'ite anti-government protesters that the conservative Islamic kingdom will brook no violent dissent.
* Yemen's Houthis condemn execution of 'holy warrior' Nimr
* Iranian cleric predicts fall of Saudi government over execution
► Somali al Shabaab militants use Donald Trump in recruiting film
► White House: more time needed for new Iran missile sanctions
► Iran reacts with fury after Saudis execute Shi'ite cleric - By Sam Wilkin and Angus McDowall
DUBAI/RIYADH - Iranian protesters stormed the Saudi Embassy in Tehran as Shi'ite Muslim Iran reacted with fury to Saudi Arabia's execution of a prominent Shi'ite cleric.
* Shi'ite Muslims worldwide decry execution of Saudi cleric
* Executed Saudi preacher gave voice to anger of Shi'ite minority
* U.N. chief 'deeply dismayed' by executions, calls for restraint
► Putin names United States among threats in new Russian security strategy
► Saudi Arabia cuts ties with Iran as row over cleric's death escalates
► Iran says Saudi Arabia looking to fuel tensions
DUBAI - Saudi Arabia used an attack on its embassy in Tehran as a pretext to fuel tensions, Iran's foreign ministry said in response to Riyadh's severing of relations, adding that Tehran was committed to protecting foreign diplomatic missions.
* Factbox: Troubled history of Iran-Saudi relations
* Syrian rebel group backs Saudi move to cut ties with Iran
► China stocks slump 7 percent on opening day of 2016, trading halted for first time
► Quake strikes South Asia; toll reaches nine dead, nearly 200 injured
► Obama's gun control options have legal pitfalls - By Robert Iafolla
President Obama is expected to announce new gun control curbs this week, but he will have to decide whether to take bold action that would likely spark a major legal challenge from opponents or a more cautious route that may be less effective, legal experts said.
* Seeking momentum on gun control, Obama to take case to public
► Saudi Arabia recruits Sunni allies in row with Iran
► Volkswagen faces billions in penalties as U.S. sues for environment violations
► Wall Street begins year sharply lower after China selloff
► Obama, in State of Union speech, to draw contrast with Republican 'gloom'
► U.S. may send more strategic weapons to Korean peninsula: South Korea
► Four teenagers suspected of raping woman in N.Y. playground in custody
► Drug lord 'El Chapo' closer to trial in U.S. - By Frank Jack Daniel
MEXICO CITY - Mexico is formally starting extradition proceedings against captured drug lord Joaquin 'El Chapo' Guzman, the government said, in the strongest sign yet it intends to send him to the United States.
* 'Chapo' Guzman's hometown mourns his downfall
► Trump hammers away at Cruz on citizenship - By Doina Chiacu
WASHINGTON - Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump hammered away at his closest challenger's eligibility to be president, while the party's Senate leader said the chamber will stay out of the fray involving Ted Cruz's citizenship.
* Clinton says she did not get classified information through email
► Republican lawmakers worry about running on Trump's coattails
► Indonesia identifies militants, arrests others over attack
► Nuclear sanctions lifted as Iran, U.S. agree on prisoner swap
► Rouhani hails 'golden page' in Iran's history - By Bozorgmehr Sharafedin
DUBAI - President Hassan Rouhani hailed a nuclear deal with world powers as a "golden page" in Iran's history, and looked forward to an economic future less dependent on oil as the country emerges from years of sanctions and isolation.
* Released Americans have not left Iran yet: senior Iranian official
* EU officials to visit Iran in February to develop energy ties
* Iran to boost oil exports by 500,000 bpd after sanctions: Shana
► Oil slides to lowest since 2003 as Iran sanctions lifted
► European stocks look to fight out of the global gloom
► Obama declares emergency in Michigan over bad water: White House
► High fish consumption in pregnancy tied to brain benefits for kids
► Air pollution and traffic fumes tied to infertility risk
► Russia's Putin probably approved London murder of ex-KGB agent Litvinenko: UK inquiry
► Massive snowstorm poised to wallop U.S. East Coast
► Waiting for the storm - By Ian Simpson
WASHINGTON - Washington D.C., New York and other East Coast cities readied fleets of snow plows, airlines canceled flights and residents stocked up on groceries ahead of a winter storm expected to dump up to 30 inches of snow.
* When snow blows, the nation's capital can't seem to cope
* What to expect when you're expecting two feet of snow
* Video: U.S. braces for "monster storm"
► World Economic Forum in Davos - Davos 2016
► Snow blankets Washington - A thick layer of snow covered Washington D.C. area as a potentially record-setting blizzard arrived on the East Coast, paralyzing road, rail and airline travel from North Carolina to New York.
* Video: 'We'll get through the storm' - New Jersey governor
* Flood threat, not snow, concerns NY, NJ coastal cities
* Slideshow: Blizzard of 2016
► Michael Bloomberg may launch independent U.S. presidential bid: source
► New York rebounds after blizzard, Washington shuts down government
► Islamic State video purports to show Paris attackers, threatens Britain
► Oregon occupation leader Bundy urges remaining protesters to go home
► Trump steps up attacks with 'bimbo' tweet before Fox News debate
► Russia says studying proposal for global oil production cuts
► Trump overshadows Republican debate even as he sits it out
► Debate rolls on without the elephant in the room - By John Whitesides and Ginger Gibson
DES MOINES, Iowa - Donald Trump may have been physically absent from the Republican presidential debate on Thursday, but his shadow loomed large.
* Trump draws full house at own event as he snubs Fox News
* Bloomberg run could boost Trump's bid for White House: poll
* Live blog: See how the evening went down
► Germany's Merkel says refugees must return home once war is over
► Turkey says Russian jet violated its airspace again, warns of consequences
► GREAT DEBATE : Podcast: Why the Iran-Saudi showdown is a gift to ISIS
► New Year: fireworks in Hong Kong
► New Year: fireworks in Bangkok
► North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un gives annual New Year's address
► India's smog-shrouded capital pulls cars off roads
► Dubai probes cause of massive New Year's Eve hotel fire
► Saudi Arabia executes 47 people, including top Shiite cleric
► Israeli forces press manhunt for gunman in Tel Aviv
► Sunni and Shiite Muslims
► 'Members of the Saudi diplomatic mission' in Iran land in Dubai
► Chinese stock markets closed as shares plunge 7%
► The Schengen area. Sweden on Monday imposed controls on travellers arriving from Denmark to try to curb an influx of refugees, prompting knock-on measures from Denmark that triggered fresh concern for Europe's Schengen passport-free zone. The Schengen Area is a 26 nation passport-free zone. It is one of the foundations of the European project, enshrining the fundamental right to free movement. VIDEOGRAPHIC
► Charlie Hebdo anniversary edition goes to print
► In Syria regime bastion, Russian 'guests' feast for free
► Thousands demonstrate against Saudi Arabia in Baghdad
► Japan sushi boss pays $117,000 for endangered tuna
► France begins one-year commemorations of Charlie Hebdo attack
► Zidane cheered at first Real Madrid training session
► Turkey finds drowned bodies of 21 migrants, including children
► The Koreas: Sixty years of conflict
► North Korea nuclear test 'grave provocation': Seoul
► N. Korea leader touts 'thrilling sound' of H-bomb in test order
► Cologne mayor under fire over advice to women after NYE attacks. Cologne's mayor Henriette Reker has come under fire for advising women to keep strangers "at arm's length" following dozens of apparently coordinated sexual assaults against women on New Year's Eve in the western German city.
► Chavez images disappear from corridors of Venezuela legislature
► Libya oil storage tanks set fire during IS assault
► Man shot dead attacking police on Charlie Hebdo anniversary
► France remembers Charlie Hebdo attacks one year on
► Knife-wielding man shot dead by Paris police
► Cologne gripped with fear, anger after New Year's Eve rampage
► More than 50 dead in bombing at Libya police school
► Egypt Red Sea resort rocked by knife attack
► Mexico returns drug lord 'El Chapo' to prison after capture
► Gulf monarchies back Saudi Arabia in row with Iran || ► Arab League chides Iran in Saudi Arabia row
► British music legend David Bowie loses battle with cancer
► World Food Programme prepares aid for Syria's starving
► Israel receives new submarine bought from Germany
► Terror attack strikes fear in Istanbul tourists
► Suicide attackers hit Indonesian capital, Jakarta
► Al-Qaeda attack on Burkina Faso hotel kills 20
► Chinese president in Saudi Arabia to boost profile
► WFP: Nearly 2.5 million people face hunger in Central Africa
► Marriage contract signed by Napoleon, Josephine up for sale
► French artist paints graffiti tribute for Paris victims
► Mammoth 'Snowzilla' blizzard blankets Washington
► China president starts Iran visit
► In US capital, residents brave 'Snowzilla' to go sledding
► Syria: Kerry arrives in Zurich to meet Lavrov
► Zika virus expected to spread across Americas
► Pope urges Iran to promote political solutions in Middle East
► Iran President Rouhani greeted by French PM || ► Hollande to Rouhani: France is "committed to human rights"
► Shark swallows shark in Seoul aquarium
► Trump: Bill Clinton 'One of the Great Abusers'
► Raw: Hong Kong Skyline Lights Up on New Year's
► Raw: New Year's Celebration in Beijing
► Times Square Ready For New Year's Eve!
► Raw: Fire Breaks Out at Dubai High-Rise
► Raw: Dubai Rings In New Year With Fireworks
► Raw: Europeans Mark New Year with Icy Plunge
► Trump: 'Clinton Created ISIS with Obama'
► Shiites Protest Saudi Execution of Cleric
► Militia in Oregon says Members Ready to Fight
► Sheep Found After Six Years Gets A Trim
► Obama: Gun Actions Consistent with 2nd Amendment
► Raw: Berlin Zoo Welcomes Baby Elephant
► Tom Coughlin Has Final Message For Eli, Giants
► Obama Cries Over Deaths From Gun Violence
► Raw: Heavy Rainfall Floods, Closes Calif. Roads. Parts of California were slammed with the first major El Nino storm of the season on Tuesday, dealing with heavy downpours that closed some roads and jammed commutes. Another storm is set to roll into Southern California on Wednesday.
► Clinton Praises Obama's Executive Action On Guns || ► Trump Rails Against Obama's Executive Gun Action
► NKorea Says It Tested Hydrogen Bomb
► House GOP Sends Health Law Repeal to Obama
► Protesters Disrupt Trump Rally Despite Screening
► Raw: SKorea Broadcasts Propaganda Into North
► Mexican Drug Lord 'El Chapo' Guzman Recaptured
► Video Shows Philadelphia Cop Shooting || ► Gunman: Philadelphia Cop Shot in Islam's Name
► Raw: Iran Shoots 'Provocative' Rocket Fire
► Raw: Captured Mexican Drug Lord Shown to Media
► $949 Million Powerball Winning Numbers Announced
► Trump: US Going To Hell If Supporters Don't Vote
► New Yorkers Strip To Underwear In Winter Chill
► Raw: Mexican Marines Raid 'El Chapo' Safe House
► Sean Penn Defends 'El Chapo' Interview
► Obama's Final State of the Union Address
► Raw: Iran Releases US Sailors
► Islamic State Claims Deadly Jakarta Attacks
► Calif. Store Owner Gets Symbolic Lottery Check
► Trump Comments on Iran Hostage Release
► Sanders, Clinton Boost Criticisms During Debate
► Raw: Somalia Restaurant Attack Kills At Least 20
► DeVito: "We Are A Bunch Of Racists". At the Sundance Film Festival, Danny DeVito, Don Cheadle and Sam Neill respond to the Oscars diversity controversy, saying that the industry as a whole needs to change.
► Bei Bei Plays In Bucket Of Snow
► Raw: Washington Monuments Blanketed in Snow
► Giant Panda Tian Tian Frolicks in Snow
► Blizzard Brings Much of East Coast to Standstill
► Sanders, Obama Have 'Constructive' Meeting
► Raw: Prisoners Escape In Brazil After Explosion
► Trump: I Received Unfair Question During Debate
► Sanders Blasts Republicans, Trump, Clinton
► DiCaprio Meets the Pope
► El Nino Cliff Erosion Puts Calif. Homes at Risk
► Raw: Iran Says It Flew Drone Over US Carrier
► Raw: Italy Protest Against Legalizing Gay Unions
■ Imprisoned Saudi blogger's health deteriorating, wife says
■ Al-Shabaab Releases Recruitment Video Featuring Donald Trump
■ Obama, frustrated by Congress, plans unilateral gun control steps
■ 'Unforgettable' singer Natalie Cole dead at 65
■ Bill Cosby's wife must testify in civil case against him, judge rules
■ 'Trump is disgusting': Skywriters slam White House hopeful
■ Shi'ite Muslims worldwide decry execution of Saudi cleric
■ Iranian protesters damage Saudi embassy in Tehran
■ Putin names United States among threats in new Russian security strategy
■ New York governor orders homeless off streets in freezing weather
■ Bill Clinton kicks off tour for wife's presidential campaign
■ Allies follow Saudis in cutting ties with Iran amid tensions
■ Megyn Kelly says Donald Trump once tried to 'woo' her
■ Obama moves to require background checks for more gun sales
■ GOP targets President Obama's plan for executive action to increase gun control
■ 'No reason' for Russia to view US as threat: Pentagon
■ Hillary Clinton Says She Will Investigate UFOs and Area 51 to "Get to the Bottom of It"
■ This Muslim Blogger Makes An Important Statement About Beauty
■ South Korea resumes propaganda broadcasts hated by the North
■ State faulted for 'incomplete' record searches under Clinton
■ Seeking support for gun actions, Obama tears into the NRA
■ Gun owners grill Obama at town hall, NRA sits it out
■ Yuri Andropov Would Drop Assad Like a Hot Kartoshka
■ Cartel expert says Sean Penn, del Castillo could be in serious danger
■ Venezuela's Maduro admits economic 'catastrophe'
■ Ted Cruz really wants you to watch this video of Donald Trump discussing his 'New York values'
■ Sanders says he supports repealing gun manufacture immunity
■ Czech leader says Muslim integration 'practically impossible' in Europe
■ End of Europe? Berlin, Brussels' shock tactic on migrants
■ This Sanders-Clinton debate clash sums up the entire Democratic race
■ At Liberty University, Donald Trump again stumbles when discussing religion
■ Only On AP: Oldest Christian monastery in Iraq razed
■ Conservatives unite to condemn Donald Trump as a "menace"
■ Mammoth 'Snowzilla' blizzard blankets eastern US
■ Lenin watches on over increasingly indifferent Russians
■ Iran says new U.S. sanctions illegitimate
■ Ted Cruz went into 'maniac' mode to mock Donald Trump for boycotting the debate
■ Microcephaly: What is happening to the babies?
■ Chicago Police Have Been Sabotaging Their Own Dashboard Cameras on Purpose
■ Exclusive: EgyptAir mechanic suspected in Russian plane crash
■ 40 percent of Germans want Merkel to quit over refugees: poll
► CELEBRITY : Legendary Artist David Bowie Dies at 69
► GOOD MORNING AMERICA : More Than 75 Million People Could Be Impacted by Snow Storm
■ Death for Bangladesh blogger killers
■ Obama considers unilateral action on US gun violence
■ Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr: Saudi Arabia executes top Shia cleric
■ Turkey faces big losses as Russia sanctions bite
■ Tel Aviv shooting: Netanyahu warns Israeli Arabs
■ Mexico shooting: Mayor Gisela Mota killed in Temixco
■ US set for year of fear
■ Iran-Saudi crisis 'most dangerous for decades'
■ Turkey urges calm in Saudi-Iran row - The Turkish government urges Saudi Arabia and Iran to calm their diplomatic row, criticising the actions of both and urging regional peace.
* Why Iran and Saudi Arabia are rivals
* A most dangerous crisis
* Profile of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr
* Sunni-Shia: Islam's ancient schism
■ World's largest blue star sapphire 'found in Sri Lanka'
■ Are you mad or criminal, asks US gun seller
* New gun laws 'will save lives' - Obama
■ How Russia's relationship with Europe has evolved
■ Barack Obama accuses NRA of misleading US over guns
■ US gun control: What is the NRA and why is it so powerful?
■ 'El Chapo': Sean Penn interviewed Guzman before recapture
■ Rare pictures of the last 10 years of Gandhi's life
■ My Day: Prakash the Bharatpur bird guide
■ Jakarta attacks: Indonesia's new breed of militants
■ The giant glass slipper church of Taiwan
■ El Chapo: Seven things we did not know last week
■ Iran condemns US missile-test sanctions - Iran denounces new sanctions by the US over its ballistic missile programme, a day after economic sanctions are lifted.
* Iran nuclear deal: Key details
* Analysis: Back in business for now
* Video Rouhani: 'Iran is reliable'
* Iran's press ecstatic
■ Operation Desert Storm: Last of its kind
■ Bernie Sanders: 17 things the Democratic socialist believes
■ Is France's unloved AZERTY keyboard heading for the scrapheap?
■ Does America need to change how it elects its presidents?
■ 'Putin is corrupt' says US Treasury
■ How has the US gun lobby been so successful?
■ Battle for Iowa: Trump and Sanders play outsider card
■ US election: The 11 cards that sum up the Republican race
■ Diet debate: Low-fat or high-fat - does it matter?
■ Parents urged to get free sugar app to check products
■ Blocking brain inflammation 'halts Alzheimer's disease'
■ New alcohol guidelines: What you need to know
■ Zika virus: Outbreak 'likely to spread across Americas' says WHO
■ Legend of the penis-eating fish - The candiru is thought to munch on human genitals
■ Do Neanderthals count as 'humans'? - It is hard to draw the line between humans and apes
■ A 7-day guide to boosting your mood - Proven psychological tricks to feeling happier
■ The do' and don'ts of genius
■ The clean water that no-one will drink
■ 'Case is made' for Anthropogenic Epoch - by : Jonathan Amos/ Science correspondent
■ Comet Wild 2 dust 'ballistics' probed in 3D
■ Europe settles on design for Ariane 6 rocket - by : Jonathan Amos/ Science correspondent
■ Astronomers discover largest solar system
■ 'Anti-IS group' claims BBC website attack
■ Mark Zuckerberg to build AI (Artificial Intelligence) to help at home and work
■ CES 2016: A look at the first tech announced in Vegas
■ Google translated Russia to 'Mordor' in 'automated' error
■ Peach app is flavour of the month
■ Apple in 2016: Is the mighty iPhone in decline?
■ Davos 2016
* How robots are changing workplaces
* Expose cyberbullies says Berners-Lee
* Trudeau reassuring on Canada economy
* Where the real deals are done at Davos
► ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT : David Bowie dies of cancer aged 69
* Live Reaction and tributes
* Obituary: David Bowie
* Stars pay tribute
* A life in pictures
* Rock star David Bowie leaves $100m in will
■ An island paradise you haven't seen - This coastline "surpasses all others in charm and beauty"
■ Indonesia's real-life Robinson Crusoes - This couple has spent 40 years on a desert island, living in utter isolation
► MAGAZINE : The little car you can drive in France without a licence
■ The 10 biggest Oscar upsets of all time - This year's controversial nominations continue a long trend
■ The man who created Paris - How a modern city was born
► 10 Things - Which thriller did Reagan recommend to Thatcher? 10 things we didn't know last week
■ "A cockroach who dances well does not do it when the foul is present" - Sent by Kojo Asare, Japan
■"Life, like a wheel, turns" - A Setswana proverb sent by IndomitableGg Phaladi, Gaborone, Botswana
■ "The camel that burnt in the maize field knows what a fire is" - A Somali proverb sent by Ali Ahmed, Kenya
► Saudi Arabia executes 47 people, incl prominent Shiite cleric, on terror charges
► 7 killed in gun battle after terrorists storm Indian airbase near Pakistani border
► Coulda been a contender: MMA fighters knocking themselves out
► Iran to develop 5,000-km range missiles in response to US sanctions
► New fire in Dubai tower engulfed in flames on New Year's Eve (PHOTOS,VIDEOS)
► At least 2 dead, several injured in Tel Aviv shooting, terror attack suspected (VIDEO)
► How not to New Year: 380 injured by fireworks in Philippines, 800 cars torched in France
► Ukrainian nationalists celebrate birthday of Nazi collaborator Bandera with torch-lit marches
► Several injured as French military guarding mosque open fire on 'ramming' car
► Over 22,000 Iraqi civilians killed & injured in violence in 2015 – UN
► Did Brussels let 'terrorists win' by cancelling New Years' fireworks display?
► Iranians storm & set ablaze Saudi embassy in Tehran to protest Shiite cleric's execution
► Turkish military kills nearly 300 Kurdish rebels in raids – General Staff
► Saudi Arabia cuts diplomatic ties with Iran over embassy storming
► India quake death toll rises to 9, up to 200 injured
► Star Wars, dead pigs, and PM carried from stage: Scandal ruled Ukrainian politics in 2015
► Uproar in Middle East after Saudi Arabia executes top Shiite cleric LIVE UPDATES
► Armed militia, incl. Bundy bros, occupy forest reserve HQ in Oregon, call 'US patriots' to arms
► 'Any differences?' Iran Supreme Leader's cartoon equates ISIS with Saudi Arabia after executions
► #OregonUnderAttack: People slam lack of govt action after Bundy's militia takeover in Oregon
► Bernie bucks: Sanders smashes Obama record with $33mn from individual donors
► I want to believe: Hillary Clinton says aliens may have visited Earth
► 4 brand new elements discovered by Russian, Japanese & US researchers
► Dozens wounded after Taliban suicide truck targets US convoy in Kabul
► Obama executive action to expand background checks on gun sales
► Bahrain, Sudan sever ties with Iran, UAE reduces number of diplomats
► Crimea turns on gas supply to freezing Ukrainian town
► Erdogan cheers Kurdish leaders' prosecution as crackdown intensifies
► Collective punishment or deterrent? IDF demolishes, seals off attackers' homes in Jerusalem
► Sagebrush rebellion: What's at stake in the Oregon standoff
► Facebook censors photo of Denmark's Little Mermaid statue for 'sexual undertones'
► Drug dealers impregnating 'young white' girls in Maine heroin epidemic – governor
► FBI arrests 2 Iraqi refugees, charges them with terrorist links, supporting ISIS
► Leader of armed Oregon militia rejects county sheriff offer to end standoff
► Seoul restarts propaganda warfare, deploys artillery at border following North nuke test
► FBI arrests 2 Iraqi refugees, charges them with terrorist links, supporting ISIS
► White House calls Iran deal success as Republicans aim at showdown
► 'Mrs Merkel invited me': Cologne assailants' 'shameful' acts detailed in police report
► If 'rich Europe' shuts doors to refugees, entire world will follow – UNHCR chief
► Trump will scrap £700mn Scottish investments if banned from UK
► 'You touched my nurse': Russian doctor hits & kills patient in hospital (VIDEO)
► US flies B-52 over Korean peninsula in demonstration of 'strength & capabilities'
► Sean Penn interview helped catch notorious Mexican drug lord 'El Chapo'
► US releases video it says shows Iranian rockets fired near American aircraft carrier
► 'H-bomb of justice': Pyongyang brings up Iraq & Libya doom as nuclear deterrence justification
► 3 in 4 Dutch voters oppose EU association agreement with Ukraine – poll
► Bill Clinton warned Tony Blair of Saddam Hussein 'nightmare'4yrs before Iraq War
► 'Can't arrest a robot': Snowden's hi-tech disguise surprises audience at Vegas convention
► School in northern France evacuated over bomb alert
► World would be more balanced if Russia asserted national interests from outset – Putin
► ISIS ran major crossing operation through Turkey-Syria border, seized docs reveal – report
► Unknown men stage attacks on immigrants in downtown Cologne
► Over 160 civilians, incl. unborn child, killed in Turkish crackdown on Kurds – report
► Rock legend David Bowie dies aged 69 after long battle with cancer
► Burkina Faso hostage siege over: 126 freed, at least 23 killed in Islamist attack
► 'Ghost' woman from Colombia takes El Chapo's DEA most-wanted spot
► Western-imposed sanctions against Tehran to be lifted Saturday – Iranian FM
► Austria deploys army to halt migrants intending to transit through Germany
► 'West using Madaya, humanitarian crisis in Syria to undermine peace talks' – Russian dep envoy to UN
► Spacewalk cut short because of water in astronaut's helmet
► Russian activists propose international boycott of Charlie Hebdo
► ISIS massacres 280 civilians for 'cooperation with the Syrian army' – reports
► Hillary Clinton calls for new Iran sanctions due to missile test
► Iran's 'golden page' in history: Rouhani sees economic windfall as sanctions lifted
► 6 Canadians, 4 Ukrainians, American among 28 killed in Burkina Faso attack aimed at 'white people'
► N. Korea to US: Stop drills, sign peace treaty if you want end to nuclear tests
► Russian researchers plan nuking asteroids for EU defense project to avoid fate of Dinos
► DiCaprio would like to star as Putin
► 'We are not afraid': Jakarta residents stage anti-ISIS rally as attack death toll rises to 8
► DiCaprio as Lenin? Russia's oldest film studio Lenfilm ready for 'action'
► US sanctions illegal as American arms used against Palestinians, Yemenis - Iranian FM
► Red Cross disputes Bild claims starving Madaya residents are 'pro-govt actors'
► US Treasury imposes new ballistic missile sanctions on Iran
► Israeli army sweeps West Bank after 'Palestinian terrorist' stabs mother of six at settlement
► Expectation v reality: Watch Falcon SpaceX rocket fall & explode attempting barge landing (VIDEO)
► Study that found diet drinks help to lose weight was funded by…Coca-Cola & PepsiCo
► Muslims 'practically impossible' to integrate into Europe - Czech president
► Clinton, Sanders tussle over Wall St, gun control, chemical weapons in pres debate
► Russia will return to European assembly only after powers restored in full – MP
► Duma committee rejects Communist bill targeting 'public demonstration of homosexuality'
► Russia to respond to NATO Black Sea force by deploying new weapons - report
► 'No bulls**tting? White should be on top?' US hangs Russian flag upside down at Lavrov-Kerry talks
► 7 dead after suicide car bomb explodes near Russian embassy in Kabul (VIDEOS, PHOTOS)
► Putin offers Russian refuge to European Jews facing anti-Semitism
► 'Secret wife' of Saudi prince reveals monarchy's mysteries
► East Coast blizzard: 9 dead as New Jersey gov. declares state of emergency
► Refugees claim ISIS militants living among them in Germany
► 'They caused problems': CIA involved with Gitmo inmates' suicides – former guard to RT
► Russia, US agree to have 2 rebel delegations at Syria peace talks - reports
► Dashcam captures road blast that left 9 police, 1 civilian injured in Turkey (VIDEO)
► Trump says he could shoot somebody on 5th Ave and still not lose loyal voters
► Iran bans re-export of Turkish goods to Russia, aims for tighter economic ties
► Severe blizzard & thundersnow captured from space cloaking East Coast (PHOTOS)
► 'Pure fiction': Kremlin comments on BBC's probe about 'Putin's money'
► 1 killed as Ammon Bundy, 4 others arrested in Oregon amid shots fired – FBI
► Bibi vs. Ban? Israeli PM accuses settlements-slamming UN chief of backing Palestinian 'terrorists'
► First cases of Zika virus detected in Arkansas, Virginia
► Israeli defense minister says ISIS funded with 'Turkish money'
► China warns George Soros: Don't go to 'war' against our currency
► Russia to overcome corruption slowly but surely - Putin
► There they go again: US mulls anti-ISIS operations in 'liberated' Libya
► N. Korea to launch long range missile 'next week' – report
► Witnesses confirm Khodorkovsky's role in assassinations – attorney
► FBI releases video of shooting death of Oregon protester
► 'RT best example of what television should be' – Serbian film director Kusturica
► Man with 2 guns, ammo & Koran arrested in Disneyland Paris
► France to recognize Palestinian statehood if peace efforts fail – FM Fabius
► White House accusations aimed at Putin are insults – Kremlin spokesman
► 10,000 kids missing in EU as criminals 'exploit' migrant flow – Europol chief of staff
► Lavrov, Kerry hold last-minute phone call ahead of Syria peace talks in Geneva
► 12 bodies found at Moscow’s burning factory, murder & arson suspected – reports
► First Zika medical test developed in Germany
► Turkey says Su-34 violated airspace, Moscow shrugs off report as 'propaganda'
■ Oil falls below $28 per barrel as Iran sanctions lifted
■ Russia wants free trade zone with Hong Kong
■ 'The only thing Washington has not blamed Iran for is global warming'
■ Why a freedom fighter was killed to fit Saudi Arabia's hawkish narrative
■ Saudi execution aimed at provoking regional bloodbath
■ Does the state present a bigger threat than ISIS if you're black in America?
■ Oregon standoff: Are the Bundy brothers 'terrorists' or just 'trivial'?
■ 'A Wahhabi Muslim Brotherhood': More escalation ahead in Saudi-Iran crisis
■ Washington lining up House of Saud for the chop?There's nothing wrong with crying. Crying is an expression of emotion or feeling. As an ordinary person, a president is okay to cry. Even this cry action can be a credit point politically, because it seems to indicate the president has a sensitivity to the people's suffering. However, the problem, the action of crying can turn into a political burden, if the President then fails to provide a solution fair, peaceful and reassuring people. This cry of action will likely be considered just a theatrical or theatrical, or more ridiculous: a political joke. What the American's people need is real action of the president to solve the problem, which is still not yet seen its bright spots.
■ Criminalizing children in the name of national security
■ Europe: Demoralized, invaded and violated
■ Merkel's welcome message to migrants was 'rather stupid' – UKIP MEP
■ Indonesia snubs Saudi 'anti-terror' coalition... then its capital gets hit
■ China wades into the Iran-Saudi swamp - By : Pepe Escobar
■ Davos is the problem, not the solution
■ Bernie Sanders' supporters 'frustrated with emerging low-wage police state'
■ Endgame for sanctions? Russia and the West move towards common ground
■ Where is the West's compassion & condemnation following terror attacks in Middle East?
■ Putin becomes target of bizarre personal attacks as West's regime-change policy fizzles
■ Drone buzzes Christmas lights spectacular in Moscow center
■ New Year's Eve inferno: At least 20 of 63 stories of Address Downtown Dubai Hotel on fire
■ Festive fireworks light up night sky as New Year is welcomed in Moscow
■ 2015 top stories: Russia (not) isolated?
■ 'Trump is disgusting': Skywriters troll Donald Trump from high above California
■ Super-cute Baikal seals master sax playing & painting
■ Iran blacklash: Saudi embassy stormed over execution of cleric Nimr al-Nimr
■ Israeli TV reporter stabbed & injured demonstrating knife-proof vest
■ RAW: World's most-wanted drug lord 'El Chapo' Guzman captured for the third time
■ Cologne naked protest: Swiss artist performs nude after NYE sex assaults
■ Declassified footage: Iranian vessels fire rockets near US aircraft carrier in Strait of Hormuz
■ Putin: I'm no friend, bride, groom to West, I have to protect people. The fall of the Berlin Wall and USSR did not unite Europe, but only moved the division line eastwards. The West still declares Russia an enemy each time that Moscow takes an independent stance and asserts its national interests, President Putin told Bild.
■ Obama delivers his last State of the Union address
■ First Footage: Moment of US sailors detained by Iran
■ Power Struggle: Infighting makes it difficult to stop ISIS in Libya
■ Arctic infantry test drive new Ruslan ATV on mountainous snow in Russia
■ Bild attacks starving Madaya refugees as 'actors' in RT report
■ The Keepers Of Leopard Land: Endangered Lives (RT Documentary)
■ Army repressing Palestinians - Israeli girl refuses to enlist, gains widespread support
■ Accepted but not welcomed: Refugees face difficulties as moved to troubled US areas
■ Ban Trump from Britain: UK govt outraged by Republican's comments on Muslims
■ Putin 'probably' approved killing of ex-KGB spy Litvinenko - UK inquiry
■ RT journalist attacked by knife-wielding gang in Calais
■ Saudi airstrike in Yemen kills at least 20 civilians incl rescuers, MSF paramedic
■ 'Secret wife' of late Saudi king to reveal monarchy's mysteries in UK film
■ Putin: a 'picture of corruption' or just another mere allegation
■ Crazy 1000 ft fall: Female skier survives terrible crash at Alaskan mountain
■ Topless FEMEN 'hangs' herself on Paris bridge to protest Rouhani's visit
■ Tit for Tat: Russia denies SU-34 violates Turkish airspace on Friday
► Inside Story - Ethiopia's dam: a source of conflict or cooperation?
► The world in 2015: are we becoming more polarized?
► The People's Health - Brazil's Real Drugs War
► AJEats - Istanbul: Turkish cuisine at a crossroads
► Counting the Cost - What does 2016 hold for the global economy?
► Inside Story: Stern message from Saudi Arabia
► Witness - Paris: Voice of the Suburbs
► Inside Story - Starvation as a tool of war in Syria
► Inside Story - Stripping dual nationals of French citizenship
► Inside Story - Can Obama's gun control plan work?
► Inside Story - Syrians facing starvation: is there any hope left?
► AJEats - Reykjavik: Iceland's recipe for survival
► Inside Story - Who is responsible for Syria's malnourished children?
► Saudi Arabia vs Iran: Beyond the Sunni-Shia narrative - The Listening Post (Full)
► Counting the Cost - What's behind China's stock market meltdown?
► Inside Story: Can a new constitution heal Sri Lanka's wounds?
► Inside Story - How much support will Saudi Arabia win against Iran?
► Inside Story - What will stop Oregon standoff?
► Inside Story - New laws bar Syrians from taking refuge in Lebanon?
► Inside Story - What's Ankara's plan now to deal with the ISIL threat?
► 101 East - Bangladesh: Too Young to Wed
► UpFront - Saudi Arabia vs Iran: Who is to blame for the row?
► Inside Story - What's behind the falling price of oil?
► Poland: The EU's media freedom conundrum - The Listening Post (Full)
► Talk to Al Jazeera - When Taliban offer you gold: Afghan youth in crisis
► Inside Story - Can Iraq's government stem rising sectarianism?
► Counting the Cost - Oil economics: Behind the Saudi Aramco IPO
► Inside Story - A new era for Iran?
► Inside Story - How to bridge the inequality gap?
► Inside Story - Why is Chinese economy slowing?
► Al Jazeera World - Defying My Disability
► Inside Story - Dismantling the social fabric of Iraq
► People and Power - Belarus: Europe's last dictatorship || ► People and Power - Belarus: Europe's last dictatorship
► Inside Story - Is the global economy headed for another crash?
► 101 East - Out of Sight: Malaysia's Orang Asli
► Egypt's media: Revolution and reality - The Listening Post (Full)
► Counting the Cost - Davos 2016: Tackling oil challenge and inequality trap
► Inside Story - Is Tunisia's revolution really over?
► TechKnow - The US digital divide: Who gets high-speed Internet?
► Witness - Australia: Creating a Nation
► Inside Story - China looks to bolster its Middle East reach
► Inside Story: Can Egyptians recover their 'lost' revolution?
► Inside Story: Will Syria war settlement talks make any difference?
► Al Jazeera World - The Village That's Dying. Akincilar is a small village on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. It has lived through Cyprus' turbulent, modern history, including the island's civil war in the 1960s and its division in the 1970s when Turkish Cypriots moved north, and Greek Cypriots moved south. Akincilar, like many rural communities the world over, has experienced the outflow of young people seeking opportunities in big cities. But Akincilar's decline from a bustling town of 5,000 to a village of 350, almost frozen in time, has to do with its geographical location, the division of Cyprus, and the island's complex history. This film explores Akincilar's past and present through the eyes of three residents.
► Inside Story - Denmark migration law: A sign of things to come?
► Geneva Peace Talks: What stands between Syria and peace?
► 101 East - Behind Closed Doors: Domestic Violence in Australia
► UpFront - Hans Blix on the threat of nuclear war. In this episode of UpFront, we speak with Hans Blix, the former UN chief weapons inspector, about North Korea's alleged nuclear test, the rise of ISIL and the Iran nuclear deal.We also speak to Noam Chomsky about the global impact of the US presidential election and the rise of Islamophobia. And, we debunk some of the most viral stories about North Korea and its leader.
► Talk to Al Jazeera - Sri Lankan president: No allegations of war crimes
► Inside Story - Is there any hope for the Syria talks?
► Killing the messengers: Afghan media under fire - The Listening Post (Full)
► Inside Story - Will Syria's warring sides reach negotiating table?
■ DANIEL D'ADDARIO : The Hidden Danger of Making a Murderer and Other True Crime Entertainment
■ CARLY FIORINA : We Must Tackle the Addiction Crisis
■ RANA FOROOHAR : Why Oil Prices Should Stay Low Despite Saudi-Iranian Tensions
■ JEFFREY KLUGER : How Four New Elements Got Seats at the Periodic Table
■ STEPHANIE ZACHAREK : Cinematographer Extraordinaire Vilmos Zsigmond Could Light Up the Night, and the Daytime Too
■ IAN BREMMER : These Are the Top 10 Risks to the World in 2016
■ CHARLOTTE ALTER : Here's the Secret to Sticking to Your New Year's Resolution
■ ALEX FITZPATRICK : Why General Motors Is Investing $500 Million in Lyft
■ RANA FOROOHAR : Blame Politics for China's Market Meltdown
■ KAREEM ABDUL-JABBAR : The New Year's Resolutions America Needs to Make
■ DARLENA CUNHA : 'Where's Rey' Proves Kids Are Light Years Ahead of Toy Companies
■ JOE KLEIN : Why Race and Tribe Trump Economics In the Current Presidential Campaign
■ HANNAH BEECH : The Political Fallout of North Korea's 'H-Bomb' Test
■ IAN BREMMER : These 5 Facts Explain the Worsening Saudi-Iran Rivalry
■ CHARLOTTE ALTER : Money Can't Buy You Self-Esteem (if You're a Woman)
■ MATTHEW BOWMAN : The Bundys Are Stuck in Mormonism's Past
■ MICHAEL SCHERER : What You Missed While Not Watching the Debate
■ KARL VICK : Why Iran Is Being Nicer — for Now
■ CHIRLANE MCCRAY : New York Values Are Foreign to Ted Cruz
■ JEFFREY KLUGER : The Tale of the Pakistani Taliban Father Whose Baby Had Polio
■ BELINDA LUSCOMBE : David Bowie Dressed for the Future
■ JOE KLEIN : How Donald Trump Lost — and Won
■ STEPHANIE ZACHAREK : Ride Along 2 Offers More of the Same Silly Laughs
■ DARLENA CUNHA : My Daughters Will Never Be 'Freedom Kids'
■ JENNIFER SIEBEL NEWSOM : Oscars Still So White, So Male, So Wrong
■ RANA FOROOHAR : Here's Why Global Markets are Panicking Right Now
■ YENNI KWOK : Is Indonesia the Middle East's New Mediator?
■ DANIEL D'ADDARIO : The X-Files Revival Fails to Find the Truth
■ JAY NEWTON-SMALL : Here's the Case Against Bernie Sanders Getting the Nomination
■ SAM LANSKY : How I Made A Mess of My Life—and Cleaned It Up
■ AMY HAGSTROM MILLER AND RICKIE SOLINGER : Restricted Abortion Rights Are a Calamity for All Women
■ DAVID VON DREHLE : Donald Rumsfeld, You're No Winston Churchill
■ ARYN BAKER : Why I Missed My Daughter's First Words to Cover the Arab Spring
■ JOE KLEIN : Can the Republican Party Avoid a Crack-Up?
■ JAY NEWTON-SMALL : Is the U.S. Looking for a 'Settlement' with Assad?
■ MATTHEW TREVITHICK : My 41 Days in Iran's Most Notorious Prison
■ CHARLOTTE ALTER : Why Latin American Women Can't Follow the Zika Advice to Avoid Pregnancy
■ HEIDI BEIRICH : The Government Must Prosecute the Oregon Protestors
■ AMBER ROSE : How I Learned To Stop Caring What People Think
■ RANA FOROOHAR : The One Economic Book You Must Read Now
■ BELINDA LUSCOMBE : At Last, My Long Parental Nightmare of Avoiding Barbie Is Over
■ JILL FILIPOVIC : Barbie's Problem Is Far Beyond Skin-Deep
■ JAY NEWTON-SMALL : Donald Trump Doesn't Win in Cheap Seats at Rally
■ JOE KLEIN : Finally a Worthy Republican Debate in World Without Donald Trump
■ ALEX ALTMAN / DES MOINES : How Poker Explains Donald Trump's Campaign
► Students Who Killed Atheist Bangladeshi Writer Sentenced to Death
► 'We Have Nowhere to Go' - The worst of the deadly winter flood is over in the St. Louis area, leaving residents of water-logged communities to assess the damage. "We're just basically homeless," said Damon Thorne, 44, whose Arnold mobile home washed away. "We have nowhere to go"
► Turkey's President Wants to Be More Like Adolf Hitler - Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who is pushing for constitutional changes that would turn Turkey's political system into a presidential system expanding the powers of his office, has cited Hitler's Germany as an example
► Saudi Arabia's Quiet Crisis - The latest uproar between Saudi Arabia and Iran has spread far since the Saudis executed 47 people, including a prominent Shiite cleric. The country is at the center of a new Middle East crisis, TIME's Karl Vick writes, and is facing pressures from both inside and out
* White House Urges Iran and Saudi Arabia to 'Show Restraint'
* Why Oil Prices Should Stay Low Despite Saudi-Iranian Tensions
* Arab Countries Cut Ties with Iran
* A Recent History of the Rivalry Between Iran and Saudi Arabia
* Iran Warns of 'Revenge' After Saudis Execute Cleric
► Obama Defends Gun Actions - President Obama defended the executive actions on gun control he announced earlier this week during a town hall discussion on CNN. The President got personal on one of the issues he’s had yet to get a substantial grasp on while in office
* Obama Won't Back Candidates Who Don't Support Gun Reform
* Obama Says First Lady Told Him She Might Want a Gun — Depending on Where They Lived
* Gun Control Is a Pro-Life Value
* Why Obama Cries Over Gun Control
* How Regulating Bullets Could Help Solve Gun Control
* Gun Show Managers Split on Obama's New Policy
► Paul Ryan Pushes Republicans to Make Poverty an Issue
► Iran Sanctions Lifted - The U.N. nuclear agency certified Iran has met all of its commitments under a landmark nuclear deal, capping a day of whirlwind diplomacy that included a surprise prisoner exchange to free four detained Iranian-Americans
* Iran Releases Washington Post Journalist and 4 Other Americans
* Republicans Criticize Deal to Free Iranian Prisoners
* What to Know About the U.S. Prisoners Released by Iran
* Why Iran Is Being Nicer — for Now
► Pragmatism v Revolution - Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders spun dreams of revolution in Sunday night’s Democratic debate, while former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton preached of pragmatism. That was the gist of their cases to Democratic voters in the last debate before the Iowa caucuses
* Hillary Clinton Clings to Obama's Legacy in Democratic Debate
* Michigan Governor Upset About Democratic Debate Mention
* See the Bernie Sanders Side Eye That Won the Debate
* Vote Now: Who Won the Fourth Democratic Presidential Debate?
* Read the Transcript of the Democratic Debate in Charleston
* How Bernie Sanders Blamed Wall Street for Almost Everything
► Exclusive: Chris Christie Calls Ted Cruz 'Asinine' For New York Values Smear
► Obama Praises Diplomacy as U.S. Imposes New Sanctions Against Iran
► Eating Fish — Even Tuna — During Pregnancy Linked To Better Brain Health: Study
► East Asia Hit by Record Snowfalls and Cold Weather
► 'A Breath of Fresh Air' - In an exclusive interview with TIME just hours before Donald Trump bailed from Thursday's Fox News debate, Megyn Kelly called his behavior "a breath of fresh air" — despite the real estate mogul's constant insults against her
* Trump Keeps Up Feud On Fox's The O'Reilly Factor
* Here's What Happens When Presidential Candidates Skip Debates
* Twitter Says Donald Trump Should Go to the Republican Debate
* Limbaugh Takes Trump's Side in Fox News Debate Spat
* Meet the Sassy Senator Campaigning Against Donald Trump
* What Trump's Debate Fight Means
► Bernie Sanders Did Not Ask Obama to Endorse Him at the White House
► GOP Debates in Trump's Shadow - Republican presidential candidates in Iowa are seeking to get their message across without the Republican front-runner. But even off the stage, Donald Trump cast a long shadow over the final GOP debate
* Republicans Train Their Fire on Hillary Clinton at Iowa Debate
* Trump Says He Got an Apology from Fox News
* Why Huckabee and Santorum Will Attend Trump's Rally
* The Sad Sideshow of the Republican Undercard
* Jeb Bush and Rand Paul Quizzed About Their Dads at GOP Debate
* Megyn Kelly's Response to Donald Trump Is Exactly How to Handle a Workplace Bully
► Facebook Says It Will Ban Gun Sales Between Users
► Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder Approves $28 Million for Flint Water Crisis
■ A celebration of tradition along the Rose Parade route
■ Officials partly lift advisory on California's rock and Dungeness crab
■ California is a sweeping, beautiful mess from 30,000 feet
■ Under Obamacare, Medi-Cal ballooned to cover 1 in 3 Californians
■ New Year's weekend weather outlook: Cold, windy with a chance of rain
■ Frigid night in Southern California, high winds, snow through the Grapevine
■ Cold weather in Southern California expected to continue this week
■ Winds up to 40 mph expected Monday in Los Angeles and Ventura counties
■ Ventura County brush fire is 75% contained; the cause was arcing power lines
■ El Nino hits California: These maps tell the story of heavy rains
■ 'Citizens United' advisory measure can go on ballot, California high court says
■ El Nino is bringing days of rain to L.A., prompting intense preparations
■ El Nino rains get L.A. River roaring to life
■ Lawyer for L.A. County sheriff's sergeant wants 'potty watch' case dismissed
■ How an anonymous blogger stands out on California water policy
■ In the state budget, too many good programs can sometimes be bad
■ Former Obama campaign official says he will challenge Eric Garcetti in 2017
■ Green Dot Charter Schools founder Steve Barr weighs 2017 challenge to Garcetti
■ Explosion rocks downtown Los Angeles Arts District
■ Woman arrested on suspicion of helping trio escape from Orange County jail
■ 55-hour road closure to shut down major streets in downtown L.A.
■ Obama administration is starting in L.A. to help immigrants become citizens
■ With no Trump onstage, GOP hopefuls make sounds Californians seem to like
■ Strong storm expected to slam Southern California on Sunday
■ 11 dead after tornadoes sweep through Dallas area
■ Evacuees wait out historic floods still spreading through Midwest
■ Republican candidates criticize a possible executive order from Obama on gun control
■ As Oregon occupation grows, rancher and his son quietly surrender
■ In Trump's absence, tough exchanges on immigration dominate GOP debate
■ 'El Chapo' could have fled to another continent, but he chose to go home
■ White House questions Sean Penn role in drug kingpin case
► SCIENCE : New maps show spread and impact of drought on California forests
► HEALTH : Want a calorie-torching workout? Head to a winter wonderland right here in So Cal
■ Tommy Chong is backing Bernie Sanders, but it's not for the reason you think
■ Will a debate without Donald Trump still be all about Trump?
■ Fighting in Iowa to regain evangelical vote from Trump, Ted Cruz woos crowd at antiabortion rally
■ State Department declares 22 Clinton emails contained top secret information
■ The Saudi-U.S. relationship: Shakier than ever
■ Is Ted Cruz a 'natural born Citizen'? Not if you're a constitutional originalist.
■ Eubanks and Edwards, a Rose Parade tradition we hate to see go
■ ENTERTAINMENT : With 'El Chapo' interview, Sean Penn continues his transformation into activist
► JACKET COPY : 'Little House on the Prairie' is coming to the big screen
► FRAMEWORK : Posted by Marc Martin
■ Cool Art | 32nd Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival
■ Dakar 2016 Rally
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