We may be living as a society which exhausted by the lies. Almost every time we listen to the "fact" that is said to be twisted, to the denials that do not intend to look for what is right, and sooner or later, a widespread sense of distrust - even hatred. At the same: the loss of a serious conversation.
Serious conversation containing the desire to listen to each other, although it is not required to agree with each other. Serious conversation does not mean the conversation without humor; even humor can be important there. In a serious conversation there is the assumption that the words have a force, in sound and meaning, in the thoughts and feelings, the strength which sometimes is called the "intent". But when the lie is so often spoken, then the intention is swept away -- and sometimes drowning -- the jostling sounds that grammatically is called (to use the words of angry Hamlet), "Words, words, words..."
Mark Twain once said, the difference between a cat and a lie was only on the issue of the cat had nine lives. The lie -- in other words -- is much more difficult to die. It can only be stopped by its opponent who is often referred to as the "truth". But the truth, whatever the definition, it seems now been exhausted before it manages to chase and beat a lie.
Slowly -- a society that is being exhausted by a lie -- a society that can no longer to talk seriously - - finally similar to a noise collection which actually does not say anything. We are as if a part of the television drama presented by Samuel Beckett: no more dialogue. Language has been exhausted. In Quad, we will see the actors moving on stage and do not say a word. The words only written by Beckett as staging directives.
Deleuze discussed the play without words with title l'Épuisé, "weary". No more energy to greet each other. At least -- by Beckett -- language is shown as part of a much worse situation than just tired.
But we know, we can't live without language. It is impossible to return to a pre-linguistic, before the language used, because those days never existed. Reality -- as we know -- is not only referred to the language, but even constructed by language, whatever its form. In the state of "verbal exhausted", we know there is a language of sounds, there is a language of images, there is sign language. A "mute" actually expressed a lot of things.
"Mute" means the refusal: to dismiss the power of language which freezes the mind and interpretation, rejecting the language which imprisons life and conversation into the label and identification or against the language which reverses the experience. "Mute" in this case is similar to what Deleuze referred to as "stuttering", bégaiement, the expression of which refute "imperialism", a language which freezes the motion and flow of meaning.
In other words, there is an alternative when a verbal conversation has run out of steam. But I do not know what will happen if the people who are exhausted by lies then run out of assumption that mutual trust is the one possible thing. When the slander is produced and distributed in repeatedly -- often by those who should be trusted, namely: religious leaders -- when people begin to investigate whether their neighbor is "Christian", "Zionist", "Terrorist", "
In the circumstances -- implied from the Quad, whatever Beckett's intent with the play he wrote -- reminds us of the situation: on stage, four hooded figure engaged in a four-square, no names, origins, and conversation. Each one just seems different from the Jellabiya's color and the percussion sounds that brings them inside. They all hide their identity, because they do not want to be supervised and labeled. Or conversely, they all have been the same: the suspected occupants, the occupants who mutually suspect each other.
We may be living in such a society : exhausted by slanders and lies.
[CZ-lacalifusa 081914]
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