Pakistan Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani was found not guilty by Pakistan's Supreme Court. However, he had to submit to the pressure and asked Switzerland to reopen the corruption cases against the President of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari.
The assurance was given by Gilani lawyer, Aitzaz Ahsan indicated Yousuf Raza Gilani off from further confrontation with the courts when previously he agreed to come to court on Next Thursday. (01/26)
Pakistan's SupremeCourt has previously asked Gilani to open Ali Zardari's corruption cases. However, Gilani was ignoring it. Thus, the Supreme Court considers it was the contempt of court. "Asif Ali Zardari has complete immunity as president. There is no harm in writing a letter to the Swiss government. "He enjoys the immunity in Pakistan and abroad as long as he is president," said Ahsan told reporters on Wednesday (01/18).
Gilani's decision to appoint Ahsan as his lawyer had been seen as a gesture of reconciliation to the judiciary. Ahsan is a senior leader of Zardari's Pakistan People's Party (PPP) and a prominent lawyer respected by the judiciary for its role in forcing the government to reinstate the independent judges in March 2009.
Ahsan said he did not believe Gilani would be punished. "I do not think the prime minister has been in contempt of court by not writing a letter. I will try to convince the court that the prime minister is not guilty" he said.
■ Weirdo Weather: 7 Rare Weather Events
In addition to prey for seals, the polar bears also sometimes preyed their own cubs. The behavior was not much has been found previously. However, based on the latest report from Jenny Ross, a photographer in the journal Arctic in December last year, the behavior was increasingly common.
Ross explained that during the climate at the poles became warmer, some ice in the Svalbard archipelago was melted and broken. For polar bears, at the time was difficult times because it was difficult for them to hunt the seals.
"So, then, the young polar bears are the possible food source for the adult polar bears. As the climate continues to warm in the Arctic and the ice melts earlier in the summer, the frequency of predation in one species is increasing," said Ross as quoted by the Daily Mail, Thursday (December 8, 2011).
Ross added that the polar bear began to look for other food alternatives. "On the land, polar bears find the garbage and human food. They also began to eat the seabirds and their eggs. None of the alternatives could support them," she said.
One moment of a polar bear mother that took her cub was photographed by Ross while on an expedition to the archipelago of Svalbard. She saw how the polar bear mother was biting her cub with her teeth and her jaw strength, threw it to the ice surface and finally it was eaten.
While there are many conditions that accelerate the melting of ice at the poles, such as climate change, polar bears are become seriously threatened. Now it's not just about their adaptability at higher temperatures, but about the food crisis which can spur the cannibalism and can lead to extinction. There must be an action to address this.
Some of the celebrity world was rumored to have an addiction to sex. Sex addiction is described as a progressive disorder characterized by the compulsive sexual thoughts and actions. Some experts call this disorder is a type of mental disorder, while others dub it as an aberration of personality. Those who are classifies as the sex addicts are very prone to have sex with dangerous sexual dating, despite knowing its bad effect.
Here are some signs of sex addiction, as quoted by the Times of India.
1. Double standards: Most of the times without realizing, the person starts living a secret sex life. You become a compulsive cheater, go to strip clubs and watch loads of pornography.
2. Personal relations getting strained: The person just cannot manage his major relationships with ease. There are loads of lies and another side to the person.
3. Risks are fun: Taking risks like trying to be overtly intimate at public places or in fact trying to have sex where you could end up in legal issues. It gives you a high.
4. Feeling guilty: Even though living their double life is fun for them, but when guilt sets in they go in a complete reclusive mode and blame themselves often bordering depression.
5. Constant look-out for sex toys: So kinky is the way they always think like. Something new, something weird gets them going. But hold on, your partner might not approve with a lot of sex toys you want to use during your act. Your mind might always be preoccupied with these thoughts.
6. Keep law at bay: You can get into serious trouble with the law because of your risky behavior. Getting caught in compromising positions at the wrong places is not only embarrassing but will also tarnish your reputation.
7. Intrusive sex: This is one of the most visible signs of a sex addict. Intrusive sex is touching people here and there in a sexual manner where there is no physical intercourse and the other person is completely unwilling or at times not even aware.
8. Fantasizing someone: While fantasizing someone is common, obsessing about someone is not. This will surely affect your daily functioning and other activities putting you in a tight spot.
9. Irresponsible sex: When involved with multiple partners, there should be some responsibility with respect to the protection that is used. With STDs spreading at an alarming rate, the least you can do is be truthful to the person.
Expert talk
Sexologist, Dr Dhananjay Gambhire feels that it is acceptance by the person which is the first step to the get out of this situation, "A person will keep indulging in these pleasurable activities till the time they are caught. They will just not change their behaviour till the time they come under the scanner. His/her partner's support and motivation are definitely required in such a situation. More than often experts are required in such situations. There are medicines that are given to control your sexual behaviour and they do help a lot."
(Tanya Datta Aug 25, 2011 - Telltale signs of a sex addict)
I swear, I was just looking for the name of a type of mammal, but instead I saw this creature.
I just wonder. Why, when Lucy Pender was wearing a black bikini, smiling mysteriously (Q:Are you also a Mona Lisa, Lucy?...
But to be honest, if I am enrolled in a prospective buyer of the product, I would ask its producer, "Sorry,... actually what are you selling? Do you sell the soap foam product, bikini, or figures of these women?"
■ Samantha Garvey, Homeless Teen Up For Prestigious Intel Science Prize, Gets A House
Samantha Garvey
Photo credit: James Carbone | Samantha Garvey with her father, Leo, in West Babylon after she was named an Intel science semifinalist (Jan. 12, 2012)
So, if you have a brain then you are determining your living standards. I personally salute the discovery of this kind. Go to my domestic sphere as a woman, I am proud of ourselves on using our brains than our bodies to live our survival and to meet the standard of living needs, including our self-actualization. (Samantha, congratulations to you. Scientific spirit is incarnating in you!
■ In pictures: Combating drought in the Horn of Africa
■ S U D A N
Flat breasted women
Suckle babies at milkless breasts.
Pot bellied black people walk
Skeletally on stiltlike legs -
Bowls clutched tightly in swollen hands.
A clean shaven, overweight newsman
Walks past the barely living and the very dead.
Corpses are carried in sackcloth coffins
To their final resting places
In red, dry earth.
Bodies waste thinner,
Flies grow fatter,
Eating decaying flesh
Seen by visionless eyes.
I sit shaken, unable to assist
Whilst I finish off my take-away Korma,
Rounded off with a Wall's Cornetto!
(Joe Hughes - The Sudan Famine)
■ Côte-d'Ivoire : Slavery in cocoa fields
Founder and organizer of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Klaus Schwab said, capitalism now requires a complete overhaul.
According to Schwabm, the annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, which will be held on 25 January next should result in the development of a new model of capitalism to revive the style of social responsibility. "Right now the capitalism has no place in the world around us," he said as reported by AFP (Jan 18, 2012)
He admitted, WEF has failed to learn from past financial crises in 2008-2009, so a global transformation was needed to be done as soon as possible and had to begin by restoring the form of social responsibility. WEF annual meeting of the 42 next week would be opened by German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Schwab said the WEF would discuss about the German which has lowered the projected growth in Europe in the middle of the eurozone debt crisis. He also mentioned that the problem of capital was not a determining factor in driving the economy forward. He also believed in the existence of free trade. "Currently we are in danger and actually lost the trust of future generations," he explained.
The leaders who will attend the WEF meeting are the British Prime Minister David Cameron, the President of Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan, the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund Christine Lagarde, European Central Bank Governor Mario Draghi, and Director-General of the World Trade Organization Pascal Lamy.
WEF committee has also invited some of the latest world leader, the PM Tunisia Hamadi Jebali and Thai PM Yingluck Shinawatra who have tried to bridge the gap between generations. Meanwhile, representatives from the Myanmar government will also attend the meeting for the first time.
However, the committee doesn't invite the representatives from groups such as the anti-capitalist activists Cccupy Wall Street even though the group never said willing to get involved with pro capitalist.
■ January 2012 : Inside story of the UK's secret mission to beat Gaddafi
By Mark Urban
Diplomatic and defence editor, Newsnight
■ Mali army clashes with ex-Gaddafi Tuareg fighters
■ 7 Dozens of Tuareg rebels dead in Mali clash, says army
A Y E - A Y E
■ Aye! Are You Classified as Primates or Rodents?
■ Madagascar Photography Tour led by Simone Sbaraglia
■ Photograph by Dani Jeske/Animals Animals-Earth Scenes
■ Sud de l’Équateur, dans l’océan Indien
U.S.A : Mr & Mrs OBAMA
■ Listening Post - A Russian winter
The story of British secret service agent James Bond is only one in the film that inspires the novel by Ian Fleming. However, the advanced tooling of this flamboyant man is not a figment.
In 2006, a program that aired on Russian television showed the footage of a man who attempted to take the stone from snowy street in Moscow. A moment later he went to bring the stones. The man, according to Russian intelligence agency FSB was a British spy. Similar objects such as rocks was saving the high-tech communication devices.
Russian Intelligence Agency said the equipment maker were four spies posing as diplomats at the British Embassy in Moscow. When the report was aired six years ago, the UK government was denying it. But, the adage of "time will tell" applied in this case.
Jonathan Powell, the first Downing Street Chief of Staff under British Prime Minister Tony Blair provided the confirmation of the truth of this Bond-style action in Russia on Thursday (January 19, 2012).
"They (Russia) really cornered us at that time. Obviously, they already knew about it for some time and has kept it for political purposes," Powell told the BBC on Thursday (1/19). Tony Brenton, British ambassador to Moscow in 2006, agreed with Powell. "Russians choose the time carefully and politically it is very damaging."
On the other hand, Blair declined to comment on the scandal, while he quoted the old policy of the state which was reluctant to comment on intelligence issues. Blair confirmed the British government never confirmed the Russian allegations. Similarly, the British Foreign Office which is responsible for the existence of the MI6 spy agency in another country, declined to comment on Powell's statement.
Espionage scandal was the subject of the conflict Britain and Russia during the Cold War. Espionage scandal is the subject of the conflict Britain and Russia during the Cold War. Although the intensity is now reduced, but the relationship between the two countries remain strained in recent years due to allegations of covert operations.
Even Russia was furious because Britain refused to extradite the former KGB intelligence agency that became the main suspect of Alexander Litvinenko's murder in 2006. Litvinenko was the Kremlin's opposition who was poisoned in London.
In addition to exposing the fake stone tactics, Russia also revealed that Britain secretly fundes the state's opposition groups. The British government also recognized that they were openly in support of the Russian's NGO which active in fighting for human rights and civil society issues.
■ EU Iran sanctions: Ministers adopt Iran oil imports ban
The European Union has scheduled a new economic sanctions on Iran, on Monday afternoon (23 January 2012) European time. Sanctions against Iran was a response to a nuclear program, including measures to embargo oil products from Iran. The sanction is following the financial measures issued by U.S. President Barack Obama in recent years. Sanctions will be about 90 percent of Iran's oil exports to Europe.
Western countries believe the Iran's nuclear program is to create a nuclear bomb, whereas Iran insists it is only for electricity generation. In addition to plans for an embargo on Iranian oil, the European Union is also preparing measures to impose sanctions against the Central Bank of Iran, also prohibits the trade in gold with the Iranian government.
However, it seems imposing sanctions by the EU is difficult to apply quickly. In the meeting of 27 EU member states, Greece and the countries in southern Europe want the extra time. Greece for example is very dependent on Iranian oil, with about 25 percent of oil needs from Iran. So Greeks needs time to find the new oil sources. However, EU diplomats said the extra time wouldn't exceed the July 1, 2012.
If the Iranian oil's out of the Western countries, then there's an opportunity for the rising in world oil prices.
■ Israel says decision on attack on Iran is not close
By Kevin Flower, CNN January 18, 2012
■ Panetta: U.S. willing to pursue diplomacy with Iran but ready for 'any contingency'
By Adam Levine, CNN
Earlier, the top leader of the main opposition party Kadima claimed the Israeli's attack on Iran "will occur more quickly."
Paul Craig Roberts warned if the Iran war occured then the life of mankind on earth could end. Craig Roberts said the U.S. would blame Israel if Iran War occurred. According to him, warning brought by the U.S. to Israel not to attack Iran was a U.S. attempt to avoid responsibility. "If the war broke out, Russia and China would intervene, and the nuclear began to fly. Washington wanted to blame Israeel and Israel seemed willing to be blamed," said Robert Craig.
Last week, The Wall Street Journal reported that the U.S. has sought to convince the leaders of Israel not to take military action to invade Iran. However, the request was responded to by the Isarel leaders flatly. "If Washington really does not want war with Iran, it will not provide the necessary weapons required by Israel and it will not be deployed thousands of its troops to Israel," said Craig Roberts. According to him, if Washington does not want war with Iran, it will not build a missile defense system for Israel and will not conduct military exercises with Israel, but recently the U.S. plans for the war exercises with Israel.
US mainstream media: Beating war drums?
America's mainstream media is being accused of playing with fire and hyping-up global tension, while trying to steer public opinion to please their sponsors.
■ Time experts debate whether to abolish the leap secondBy Rebecca Morelle Science reporter, BBC News
Ouch,... this gentleman. I was quite familiar with his face because of its characteristics, but I kinda forgot his name.
U. S. A
■ Ron Paul's Golden Rule
- Romney lowers expectations in South Carolina
- Gingrich wins South Carolina Republican primary
- Romney rips into Gingrich (without uttering his name) in speech
- Spokesman: Paterno in serious condition
- Gingrich upsets Paul in home state of Comments Section
- Conservatives, economy fuel Gingrich's S.C. win
- Analysis: Gingrich forces GOP into grueling debate
- Romney’s Mormonism more of a negative in S.C.?
■ U.S.A : SOLDIER Suicides down among US soldiers but violent crimes rise
M U S I C : Blues - Dr. GB Burt
A young man promised me the world and gave me nothing. And that's the blues.
Cisca Zarmansyah : Ever since the day we met, our love is nothing but the blues...!
Cisca Zarmansyah : Il fut un temps où je croyais que vous étiez pour moi. Je n'ai pas vu les défauts dans mon choix, je suppose que je n'ai pas vu.
Valentino Vie : Les sanglots longs de l'automne blessent mon cœur d'une langueur monotone.Tout suffocant et blême, quand sonne l'heure, je me souviens des jours anciens et je pleure. Et je m'en vais au vent mauvais qui m’emporte deçà, delà, pareil à la feuille morte.
■ What is behind religious tensions in Nigeria
A spokesman for Nigeria's Islamic group, Boko Haram, issued an ultimatum to the Christian in the north of the country and threatened to fight the army after the President of Nigeria announced a state of emergency in areas affected by the Boko Haram attacks.
Abul Qaqa, a Boko Haram figures who had been blamed for attacks in Africa that killed many people in the past, stating that he have given an ultimatum to residents in the northern region. Within three days they were required to go from the territory.
"We think this has something to do with the government, that the soldiers will just kill the innocent Muslims in these areas declared as an emergency," he said on Sunday (January 1, 2012). "We will confront them directly to protect our brothers," he said in Hausa which commonly used in northern Nigeria.
Previously reported, the President of Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan declared a state of emergency in areas hit by unrest, and ordered the closure of part of the country's borders.
He announced the actions after the group called Boko Haram as "cancer" that sought to destroy the body's most populous country in Africa, and he vowed to crush the group which was accused of the bloody attacks.
"Though the efforts are being made to find a final solution, it's important to do some bold measures to restore the situation in the country, particularly in communities affected by it," said Jonathan in a national speech on Saturday at December 31, 2011. "Therefore, I declare a state of emergency in several regions of this country," he said, calling the parts of the states of Borno --Boko Haram's base-- Yobe, Niger, and Plateau.
■ Boko Haram - Author: Toni Johnson, Senior Editor/Senior Staff Writer Update: December 27, 2011
Boko Haram People Committed to the Propagation of the Prophet's Teachings and Jihad | |
Participant in the Nigerian Sharia conflict | |
Active | 2002– |
Ideology | Islamism |
Leaders | Mohammed Yusuf † Mallam Sanni Umaru?Abu Darda Abu Zaid - Spokesman |
Headquarters | Kanamma, Nigeria |
Area of operations | Northern Nigeria |
Opponents | Nigerian State |
Battles/wars | Nigerian Sharia conflict 2009 Nigerian sectarian violence |
- More information on Boko Haram
- Who are Boko Haram?
- Analysis of Boko Haram on IRIN News
- Former U.S. Ambassador to Nigeria arguing that Boko Haram is not a formal terrorist group
- Books versus bullets in north-east Nigeria
C H I N A : NEW YEAR 2012
UN Secretary-General's (Ban Ki-moon) Video Message for Chinese New Year - 19 January 2012
(23 January 2012) Happy Lunar New Year!
Gong He Xin Xi
I send my warmest congratulations on this auspicious celebration! The New Year is a time for families and friends to come together. It is a season of renewal. The Year of the Dragon reminds us of our dynamism … our energy … our power to make a difference. Let us, in that spirit, work throughout this year to help those who are suffering … to advance peace … and to build the future we want. Happy New Year to all of you. I send my best wishes for a vibrant Year of the Dragon. And for the good health, prosperity and happiness of each and every one of you. Thank you.
■ In pictures: Chinese New Year
■ Food symbolism: Why do we give food meaning? By Anna-Louise Taylor BBC News
■ The Elements of Feng Shui for Barack Obama Birth Date and Time : August 04, 1961 7:00 PM
This year, Chinese New Year coincided with the date January 23, 2012 AD. The Feast of 2563 can be called special because it symbolized by the dragon. Dragon zodiac replaces the Rabbit zodiac in the previous year in the calculation of the Lunar calendar (Chinese Lunar Calendar). Year of the Dragon's this time is the water dragon's year because the sky's stem with positive water element (ren) and branches of earth with positive earth elements (Chen), academic term in the science of feng shui is called Ren Chen's year.
The dragon is believed by the Chinese as the king of the animals. The dragon is a symbol of strength, power, and bravery. In addition, the dragon also ensures the safety of Chinese citizens. That way, Chinese New Year 2563 is considered to have a strong meaning for Chinese citizens.
In this year there are some things which, according to the calculations of experts needs to be done or avoided. The positive stem of the sky (positive) with positive branch of the earth (positive) has a destructive relationship because the soil to stem the water, so this year gives an overview of disharmony in the life on earth. However, this disharmony is better if compared with the year of the Metal Rabbit in 2011.
According to feng shui practitioners, there are some predictions that will happen this year. Among these are the natural hazards such as earthquakes and floods. That's because Chen (dragon) also symbolizes the water warehouse. In 2012 the rainfall is also expected to still be high until the end of April or early May. It is estimated, very heavy rain occurred in November and December up to January and February 2013. The earthquake need to be aware in July and October 2012. This year will be marked by a series of surprises and great natural reaction. Starting from the floods, tsunamis, landslides, volcanic eruption, earthquake, to a variety of transportation accidents. Such disasters is a symbol of the dragon rampage in 2012.
The number of disasters is the way of the earth react to what is done by the inhabitants, especially the human. Because of this, the human must maintain the preservation of the earth with a simple way of life, that is not to excessively exploit the earth. Maintain and utilize our earth wisely will make our lives more optimal.
Although there is the threat of a disaster, still there is also an excitement in this Water Dragon year. Even this year promises much excitement and hope, especially for couples who are getting married, have children, or open a new company. Because the dragon is a powerful and helpful will bring luck and happiness for many people.
Predictions about the fortunes and fate of human in the Water Dragon's year is dependent on the personality of each individual, because the blessing will come for those who want to try, regardless of any religion or nation.
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Congratulations, and may we all have a lot of sustenance.
This is May Hua flower. Its color is beautiful, pink with a little whitish. Usually Chinese families decorate May Hua tree with Hangbao, small lanterns and golden accessories. May Hua tree symbolizes the hope, happiness and prosperity. (And to you dahling, thanks for treating me like a hungry tigress. Happiness comes in double, that's our Yusheng! I want to learn to cook this dish for us. Thanks also for the jade bracelet. I do not know how do I look now. I-am-among-the-jade-bracelet-on-my-left-wrist-with-anklet-of-Kashmir-in-my-right-ankle. Haaa! It's just like the China - India, yeah yeah I hope they will be more cooperative this year, such as the cooperation and coordination of my hands and feet. Amen. Especially when I'm hugging you. Amen. May God bless us. Amen. Oops, Lok Cha tea! Dahling,... Lok Cha tea. I want it again, please?
This is a face that has nothing to do with all of the above topics, but takes part in my eyeballs today.

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