by Cisca Zarmansyah (videos)
Added about 4 months ago
As a nuclear power - as the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon - the United States has a moral responsibility to act. (BΛЯΛCΚ OBΛMΛ)
Reading For Today
You, Pranay Suresh, CieL- FreYa Ceastle, Fairuz Azalia and 4 others like this.
Adriaan Zef : This is very informative. Thanks, hon.

Adriaan Zef :
Fairuz Azalia : Iran showing fastest scientific growth of any country :
Fairuz Azalia : Even on the 2nd February last year, Iran successfully launched a satellite that was named Kavoshgar 3 into space. The satellite carried a variety of living organisms such as mice, two male turtles and worms for research purposes. ( ......& Pics of new Iranian Kavoshgar and sattelites ( )
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : Are you inspired by the tsunami and nuclear radiation in Japan? ....And that radation evokes our memories of the Chernobyl nuclear tragedy in Ukraine, 25 years ago...
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : but the food festival seems better than nuclear consuming. They have a celebration for it:, .... Celebrating food traditions in Ukraine : ....... and Ukraine in pictures :
Pranay Suresh : It began in Japan and it should end in Japan.
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : I doubt it, dude. Moreover, Iran is not the only nuclear country in the world. We can mention the United States, Russia, Britain, France, China, India, Pakistan, Israel, North Korea as a nuclear-armed country, and those who ever had the nuclear weapons such as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and South Africa.
Pranay Suresh : guys, ... anyone knows about the Japan's nuclear and its attitude toward NPT, especially its attitude toward the Iran's nuclear?

CieL- FreYa Ceastle : Most of Japan's electricity using nuclear power, with its largest implementer is TEPCO ::, ... If its policy towards Iran may be affected with its umbrellas (America)....

Pranay Suresh : I see, ... it follows the rules of IAEA, doesn't it?
Cisca Zarmansyah : Jan, you're very romantic .... The wind which blew into the south bringing these nuclear particles down to Belarus. A few weeks later, the radioactive emissions were found in the eastern European region, west and north. More than 2 million people evacuated to avoid nuclear contamination. Until now the government is still closing the area up to 30 km from the reactors. WHO noted at least 17 thousand people died, 6000 children suffering from thyroid cancer because of dangerous radioactive."
Regarding the nuclear reactor explosion in Japan, the world nuclear association in London stated that it was caused by hydrogen spark. ( But yah ... so-so, let's trail into the season of second world war.
Valentino Vie: Baby, is there still a forgotten country in your folder? MYANMAR. Oui, although Myanmar's ambition is far from harm, but the countries in Southeast Asia must be vigilant.
by Cisca Zarmansyah (videos)
In a final declaration, the organizer of "hatred" parade demanding "the toughest penalties against the instigators leaders" and referred to them as "criminals on earth", a crime that could be punishable by death under Iranian law.
Reading For Today
► Iranian opposition calls for Feb. 20 rallies to mourn deaths of protester
► Inbox: Jacques LaMarche at 17 February 2011 at 11:30 Report, "It looks like the Iranian revolt will be more difficult this time around. The killing of Neda was a rallying cry in 2009, and the protesters were one step ahead of riot squads. I worry it will become a bloodbath this time"
Adriaan Zef, Valentino Vie, Almira Izzati and 3 others like this.
CieL- FreYa Ceastle: President Obama called on the Iranian government to allow protesters to control the streets in Tehran. Would Obama or any US president allow protesters to control the streets in Washington, D.C.?" - Paul Craig Roberts :
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : Sweetie, don't be naughty. Santa is watching you!... :D))
Pranay Suresh : Did she send you the same "delinquency"?

CieL- FreYa Ceastle : Yups! there's always a windmill on her mind. She looks like a wheel within a wheel.

Fairuz Azalia : News Code: 30254646
Publish Date: 19/2/2011 06:07:41 GMT
Headlines in major Iranian newspapers Tehran, Feb 19, IRNA – The following headlines appeared in major Iranian dailies on Saturday:
- Bahraini army clamps down on protests
- Judiciary urged to punish sedition leaders
- Nation vents anger at leaders of sedition
- Nationwide protests condemn opposition leaders
- Bloody weekend in Bahrain, Yemen and Libya
- Perspolis vs Shahin today
- Egypt revolution not finished
- Iranians condemn opposition leaders
Islamic Republic News Agency/IRNA NewsCode: 30254646
Pranay Suresh : So is it true? Iran is in turmoil?
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : Mainstream media has spread as if a wave of Egypt and Tunisia revivlas were now beginning to hit Iran. In fact, most of the news released by Western media were not sourced directly from their own reporters. Reuters also quoted from "semi-official media" in Tehran.
The images displayed by Reuters, AFP, and some other media were simply a garbage can on fire, but tendentious, the story led the reader to believe that there were major events in Tehran. Channel 7 News ran a very brief picture of rally in Tehran. The amount was seemingly a bit, then they combined it with a picture of a massive rally in Cairo.
Fairuz Azalia : Surprisingly, only with a short source, Obama immediately lifts up his voice and mentions the shootings existence is carried out by Iranian military.

Pranay Suresh : Wow,... what a difference his attitude to face Tunisia and Egypt!

Almira Izzati : Okay okay, the transition should be implemented slowly. OMG, he had fled!
Pranay Suresh :

CieL- FreYa Ceastle : Your question is correct. Over the last 30 years, Egyptian military is one of the five largest countries which is receiving aid from US, other than Israel (the biggest beneficiaries), Jordan, Tunisia, and Columbia. The US military has helped Egypt to suppress freedom of the Egyptian. Why now do they boast about freedom for Iranians? I'm asking or answering? ... it sounds the same.

Fairuz Azalia : Demonstrations in Tehran (February 13, 2011) reported by Reuters was attended by thousands of people. Is it true there are thousands of people?
Almira Izzati : No photos and videos that support this claim.
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : Even if it was true there were thousands of people took to the streets, why did Reuters not report about a massive demonstration which was attended by millions people in Tehran and all over the Iran, which was lasted only two days earlier?
Almira Izzati : Such action should become the much more important news, shouldn't it?
CieL- FreYa Ceastle :

Fairuz Azalia : If millions of Iranian can spontaneously took to the streets, why did not they all just march against their government? In Egypt and Tunisia, people poured into the streets without being able to be prevented by guns and tanks. Even after the fire and sprayed tear gas was, they still persisted in Tahrir Square. In Iran, if it's true they were oppressed under their government, what can prevent them from spilling on the streets to overthrow their government? They do have bravely march in 1979 demanding the resignation of Shah Pahlevi. At that time, the military of Pahlavi regime was just as ruthless with Tunisia military or Egypt military, for equally trained by CIA and was funded by US. But, there's no mainstream media reported it!
Cisca Zarmansyah : Indeed, this hypocrisy is so often repeated. I also want to repeat some of what I wrote earlier. First, the system of government in Iran is different from other Middle Eastern governments. Islamic Republic of Iran was established through a referendum by the UN supervision. Over 90% of Iran people in 1979 said "Yes" to Islamic Republic of Iran. So, in the Western spectacles, Iran was a country formed with democratic. If they choose to form an Islamic republic, why the West must protest?
Second, Iran's government system put the president position under the Leader's position (In Persian, it is called: Rahbar). The president's duty is to assume the executive power, while the leader supervises the administration, law and legislation, in order to stay on the path of Islamic law.
It means, Iran has positioned the clerics as their democracy guardians. Of course, at this point, many people have expressed their disapproval. The concept that there are clerics who are sophisticated and able to take a political decision (that is really in line with Islamic law) is indeed like a utopia for most people, especially for Western society who is fed up with obscene cases of their priests.
But, if the Iranian people believe in such a utopia, why do we as outsiders have to protest? And the Western media, again being hypocritical by not broadcasting what a massive crowd took to the streets to perform Friday prayers with the Leader on last Friday, February 4. They formed rows to miles in the streets around Tehran University. They loved and trusted in their leader, then what should we do next? Vilify them as fanatics and fools? They want to be deceived by their cleric? Hah! ... if we follow a variety of reports about the achievements of science and technology in Iran, it is difficult to call them as the fools.
Third, the Leader is (currently held by Ayatollah Khamenei) selected by popular vote. The Clerics in Iran can run (or be nominated by the people) to become a member of clerics council (Assembly of Expert). People also vote to elect 86 of hundreds of clerics who follow the election. This clerics council choose the leader, they oversee his performance, they'ra also entitled to dismiss him if he is deemed to have violated the "mandate of the office."
So, on behalf of human rights and freedom, that's the rights and freedoms of Iranian to love their clerics, to remain faithful to Islamic government system (which used to be their own choice) and keep the establishment of that system, including the actions to disperse anarchy demonstrations which obviously funded by the US!
(CZ/LA/Février 2011)
Valentino Vie : Is Ayatollah Khamenei the brain behind the murder of Rafik Hariri?:: Khamenei ordered Hariri killing, Hizbullah takeover
Tuesday 18 January 2011 09:01:46 GMT
A UN tribunal investigating the assassination of former Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri is expected to accuse Iranian Leader Ayatollah Khamenei of ordering the killing.
According to the US-based Newsmax website, the investigative body will lay out evidence showing that the 2005 murder was committed by Iran’s Quds force, along with Hizbullah.
The order to murder Hariri was transmitted to Hizbullah’s military leader, Imad Mughniyeh, by Quds force chief Qassem Suleymani, sources told Newsmax.
Mughniyeh was killed in a car bombing in Damascus on February 12, 2008. According to Saturday’s report, Mughniyeh put together the hit team that carried out the attack at the behest of Iran, with the help of his brother in- law.
"The Iranians considered Hariri to be an agent of Saudi Arabia, and felt that killing him would pave the way for a Hizbullah takeover of Lebanon," a source told Newsmax.
Iran was not the only country involved in the assassination plot, they said. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, and his brother-in-law, Assef Shawkat, the head of Syrian intelligence, also played key roles in the plan to murder Hariri, a source was reported as saying.
According to the report, the tribunal is set to hand in a preliminary copy to pre-trial Judge Daniel Fransen.
Hizbullah denounces the Netherlands based tribunal as a conspiracy by the US and Israel and demanded Hariri reject the court’s findings even before they come out. But Hariri has refused to break cooperation with the tribunal. (Source : here)
by Cisca Zarmansyah (videos)
"The truth is there are two hundred white women raped in America by a black man for every one black woman raped by whites." (DAVID DUKE)
You, Fairuz Azalia, Valentino Vie, Adriaan Zef and 3 others like this.
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : US and big countries always condemned acts of terrorism committed by certain groups, but terrorism state as practiced by Israeli agenda is as if not used.
Valentino Vie : Yeah,... The failure as common with spectacular success. He remind me of The Lavon Affair. Susannahhhh....nah
Valentino Vie : about his quote,may be this is useful for you:
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : Israel's control of mass media and the US government managed to obscure most of the developing story about Israeli terrorism against Palestinians. They are also able to cover acts of war and terrorism that bloodied against US. You can read more of Robert Fisk reports on the massacre at Qana:
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : Thanks to you guy, I got this and this from FPM
Cisca Zarmansyah : Noy, ...mmmmuachhh

Adriaan Zef : Don't kiss a stranger, my dear. That's not your sweet lips' habit.
Valentino Vie : kiss you tight, baby. Tell me, who's the man who also knows the habit of your lips, hm?

In an interview on the ABC program "This Week", Ahmadinejad said, "If the U.S. government really wants to change its policy in Afghanistan and in Iraq, and to move towards serving the interests of both countries, we are always open for cooperation, as we do now. " ►
Iran was responsible to ensure Afghanistan didn't become the hideout of the terrorists. United States was worried about the negative influence of Iran on Afghanistan, following the recognition of President Hamid Karzai on Monday (10/25) that he had received unding amounting hundreds of thousands of euros from Iran. White House spokesman Bill Burton called on Iran to act more positively. He said the U.S. and the international community had reason to feel anxious. Iran was trying to use a negative influence in Afghanistan.
The U.S. State Department spokesman, Philip Crowley said that Washington didn't question the right of Iran to provide assistance to Afghanistan, as well as the right o Afghans to receive it. But the U.S remained suspicious about the motives of Iran, because given its history to play a destabilizing role against its neighbors. Thousands of Pentagon documents leaked in July last year showed that Iran funded the Taliban for the past nine years, after the U.S. invasion in 2001.
Iran was accused as two-faced. That was evidenced by the Iranian government's role in the construction of roads in western Afghanistan and the provision of electricity in Herat. In fact, Tehran was planning to build car plants and extended the rail network to Afghanistan. But, on the other hand Iran was also suspected of supporting the separatist groups from Afghanistan. Former Governor of Nimroz, Ghulam Dastgir Azaad repeatedly caught Iran of providing weapons and training to insurgents in Afghanistan-Iran border region.
Even some Iranian officials claimed that they had provided the intelligence for the United States when it invaded Afghanistan in 2001 ago. In 2005, Iran was also suspected of sending U.S. $ 200 thousand to the accomplice of Gulbud-din Hekmatyar, a rebel leader in Afghanistan. As for last year, Iran sent the weapons to Hekmatyar. ( More about him : On Warlordsofafghanistan; On Longwar Journal ; On Globalsecurity ; On GlobalJihad) ;
Iran's advantage in diving these efforts was the Tehran would benefit in geopolitics. Because the two neighboring countries that potentially posed a threat (Iraq and Afghanistan) to be benign. The Impact was the influence of Shiite Islam to the West Asia, Central and Southern would be widespread. On the other hand, Afghanistan could support the Iran's nuclear program.
Almira Izzati
An Iranian diplomat signaled initial optimism about the direction multilateral negotiations were taking today in Istanbul, Turkey, but another participant said the sides had made no movement toward resolving a long-running nuclear standoff, the Associated Press reported (see GSN, Jan. 20).
CieL- FreYa Ceastle, Lakshmi Lavanya and Pranay Suresh like this.
Cisca Zarmansyah : Izti, your impression as if it... ehheehhe, ...
well I admit it, maybe the word of "nuclear" sounds scary, but actually nuclear technology for reactor is the most secure technology, because there's no pollution.
Lakshmi Lavanya : it seems I've to remember the science lesson when I was in high school, especially about protons and neutrons.
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : conversation based on common sense will be a constructive thing.
Cisca Zarmansyah : Anya, after protons and neutrons, don't forget with a much smaller particles which is called the quarks.
Almira Izzati : so... what should I shout? auwww
.... wonderful? ....
Cisca Zarmansyah:...
.... I miss your laughter Izti,.. ya ya ya, we'll learn more about nuclear functions in health, agriculture, hydrology, and so forth ... but now it seems I agree with you that what the important is pow pow pow! .... 

Lakshmi Lavanya : it seems I've to remember the science lesson when I was in high school, especially about protons and neutrons.

CieL- FreYa Ceastle : conversation based on common sense will be a constructive thing.
Cisca Zarmansyah : Anya, after protons and neutrons, don't forget with a much smaller particles which is called the quarks.
Almira Izzati : so... what should I shout? auwww

Cisca Zarmansyah:...

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sEx, LieS, irAn, iSrAeL & wiKiLeaKs
by Cisca Zarmansyah (videos)
You, Pranay Suresh, Adriaan Zef, Valentino Vie and 3 others like this.
Fairuz Azalia : Do you remember about Sabourjian?
Cisca Zarmansyah :Yes, I do, Fai. It's one of the famous Jews tribe. Now it includes in the "list of names perpetuated" by Iran Ministry of Interior.
His family changed his name from Sabourjian became Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when he converted to Islam, not long after he was born. Telegraph sources said, if President Ahmadinejad by frequently attacked the Jewish issue, then it was just his attempt to hide his past as a Jewish descent.
Ali Nourizadeh, a researcher Center for Arab and Iranian Studies, said, "Mr. Ahmadinejad's background explains many things about him. Family member who changes the religion will get a new name. By making anti Israel statement, actually he's trying to hide his blood relationship with the Jewish nation." :
Fairuz Azalia : I just want a little cheap gossip with you.
articles.nydailynews.comOy vey!Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - perhaps the world's best-known Holocaust denier - might actually be Jewish, according to a bombshell report published on Saturday.
Cisca Zarmansyah : I like that. Let's make it more exciting.
Fairuz Azalia : I'm really stressed by all the recent world events.
Cisca Zarmansyah :... Why? Is it because America and Israel always have the strong "inner connection"?
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : What is feared? There's no danger from Iran's actions against America and Israel, and Iran doesn't intend at all to attack them.
Fairuz Azalia :...Do not be shy, I guess. Actually, America, Israel and other western countries are aware of this, even they also realize that they have the common interests. The proof is a sophisticated weapons supply from Israel to Iran during the war between Iran and Iraq, although the evidence is intentionally hidden to public. But the role of US is very clear in helping Iran through the flow of Shiite followers in Iraq, they always carry out the entire command / American command, but a very ironic and invisible is this assistance financed by the Sunni Arab nation.
Cisca Zarmansyah : If the US really feel threatened by Iran, then the US and its allies actually can never conquer Iraq and manage to kill millions of Sunni Arabs lives in Iraq. I think the US and Iran have the common interests in Iraq, because if they don't have it, of course the US will prefer the Sunni Arabs to regulate the state's important issues and will fully support the Sunni army until no more space an opportunity for Iran to enter Iraqi territory.
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : Is it true that Iran very dangerous for public safety world, especially for America and Israel?
Adriaan Zef : That's the Wikileaks project, creating a conflict between Iran and Arab!
Fairuz Azalia : The answer is "Maybe Yes", because America is the sole heir to the western nations in terms of hatred against Islam.
Cisca Zarmansyah :.... and the US also knows that hard line Shiite government in Iran also have the same hatred towards Islam.
Adriaan Zef : Your style begin to creep, I'm so passionately want to catch you!... hehehe
Valentino Vie : That's a smooth shot, baby! haha, least the US will provide more opportunities to the Iraq citizens who have the same ideology with Gulf countries leaders, which have been regarded by America as "friend", or it can be said as a friendship gift between them.
Cisca Zarmansyah : The Iranian ancestors were come from the "Safawiyyah", who defended Christians in Europe at the time of the expansion of the Ottoman dynasty in Europe. They (the Shia in Iran) was the first bastion of the attacks launched by the Ottoman army.
At the time of the Ottoman dynasty expansion in Europe, they kindled the fire of revolution by taking over power in some Muslim areas of central government. So the princes of the Ottoman Dynasty was forced to withdraw its forces from Europe in order to overcome this, but some big cities in Europe have been going to work on the conquered.
JPS asked me, "If so / if the relationship between US, Western States, Israel and Iran is just fine, then what's the secret behind the war declaration and threat that posed by the Western countries and America leaders against Iran?"
The answer is actually the West (especially America with the approval of Iran) wants to extort property owned by Arab countries, because with the increasing displays of force in Iran would add the fear sense of Arab States, so that the Arab states would necessarily rush to ask for the United States protection security by buying sophisticated weapons that it will be stored until the time it will be used.
By the defense cooperation way, the US can freely control the security conditions in Arab countries, even it can infiltrate to intervene their internal affairs, it can freely infiltrate important centers such as education and social culture by offering management / methodologies with the West to Arab countries, as the implementation of the defense agreement and security stability in the country concerned.
The Iran interests from all of this is to show great strength of its weaponry to the surrounding region. The strong statement from US and Western countries that seems to intimidate Iran is only to make the Arab states fear.
If Iran is increasingly intimidated, then it will feel above the wind and demanding too much. You know that, Iran ever tried to change the religious method in some Gulf States. Although the number of Shiites (in Iraq) just a little, but they're able to emasculate and to embargo on Sunni scholars majority. They believe that America will always defend, although under the pretext of "protecting the minorities."
I think the information about Iran's strength in some mass media has been exaggerated. We can compare Iran ( with its population around 70 million people who still in unstable legal and economic conditon) with other Sunni countries like Egypt or Turkey. Both them have about 75 million people, and they're more stable in a matter of law, order of leadership. Their military forces are also more powerful than Iran.
CieL- FreYa Ceastle : If we already know the actual facts behind the American threats against Iran and Israel are only intended to drain the wealth of Arab cuntries, it's just for American power to determine policies related to security issues, just for Iran's show of its force, and just for Shiite teachings can be entered in the Arab countries, then what must be done to deal with all this?
Cisca Zarmansyah : According to me, what should be done is to encourage all Sunni Arab countries. At least, the Gulf States have to be more careful to use their wealth. Firstly, it's better to divert some of the costs to finance the purchase of weapons technology experts from some Islamic countries, especially from Islamic countries which were once under the auspices of Russian Federation. They're very competent.
Then to build sophisticated weapons factories, because the weapon which is designed by Muslim scholars can actually strengthen the Islam, not the weapons that had been imported from America. How great and how powerful the weapons made any enemies, they would have been calculated and limited their strength. (Please review the US claims against Israel when it sells weapons to Saudi Arabia. That's the largest arms purchase and sale transactions in history)
Secondly, transferring some money to support all activities in order to restore the awareness of Sunni Muslims worldwide to unite, because this is the most important security fortress to alienate all threats and dangers of the Shiite.
Fairuz Azalia : Thank you, C. You make it becomes more interesting to observe, but is that so easy to awaken them?
Cisca Zarmansyah : ......Naaah, ... they should be assertive and confident that there's no other way out, but to unite. If not, they will split apart as has been done by Persians and Romans to Arab nation.
Finally, although Israel will carry out its intention destroy Iran, actually which will be destroyed at the first time is Arab States. On its time, Iran will be faced only by American forces alone, that by then had anchored in the Gulf Countries.
After that, Arab countries will become flat and become a place for seeding the winning side. Just as happened in Egypt and its surrounding areas on the war between Persia and Rome (before the prophet Muhammad was sent). Egypt and the surrounding areas had been swept twice. The first time was when the Persians won and the second time was on the Romans' victory.
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