Saturday, April 5, 2014

News Headlines (477) 31 March 2014


► Today is all about spontaneity, so ignore your calendar items and just try to wing it as much as possible. With energy like yours, it's hard to see how things could go wrong. Have fun with your people! You can cut to the chase in a way that few other people can match, and that sincere desire to speak (and hear) the truth helps you out in all sorts of ways right now. A flash of insight can lead to you clearing the way for a new path. You and a few close friends might not have thought it was possible, but go ahead and lead the way anyway.

BUSINESS INSIDER 27 March 2014 : Russian Security Expert Explains Why Moscow May Never Let Snowden Go

MOTLEY FOOL 30 March 2014 : America May Have Just Unveiled a New Weapon to Combat Russia's Action in Ukraine

■ 30 March 2014 : Putin, Obama maneuver over crisis in Ukraine. Whose advantage? (+video) 

■ 30 March 2014 : Is Sheldon Adelson the one man any Republican presidential hopeful must woo? (+video) 
■ 29 March 2014 : Trayvon Martin: What did Kobe Bryant say about justice?

BLOOMBERG 31 March 2014 : Siemens CEO Rebuked as German Business Defends Putin Partnership

WAPO 26 March 2014 : The war of words over Ukraine plays into Putin's hands

GUARDIAN 31 March 2014 : Climate change 'already affecting food supply' – UN

GAMING: Goat Simulator Official Launch Trailer. Published on Mar 26, 2014 by CoffeeStainStudios 

Kerry, Lavrov hold talks on de-escalating Ukraine crisis  - By Lesley Wroughton and Alexei Anishchuks
MOSCOW/PARIS - U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, discussed ways to defuse the Ukraine crisis during talks in Paris. | Video
* Chechens offer weary welcome to new Crimean compatriots
* After Crimea, Moldova too fears 'unwanted' events on road to EU 
* Video: Honoring the fallen in Kiev

No time limit on Malaysia jet search: Australia PM 
PERTH/BEIJING - Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said there was no time limit on the hunt for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, missing for more than three weeks in the Indian Ocean with 239 people on board. | Video

A blind teenager, living with vision - A Reuters photographer follows Precious Perez, a blind teenager living in Massachusetts, as she charts her path through high school and adolescence.  | Video
* Precious by name, precocious by nature

► French foie gras -- made in China?
PARIS - Foie gras failed to make the list of meat products approved for sale in China. But a French firm plans to be fattening a million ducks in China by 2020 to supply a growing appetite there for foie gras.
* Londoners fall in love with cat cafe

► In Antarctica, a town that thrives despite the shivers

Oligarch Poroshenko registers Ukraine president candidacy

Climate impacts overwhelming - UN
Global warming's impact is likely to be "severe, pervasive and irreversible", the UN warns in its most comprehensive assessment yet of climate change.
* 'Profound' climate change report - VIDEO 
* Climate report: Key findings
* A food crisis in Japan? 
* Risk of flooding
* Climate: A UK perspective
* How warming acidifies oceans

■ 'Step forward' in skin cancer fight
■ Breast cancer 'personal drugs' hope

'Turkish elections deferred false flag operation against Syria' 
Lavrov, Kerry discuss Ukraine constitutional reform, fair elections 
Nationalists 'no longer useful, embarrassing' to Ukraine putsch regime

Lavrov: If West accepts coup-appointed Kiev govt, it must accept a Russian Crimea 

Society needs protection against extremism in times of colored revolutions - Putin

In conducting the revolution, the revolutionaries should take into account various aspects and conditions related to the goals of the revolution. If the revolution goal is not in accordance with the people character in the country, then the expected changes will not be fully successful. Similarly, the revolutionary leader should have the ability to be large enough to change the mindset of people they lead. If a revolution led by someone who thinks only of self-interest, the changes resulting from the revolution will not be strong enough to be able to change the people. Therefore, the revolutionary movement should be done with the same vision and mission among the leaders of the revolutionary movement and the movement of players under his leadership. Thus, it will create a planned change in accordance with the vision, mission, and strategies that have been designed previously.

Though in reality, the revolution means a change in the social and cultural fields, but most of the revolution is defined as a change in politics because of the political impact which dominates the revolution process Almost all the revolutions going on in the world leaving a very large political trail. The ability of a revolution to change the social and cultural conditions become obscured by the political changes greater than both these aspects, whereas markedly, the political change which produced by revolution actually strengthens the changes in social and cultural fields. The political changes in a country can affect the social conditions of the country because the political leaders will change a variety of existed social conditions into the social conditions in accordance with their political goals.

Almost all forms of revolution has always been associated with a political principle, so as to carry out a social and cultural revolution is the same as doing the practices and political strategies.

In addition to the political motives into the myth of revolution in the world politics, the issue of violence always appear side by side with the revolution. The issue is assessed arise as a result of spontaneous revolution of the revolutionaries. The emotional side is then regarded as a social and cultural change which brings people as the performer of violent revolution into the changes in the more sarcastic new moral values.

If in the previous centuries we know the revolution for independence or rebellion against a government system, then revolution in contemporary times can be seen in the fields of technology, food, economics, and almost all aspects of society. A variety of technology products appear to increase the economic development in community life so that human get the energy assistance with the presence of extra-powered  machines. Unfortunately, the higher the rate of change, the greater the change in social and cultural conditions of people in this world. For example, the presence of the green revolution movement gives the considerable changes to the lives of food in many countries. With the green revolution, agricultural life will improve further, the various technologies used to improve the cultivation of agricultural production of food so that the community needs can be met properly.

If previous revolution is used to further unite various walks of life to be more familiar with their cultural values​​, then on global revolution in modern times people will have a more tenuous socio-cultural relations than ever before. People think more of the economic values than previous social life. The machines have replaced human powers in various ways so that people only become aliens for their own circles. This is caused by the revolution without spiritual power.

In addition, the science of revolution also blinds people from wanting to love the nature. Science and technology gained from the revolution even change the people become the main source of natural destroyer. The impact of today's global warming which becomes a hot issue in the world is one proof that the various revolutions conducted without a spiritual revolution will only be disastrous for life on earth. Therefore, revolutionary movement actors should think about the impact that will arise before doing the revolutionary movement.

Thus, it can be concluded that the revolutionary movement in any field will be able to transform all aspects of human life because human life can not be separated from the social, political, cultural, economic, and technological. Although in the end, many revolutions have negative impacts on people's lives because the absence of a spiritual revolution in the movement.

Broken Country: Charities step up to help feed Greek children
Trojan Horses: Aid convoys help young Islamist fighters go to Syrian warzone  
Venture Capital: Ukraine - Cash injection or infection? (E34)
Discrimination Fear: Sharia law guidelines introduced to UK Muslim wills
Video: 'Disobedience 2014' protest in Spain against austerity
Guantanamo detainee sues Obama over 'medieval' torture methods

Technology Update: Russian robots invasion, speaking gloves & firefighters' latest gear. On this month's show, we turn up the heat with Moscow's firefighters as they put their latest gear to the test. An electronic glove may mean one less language barrier for us all. An unlikely material helps buildings survive the bumping and grinding of tectonic plates not to mention the trials of time. And despite the robot invasion, we still find the time to indulge in some of Moscow's more cultural pursuits.

Sanctions Gain Plan: China looks to profit in West-Russia jab fest. As Chinese President Jee Jinping is close to wrapping up his first European tour. EU states are falling head over heels in their efforts to court Beijing. So much so that they are even ready to sweep under the carpet all talk of sanctioning Russia over Ukraine. Beijing says it won't take sides on Crimea fearing it would alienate Moscow. That's got the EU worried its political stance could jeopardize trade links with the Asian powerhouse. RT's Peter Oliver reports. With the U.S. and the EU still enraged by Crimea reunification with Moscow, talk is rife that more crippling sanctions on Russia will follow. But, many business and political leaders worry further restrictions on the Kremlin could backfire on Europe itself. RT's Aleksey Yaroshevsky explains what it could lead to. Well here with me is the host of venture capital, Katie Pilbeam.

101 East - Killer crocs. As saltwater crocodiles stalk Australia's waterways, we investigate if they should be culled to curb attacks on humans. 

[ NOTE : Similar video in my previous post 29 March 2014 has been removed by user. Sorry about that. ]

Poets of Protest - Yehia Jaber: Laughter is My Exit. Yehia Jaber fought with the communists during Lebanon's long civil war. He is now one of the country's most acclaimed poets, celebrated for the bitter, comedic work he often performs like stand-up comedy. He takes us on a journey across Lebanon, and into his past, to explain why this former fighter now battles for change with nothing but words. 


Free trade, cultural imperialism, globalization, tribalism, or religious issues, Franklin Foer just needs to take us looking around the soccer field to know many things about the world's problems.

Franklin Foer also departs from more or less the same question, before finally deciding to go to proletariat pockets of world's football supporters in order to find the answer. Armed with journalistic experience, a senior editor at U.S. media had gone and met many anomalies as opposed to the conventional sociological theory.

The first chapter has been presenting us about a figure with a pseudonym: Arkan. He who had at least 40 pseudonyms was juggling the factions of Red Star Belgrade supporters, Yugoslav football clubs which in essence was communist, becoming Serbian ultra-nationalist. Delije turned into Tigers, which was none other than Slobodan Milosevic's paramilitary forces in slaughter the Croats and Bosnian Muslims.

Sometimes Foer takes us into a more familiar feud,  "Old Firm" war in Scotland. Foer tries to trace the root cause of sectarian warfare in Glasgow triggered by Celtic and Rangers. How a football game can trigger feelings of mutual hatred between Celtic hooligans (Catholic) and Rangers (Protestant) in a cosmopolitan city where the population was considered very tolerant.

Foer writing style that sometimes humorous but often accompanied by quotations sociological theory makes this book becomes a highly readable reading. This book is actually dedicated to the new literacy of the American public about international football culture, but also a valuable additional knowledge for the soccer maniacs. "You will understand why the market will have a sense of hooligans. At the most basic level, hooligans represent a romantic rebel figure, who are willing to take the risk of physical injury and fighting the police. "Hooligan is not a nihilist." Foer described in chapter "Football and sentimental hooligan".

Foer also illustrates  if the fear of anti-globalization is not proven, at least in football's world. Globalization does not actually delete the local culture clubs affected, but strengthen their local identity, how the Tottenham Hotspur hooligans and Ajax Amsterdam -- with their unclear religion -- hoist the Jews banner in their stadiums.

Foer also quite successful to explain the phenomenon of new oligarchies that have sprung from the countries of former Soviet Union, where after acquiring natural resources, they first master the football field (and its supporters) before plunging into the world of practical politics. There are also studies why Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism has always been a bright color for football in third world countries, in countries where the wealth chasm between the richest and the poorest is like the earth to the sky. For example, Brazilian League. Do not be surprised if Brazil is the largest exporter in the world players. They will run away from the local league if there is a chance to graze in other countries.

Not only traveling to the gathering of hardline supporters, Foer also goed to a prestigious place in Spain to re-tell the El Clasico rivalry between Barcelona with Real Madrid. Football fans may already be familiar with the history of hatred on both sides, but Foer also offers a different point of view.

Foer eventually finds a variety of answers to his own questions, but he's reluctant to brazing them in a theory.
I can agree with hir first sentence in this book, "I suck at soccer".


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