Sunday, July 24, 2011

There's A Shit, There's A Fan.... Boom!

Friday, July 22, 2011, the Norway was shaken by the terrorist bomb in Oslo. So far, terrorism has always synonymous with the Muslims. But this time, this incidence was showing that the bomber was a white man, handsome, blond, a nationalist, anti-Islam, interested in politics, video games violent action and the TV show "Dexter".

Suspect: Norwegian media reported that Anders Behring Breivik has been arrested

Anders Behring Breivik, Norwegian 32-year-old called himself a true fan of Winston Churchill, classical music and colossal movies, such as "309", "Modern Warefare 2", "World of Warcraft", and "Gladiator". All the data, from his political views until his favorite type of movies were posted in his Facebook account.

He also has published his action on YouTube. In the video, it was clear his hatred against the Islam, Marxism and multiculturalism.

Reported by AFP on Sunday (07/24/2011), the Oslo police could not be sure whether the uploader of this video was Breivik. There was his photographs complete with a hatred "campaign" and a rifle gun that was used to kill in a 12-minute video. The video (which was uploaded on the same day as the terrorist events in Norway) has now been removed from YouTube because it was considered too vulgar. The authorities were still investigating.

"Before starting with the Crusades, we must do our duty by clearing the Marxism culture," as one of the text that appeared in the video. The video was posted by an account with the name BerwickAndrew.

Breivik, who reportedly had been a member of the Freemasonry (international organization by the principle of secular humanism in which the election of members were conducted rigorous), is now accused of two attacks that killed up to 7 people in Oslo and the 80 people who camped in Utoya island, about 35 km northwest of Oslo. Meanwhile, five people reportedly have been missing and they still looked for by the police officers with a mini submarine. They are part of the Labour Party campers on Utoya island.

Police at the home of Breivik, a farm at Ostre Asta near Oslo, where he allegedly planned the entire massacre & white van to drive onto the island of Utoya

The windows of PM office building and the office building of petroleum ministry seemed shattered. But the PM Jens Stoltenberg survived, because he wasn't in the office when the bomb was exploded. The glass and steel rods that have been twisted were scattered along the building's road.

One hour after the bomb exploded, a gunman dressed in police uniforms opened fire on teenagers 14-18 years who were camping on that small island. The police said at least nine children were shot and killed on the spot. They immediately evacuated the people who were still in the forest on the island, and found the bomb that still hadn't detonated. The police estimated that the victim would still increase.

This is the largest terrorist attack in Western Europe since the bomb attacks in London 2005. Norwegian authorities are investigating the motive of that coordinated assassination, but the figure of Breivik who often involved in politics with a strong viewpoint emerged in the investigation. It is suspected that the shooter comes from the circle of "right wing" in Oslo, the city where he resides, according to TV2. Until now, the police are still investigating the possibility that there was another armed man who was also involved, because some victims reported that they saw two attackers.

The U.S. government through Hillary Clinton who at that time was in Bali, Indonesia, strongly condemns this terrorist bombing.

Further News

I do not understand the mindset of this man. If he is an Islamophobia, why did he even kill the Norwegians? ....
Hey, Breivic, why don't you go to Middle East and joining the NATO in Libya or in Afghanistan, ... for example?

Cisca Zarmansyah recommends some links
LONDON (Reuters) - State multiculturalism has failed and left young Muslims vulnerable to radicalization, Prime Minister David Cameron will say on Saturday, arguing for a more active policy to heal divisions.
LONDON (Reuters) - At a secret location in London in April 2002, nine far-right extremists gathered together to form The Knights Templar Europe, a small pan-European group which pledged to seize political.
After the terrible events in Norway there has been a great deal of speculation about what led Anders Breihvik to commit such an act, whether he did have friends and associates in the UK, and what can be done to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again.
On Tuesday, I read a New York Times online report about a press conference held by Geir Lippestad, the defense lawyer for admitted Norwegian mass murderer Anders Breivik. I found one of Lippestad's statements of interest, and saved it for future reference. Little did I know it would disappear from the news website.
In diesen Tagen erleben wir eine mediale Schlammschlacht von zweifelhafter Güte, die um den jüngsten Mordanschlag in Norwegen kreist. Doch haben die Medien im Falle Breiviks wirklich sorgfältig recherchiert? Nein!
Anders Behring Breiviks bok 2083 har kopiert den såkalte Una-bomberens Manifest ord for ord. Han er ellers nøye med å oppgi kilde, men det står ingenting om at han har lånt fra Una-bomberen.
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Anders Behring Breivik, the man behind the Norway killings that left 93 people dead, began his journey in extremist rightwing politics at a small meeting in London in 2002, according to his online manifesto, and may have attended a far right demonstration in the UK as recently as last year.
Sentenced to Serving the Good Life in Norway

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