Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Russian Postmodernism

For students of theories of culture and philosophy, the term of "philosophy of language" will ignite their memories for names such as Ferdinand de Saussure, Roland Barthes and the 'poststructuralist' as Jacques Derrida. By this term they will be reminded of the series of themes: about how arbitrarily the relationship between sign and meaning, about how meanings are prepared by differential relationship between the sign, about how consciousness is structured by signs, and so on. For students of Marxism, the term of "philosophy of language" is also reminded them of another theme, namely about how ideology is not simply a reflection of the economic interests of social classes, but it is shaped and constrained by language as realm of differences between the marks. Since almost the last century, the development of Continental philosophy shows strong influence of meaning's association of "philosophy of language" like this. Among Marxists, this consciousness began since Valentin Voloshinov in 1930 -- who firstly showed that the ideology of "structured like a language" -- until Slavoj Zizek at the beginning of 21st century who showed that our desires were socially structured via mechanism of language.

But in conventional narrative of "philosophy of language" as a consolidation of poststructuralism's history, there is one name that is rarely mentioned : Joseph Stalin. "Philosophy of language" or what is now tends to be equated with the notion of "poststructuralism" is not a short trip from Geneva to Paris (from Saussure to Derrida), but twisting journey from Geneva to Paris via Moscow. In the corner, Stalin is playing a role. I do not claim that without Stalin  then there will be no poststructuralism and postmodernism (which is derived from poststructuralism). What I claim is that without Stalin then our picture of poststructuralism history and postmodernism formulation won't be complete.

Long before joining the Russian Left, Stalin was a poet. His expertise was in lyric poetry: about trees, wind and night. His lyric poems admired by famous Romantic poet from Georgia, Ilia Chavchavadze. Even some of them were published in the most influential literary journals in Russia in pre-Soviet era, Iveria. But his systematic reflections on new language appeared much later, after he joined the Russian Left, after he took power after Lenin's death. Marksizm i voprosy yazykoznaniya ("Marxism and Problems of Linguistics") is a short book about the nature of language, published in 1950. In it, Stalin considered the language's status within framework of Marxian's thought.

He criticized the deterministic view of Soviet linguist, Nicholas Marr. The linguists argued that language was merely superstructural phenomena. It means, the economic reality completely determines the phenomenon of language, changes in economic reality necessitates a change in total reality of language. Therefore, Marr argued that class differences were also reflected in differences in language. The transition from capitalist production's modus to socialist in Russia must be followed by a linguistic revolution, namely the removal of bourgeois Russian language and its transformation into a "proletariat language". Stalin criticized Marr assumptions. Language was not a superstructural effect of economic reality.

In his work, Stalin explained how language was the product of a historical social relations and cross-class patterned. He gave some historical illustrations, among others, about French in the era before and after 1789 Revolution. While the Revolution marked the transition to a capitalist feudal order, France language was still more or less the same. Indeed there's a new vocabulary and new idiomatic phrases after Revolution in 1789, but the French language syntax remains the same. Similarly with Russia language condition before and after October Revolution of 1917. This shows, for Stalin, how changes in class composition does not necessarily result in a change of language. From here Stalin drew the conclusion that the language couldn't be regarded as a superstructural effect of the base. In addition, Stalin also learned how language had emerged since pre-formation of social classes era (communal production mode). This further confirms his conclusion that the language goes beyond logic of class.

If language is not one of superstructure components, then where is the language in Marxian historical materialism's scheme? At the base? Not really. Stalin saw that language similar to the means of production, as well as factory machinery. There is no such thing as "bourgeois machine" or "proletarian machine". There is only a machine that can be used in capitalist or socialist system of labor division. Meanwhile the machine itself, in-itself, is neutral in class. Similarly with language, according to Stalin. Neutrality is possible because the language already existed before class, ie since the primitive communal society. Language is a "social space" where the production and reproduction of community life occur. Therefore, based on the conclusions of Stalin, the language is not part of superstructure and base because language is a forum where both are being realized. Ideology and reproduction mechanism fulfillment are considered, expressed and discussed through the language. Because language is a place where all social relationships occur, then the language underlies all social phenomena, including the base and the superstructure. Language can't be blamed on political economy basis and ideologically. In other words, in  postmodernist phraseology, language has a "relative autonomy" of the base and superstructure.

In addition to affirming the language"autonomy" of economistic reduction, Stalin also showed that the language was involved in structuring the ideology and public awareness. This is because all of the conversations and reflections should be through medium of language. Therefore, the structure of ideology and culture have always been contaminated by language. There is no pure thought without language. Therefore, there is no ideology without language. This outlook anticipates language approach which later popularized by the structuralist and poststructuralist of France.

There are three things donated by Stalin to poststructuralism and postmodernism:
  1. Rejection of the reduction of language problem in class problem and political economy in general.
  2. Recognition of language as basic vehicle for social interaction surrounding (and hence also beyond) base and superstructure.
  3. Recognition of constitutive language characteristic to consciousness, culture and ideology.
Through the three main ideas, Stalin opened the way for the growth of a variety of language approaches  about community that will characterize French intellectual panorama since the 1960s. With that, Stalin contributed to roll what is commonly known as "Linguistic Turn" in contemporary Continental philosophy. Thus, Stalin - 'the Voldemort'of postmodernist - is precisely the one who makes postmodernism possible.

What can be learned from the 'case of Stalin'? The most brilliant, of course, is that the writing of poststructuralism and postmodernism history need to be overhauled and enriched. However, this case also teaches us something important about the relationship between Marxism and 'the outside of Marxism'. It is clearly, that Marxism -- the general theory of society development -- is not a theory of everything. There are many things uncovered by Marxism, such as: the composition of subatomic of baryons, the properties of alkali metal, semantic implications of studies in pragmatics (pronouns which are rooted in the identity of speakers) and many other things.

To study domain outside Marxism, Marxists often take one of these two options: to impose Marxism theory scheme into it (vulgar gesture) or do not care at all its implications for Marxism (agnostic attitude). Both options are equally problematic. The first option will only generate a pseudo-science, while the second option will deprive Marxism of its roots in the totality of reality. In the case of Stalin, the first choice tends to the fore. This can be seen in Stalin's involvement in the Lysenko affair.

In the early 1930s, Stalin was fascinated by the view of Trofim Lysenko, a Soviet biologist who believed that wheat production could be enhanced through the creation of new breeding techniques. Lysenko justified this technique with a myriad of Marxist jargon and vulgarly  imposed the "law of dialectics" to biological sciences.

Stalin gladly sponsored him to do "agricultural revolution" in the whole of Russia. Lysenkoism proved unsuccessful and realized nothing more than a pseudo-science. Therefore, the choice of Stalin's linguistic problems arguably is more satisfying. With his theory of language, Stalin seemed to give the wind for linguistics and guarantee the immunity from party bureaucratic intervention. Stalin's assurance was immediately greeted by various branches of other studies such as mathematics and logic. Experts mathematics and logic could decipher his teachings without necessarily associated with a class analysis and Marxian political economy. It means, acknowledging "the outside Marxism 'is a step forward. For Marxist intellectual tasks is not to impose Marxism in every way, but finding Marxism in all things, finding the components of the knowledge of non-Marxist which -- if they are assembled and projected macro -- will generate and fulfill Marxism. Here we need to draw a critical inspiration from postmodernist of Kremlin.


Saturday, February 21, 2015


I'm too serious. Yes. By thinking this bear is an animal resembling Alain Soral, then I know, I'm too serious. They do not resemble each other, not at all. So, after taking a compromise in thought, then I say to myself, "This is selfie. The bear is trying to be a bear. An animal. Alain Soral is trying to be himself. A man. Similarities between them: both come from class of mammals. Both are silent, motionless." But my mind is not silent. I always thought he will be torn to pieces by wild animals in the city, then what is left only his debts, ehehehe. Because do not want to be embarrassed by misconceptions, finally I intend to make a wax statue that resembles them both. If a sculpture creation must be named, then I'll call them, "A White Man and a White Bear." ... and they do not have to kiss each other, stupid! Well, it sounds softer in my inner hearing. More friendly to be remembered than, "A Sex Scandal Between A White Man and A Nigger Woman." Ehehee.
"Binti Laden!Binti Laden!"

Dans ta mémoire immortelle,
Comme dans le reposoir
D'une divine chapelle,
Pour celui qui t'est fidèle,
Garde l'amour et l'espoir.
Garde l'amour qui m'enivre,
L'amour qui nous fait rêver;
Garde l'espoir qui fait vivre;
Garde la foi qui délivre,
La foi qui nous doit sauver.
L'espoir, c'est de la lumière,
L'amour, c'est une liqueur,
Et la foi, c'est la prière.
Mets ces trésors, ma très chère,
Au plus profond de ton coeur.
[Nérée Beauchemin - A celle que j'aime]

After a long search for a face in millions of my dreams, I finally find his face. Although I realize this face will go away in a few years, but, can someone tell me how do I get this face back forever? With my face, I am staring at this face. While I still have time for it. While my face is still here. You can't see my face directly. Let me be the one who can see you.
The mortal is time. We are eternal.
We pick it second by second,
Stringing it like a flower
Until one day
We forget why.
"But, the mortal is time, is not it?" you asked.
We are eternal.

un beau champion
le monde est plus efficace contre le
rappeur en cours
depuis longtemps depuis cette date plus
de moyens entre 22 acteurs politiques
ou alors ça m'amuse pas effectivement
de parler de ça mais je pense que c'est
intéressant de se servir de ce 2
secondes ce qui s'est passé là un
petit espace de
de 200 médias qui tue
pour eux sur une analyse globale de la
ce que je pense que c'est ça qui est
je rappelle le contexte
mais ajoute déclaré dieudonné dans
une vidéo qui a déjà dépassé les
500 milles vu que l'on créé un parti
politique qui s'appelle réconciliation nationale
et pour cent
quelques jours après
en pratique immédiatement après
on nous sort soi-disant rue
une affaire de
de racisme et
et de co2
harcèlement sexuel je sais pas
qui d'ailleurs le sort le même jour
que ma condamnation à 13000 euros
passive et l'a13 1000 euros
dans le procès qui l'opposé à
monsieur haziza
et quand on voit la manière dont les
les médias on lançait l'opération ce
qu'on voit bien que c'est un espèce de
de timing
ça commence par un petit média
soi-disant indépendants mais financé
par son site
et puis ça monte crescendo pour passer
par une 89
le nouvel obs et saphir libération pour
l'ajuster vite et canal+
et je vais vous dire pourquoi
si vous avez regardé le site fr et
c'est le journal de canal+ qui était le
premier sur la faire
a reçu comme moi
puisque c'est à melle
on recopie coller
les confessions de la halde ladite du
mythique manque c'est pour ça qu'il a
lâché la faire parce qu'il sait qu'il
a pas de faire quoi
mais ce qui était assez incroyable cet
immense et le déferlement
de mensonges
la part des médias qui sont censés des
médias sérieux officiel
ce que des gens vont au minimum ont fait
un travail donc être train
oui elle le déferlement de boule sur le
comment dirais-je
et le le virtuel ça s'est passé ça
c'est ça qui est
c'est notoire sur l'affairé même si
les lensois comptent donner suffisamment
d'éléments sur le site
je n'ai pas vraiment dire autre chose
que c est une
disputes amoureuse
qui met fin une relation
amoureuse virtuelle qui existait entre
le mois de juin et le mois d'août
donc je rappelle déjà que
la fer sonore
le prix
le 15 août
le monde le sait ces jours derniers
trois ou quatre mois après avant
les femmes qui sont
une engueulade
sur parole sms échangés
vous je réponds
de manière un peu brutale et énervé
à une première salve de propos
brutaux et merveilles voilà mais tout
ça est sûr
tout ça est accessible je n'ai pas
vraiment revenir là-dessus
simplement dire que ce que je balance à
ce moment-là est en fait
si je veux si je voulais parler le dise
devant de nombreux échanges que j'ai
eus avec la personne le triste constat
sa réalité ce que je ne dis pas ça en
l'air c'est plutôt le triste constat de
la réalité qu'elle m'a raconté de
que d un jour pour le plaisir des
injures voilà
il est apparu il ya un an
mais ce qui est intéressant c'est que
médiaparte pas monter au créneau et je
vais vous dire pourquoi parce que je
suis entièrement sous surveillance des
renseignements généraux
et entièrement écouter niveau
téléphoner au niveau internet
je pense que
mediapart connaît le l'absence totale
d'affaires et donc ne sont pas montés
au créneau là dessus parce qu'il faut
bien comprendre que la réalité tout
ça c'est que j'ai quand même engagé
les procès
un peu plus légitimement parce que
c'est bon c'est mon
comment dire c'est moi qui étais c'est
mon droit à quelques voix bafoués dans
cette histoire
et donc je pense que j'obtiendrais dans
quelques temps ça prend du temps l'afld
les condamnations de tous les
pour menaces
pour injures
pour divulgation de deschamps se priver
le sommet étant la vente je pense
demain trop tôt
donc obtenu au sortir de la douche
chaude pris en photo devant ma glace par
il n'est pas question de tout excès de
photos de soi
sois moi-même un peu
une photo
de façon malveillante et sans doute
vendu puisque elle a été sortie pour
la première fois par le
agent le le comment dirais-je
paparazzi ultra sioniste
elle facilitera donc il faut bien voir
que cinq d'opération
de déstabilisation
je dirais de l'extrême-droite sioniste
qui les rend plus à un asthmatique le
sionisme et l'extrême droite est même
la seule extravagance
aujourd'hui vivante depuis le suicide de
drôlerie clair dans son bunker
puisque c'est effectivement une
idéologie colonialiste
et théologique
mais voilà donc petit aparté donc
extrême-droite sionisme cesse et c'est
un pléonasme
donc c'est bien une attaque
pourtant réponse
à la création
par moyeu données de réconciliation
essayez d euros de la mort en tapant sur
la zarzuela ceinture c'est le cas de le
puisque ces gens-là n'ont aucune
réponse à donner à césar ou projet
politique qui est le nôtre
effectivement qui visiblement les
inquiéter les embête pas dire que la
réconciliation nationale
l'antiracisme authentique
enfin puisque l'on sait très bien ce
qui est des données qui je suis et ce
qu'on fait depuis déjà dix ensembles
ils ont la réconciliation
et l'antiracisme authentique leur fait
très peur
et c'est ça la vraie question pour
continent aussi peur que je puisse
mettre moi avec de l'humour et de donner
à pied en politique en attendant le
jour j
nouveau parti politique la
réconciliation nationale sous fond
justement de rhétorique antisémite
pour le spd qui ne verra pas le jour
je vois pas comment un parti dirigé par
ces mêmes pour m
tombé et pour ne pas finir par tomber
à séville toutes parts sous le coup de
la loi aujourd'hui sur un décalage de
la traçabilité généralisée souvent
pour le pire
pour les individus pour le droit au
secret de chacun des pièges aussi pour
le meilleur moi je serai ce genre de mec
là je ferai attention
peu savent pas où le pire c'est que
ces manipulations en mettant
en jetant en pâture la vie sexuelle des
personnes publiques est une des
de déstabilisation politique
je rappellerai la plus peuplée et la
plus éloquente quant aux sujets
et la façon d'en rire edgar ouvert
j'essayais de faire chanter martin
luther-king parce qu'ils avaient des
qui démontrait
que martin luther-king fréquenter des
finir le site une certitude que martin
luther-king fréquenter des prostituées
ça n'enlève rien à son combat
politique que je sache
et plus près de nous on se rappellera
de l'île de stupide et les
protestataires lévy ne se quittent plus
pour rappel le père de rébecca les
un nouveau scandale touche aujourd'hui
le président américain il aurait
entretenu pendant près de deux ans une
liaison avec une stagiaire de la
maison-blanche ecclestone risque
à moins que la destitution et même une
peine de prison
suite ce que c'est d'un autre niveau
toujours pareil avec une histoire
ridicule d'une
une amourette avec une stagiaire
amateurs de la maison blanche mais
voilà c'est récurrent quand on est
déstabilisé quelqu'un
on tape sous la ceinture alors ya ceux
qui sont protégés
khadir qui ont droit à toutes les
bien plus incroyable que les miennes
évidemment halal l affaire remonte à
la fin des années 70
aux etats-unis le réalisateur de
rosemary's baby et du bal des vampires
est une star
jusqu'à ce jour de mars 1977
pour mame polanski est accusé de viol
sur une jeune mineure
au cours d'une séance photo a le sens
de l'esprit il aurait abusé de samantha
gameurs 13 ans vous avez avec les autres
qui est raconté d'un ancien ministre
qui s'est fait poisser à marrakech dans
une partouze avec des petits garçons
probablement nous savons tous ici de qui
il s'agit très performant par l'horloge
en fait je pense que je vais pas le
faire le fatah
le faire
ils vont suivre
comment l'expliquez-vous oui si les
enterrements deux victoires et un nul
pour finalement mener à bien une
enquête a été ouverte pour vérifier
valider la formation les gens qui sont
qui sont jetés en pâture se trouve
important de voir et puis des gens qui
étaient protégés qui la secouent le
sont plus
affaire strauss-kahn très intéressante
ces images ont fait le tour du monde
il affolait les médias
dominique strauss-kahn sort menotté
d'un commissariat de harlem
arrêtés quelques heures auparavant à
il est accusé d'agression sexuelle de
tentative de viol et de séquestration
sur une employée de l'hôtel sofitel de
il a fait
des dizaines de fois ce qu'il a fait
à new york
et puis un jour on n'a pas laissé faire
pourquoi ce jour là effectivement on ne
laisse pas faire la trappe
et on le roule roule détruits
pour ceux qui s'intéressent
sérieusement à ces questions
on voit que ses alliés
à des divergences dans l'instant les
stratégies d'avenir du fmi
entre certaines lignes
pro américaine et certaines lignes qui
n'était plus tôt anti-américaine et
anti-dollar donc j'aime bien me servir
de tout ça pour faire monter le niveau
ben voilà donc à mon modeste niveau
voilà jeu je lance un parti politique
avec dieudonné
et tout à coup
une personne dont je n'ai plus de
nouvelles depuis le mois d'août dernier
et avec qui je vais t'aider disputé à
eric est venu qu'une relation virtuelle
c'est peu au regard d'autres
avec l'échangé quelques photos
réciproque réciproquement
pour 100 e de secours ce réveil
et se retrouve dans les mains de
d'un réseau de manipulation qui pâtit
pas de la comme très souvent de la
voyoucratie de la pierre voyoucratie
je rejouerai pas dans les détails
effectivement un rôle au média
en passant par les relever les réseaux
de l'extrême droite
tout ça est avérée et démontrer donc
je pense que je peux sur ce sujet
m'arrêter là-dessus

Le gai soleil chauffait les plaines réveillées.
Des caresses flottaient sous les calmes feuillées.
Offrant à tout désir son calice embaumé,
Où scintillait encor la goutte de rosée,
Chaque fleur, par de beaux insectes courtisée,
Laissait boire le suc en sa gorge enfermé.
De larges papillons se reposant sur elles
Les épuisaient avec un battement des ailes,
Et l'on se demandait lequel était vivant,
Car la bête avait l'air d'une fleur animée.
Des appels de tendresse éclataient dans le vent.
Tout, sous la tiède aurore, avait sa bien-aimée!
Et dans la brune rose où se lèvent les jours
On entendait chanter des couples d'alouettes,
Des étalons hennir leurs fringantes amours,
Tandis qu'offrant leurs coeurs avec des pirouettes
Des petits lapins gris sautaient au coin d'un bois.
Une joie amoureuse, épandue et puissante,
Semant par l'horizon sa fièvre grandissante,
Pour troubler tous les coeurs prenait toutes les voix,
Et sous l'abri de la ramure hospitalière
Des arbres, habités par des peuples menus,
Par ces êtres pareils à des grains de poussière,
Des foules d'animaux de nos yeux inconnus,
Pour qui les fins bourgeons sont d'immenses royaumes,
Mêlaient au jour levant leurs tendresses d'atomes.

Deux jeunes gens suivaient un tranquille chemin
Noyé dans les moissons qui couvraient la campagne.
Ils ne s'étreignaient point du bras ou de la main ;
L'homme ne levait pas les yeux sur sa compagne.

Elle dit, s'asseyant au revers d'un talus :
"Allez, j'avais bien vu que vous ne m'aimiez plus."
Il fit un geste pour répondre : "Est-ce ma faute?"
puis il s'assit près d'elle. Ils songeaient, côte à côte.
Elle reprit : "Un an! rien qu'un an! et voilà
Comment tout cet amour éternel s'envola!
Mon âme vibre encor de tes douces paroles!
J'ai le coeur tout brûlant de tes caresses folles!
Qui donc t'a pu changer du jour au lendemain?
Tu m'embrassais hier, mon Amour ; et ta main,
Aujourd'hui, semble fuir sitôt qu'elle me touche.
Pourquoi donc n'as-tu plus de baisers sur la bouche?
Pourquoi? réponds!" il dit : "Est-ce que je le sais?"
Elle mit son regard dans le sien pour y lire:
“Tu ne te souviens plus comme tu m'embrassais,
Et comme chaque étreinte était un long délire?"
Il se leva, roulant entre ses doigts distraits
La mince cigarette, et, d'une voix lassée:
"Non, c'est fini, dit-il, à quoi bon les regrets?
On ne rappelle pas une chose passée,
Et nous n'y pouvons rien, mon amie!"
A pas lents
Ils partirent, le front penché, les bras ballants.
Elle avait des sanglots qui lui gonflaient la gorge,
Et des larmes venaient luire au bord de ses yeux.
Ils firent s'envoler au milieu d'un champ d'orge
Deux pigeons qui, s'aimant, fuirent d’un vol joyeux.
Autour d'eux, sous leurs pieds, dans l'azur sur leur tête,
L'Amour était partout comme une grande fête.
Longtemps le couple ailé dans le ciel bleu tourna.
Un gars qui s'en allait au travail entonna
Une chanson qui fit accourir, rouge et tendre,
La servante de ferme embusquée à l'attendre.

Ils marchaient sans parler. Il semblait irrité
Et la guettait parfois d'un regard de côté ;
Ils gagnèrent un bois. Sur l'herbe d'une sente,
A travers la verdure encor claire et récente,
Des flaques de soleil tombaient devant leurs pas ;
Ils avançaient dessus et ne les voyaient pas.
Mais elle s'affaissa, haletante et sans force,
Au pied d'un arbre dont elle étreignit l'écorce,
Ne pouvant retenir ses sanglots et ses cris.

Il attendit d'abord, immobile et surpris,
Espérant que bientôt elle serait calmée,
Et sa lèvre lançait des filets de fumée
Qu'il regardait monter, se perdre dans l'air pur.
Puis il frappa du pied, et soudain, le front dur :
"Finissez, je ne veux ni larmes ni querelle."
"Laissez-moi souffrir seule, allez-vous-en", dit-elle.
Et relevant sur lui ses yeux noyés de pleurs :
"Oh ! comme j'avais l'âme éperdue et ravie!
Et maintenant elle est si pleine de douleurs!…
Quand on aime, pourquoi n'est-ce pas pour la vie ?
Pourquoi cesser d'aimer? Moi, je t'aime… Et jamais
Tu ne m'aimeras plus ainsi que tu m'aimais!"
Il dit : "Je n'y peux rien. La vie est ainsi faite.
Chaque joie, ici-bas, est toujours incomplète.
Le bonheur n'a qu'un temps. Je ne t'ai point promis
Que cela durerait jusqu'au bord de la tombe.
Un amour naît, vieillit comme le reste, et tombe.
Et puis, si tu le veux, nous deviendrons amis
Et nous aurons, après cette dure secousse,
L'affection des vieux amants, sereine et douce."
Et pour la relever il la prit par le bras.
Mais elle sanglota : "Non, tu ne comprends pas."
Et, se tordant les mains dans une douleur folle,
Elle criait : "Mon Dieu! mon Dieu!" Lui, sans parole,
La regardait. Il dit : "Tu ne veux pas finir,
Je m'en vais" et partit pour ne plus revenir.

Elle se sentit seule et releva la tête.
Des légions d'oiseaux faisaient une tempête
De cris joyeux. Parfois un rossignol lointain
Jetait un trille aigu dans l'air frais du matin,
Et son souple gosier semblait rouler des perles.
Dans tout le gai feuillage éclataient des chansons :
Le hautbois des linots et le sifflet des merles,
Et le petit refrain alerte des pinsons.
Quelques hardis pierrots, sur l'herbe de la sente,
S'aimaient, le bec ouvert et l'aile frémissante.
Elle sentait partout, sous le bois reverdi,
Courir et palpiter un souffle ardent et tendre;
Alors, levant les yeux vers le ciel, elle dit :
Amour ! l'homme est trop bas pour jamais te comprendre!"
[Guy de Maupassant - Des vers : Fin d''amour]

News Headlines (528) 11 February - 20 February 2015


11 February 2015 : Friends might attempt to entice you to go on a little adventure today, and you are more than ready to follow their lead. Be sure to examine all the facts first, whether it's a social engagement or a business venture, since you could be so eager to dive in that you're fully involved before you know the whole deal. Employing a little common sense can save you from having to untangle yourself from a complicated mess. Aries rush in where angels fear to tread.

12 February 2015 : Today is all about renewal and regeneration -- your energy is healing any old wounds that have bothered you lately. The final result may not be what you expect, though. Be flexible! Naturally, you might wish previous commitments weren't weighing you down today, but there's no escape from fulfilling your obligations. The optimistic Sagittarius Moon encourages you to dream larger than life, but you still could appear irresponsible to someone else who thinks you should focus on the tasks at hand. Don't push your luck. You could get all you want and more if you eliminate the excess noise and take care of business. Channeling your enthusiasm into your work is your ticket to success.

13 February 2015 : You may be bored with your daily routine and are tempted to do something drastic about it today. Fortunately, you can get away with making changes that only a few days ago would have created problems. Don't let a current opportunity slip through your fingers. Pushing for short-term gratification now doesn't necessarily prevent you from establishing long-term goals as well. Working both ends of the time spectrum increases your odds of achieving success.

14 February 2015 : It's a good day for exploration -- which could mean almost anything. Your energy is perfect for checking out new people, places and things. It could be online or IRL, so go for it! You want to balance your obligations with your need for fun and games once the Moon enters responsible Capricorn today. Although your regular routine brings you back down to earth, you're not necessarily willing to let go of the idealistic hopes that still brighten your future. Remain cautious and optimistic at the same time; you can skillfully manage the tension if you stay aware of both extremes while the tightrope is stretched between your desires and your commitments. A delicate balancing act serves you well.

15 February 2015 : You truly believe that you're on the right path to success now, but you might not be ready to make all the sacrifices required to accomplish your objectives. Nevertheless, you could do your share of deep soul-searching today as you consider limiting your ambitions and then eliminating the less realistic parts of your plan. Pragmatic behavior is fine, but don't let anyone talk you out of your dreams. Hold tight to your core beliefs, even as they are honed in the fire of everyday practice.

16 February 2015 : It seems as if you must step on the brakes today or you could upset the delicate dynamics around you. The truth is you need take other people's emotions into consideration, even if you think you know what you want. However, you can only put off the inevitable for so long since you won't be satisfied until you try to achieve satisfaction. However, it doesn't matter how important your goals are; the ends don't justify the means. Paradoxically, you are more likely to experience personal fulfillment now if you work for the common good.

17 February 2015 : Your bold new vision is keeping life interesting for everyone around you -- though you may have a hard time convincing one or two skeptics that your plan is the best. Things are definitely positive! Cooperation from your friends is a blessing in disguise because it might also make you anxious if you believe the support comes with conditions. Nevertheless, working together you are able to solve just about any problem -- even longstanding stubborn ones. You may bring this same productive attitude to organizing social events, as well. Just be sure to consider the ramifications of your actions before agreeing to something that's not heartfelt. If you walk your talk today, others will follow.

18 February 2015 : You are at your best when leading a group -- or even following along, as going solo is not recommended. Things are just settled in such a way that you need to deal with problems en masse. You are at your best when leading a group -- or even following along, as going solo is not recommended. Things are just settled in such a way that you need to deal with problems en masse.

19 February 2015 : Your dreams inspire you to set lofty goals today, yet the strength of your convictions counteracts any discouragement that may surface if you don't accomplish everything you want. Although your thinking might be spiritually based now, you're able to remain pragmatic about executing your plans. Nevertheless, don't waste time wondering if you are extending your reach too far. Putting all the puzzle pieces in their proper places requires persistence.

20 February 2015 : You can't make heads or tails of whatever is going on around you today -- but it's not for lack of trying! Your mental energy is a little out of balance, so push yourself in new directions. No one has a clue about what you might do next because you are ready to reclaim control of your life. Even if your recent visits to the fantasy realms were lovely, it's now time to push your dreams out into the real world. Fortunately, your key planet Mars is back in your sign for the next six weeks, empowering you to draw upon your famous Aries courage to overcome your fears. Just don't expect too much all at once, since it could be another month before your new plans actually begin to take shape. Make the most of this auspicious time and reach for the stars.

"Business is like a man rowing a boat upstream. He has no choice; he must go ahead or he will go back." - Lewis E. Pierson


ECONOMIST 14 February  2015 : The view from the Kremlin. Putin's war on the West
GUARDIAN 12 February 2015  : Ukraine ceasefire agreed at Belarus talks
SLATE 12 February 2015  : Putin Wins Again. The new Ukrainian peace deal may be worse than no deal at all
WAPO 12 February 2015 : The Ukraine cease-fire does little to restrain Mr. Putin
DAILY BEAST 12 February 2015 : Putin's Second Useless Ukraine Ceasefire
WAPO 12 February 2015 : We keep trying to understand Putin. Why do we keep getting him wrong? 
DAILY MAIL 12 February 2015 : Face to face but worlds apart: Ukrainian leader Poroshenko glares as smug Putin is all smiles during peace talks
FOREIGN POLICY 11 February 2015 : Putin's Countermove. Don't be fooled by the ceasefire agreement in Minsk. Moscow is preparing to cement its gains before Western weapons can make an impact.
SLATE 12 February 2015 : How to Defeat Putin in Ukraine. Arming the Ukrainians is a losing game. Instead, help Kiev succeed.
TELEGRAPH 12 February 2015 : Ukraine crisis: Vladimir Putin agrees new ceasefire - as it happened. All four leaders, after more than 16 hours of talks, have agreed a new ceasefire starting on February 15. Follow the latest developments
FORBES 10 February 2015 : Obama And Merkel Are Clueless About Putin : Yet It's So Simple
POLITICO 10 February 2015 : What Putin’s Favorite Guru Tells Us About His Next Target
INDEPENDENT 12 February 2015 : Red Notice: How I Became Putin's No. 1 enemy by Bill Browder, book review
NPR 11 February 2015 : Ukrainian Lawmaker: 'We Are Hostages Of Putin'
AAWSAT 13 February 2015 : Opinion: Putin, a Prisoner of the Past
INDEPENDENT 13 February 2015 : The $35 billion problem worrying Vladimir Putin much more than Ukrainian sanctions
GUARDIAN 13 February 2015 : Putin tried to delay Ukraine ceasefire deal, EU summit told
DAILY BEAST 13 February 2015 : Why Is Putin Smiling About Ukraine? In Kiev, Everybody Knows
NY TIMES 13 February 2015 : Ukraine Says Putin Agreed to Free Pilot; He Denies It
FORBES 13 February 2015 : To Survive, Putin Is Mortgaging Russia's Energy Assets To China

"I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way." - Franklin P. Adams

POLITICO 10 February 2015 : Don't disrespect our president, black lawmakers tell Netanyahu

VALUE WALK 10 February 2015 : Russia To Help Iran Attack Saudi Arabia If U.S. Arms Ukraine [REPORT]

NY TIMES 10 February 2015 : Agreement on Ukraine Cease-Fire Deal Is Reported

■ 30 April 2013 : Good golly Miss Jolie! Stunning shots of Angelina as a 16-year-old underwear model show the raw energy of a star
■ 5 October 2014 : Khalid Boulahrouz bounces back from ex-wife dating Rafael van der Vaart by hooking up with Miss Netherlands Yasmin Verheijen
■ 11 February 2015 : The saddest goodbye: Cradled in their parents' arms, the dying babies whose brief but love-filled lives are preserved forever in these poignant photographs. 'Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep' organisation sends photographers to meet emotional parents and terminally ill babies. They believe images serve as an important step in the family's healing process by honouring the child's legacy. Founded by Cheryl Haggard, who had to take her newborn son, Maddux Achilles Haggard, off life support in 2005. She called photographer Sandy Puc to capture their final moments and they both launched organisation
■ 12 January 2015 : Miss BumBum contestant and Brazilian TV presenter reveals the shocking damage caused by fillers injected to give her a bigger bottom and thighs
■ 4 February 2015 : E-cigarettes are 'NOT a safe alternative to smoking': Toxic chemicals harm the lungs and weaken the immune system, study claims
■ 6 February 2015 : Babies with frequent eye movements are more likely to develop autism, study finds
■ 11 February 2015 : 'I'm looking for a loyal man': Irina Shayk takes a thinly-veiled swipe at footballer former flame Cristiano Ronaldo in first interview since split 
■ 10 February 2015 : Mother gives birth to twin girls nearly two MONTHS apart - after her contractions stopped after the first child
■ 12 February 2015 : Woman is electrocuted when her iPhone dropped into her bath while it was charging as she looked at a Russian version of Facebook
■ 12 February 2015 : 'His heart burned to join his brothers': France's Most Wanted Woman praises Paris deli murderer husband in ISIS magazine as she boasts about how easy it was to flee to Syria
■ 13 February 2015 : She's no angel! Dakota Johnson opts for EXTREMELY plunging white gown as she attends London premiere of Fifty Shades Of Grey with Jamie Dornan
■ 13 February 2015 : 'I get to have sex with Mila Kunis': Ashton Kutcher makes rare comments about his personal life at tech conference and calls new baby Wyatt 'beautiful' 
■ 13 February 2015 : Jailed, groom in sham wedding who couldn't remember bride's name: Pakistani national admits he'd only communicated with Hungarian wife-to-be by laptop
■ 15 February 2015 : Thousands of mourners pack mosque for burial of spiritual leader described as 'inspiration good friend and pillar of community' who died aged 92
■ 16 February 2015 : Did aliens send this metal orb to seed life on Earth? Riddle of microscopic sphere found 16 miles up, oozing slime which may contain microorganisms
■ 16 February 2015 : San Diego news station accidentally describes Obama as 'suspect' in college rape report
■ 16 February 2015 : Can Russia control the weather? Climate researcher says CIA fears hostile nations are triggering floods and droughts
■ 16 February 2015 : 'Alien MILF!' Amber Rose goes without underwear and wears other-worldly make-up for bizarre NYFW appearance
■ 17 February 2015 : All aboard Air Force Un! First glimpse inside North Korean dictator's private jet as he marks his late father's birthday
■ 17 February 2015 : Bride is badly beaten by her new husband on their wedding night - because he couldn't take off her dress
■ 17 February 2015 : Are you an aquaholic? Doctors are always advising us to drink more water but in fact drinking too much can be even worse...  
■ 17 February 2015 : All aboard Air Force Un! First glimpse inside North Korean dictator's private jet as he marks his late father's birthday. Kim Jong-Un uses 174ft Soviet Ilyushin IL-62 with 560mph top speed. It was world's largest jet airliner in 1963 but can now sell for just £65,000. Fully decked-out models can carry 200 people - but Kim's is for him. He flew with Army chiefs to view new apartment towers in Pyongyang. Visit came on eve of 74th anniversary of his father Kim Jong-Il's birth
■ 17 February 2015 : Why tragedy of Jake shows you must never dismiss a child's aches as 'growing pains'. Jake Croft was four-and-a-half when he passed away last October. Youngster from Barnsley, South Yorkshire complained of 'achy legs'. Mother Claire thought it must be growing pains, but he didn't improve. Six weeks later she took him to the GP who ordered blood and urine tests. Jake was diagnosed with advanced neuroblastoma, an aggressive cancer
■ 18 February 2015 : David Beckham backs former teammate Luis Figo to become next FIFA president
■ 18 February 2015 : Veep, the serial creep! Biden under fire for his love of nuzzling startled ladies for the cameras
■ 18 February 2015 : UN urged to investigate ISIS's bloody trade in human organs after Iraqi ambassador reveals doctors are being executed for not harvesting body parts 
■ 18 February 2015 : A canyon between continents: Divers capture breathtaking images swimming in crystal clear waters between North American and Eurasian tectonic plates
■ 19 February 2015 : Naked Florida hairdresser, 31, arrested for performing a sex act in the street, jumping on a couple's Lexus and throwing a tantrum when police arrived

NY DAILY NEWS 28 April 2013 : Cristiano Ronaldo, boyfriend of supermodel Irina Shayk, is 'obsessed with my butt' says, Brazilian beauty Miss BumBum. Andressa Urach, the runner-up for Miss Butt Brazil, claims she slept with the famed soccer star after exchanging spicy text messages.||101 GREAT GOALS 11 February 2015 : Globo ask Brazilian model Teresa Kap (who looks like Irina Shayk) whether she'd date Cristiano Ronaldo

MEDIAITE 11 February 2015 : New Right-Wing Blogger Trend: Smearing Dead People in the News

■ 27 November 2014 : Some People May Be Pre-Wired To Be Bilingual, Study Finds
■ 13 January 2015 : Lavender Scent Boosts Trustworthiness
■ 30 January 2015 : Women's Wellbeing Boosted by Tweeting Sexism
■ 11 February 2015 : Cigarettes Age the Brain
■ 12 February 2015 : Dogs Can Tell Human Emotion
■ 13 February 2015 : Marijuana Linked to Narcolepsy

GUARDIAN 11 February 2015 : Greek bailout talks fail to make progress – as it happened ||VOA 11 February2015 : Greece, Eurozone Creditors Fail to End Showdown Over Bailout

SLATE 5 February 2015 : The Zombie Science of Bad Dancing

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 10 February 2015 : Watch: 'Bigfoot' Spotted in Yellowstone National Park? The footage purports to show four of the mythical creatures stalking a group of buffalo.

INDEPENDENT 12 February 2015 : Costa Concordia trial: Captain Francesco Schettino may never serve 16-year jail sentence as lawyers prepare appeals || CNN 11 February 2015 : Costa Concordia captain convicted in deadly shipwreck

GLOBAL FIRE POWER 15 January 2015 : The complete Global Firepower list puts the military powers of the world into full perspective. ||NATIONAL INTEREST 12 Februaru 2015 : 5 U.S. Special Operations Forces Terrorists Should Fear

BOLD SKY 11 February 2015 : 10 Lifestyle Changes That Protect Your Heart

■ 11 February 2015 : Baby and French bulldog pup are inseparable as they eat, sleep and bathe together
■ 12 February 2015 : Identical twin of nine-year-old killed in car crash SENSED his tragic brother was in danger

■ 11 January 2013 : Isaac Newton Died A Virgin And 9 Other Facts About The Brilliant, Bizarre Physicist
■ 13 February 2015 : U.S. Accuses Kremlin Of Joining Ukraine Rebels In Assault Ahead Of Cease-Fire
■ 13 February 2015 : Iran Ayatollah Khamenei Sent Obama Secret Letter: WSJ

WAPO 13 February 2015 : FBI opens inquiry into Chapel Hill shootings; Obama calls killings 'brutal and outrageous' || NY TIMES 13 February 2015 : Federal Inquiry Begins Into Muslim Students’ Killings in North Carolina

C NET 9 February 2015 : Spider-Man swings back to Marvel Studios with Sony pact || VERGE 10 February 2015 : Marvel reportedly got Spider-Man back from Sony for free ||HOLLYWOOD REPORTER 9 February 2015 : 'Spider-Man' Swings to Marvel Studios in Major Sony Partnership  

WAPO 13 February 2015 : Why does this Buddhist-majority nation hate these Muslims so much?

BLOOMBERG 14 February 2015 : Barbara Bush on Jeb: I've Changed My Mind!

GUARDIAN 13 February 2015 : Bradley Cooper, American Sniper and Reese Witherspoon should win Oscars, say US public || NY POST 13 February 2015 :  Can Bradley Cooper pull off a huge Oscar-night upset as Best Actor? ||CBSNEWS 13 February 2015 : Bradley Cooper and Jason Hall on Oscar-nominated "American Sniper"

NY TIMES 12 February 2015  : Senate Gives Approval for Defense Secretary, if Not His Boss's Policies. Ashton B. Carter Is Confirmed as Defense Chief, Replacing Chuck Hagel ||USA TODAY 12 February 2015 : Senate confirms Carter as Defense secretary

GUARDIAN 12 February 2015 : Obama breaks out the selfie stick ||SALON 13 February 2015 : Watch President Obama make a #ThanksObama joke and use a selfie stick

MIRROR 13 February 2015 : Face of 'ghost' child spotted in window of abandoned former orphanage

GUARDIAN : Tony Abbott signals fallout for Indonesia if Bali Nine executions go ahead ||SYDNEY MORNING HERALD  15 February 2015 : Australians 'sickened' by thought of Bali executions: Tony Abbott

TELEGRAPH 13 February 2015 : Julie Gayet given presidential guard, in sign that she is now France's 'First Lady'. The actress is driven in state car with two bodyguards, including François Hollande's personal security agent, as minister says she could have received "threats".

NY POST 14 February 2015 : Bill Clinton's libido threatens to derail Hillary — again.

GIZMODO 12  February 2015 : ESA's Spaceplane Is a Bit Banged Up After Its Fiery Trip || ESA 11 February 2015 :  ESA experimental spaceplane completes research flight ||SPACE 11 February 2015 : European Mini-Space Shuttle Aces 1st Test Flight

■ 3 February 2015 : Drones don't faze birds
■ 5 February 2015 : Lego contraption allows scientists to safely handle insects
■ 5 February 2015 : Why Facebook and Google succeeded
■ 9 February 2015 : Spanish is the happiest language; Chinese, not so much
■ 10 February 2015 : The secret behind the sound: Why popcorn 'pops'
■ 12 February 2015 : Are you happy? Your dog can tell
■ 13 February 2015 : What you don't know about your cat's litter … probably won't hurt you

NEWSCIENTIST 13 February 2015 : Telescopic contact lenses let you zoom in on demand

SCIENCE ALERT 17 February 2015 : Your poop could earn you $13k. Are you super-healthy? Congratulations - you could be making some big bucks off your bowel movements.

■ 24 July 2010 : Discovered: The Biggest Rat That Ever Lived
■ 12 February 2015 : Online Dating Tips to Help You Find 'The One'

TECHTIMES 11 February 2015 : 8 Signs Of Impending Death In Cancer Patients Identified

NEWSWEEK 13 February 2015 : Russian Parliament Warns Europe’s Longstanding Peace in Jeopardy

VALUEWALK 9 February 2015 : Russia, Egypt May Drop US Dollar

MOTLEY FOOL 14 February 2015  : NASA to Russia: We Never Want to Write You Another Check

VOX 14 February 2015 : Marco Rubio: Democrats skipping Netanyahu's speech are hurting Israel

HUFFINGTON POST 13 February 2015 : UK Scientists: Aliens May Have Sent Space Seeds To Create Life On Earth || MIRROR 16 February 2015 : Mysterious metal globe 'may be proof aliens are watching us and created life on Earth'

GUARDIAN 12 February 2015 :  Islamic State magazine interviews Hayat Boumeddiene ||CNN 12 February 2015 : ISIS magazine claims Hayat Boumeddiene is in Syria

GUARDIAN 14 February 2015 : Lars Vilks: maverick artist who knows what it is to be a target  || CNN 17 February 2015 : Artist survives Copenhagen attack : 'They threw me in a storage room' ||INDEPENDENT 15 February 2015 : Copenhagen shooting : Who is artist Lars Vilks?

VOX 16 February 2015 : Report: Netanyahu may have leaked US secrets to hurt Iran negotiations 

NY TIMES 16 February 2015 : With Ukrainian Troops Trapped, a Cease-Fire Grows More Fragile

US MAGAZINE 16 February 2015 : Amal Alamuddin Hits the Town in Fringe Cape for Hot Date with Husband George Clooney: See Pics of Her Valentine's Day Style!

MASHABLE 14 February 2015 :  Kate Brown becomes first openly bisexual governor in the U.S. ||CNN 16 February 2015 : Meet Oregon's next governor

GUARDIAN 16 February 2015 : Greece bailout talks break down after Athens rejects 'unacceptable' eurozone demands ||CNBC 16 February 2015 : Greece defies creditors, seeking credit but no bailout ||AFP 15 February2015 : At least 15,000 rally in Athens ahead of bailout talks

NY TIMES 15 February 2015 : Terror Attacks by a Native Son Rock Denmark || CNN 16 February 2015 : Denmark attacks: 'We have tasted the ugly taste of fear,' Prime Minister says

GUARDIAN 16 February 2015 : North Korea celebrates Kim Jong-il's birthday – in pictures ||CNN 16 February 2015 : Happy birthday? North Korea celebrates Kim Jong Il's legacy

GUARDIAN 16 February 2015 : Leaders reject Netanyahu calls for Jewish mass migration to Israel  ||CNN 17 February 2015 : Anti-Semitism in Europe: Will it cause Jews to leave?  || NY DAILY NEWS 16 February2015 : Benjamin Netanyahu calls for exodus of European Jews for homeland  || TIMES OF ISRAEL 16 February 2015 : Peres tilts against 'political' calls for European Jewish exodus

NY TIMES 15 February 2015 : F.A.A. Rules Would Limit Commercial Drone Use ||FOXNEWS 16 February 2015 : Obama administration proposes regulations on commercial drones amid security, privacy concerns

VERGE 17 February 2015 : Sony opens pre-orders for its $840 Google Glass alternative

NEWSMAX 17 February 2015 : CNN Poll on Netanyahu Visit Seen as Based on False Premise

HUFFINGTON POST 17 February 2015 : U.S. and New World Order: Why Ukraine Is Not a National Interest and ISIS (And Russia) Are

OBSERVER 16 February 2015 : Georgia President Who Ate His Tie Advises Ukrainians How to 'Capture All of Russia'

MIRROR 15 February 2015 : Harper Beckham is an angel sitting next to Anna Wintour on the FROW at mum Victoria's NYFW show


BODY AND SOUL : Why women feel the cold more than men. It's not your imagination. Science has proven that females' bodies are more sensitive to the cold.

GUARDIAN 17 February 2015 : Studio Ghibli's Hayao Miyazaki: Charlie Hebdo cartoons are a 'mistake' || TELEGRAPH 17 February 2015 : Hayao Miyazaki: Charlie Hebdo Mohammed cartoons were 'a mistake'

GUARDIAN 17 February 2015 : Arrigo Sacchi: 'I'm not racist … but there are too many blacks in youth teams' ||CNN 17 February 2015 : Arrigo Sacchi: 'It's not a matter of color. The problem is too many foreigners'

FOXNEWS 17 February 2015 : Bibi's dilemma: Netanyahu can't avoid critics as speech to Congress looms  ||MOTHER JONES 17 February 2015 : Most Americans Think the Netanyahu Speech Is a Bad Idea ||  ► TALKING POINT MEMO 15 February 2015 : Boehner: I Didn't Want 'Interference' From Obama In Netanyahu Speech

ABC Net Au 18 February 2015 : Pirates of the Caribbean: Johnny Depp film to start shooting at secret Gold Coast location || IGN 17 February 2015 : Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Begins Production

GUARDIAN 18 February 2015 : Tony Abbott: Indonesia should reciprocate tsunami aid by sparing Bali Nine pair ||SYDNEY MORNING HERALD 18 February 2015 : Bali nine: Tony Abbott urges Indonesia to 'reciprocate' for Australia's tsunami assistance and aid generosity

VOCATIV 18 November 2013. "Blood Avocados": The Dark Side of Your Guacamole. A drug cartel known as the Knights Templar has brought kidnappings, murders, money laundering and fear to Mexico's prized avocado business  ||  ► OPEN MIND 27 October 2014 : The Horrifying Truth About Avocados

NY DAILY NEWS 19 February 2015 : Boy, 5, claims he lived past life as thirtysomething black woman who died in Chicago hotel fire decades ago ||NEWS AU 19 February 2015 : Luke Ruehlman, two: I was a woman called Pam in a past life ||HUFFINGTON POST 19 February 2015 : Boy, 5, Claims He Lived Past Life As Woman Who Died In Chicago Fire

MIRROR 19 February 2015 : Adultery: Which countries are most unfaithful? ||ALTER NET 12 April 2008 : Lust in Translation: Which Country Has the Highest Rates of Infidelity? Infidelity is universal. But which country boasts the most cheaters? ||HUFFINGTON 3 March 2014 : Survey Reveals Which European Country Cheats Most

LIFE HACK : 10 Signs You Are An Alpha Woman

MARKET WATCH 19 February 2015 : Grexit would have limited direct contagion for other sovereigns: S&P ||INDEPENDENT 18 February 2015 : Grexit: How likely is a Greek exit from the Euro and what would happen to the economy? || CNN MONEY 17 February 2015 : 7 reasons Grexit wouldn't be a total disaster

PETS & ANIMAL : Today Buffalo Arrive At Old Faithful Geyser, Yellowstone National Park. Published on Dec 29, 2014 by Mary Greeley

COMEDY : Fifty Accents of Grey with Jamie Dornan. Published on Feb 9, 2015 by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

NEWS & POLITIC : Grandma Exposes CIA Operation.  Published on Feb 12, 2015 by TheAlexJonesChannel

EDUCATION : The Blessed Tree (The Only Living Sahabi of Rasulullah Muhammad SAW). This incident was when our Beloved Prophet of Allah SAW was 12 years old (1459 hijri years ago). The tree which shaded Rasoolullahi SAW is miraculously preserved by Allah for all this long period. It is the lonely tree available for around hundred square kilometers in that inhospitable desert north of Jordan.
There was a priest by the name of Bahira who lived in a small monastery that was close to the market of Busra. The Wise Bahira had witnessed some peculiarities in the procession that he had not seen before. While he was looking at the Qurayshi procession, he had noticed a cloud shading a child (Muhammad SAW). When the procession came and lodged underneath a tree, he observed the same cloud shading the tree and the tree's branches bending before the Radiant Child to provide shade for him. Bahira, who had seen these peculiarities, invited them for a meal. They accepted the invitation and sat at the dinner table. However, there was an individual from the procession who was absent. Bahira was looking for Muhammad SAW. Since he was the youngest, the Radiant Child had been charged with the duty of keeping an eye on the procession's belongings; thus, he was sitting by the tree. Bahira, who had examined the Holy Books and learned the characteristics and signs of the last Prophet from them, insisted that he come as well.

While Muhammad SAW was busy eating his meal at the table, Bahira's entire attention and amazement was on him. He was eying his every move and condition. Bahira had found what he was looking for and had reached his goal. The Radiant Child's behavior and every action perfectly matched the written descriptions in the book next to him. The meal was finished and while everyone was dispersing from the table, Bahira leaned down to Muhammad SAW ear and said, "Look, young man. I want you to answer the questions that I am going to ask you about Lat and Uzza." There was an expression of discomfort and hate in the Radiant Child's eyes, "Please do not want anything from me on behalf of Lat and Uzza. By God, there is nothing that I hate more than them". Bahira retracted his first request. "In that case, Answer the questions I am going to ask you for the sake of Allah". Muhammad SAW replied "Ask whatever you wish". Bahira was bewildered by all the answers that he received to his questions because they exactly matched everything that he knew about the Last Prophet. Lastly, he looked at Muhammad's back and saw the seal of Prophethood. Bahira's conviction was now certain and without doubt: This youth was the long-awaited Last Prophet SAW. After his recognition, Bahira went to our Holy Prophet's uncle, Abu Talib. The following conversation took place between the two:
"What relation do you have to this child?"
"He is my son"
"No, he is not your son because this child's father is not supposed to be living."
"Yes, you are correct. He is my nephew, not my biological son".
"Well, what happened to his father?
"He passed away while this child's mother was pregnant."
"Yes, you have told the truth."
Finally, Bahira gave the following advice to our Holy Prophet's uncle, which showed that he was a man who thought and spoke rightfully: "Immediately take your nephew back to your homeland. Protect him from the jealous Jews. By God, if the Jews see this child and notice what I have noticed, then they will try to inflict harm upon him because your nephew is going to attain a great reputation and glory in the future. Do not stay here anymore. Be sure to take him back immediately." Upon hearing this advice, Abu Talib sold his goods there and returned to Mecca together with his glorious nephew.
Souce. Published on Sep 2, 2013 by Qonny Q 

EDUCATION : The Only Living Sahabi | [Exclusive Promo]. Uploaded on Nov 14, 2011 by ThePropheticWay || GREEN PROPHET 15 September 2012 : Film Review: 'The Blessed Tree' – An Interfaith Meeting Under The Shade of Nature  

Greek PM wins vote, EU showdown looms - By Lefteris Papadimas  and Alastair MacDonald
ATHENS/BRUSSELS - Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras comfortably won a confidence vote on his plan to cancel a deeply unpopular bailout program and challenge European leaders.
* Time for Greece to end debt standoff, but no Plan B yet: Austria
* Euro, stocks wary ahead of crunch Greece meeting
* Greece, euro zone: No deal
* Greece's Varoufakis seeks 'healing deal'
* Greece, OECD agree to work together on reforms
* Greece defies creditors, seeking credit but no bailout
* VIDEO : Greek debt talks break down
* EU patience frays as Greek PM refuses 'blackmail' 
* Greece submits request for loan extension 
* Video: Is Greece alone on 'loan agreement?' 
* ECB denies report on capital controls for Greece

U.S. gunman kills three young Muslims; motive disputed
* Mourners remember slain North Carolina Muslims; fresh calls for hate probe

Obama asks Congress to authorize U.S. war on Islamic State
* Obama: countering violent extremism depends on Muslim support

Leaders hold Ukraine peace talks as fighting surges
* No, Russia won't occupy Ukraine 
* Leaders hold Ukraine peace talks as fighting surges
* The Wider Image: A death in Kramatorsk
* Fighting rages in run-up to Ukraine ceasefire
* Ukraine military says no let-up in rebel offensive
* Ukraine plans to borrow $1 billion to buy gas, fuel oil for reserves
* To reach an accord: high diplomacy, 'dirty games' and pig's fat 
* Opinion: What brought Putin to the table over Ukraine
* Video
* Shelling halts in Ukraine's Donetsk as Poroshenko orders ceasefire
Korean Air chief's daughter gets one-year jail term in 'nut rage' case  (PHOTO)

Oil tops $60 for first time in 2015; oversupply persists

'Fifty Shades' of hysteria
Fans feel 'Fifty Shades' fever at the UK premiere, but a handful of domestic abuse protesters are spotted at the grey carpet.
* Kinky sex scenes stoke domestic abuse debate
* 'Fifty Shades' is risible, but Johnson as Ana is winsome 
* Slideshow: Mr. Grey will see you now 

Manhunt under way after Copenhagen shootings - By Sabina Zawadzki
COPENHAGEN - Denmark was on high alert and a massive manhunt was under way after a man sprayed bullets at a Copenhagen cafe hosting a debate on freedom of speech and blasphemy, killing one person and wounding three police officers. | Video
* One dead in shooting at Danish meeting with artist who drew Mohammad
* Second man dies in Copenhagen attacks: police

Egypt bombs Islamic State targets in Libya after 21 Egyptians beheaded

Russian researchers expose breakthrough U.S. spying program

Apple studies self-driving car, auto industry source says

Australian PM Abbott threatens repercussions over Indonesia executions 

Myanmar declares martial law in troubled Kokang region

Israeli election chief puts curbs on Netanyahu speech to Congress

U.S. delays Obama's immigration steps after judge's rebuke

U.S. official says no U.S. talks with Taliban in Qatar

L.A. hospital: 179 patients possibly hit with 'superbug' - By Steve Gorman and Deena Beasley
LOS ANGELES - A large Los Angeles teaching hospital has told scores of patients they may have been exposed to a drug-resistant bacterial "superbug" during endoscopy procedures that infected seven patients and contributed to two deaths.
* Video: Deadly 'superbug' found at UCLA Medical Center
* FDA knew devices spread fatal 'superbug' but does not order fix

Sony attack traced to North Korea: NSA - By Mike De Souza
OTTAWA - The National Security Agency identified North Korea as the source of the recent cyberattack on Sony Pictures Entertainment after analyzing the software used in the intrusion.
* Lenovo laptops may be vulnerable to hacking

Reactions after Morocco banned from next 2 Africa Cup of Nations 

Nigeria delays elections as Boko Haram conflict spirals ||Boko Haram leader vows to defeat regional force in new video ||Al Baghdadi shown for first time in Boko Haram video

Ballerinas and cars spin for Soweto charity 
Official premiere for 'Fifty Shades' at Berlin film festival 
Ukraine summit agrees ceasefire, withdrawal of weapons: Putin 
Father of slain Muslim students says killing was hate crime 
West and Ukraine cautious about Minsk ceasefire deal 
Tsipras 'confident for a mutually viable solution' at summit 
Colombia's FARC vows to stop recruiting child soldiers 
Sotheby's unveils 100-Carat perfect diamond
Copenhagen police believe man they killed was 'gunman' in attack 
Netanyahu urges Jews to move to Israel after Copenhagen attacks 
Rain fails to dampen Rio carnival atmosphere 
North Korea celebrates Kim Jong Il's birthday

Revellers celebrate Haiti carnival ||Revellers celebrate second day of Haiti carnival

Thousands celebrate Hindu festival in Mauritius
Tsunamis. A strong undersea earthquake unleashed a small tsunami Tuesday off the same coastline of northern Japan devastated by a tsunami in 2011 that left more than 18,000 people dead. VIDEOGRAPHIC
Egypt calls for global coalition to fight Libya's jihadists 
Greece handed ultimatum as eurozone bailout talks fail 
From Timbuktu to the Oscars, film shows life under Islamists
Lionfish go from hunters to hunted in conservation competition 

Putin visits Hungary's Orban amid Ukraine tension

Obama vows to fight immigration ruling 
Boko Haram leader vows to disrupt Nigeria election in new video 
Divers find record trove of gold coins in Mediterranean 
Pro-Russian rebels use multiple rocket launchers near Debaltseve
Obama: 'Terrorists' do not speak for one billion Muslims
Christians, Jews, Muslims hold peace pilgrimage in London 

Vladimir Putin: 17 Things You Didn't Know About Russia's President
Brian Williams suspended without pay for 6 months by NBC
Jeb Bush's emails: Total transparency or violation of privacy?

Self-proclaimed atheist charged in slayings of North Carolina Muslim students
See? Would you like to trust me when I say that there are many extremists & terrorists in the U.S.? If Muslims are killed by non-Muslims / atheist, whatever it is ..., would they react the same as when non-Muslims killed by the Muslims? Hell No! Although I tend to not consider all murders are not based on the politicization of religion -- because it is purely a criminal case -- but they will almost certainly accuse Islam as a terrorist religion, and to bless all the events to rise Islamophobia.

Russia to pursue independent foreign policy despite pressure: Putin
Republicans hit impasse on security, immigration bill
Jindal  to leave Louisiana's next governor with budget mess
Boehner says Obama military force proposal needs toughening
Brian Williams' SEAL Team 6 stories are the latest to come under fire
Feds subpoena records pertaining to departing Oregon gov.
Obama adviser John Podesta's biggest regret: Keeping America in dark about UFOs
Obama denounces 'outrageous murders' of three U.S. Muslims
Frustrated Republicans taste limits of majority control
Russia accuses Ukraine, West of distorting peace deal
Ukraine peace 'threatened' by rebel actions: Poroshenko
Both sides claim violations after Ukraine cease-fire starts
Russia asks UN Security Council to take action on Ukraine
2 deadly shootings within hours in Copenhagen; 5 wounded
Barack Obama thought 'Yes We Can' was 'too corny' — but Michelle did not
Australia PM warns Indonesia of tough response to executions
North Korea threatens strong response to DC rights meeting
Lance Armstrong loses $10 million arbitration ruling
Texas judge's immigration rebuke may be hard to challenge
Divers find record trove of gold coins in Mediterranean 
Biden On 'Wave' Of Immigration: 'It's Not Going To Stop'  
Islamic extremism: How Europe is pushing back
Jeb Bush: US must 'tighten the noose' in fight against IS

Obama's new communications director is Russian media's favorite punching bag. President Obama announced Thursday that State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki will be the next White House communications director. Though Psaki played lead communications roles in both of Obama's presidential election campaigns and has served the administration as Secretary of State John Kerry's spokesperson since 2013, the average American might not be familiar with her. In Russia, on the other hand, "Psaki"is a household name. Or at least Russia's pro-Kremlin media wants it to be.
She's like a cunning and deceitful teacher, insensitive, more talking than listening, and she likes whispering with her answer paper behind the scenes, even though she's always trying to look perfect in front of the speaker and journalist. Likened to a book, I do not like to read her face. I do not find out the truth of her facial expressions. Sorry.

Illinois' new GOP governor calls for billions in budget cuts
Putin calls West's bluff over Ukraine peace deal

GOOD MORNING AMERICA : GMA's' 'Make Over My Man' Series Gives Self-Described 'Caveman' Full Transformation

HEALTH : With Yoga, 'I Felt My Body Change': Why So Many Americans Are Turning To Complementary Medicine

Nothing Says "Love" Like Mirrored Ceilings: My Sexy Weekend in the Poconos || AOL TRAVEL 11 February 2011 : 10 Wacky Romantic Hotel Rooms
Delta CEO Links Gulf Airlines to 9/11 Terrorism

MUSIC : Brown Family Releases Bobbi Kristina Statement

■ #SoBrave: Kim Kardashian Rocks Sports-Bra Look In Snowy NYC
'My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic' Season 5 Exclusive Trailer: 'Fighting a Horrific Monster Would Be Super-Awesome'
'Empire' Recap: Unbreak My Cookie

Co-Parenting Win: I Lived With My Stepson's Mom
Why I Terminated My Pregnancy After Learning My Baby Had Down Syndrome

CELEBRITY : Vivica A. Fox: Ex-Boyfriend 50 Cent Is "Absolutely the Love of My Life"

Why Russia's rich and powerful still back Putin
What is Russia's Vladimir Putin playing at?

Last US Islamic State hostage Kayla Mueller confirmed dead
Greece hopeful for Eurozone deal
* Cold front hits nation - VIDEO
* Cornered Greeks
* What are Greece's plans?
* Why has the ECB punished Greece?
* Greece: What are the options for its future?
Mmmm .... a face with a strong character. He deserves to be an action movie star. Mr. Yanis, if Greek finance minister position makes you feel weak, why do not you try your luck fortune to be an American movie star? Ehehehhe ... and a classic greeting will say, "Welcome to Hollywood." Mmmm... there are many delicious and nutritious food in America. You only need to wear tight clothes ... eehehehe ...

* Profile: Yanis Varoufakis, Greek bailout foe
* Greek debt deal hangs in balance
* Asian shares lower on Greece talks
* Grexit explained - in 60 seconds - VIDEO
* Greece will do 'whatever it takes' - VIDEO
* Varoufakis: Game theory and ideology
* Eurozone set for vital Greece talks
* Peston: What price will Germany pay?
* Hewitt: Greek crisis deepens
* What if Greece quits the euro?
* How would a Greek exit work?

How North Carolina murders sparked global outrage
Ukraine crisis: Leaders agree peace roadmap
Events throw France's Hollande a lifebuoy
The farmer's son who filmed a snow leopard

Kim Jong-unKim-isms. North Korea has 310 new slogans - here they are in English
The men who smuggle the loot that funds IS

10 things. Where are horses traditionally called Hercules, not Brian? 10 things we didn't know last week  

'No alcohol in early pregnancy' call  - Women trying for a baby and those in the first three months of pregnancy should not drink any alcohol, updated guidelines say.
* MP: Pregnant women 'should not drink'
* Appeal over foetal alcohol syndrome

Food fight: Row over saturated fat advice
■ HRT 'increases ovarian cancer risk'
'Skunk-like cannabis' increases risk of psychosis, study suggests
LA hospital superbug: Dozens may have been exposed
US panel backs low-meat diet for helping planet

Which life-form dominates earth? - Which organism has had the biggest impact on the planet?
Weird giant fish reveals secrets - We finally know why a huge, odd and enigmatic fish likes to sunbathe
Fish that fake orgasms -  And other lies animals tell during courtship
Animals are kinkier than you - You think Fifty Shades of Grey is hot? Here's how animals are kinkier  
Elephant trunk mystery solved - Why the elephant has such a long nose :
Could we teach animals to talk? - Would they understand the words they said?
The world's most sensitive eyes  - Human night vision pales in comparison Periplaneta americana
Animals you never knew could fly -  It's not just birds and bees up in the sky

The contagious thought that could kill you
The invisible network that keeps the world running
The downsides of being beautiful  - How gorgeous people secretly suffer -the-downsides-of-being-beautiful
Why you fall ill on holiday  - How likely is that post-work health slump?
The truth about movie time travel - The troubling truth about time travel movies
Space elevators: A lift too far? -  Why it may remain science fiction
How smart is your subconscious? - It's cleverer than you might think

Today's African Proverb
"What the mind has hidden, drink brings forth to the tongue" - An Amharic proverb sent by Abraham Kahsay, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
"Someone not going with you on a long journey will pack ripe bananas for you to eat along the way" - A Luganda proverb sent by Alex Barigye Kabuto, Kayonza, Rwanda
"For news of the heart, ask the face" - A Guinean proverb sent by Adji Diop, US
They say he is like a kind of cold-blooded creatures. He rarely smiles. He never shows much ripples on his face expression. He's such a cold-blooded killer. But it turns out he has a warm heart as warm as the sun in the summer. He's my partner. To find news of his heart, I will never ask his face, but ..... mmmm ... yeah right, you guess it right. His penis. Ahahaha,... bowing means: no. Standing, means: no, no, ... ahahahaha .... well, actually I can't read my partner's face as easy as reading his book. He is the type of man who likes to laugh out loud to dispel his anger.
"Cutting off the head is not the cure for a headache" - A Yoruba proverb sent by Yomi Akerele, Arlington, Texas, US, and Segun Omolaja, Philadelphia, US
"When the great lord walks by, the wise peasant bows deeply and passes wind silently" - An Ethiopian proverb sent by Jeremy Majors, Osaka, Japan
"A bird flies with what it has swallowed" - A Gichuka proverb sent by Mwenda wa Micheni, Chuka, Kenya

Facebook suspending Native Americans over 'fake' names
20,000 foreigners have joined ISIS in Iraq, Syriareports
Obama calls Putin before Minsk talks to discuss E. Ukraine peace deal
'Last chance' Ukraine peace talks to start in Minsk
Pentagon deploys A-10 attack jets, 300 pilots to Germany amid Ukraine turmoil
'No one went to jail but me': CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou speaks out
We want to change our state & economy ourselves, not by troika Greek minister
Obama: 'We have to twist arms when countries don't do what we need them to'
'Normandy 4' Ukraine peace talks in Minsk - LIVE UPDATES
'Need more time': Intense Minsk talks enter 12th hour
16-hour Minsk marathon: Vodka for journos, Merkel's cell died, Lavrov smokes 
Ukraine peace deal: Ceasefire starting February 15, removal of heavy weapons
'Bankrupt but Free': Greeks stage nationwide anti-austerity rallies
'This was a hate crime' not a parking dispute – family of slain Muslims in N. Carolina
BBC airs Maidan fighter admitting he fired on police before Kiev massacre
Norwegians take command in ISIS, pose threat to Norway – security official
Family of slain Muslims calls Chapel Hill shooting 'absolutely… domestic terrorism'

The Minsk ceasefire deal, point by point

'We'd be terrorists': US could destroy ISIS only by turning Iraq, Syria into 'molten glass' – Congressman
Ukraine ultranationalist leader rejects Minsk peace deal, vows 'to continue war' 
ISIS launches suicide attacks at Iraqi base housing US Marines 
US helped Israel with H-bomb - 1980s report declassified
Valentine's Day massacre? Murder-suicide plot 'averted' in Canada – police
► 'Media blamed whole faith': Canadian activist tries to cure Islamophobia with street hugs
Poroshenko appoints exiled former Georgian leader as 'non-staff advisor'
Putin's trust rating hits 85% historical high
French President blasted in media for 'using public funds' for his actress lover
Copenhagen synagogue shooting: One dead, 2 officers injured, manhunt underway
Deadly shooting at blasphemy debate in Copenhagen featuring cartoonist Lars Vilks
Russia shrugs off US envoy's 'evidence' of Russian troops in Ukraine
E. Ukraine leaders order ceasefire, voice amendments to constitution
'Get NATO, foreign countries out of Ukraine to end civil war'Ron Paul
Cartoon fail: The Economist makes fun of Putin, but doesn't know what Ukraine's leader looks like

84% of Americans see Islamic State as 'critical threat' - poll
Hey, are you American? Want to try to use the veil as used by members of ISIS? Okay. Wear it. Well, now you go to the mirror, please staring at your face: You are now as Arabs, and you can go to Iraq or Syria as Arabs. Ehehehee ... funny is not it? Exciting is not it?

Oh oh dahling,... you know it: ISIS with its movement activity and attitude from day to day more and more suspicious. What they do is very conspicuous and blatant. And these are also increasingly differentiating them with Islamic Jihad group anywhere in the world. I could feel ISIS oddities :

* Extraordinary cruelty : Just like Israel, ISIS has also been doing a series of atrocities in a number of countries in the Middle East, such as Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and Afghanistan. ISIS is not only slaughtering humans with a barrage of machine guns, rockets, and bombs, but ISIS also separating their head from their body just by using a blunt knife.   ISIS will also continue to kill their victims, even though they are in a weak condition and they have wailed for mercy. None of the Islamists since the time of Prophet Muhammad who commit crimes such as human as performed by ISIS.

* ISIS tends to kill Muslims and community who live in harmony with Muslims. From the track record of its activities, ISIS as if intentionally is created to kill Muslims and mankind  who live in harmony with Muslims. At least 15 thousand Muslims are massacred by ISIS mercilessly. Then ISIS proudly showing off their bloodstained hands: the blood of the creed readers.

* ISIS does not defend Palestine: Since Israeli first attack on Gaza last July 8, 2014, until 1700 the lives of Palestinians have been in vain, ISIS proved instead chose to hide rather than having to fight against Israel.

* ISIS does not attack US allies: ISIS powerful movement instantly paralyzed when dealing with all allies, namely the US, Israel, Britain, France, and Canada. ISIS is also known not attacking allies facilities in the countries that are infiltrated.

* ISIS is also not attacked by the Allies: ISIS acts of terror and atrocities of war  in a number of Muslim countries - which has killed tens of thousands of people - never knock the US or US allies to punish ISIS or drag ISIS to international court.

* ISIS damages the Islamic historical sites, its movement is beyond the teachings of Islam : There are no verses in Islam teachings which justify ISIS teaching practice, and none of Islamic movement since 14 centuries ago did what was done by ISIS. The establishment of Islamic Khilafah (Islamic state) is not justified in an area that has potential to cause polemics horizontal, especially with very cruel slaughter. ISIS with its action has been successfully break the concentration and muslims solidity in the Middle East. Until today ISIS with its cruelty still free to do a terrible murder. I am sure, ISIS is not a group that is purely derived from Islamic teachings and theology, because ISIS is just an Islamic splinter which deliberately created for the benefit of a particular party and to take specific advantage. A similarity in the mission and vision between Zionist and ISIS is: to destroy the Muslims and mankind who disagree with them from the earth. ISIS still shows a significant survival,  and the group's ability to hold and control most of Iraq and Syria territory is the reason why the former US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel calling the group was "more than just a terrorist group."

ISIS killers were 'high-fiving' after execution – US volunteer with Kurdish troops
No deal: Greece-EU bailout talks break down, Athens given 1 week ultimatum
Hungarian rhapsody: Will Putin's visit to Viktor Orban give Russia a way into Europe?   
'Equation Group' hackers attacked 30+ nations with NSA-style tech
Mars mystery: Enormous plumes detected erupting on Red Planet

France should recognize Crimea as part of Russia Le Pen
I also say so, other people say so, as a sign of siding with Russia, because we love Russia more than the US, but I do not force others to eat pork as ye did, and you are Islamophobia, Ms Le Pen! What is so special about you, hm? Ahm, never mind .... politicians are fond of quotin  good sentences just for their self-image. It is a political imagery, but we also can reject their political menu as when we choose food menu at an expensive restaurant although.

Nationalists call to boycott St Valentine's Day, praise Russia's own holiday
Many media demeaning those who do not have a partner or not in love. Love being discussed by the media is actually a commercial love. Many people use love to turn people into consumers.

Europeans 'just can't compete' with US on InternetObama
Putin: West already supplies arms to Kiev, but Moscow optimistic about Minsk deal
45 people 'burned to death' by ISIS jihadists in Iraq
Russian draft resolution on Ukraine passed by UN Security Council
Maidan Murders: 1 year on, still no justice over Kiev massacre
US cannot win war against ISIS by killing, they need 'job opportunities' – State Dept
Three Suns in the sky: Chelyabinsk witnesses rare halo effect (PHOTOS, VIDEO)
'Strategic rift': Hungary PM criticizes EU partners trying to isolate Moscow
'Stick to Minsk deal': Russia slams Ukraine idea for EU peacekeepers
ISIS plans to invade Europe through Libya – report
US-trained 'moderate' Syrian rebels to get tools to call-in airstrikesreport
Brokering power: US role in Ukraine coup hard to overlook 
ISIS 'organ harvesting' must be probed by Security Council – Iraqi envoy
'Doctor Death' opens controversial museum of dead bodies in Berlin
Grexit: Win for both EU and Greece?
Snowden docs reveal mass cell phone hack through 'Great SIM Heist'
'Unhackable': Russian firm develops totally surveillance-proof smartphone
NATO member Turkey to buy $3.4 billion worth of incompatible Chinese antimissiles
Video from 'Russian Bear' bomber captures NATO escorts over English Channel
PM Medvedev orders commencement of gas deliveries to embattled Donbass
'An ugly lie': Obama rejects claim West is at war with Islam
► ​US and Turkey agree to train, equip Syrian rebels against ISIS
'How it all ends': Slain journalist Andrey Stenin lives on in epic Maidan photos
Russia deploying next-gen Nebo-M radar complexes to counter NATO threat 

China, Russia & North Korea to create international tourist zone
If EU doesn't budge, will Greece turn to China or Russia? 
Russia to build first oil refinery in Uganda
Russia, China to boost finance, aviation & space partnerships

Topless Femen protesters target ex-IMF chief ahead of orgy trial 

Putin gifts Kalashnikov to Egypt president al-Sisi   ||Russia to build Egypt's first nuclear plant, help in 'whole new industry': Putin visit achievement

'Truth always has a way of coming out' - CIA torture whistleblower John Kiriakou
I love Candy? New Yorkers on Gods you can eat
Putin, Poroshenko handshake, Minsk talks behind the scenes

Ukraine peace talks - Normandy 4 arrive in Minsk

Drone Footage: Tesla Tower in Russian winter

Putin briefs press after marathon Minsk talks on Ukraine peace deal

'Normandy 4' leaders meet in Minsk 

Kerry: US may lift Russia sanctions if Minsk agreements enacted

Artillery blasts keep Donetsk on edge, truce due to start on Sunday
Mass Friday prayer at White House held to show 'Muslim Lives Matter' after Chapel Hill shooting 
Artillery blasts keep Donetsk on edge, truce due to start on Sunday
One for all: New Yorker makes dating site... for himself
US eyes more bases in Iraq amid talk of major offensive on ISIS
Copenhagen Shooting: Deadly attack at free speech meeting with cartoonist who depicted Muhammed

Wombs for Rent in India (RT Documentary)

ISIS releases video claiming executions of 21 Egyptian Copts
Volunteers try to rescue dozens of pilot whales stranded on NZ beach 
Drone footage of massive anti-austerity rally in Athens
Breathtaking Time-Lapse: ATV's final departure from ISS 
'Loonies & ISIS of London': Taxi chief compares UK cyclists to terrorists
Largest Theft Ever? Hackers steal at least $300mn from 100 banks 

■ EU gives Greece 1-week ultimatum to request bailout extension or...what? 

SISI vs ISIS: Egypt president urges UN to intervene in Libya
RT crew caught under mortar shelling at Donetsk Airport 
■ 'If Greece exits eurozone, the immediate question will be - Who's next?'

Putin: West already supplies arms to Kiev

Russian draft resolution on Ukraine passed by UN Security Council 
Footage of Ukrainian troops surrender in Debaltsevo

Is Anwar Ibrahim's political career over?
Is Russia a force for good in the world? 
Will the Ukraine peace deal work? 
The last reef on earth 
The System - Parole: High Risks, High Stakes. A look at the lives affected by parole boards' decisions on who can leave prison and who is still a threat to society. 
Downstream: How YouTube changed the world 
Was it a hate crime? Killings of three Muslim students in North Carolina widely seen as hate crime after parking dispute cited as cause.
Hassan al-Thawadi: 'A clear bias' against Qatar
The Listening Post - The Swiss Leaks
Behind Russia's gold buying spree
Inside Story: Is Yemen plunging into chaos?
Inside Story - Copenhagen shooting: Charlie Hebdo inspired?
Is ISIL expanding its brand? 
Will Libya be Egypt's quagmire? 
The Wooden Rifle. Five young Lebanese in Beirut reflect on how their lives have been affected by their country's civil war and its legacy.
Myanmar's renewed ethnic troubles 
Will training moderate Syrian rebels work against ISIL? 

Fake Newsman, Real News : Jon Stewart, the comedian turned faux newsman who transformed The Daily Show into a cultural powerhouse, is leaving the show later this year. It's a sad day for anyone who cares about news — fake or otherwise — writes TIME's Jim Poniewozik
* Watch Jon Stewart Announce He's Leaving The Daily Show
* See Jon Stewart's Most Memorable Guests On The Daily Show
* Watch Jon Stewart's 5 Greatest Daily Show Moments
* Jon Stewart Helped Launch the Careers of These Daily Show Correspondents
* Jon Stewart's Replacement Should Be a Woman
* Heartwarming, Hilarious Celebrity Reactions on Jon Stewart Leaving The Daily Show 

Meet the Photographer Who Found How to Balance a Life of Love and War 

4 Ways Tech Can Help You Get Pregnant

China Is the Big Winner in the Conflict Between Russia and the West

Here Are 7 of the Weirdest North Korean State Slogans

With Friends Like These

Obama Halts Immigration Actions - President Barack Obama said Tuesday that the "law is on our side" after his Administration temporarily halted its new immigration policy in response to a Texas judge ordering an injunction on his executive actions
* Dreamers Vent Anger Over Immigration Ruling 
* Judge's Order Bolster Republicans in Immigration Fight 
* Judge Approves Injunction Against Obama's Executive Action on Immigration 
* The Agonizing Odyssey of Two People Kept Apart by Immigration Laws 

Westminster Dog Show Names Best in Show Winner

Obama Urges Americans to Keep Calm in Fight Against Violent Extremism

Why Every Woman Should Travel Alone

Why Hundreds of Starving Sea Lion Pups Are Washing Up in California

Rudy Giuliani Tries to Clarify His Obama Comment 

Obama Claims Republican Rhetoric Could Help ISIS