Sunday, January 18, 2015

Alain Soral Sur L’avortement

Extraits des Abécédaires de la bêtise ambiante (2002-2003)

À l'occasion des quarante ans de la loi Veil (17 janvier 1975), nous portons à la connaissance de nos lecteurs ces trois textes d'Alain Soral traitant de la question de l'avortement, parus en 2002 et 2003 dans Jusqu'où va-t-on descendre? et Socrate à Saint-Tropez, réunis depuis 2008 dans les Abécédaires de la bêtise ambiante.

Il y a deux visions de l'avortement :

1) La vision progressiste, qui permet à une fille d'éviter d'être mère dans de trop mauvaises conditions pour elle et pour l'enfant (viol, accident contraceptif chez la fille trop jeune, trop grande précarité sociale...). Un avortement dont le droit à la récidive devrait être contrôlé, pour qu'une liberté acquise ne tourne pas au droit à l'irresponsabilité remboursée par la Sécurité sociale.

2) La vision réactionnaire, celle du «mon corps m'appartient» de la femme dégradée en jouisseuse consommatrice qui, ne voulant pas voir plus loin que ses désirs individualistes conçus comme des droits (c'est mon choix), a perdu tout sens du devoir; tout sens du lien de l'enfantement avec le sacré (donner la vie) et le collectif (perpétuer l'espèce).

Déresponsabilisation de l'individu et désacralisation de la vie qui conduisent aujourd'hui le législateur à porter à douze semaines la limite légale de l'avortement, en attendant plus, toujours plus... jusqu'à la banalisation planifiée de l'infanticide.

Inconséquence érigée en style de vie, pour que tourne à plein la société-du-désir-de-consommation, qui permet aujourd'hui à la «jeune fille moderne» d'être à la fois pour l'avortement le plus libre, contre la peine de mort (pour des coupables lointains mais pas pour l'innocent dans son ventre) et écologiste : toujours prête à laisser faire la nature, sauf quand celle-ci s'adresse directement à elle.
[Alain Soral, Jusqu'où va-t-on descendre? Blanche, 2002]

Avortement (1)
Parce que c'est mon choix

210 000 avortements par an en France pour 720 000 naissances, soit 30 % des futurs enfants qui passent à la poubelle. Un chiffre en hausse constante malgré trente-cinq ans de contraception remboursée par la Sécurité sociale. Contrairement à ce que les bien-pensants de gauche veulent nous faire croire avec leurs yeux humides, il ne s'agit plus d'une pratique marginale, extrême, désespérée, mais bien d'une pratique de masse désormais banalisée. Là où nous mène, entre autres, l'individualisme consumériste jouisseur et irresponsable à la C'est mon choix.

Avortement (2)
et fin programmée du sous X

Avant on cherchait plutôt à se débarrasser du poids de la filiation, à exister par soi-même et le projet, aujourd'hui on s'y complaît.

Parmi les victimes de ce néo-tribalisme de la vérité par l'origine, le plus lointain passé, l'héritage familial, communautaire, génétique... la remise en cause du sous X qui garantissait hier aux femmes l'anonymat à vie après un abandon d'enfant.

Combien d'émissions depuis quelques temps mettent complaisamment en scène de jeunes adultes (souvent des filles) exigeant, de façon geignarde et hystérique, que soit rompue cette promesse faite par l'État à la mère abandonneuse, au nom du droit de l'enfant.

Droit de l'enfant à quoi?

Outre l'incroyable mépris pour les parents adoptifs, ces parents qui sont les leurs en vertu de l'amour donné et compté pour rien, quand tout l'affectif se réinvestit de façon masochiste sur ceux qui n'en voulaient pas, quelle arrogance stupide et dangereuse de revendiquer comme un droit le fait de pouvoir influer – par une loi rétroactive – sur le hasard de sa naissance, de revenir sur ce qui devient d'autant plus irréversible qu'on le croit à ce point déterminant.

Et pourquoi pas demain, après des enfants attaquant leur mère au tribunal (toujours européen quand il s'agit de foutre la merde) pour les avoir confiés à l'adoption, des enfants d'ouvriers attaquant leurs parents pour avoir osé les faire naître chez des pauvres, ou des gros, ou des ploucs?

Quelle haute idée faut-il avoir de l'importance de sa lignée et de soi-même pour prétendre bouleverser des vies étrangères, souvent rebâties dans l'oubli difficile et la douleur, sous prétexte de se reconstruire; surtout quand, en fait de reconstruction, on risque de découvrir, derrière le drame de l'abandon, le drame encore plus noir et autrement traumatisant du viol ou de l'inceste...

À voir de plus en plus se déployer dans les médias cette étrange complaisance pour ce narcissisme pervers fait de surévaluation du passé, de froideur pour les parents adoptifs et de ressentiment pour la mère génétique, on peut se demander effectivement si la femme qui enfanta sous X n'aurait pas mieux fait, comme on l'y incite désormais, de recourir à l'avortement.
[Alain Soral, Socrate à Saint-Tropez, Blanche, 2003]

Wow, it's nice to talk about the baby, because it must be related to issues surrounding underwear and things in the underwear, both in women and men's underwears.

I dunno know for sure what the underlying thoughts of this France's sexy bald man, but my instinct says this is definitely the issue about sex, right? Hooray... sex, pregnancy, abortion and death.

Well, you may die at any time, unknown, somewhere, anywhere, based on the assumption that a right to stay alive means also a right to die, as long as you do not involve other people. But if you make other people die because of what you did, then your deeds will be rewarded with sanctions in the form of punishment, reinforced by legislation, written or implied.

Definitely, this problem requires too many sentences to simply say, "I need to arm myself of rape and pregnancy." Arming myself with a gun? Ah, it is always and always, the original idea of my partner. He said, "There is no shield around you when you are not with me, so you should know how to use this gun to protect yourself from rape, not only because this gun can protect you from an unwanted pregnancy, but also because rape is a severe insult on the degree of your femininity."

Then I imagine I'm laid to be raped by an ugly man, ... "Oh damn, why does he have to rape? Because I take the fight during the process when his penis trying to enter my vagina? What if I just shut up, no thrashing, and maybe eventually I decided to enjoy his treatment and I do not do the slightest physical resistance to reject an unknown penis enjoys my vagina?"

Then maybe I will lull my rapist with a sweet conversation begins with, "Hello, what's your name? Quel est votre numéro de téléphone? Quelle est ton adresse? Do you have a wife? Or how many wives can you have?" ... ehehehe ... Je ne sais pas, eehehhe ... Quel livre est à toi? Vas-tu manger sans moi? et... Ils ne s'habillent pas, ahahaa... It's not a rape, but self-introduction, Cisca! Yeah? Oh, I see. And one of my most eminent imagination is, "What it feels like being raped by Alain Soral?" Ohhh, ahahaha... it truly requires a reverse burden of proof, Cisca! You seriously like him? If yes, keep your feelings in a safe place, and stop imagining silliness. Be an elegant beautiful princess. Sell yourself as expensive as possible, and do not go on sale, you know? There are many gorgeous sluts in France. And today you are talking about rape, not prostitution, even though we know that the sluts can also be raped. And it requires a further investigation to determine whether a prostitute would be offended if she was raped, or whether she will be treated appropriately when she demands her rights as a good woman such as a nun or a holy virgin.

This topic will be able to lead us to divert journalistic style into story, yes, story. We can start from the title, "Abortion, Women's Rights over Their Body and the Aspects of Social Protection." or abortion in terms of ethics, Christian, Islamic, whatever their religion, yes, religion, ... mmm, what is your religion? ... So this topic can be packaged with the phrase, "Abortion in the review of religious law and positive law.", or "Abortion in the review of religion, law, ethics and medicolegal." or "Abortion in the review of the Philosophy of Science (Related matters: Jacqueline Kasun, Principles of Eugenics, Charles Darwin, social Darwinism, Francis Galton, Madeleine Simms, Keith Hindell)" or "Abortion in the Libertarian Perspective" or "Abortion in Utilitarianism Ethics Perspective"

The Scientific Way to Cut a Cake || Abortions and Crime: Freakonomics Movie

Many perspectives, but despite the variety, I never asked you to, "Let's Talk About Love", for example, ehehee ... you know, all of this feels very boring without practice, right? I mean: making love, not abortion. Mmm, you have not yet addressed the matter of adopting a baby?

Life is so precious. To all women, please do not perform abortions if it is not based on medical considerations. Crime and abortion: well, ideologically, it is the fruit of secular social system. Haha, until this sentence I'm speechless, imagining abortion as a woman's conscience.

I think this issue needs to be elaborated and enlightened to the parties that take one side of the debate, namely the traditional perspective that actually override the interests of women themselves. In fact, as a moral agent, every woman has the ability that can be used to act morally, so that she has an obligation and responsibility, and can be held responsible for her actions. Ability I mean here in the form of reason, freedom and willingness. With this capability, the moral agent can make a moral judgment before acting, in order to avoid wrongdoing, morally.

From the moral point of view, abortion has its own assessment. This is a reality, we live in a pluralistic age, no exception in terms of morality. Every day we meet with people from ethnic, social layer region and different religions. In the direct and indirect meetings with various layers and groups we witnessing or dealing with a wide range of views and attitudes which, in addition to having a lot in common, has also many differences and even contradictions. Each view claims to be the most correct view and valid. Apparently, the unity of normative order is not there anymore. Faced with such a situation, we finally ask, but what we ask is not just what is our duty and what is not, but what norms to determine what should be regarded as a liability.

More and more human way of thinking changed. Man is not a dead stone and "fanatical". Since time immemorial, there have been many ways of thinking, such as rationalism, individualism, nationalism, secularism, materialism, consumerism, religious pluralism, as well as the way of thinking and modern education that has a lot to change the cultural environment, social and spiritual community.

There are still many people trapped in a culture of shame where notions such as "respect", "reputation", "good name", "prestige" are emphasized. When people commit a crime, it is not considered a bad thing, but to be hidden from others. Not because of the evil deed itself is considered important, but the important thing is that evil deed will not be known to avoid embarrassment. Penalties in shame culture comes from outside, from what is said and think of others.

When an issue is not discussed, when most people shut up or do not want to hear, this does not mean the issue is unimportant. In fact, when something is considered taboo, then it becomes a big problem. The lack of space to talk about sex becomes the cause why the abortion rate is increasing every year. Society does not have access to information about sexuality and reproductive health that should be their right.

Labelling "illegitimate child" is also a disgrace to the family and frightening specter for women who want to maintain their fetuses. Women have always been the victims, they are subordinated in law, culture and even in their own reproductive rights. Uterus, where the fetus grows is under the women's control as owners of the means of reproduction have always been linked as a matter of women, women's fault. Meanwhile, men seem to be a separate part in this problem.

It is time we do not see the concept of pro-choice and pro-life as a delimiter. There is a free space between them. Therefore, the issue of abortion is a very complex issue, can't only be viewed from the standpoint of religion, law, or medical course. Abortion should be viewed comprehensively, because this is not a stand-alone issue. There are various factors that can be seen, including religious, social, economic, and others. During this time, when the public and the government to talk about abortion, the victims are always women, whereas there are many reasons why women have abortions, including the participation of men who have not seen as part of the process in unwanted pregnancies.

Paul Ehrlich - Avoiding a collapse of civilisation: Our chances, prospects and pathways forward

Jeez, I'm not happy with the lineup of these words. The problem is, here I'm talking about abortion while I and my partner -- before I could finally get pregnant, thank God, -- even always talk about to adopt a baby.

Although at that time my partner always showed his patience in waiting and waiting, but there was a time I saw him -- at the end of a deserted road, without friends -- talking alone, while the sound of crickets singing chattering at midnight...
He spends his days as if it is an endless life
He fondles this life without a chance to think
Seconds and dust mingled, joking in dim twilight
Breath and sweat mingling, will change into spoiled dews
He is still waiting for tomorrow, even without certainty
He's always staring at tomorrow, though without any decision...


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Fundamentalist Islam

It was very dramatic! In less than an hour, the "lungs of U.S." collapse, destroyed by mega-terrorist action on Tuesday, September 11th, 2001. Deliberate action which was armed only by "a dagger" has been successfully rammed three domestic aircraft into World Trade Center (WTC) Building in New York, which became a strength symbol of the U.S. economy and Pentagon building in Washington DC, a symbol of U.S. military superiority.

Then the US government -- through former president George W. Bush -- issued two political statements that fueled anti-Muslim fervor throughout the U.S, and even spread to Australia and Europe region. Two of these declarations using the word "Crusade" and accusations without proof against radical Islam led by Osama Bin Laden as the mastermind of mega theater behind the destruction of WTC and Pentagon.

Bush sparked harassment against American Muslims, ranging from negative labeling until torture, and even murder. Moreover, since the beginning, in the West mind, Islam has always been described as extreme, militant and fundamentalist.

According to Robert Mueller -- FBI director at the time -- dozens of discrimination cases befell American Muslims. Another version compiled by Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) showed more than 300 cases of harassment, discrimination and violence experienced by Muslims in America.

Responding to the situation, Bush tried to neutralize it by urging Americans to not disturb Muslims and mosques. But the state already murky and complex. Discrimination and anti-Islamic wave has spread everywhere. The anti-Islamic phenomenon, in turn, causing backlash with the spread of anti-American-West's wave in Islamic world.

My question is, "Why terrorism has always been identified with the fundamentalist Islamic movement? Whereas, it can be, another group performs this action, such as the Japanese Red Army group that jolted the world with operations of Black September at the Olympics in Germany, 11 September 1972.

Or, perhaps, the U.S. citizens themselves who did it, such as the bombing case of federal building in Oklohama  -- previously totally unexpected -- that the culprit was a former soldier, Timothy McVeigh. At that time, Fundamentalist Islam was the only party which most suspected as mastermind of the bombing.

In general, terrorism is a purely political crime, but because the approach used is a religious sentiment: Crusade (Bush version) and Jihad (Fundamentalist Islamic version), then the tension that arises is the clash between Islam and the West.

This tension, in addition popularized by Samuel P. Huntington's thesis in his book, "The Clash Of Civilization", also supported by the orientalists, politicians and Western press which was very provocative and intense in giving stereotypical extreme, radical and fundamentalist to Islam. Even the comment of former Italian PM -- horrendous Silvio Berlusconi -- openly said, that Western culture was superior when compared to Islamic culture. Is it true? Then, who did colonialism in Asia and Africa? Who was also killing the Jews in Europe, if not the European leaders themselves?

Meanwhile, on the other hand, the West labeling even further reinforces the spirit of "fundamentalism" of some Muslims who always get a negative label. Presumably, the identity of "fundamentalism" is used against the West, especially America, since its military aggression has successfully mastered Afghanistan in a very short time.

Identification of Islam with terrorism, extremism and radicalism increasingly globalized after the bombing of Legian Kuta - Bali, 12 October 2002. Moreover, this action occured in the largest Muslim country in the world and aimed only at foreign tourists.

Indeed, terrorism is barbarity. Nevertheless, the problem is not simply resolved by the claims have been hunting for Osama, or accusing a particular group as the mastermind. There is no guarantee, after Osama's death, terrorist networks will be destroyed. Even it can be, thousands of other Osama are emerging. You can slaughter the entire human race and radical group, but this will add to the gloom over the history of human civilization.

From here, it can be said, the tension caused by collision of two negative current,  unavoidable, and both have thorough passion. In the language of Epicurus, both have been infected with the virus of "the desire of wholeness". The first flow have desire with its technological superiority, as well as a desire to organize the whole world according to its will. The second stream is being driven by religious superiority, the feeling of being harmed, and captivity of tradition in black and white.

Actually, there are many efforts to reconcile the two currents, both from the West and moderate Islamic thinkers. Unfortunately, the 'desire' of first current is too strong and already globalized, so there is a claim of terrorism, radical, extreme, and fundamentalist for the second current.

Historically and academically, fundamentalist term itself was originally intended for the American Catholic fundamentalists who did not want the adjustment to modern reality. However, according to Roger Garaudy, this term in its development has expanded the meaning, not just limited to Catholics, but also extends to other movements that are identical to the static, fanatical and conservative. Thus, there is a term of Jewish fundamentalism (Zionism), Vatican fundamentalism as well as Islamic fundamentalism, etc.

"Rand Corporation"-- a Strategic Research and Study Center on Islam and Middle East, based in Santa Monica, California and Arington, Virginia in the United States-- on the financing of the Smith Richardson Foundation, conducted a study of the Islamic Movement in various parts of the Islamic world.

Results of research and study has been published in the institution a number of official reports, among others, entitled: Civil Democratic Islam (2003) and Building Moderate Muslim Networks (2007).

The report of "Rand Corporation" becomes an important reference for the US National Intelligence Council that oversees 15 intelligence agencies from 15 countries, which is currently chaired by Gregory Treverton. In various reports, "Rand Corporation" mapping the Islamic Movement in accordance with the West interests, ie into four groups: Fundamentalists, Modernists, Liberals and Traditionalists. In the details of each of these groups, described about the character, traits, status and ways of handling each group. Coupled with the documents of other studies results, then it becomes clear : the classification of Islamic movement conducted by West researchers is very subjective, because it is only based on Western interests.

Under Western eyes and in accordance with their interests, then what is meant by the Fundamentalist is the Islamic Movement with "Anti-Western" character. Its traits are four, namely: pro Islamic Sharia, pro caliph of Islam, anti-Western democracy and critical to Western influence. This group status is "Dangerous", and its handling is "Finish them".

Anyone, individual or groups of Islam  who support the struggle of Sharia law, agree with the enforcement of Islamic Khilafah system, and reject Western democratic system, then critical and selective against Western influence, then certainly -- for the West -- they are fundamentalists, no matter they are straightforward, firm, soft or hard, calm or vocal, stay home or go down to the street: they are Islamic fundamentalists.

The group is given the status of "dangerous" because it is considered as a threat to Western interests. This group is considered unfriendly to the West, and even tends to antagonize the West. Anti-Western  Democracy group is always considered as a group that does not appreciate discussion, intolerant of the difference, bossy,  obtrude,  nti-dialogue, rigid, conservative, radical and exclusive.

This group should be finished with a variety of ways, among others: Firstly, sticking a negative image by the environment to the group. The trick, all the good deeds of this group should not be publicized by Western media networks and its accomplice. All errors or badness of this group -- no matter how small it is -- should be published on a large scale, even its preaching must be repeated, even if already expired. They create a negative stigma in this group so that the group is identified with unappreciated things by the public, such as radical, anarchist, terrorists, and so on.

Secondly, stunting the activists. Prevent them from developing the quality of education and other human resources. In the news,  any academic degree or honorary degrees from the leaders and activists of these groups should not be mentioned, let alone to mention their work. Mention the name only, and they should be displayed as fools, untidy, uncreative and impolite. Highlight their ignorance, their backwardness and their ferocity.

Third, to isolate the group. Do not give this group the slightest chance in the power system : in the legislative, judicial and executive. Do not involve these groups in any event: national and international. Never ask any opinion in any matter to this group. Never give any role in what circumstances and anywhere.

Fourth, the group's putrefaction. Infiltrate and provoke among activists and among leaders and members of this group. Ride every action of this group and confuse their agenda. Create a variety of damage that could be attributed to this group. Spread slander and accusations of what is systemized that could destroy this group.

Fifth, murdering of the group. Trap and create legal reasons to catch the leaders and activists of this group. Create a formal legal reason to disband the group. Push the authorities in order to make this group as a banned organization. Pay thugs to compete with this group. Threaten, terror and intimidate these groups wherever they are. Make the group leaders and activists feel uncomfortable to travel anywhere. At peak conditions: Kill the figures and activists of the most dangerous groups for the West interests.

Just as "anarchists", the term "fundamentalist" and "fundamentalism" is now already interpreted wrongly. This error affects the use, which is often inappropriate, for example Islamic fundamentalism and Fundamentalist Islam. The use of terms recklessly by the media and secular-liberal academic environment to label a person or group becomes the cause. Society bombarded with terms that its meaning is dictated by the media. It does not matter right or wrong, although at first it seems odd and weird, but a systematic and consistent onslaught finally managed to force the misconceptions to be agreed by the public.

Sociological division of society with various terms as Islamic attributes such as "liberal", "inclusive", "moderate", "radical" and so forth, of course, does not need to be done. The term "Fundamentalist Islamic", will practically obscure the term of "Islam", because it opens the possibility of a form of Islam which have other characteristics, "liberal Islam" for example. The use of this term just shows the confusion of thought which is contaminated by West's frame work. The most dangerous implication is the destruction of key concepts in the Islamic faith. Islam has been knowing the division that comes from a Muslim way of life: it is the Koran, in which there are a variety of terms such as Muslims, believer, heathen, hypocrite, pagans, etc.

My simple conclusion is, Islamization project of social science is becoming an urgent necessity. If by practicing the teachings of Islam, then I am classed as a fundamentalist, well, just call me a fundamentalist Islam.


Tofu and Politics

Even the best Parliament can be like a tofu factory, it's rotten. Imagine the tofu factory : in the kitchen, soybean piles trampled with bare feet (who knows if it's trampled by the feet mangy?), trampled in order to be pulverized, then mixed with water which are becoming more like mucus. Not surprisingly, the word "tofu" is derived from the Chinese language, and the word "fu" means "rotten". But from the foul-smelling factory born hundreds of cubes which later became tofu, and people enjoy it.

Even the best Parliament can be like a tofu factory. It is the birthplace of various laws, and every law is basically a statement of hope that life can be made better. Look at the laws governing the environmental care or the labor protection laws. Law is a constructive tool. But how it is processed until it's born is a matter that is not always compatible with  the taste of prophet's sanctity.

A friend whispered to me, "If on one day you come from the clean library with its lights bright, and you enter into a parliament building to witness how the legislation produced, you'll be fed up."

You will see that for a bill, lawmakers are not only arguing, but they are also elbowing or stroking each other. Parties who are yelling at each other, will become sycophants when needed. The politicians relentlessly in bargaining position, with face pretending sweet or pretending fierce before a bill is passed.

Even the best Parliament can be like a combination of tofu and theater. The process of working there, such as the process of making tofu, do not be in a sterile tube. Nothing is 100 percent finished. All evolved from round to round, through dialogue and mask game. The proposal to give birth to the rule of law -- no matter how unfair the rules -- can't be dictated.

In a democratic parliament, no case can be decided unilaterally. Compromise always happens. I give X to you, you give me Y. Of course there are common sense and a sense of justice who work there, but there are also a lot of interest, and they are not always noble.

Some say -- when they see the parliament is the same as tofu factory -- that "politics is dirty". However, a note should be added here. Some say "politics is dirty" with disgust to the process of democracy, because democracy -- indeed -- can be a bit like buying and selling, and buying and selling is the work of merchant caste in the market, not the aristocratic caste.

The politicians are elected by the people, and therefore they must be smart to market themselves to gain the support, including they also must be able to talk nonsense when their voters want to hear their crap, right? So, It's not surprisingly, when the saints took power -- such as Calvin in Geneva in the 16th century or the Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran in the 20th century, they rejected democracy.

Democracy is the bidding process. "Bargain" in the sense disappearance of something 100 percent viscous, and "bargaining" in the sense of expressing other possibilities.

Therefore, Machiavelli -- who said that in public areas people "had to learn how to not be good" -- can be considered as democratic political thinker. He pronounced it, perhaps with a bit of scorn and provocation, when what is considered "good" had been distorted by the Church. Perverted into something absolute. In fact, for him, the absolute was not included in the lives of people crowded in the world. Machiavelli did not believe in political move by faith, which gave birth to the war ideology or rigid "inner political". He saw, -- with realism sharp eye -- that in the world of people crowded, the pure holy never happened.

Where things are considered "good"? Do we need the value? We, who shifted a little to get out of a violent period, and lies, would shout, "We need it! We need it! "And indeed, it is necessary.

But every hunger blurs the line between needs and virtual, which, as mentioned in a poem, "The shadow of the coming dawn ...". The virtual moving between light and dark, between the dark and hope, easily becomes an obsession. And our obsession now is to look at the political process as a process of purification, even a purity process.

But the virtual can be misleading. If we need "something good", then "something good"  is certainly a natural part of our world. Reasonable means proceeding from the assumption that it can be touched by the bidding process. Therefore, when the "good" can't be considered fresh and negotiable, then it becomes violent.

For me, a rotten smell parliament as well as tofu factory is better than the kind of violence. Yet tofu factory finally delivers something cheap, tasty, and without cholesterol, as parliament gives birth the definite legislation but does not clog the human life.


News Headlines (525) 1 January - 17 January 2015


1 January 2015 : You rams excel at initiating new activities rather than finishing them, making this your kind of day. You look forward to the future with great anticipation, especially since an optimistic Jupiter-Mars opposition gives you an energetic boost. Although so much cosmic encouragement makes it difficult to cut back your busy schedule, be careful that you don't exhaust yourself. Fortunately, with just a little bit of forethought, you can still have a fantastic time while pacing yourself for the long haul.

2 January 2015 : You might be incredibly busy today, even if you don't get very much accomplished. You're more interested in pursuing a sparkly new person or a fresh idea than you are in finishing your work. Unfortunately, this kind of irresponsible attitude can stir up the ire of a coworker who wants you to hold up your end of the deal. Avoid causing unnecessary trouble now by fulfilling your promises before doing anything else. Exercising self-discipline early in the day gives you the chance to embark on an intellectual exploration later on.

3 January 2015 : You feel as if you're a salmon swimming upstream in a storm today as the currents of circumstance hinder your progress. Although you're quick to blame others for your predicament, the real struggle originates within you. You might act like an ostrich and bury your head in the sand, pretending that you don't see what's happening. But as you know, denial won't solve anything -- nor will you be able to maintain this posture for long. Instead, be ruthless as you drag your fears out into the light of day. Self-awareness is the key to positive change.

4 January 2015 : Your current dependency on others makes you feel uneasy since you usually take pride in your self-sufficiency. But today's nurturing Cancer Full Moon lands in your 4th House of Security, reminding you how much you need people in your life. You must find a way to balance your love of freedom with your desire for healthy relationships. Play out all the possibilities in the safety of your mind, but don't over-commit in haste just to get what you want in the moment. Your chosen path is not an easy one now, but practicing patience and trusting the process can lead to happiness.

5 January 2015 : A conflict between your head and your heart could drain some of your enthusiasm today. You know what's best for you, but you're pulled in another direction, nonetheless. You often make the smartest choices by spontaneously reacting to the current circumstances, but this time may be an exception. Self-restraint is rewarded; you're better off listening to logic than to your intuition now. Make a rational decision and put your choice into action only after you sort out the facts.

6 January 2015 : You can get quite a lot done today -- more so than usual -- thanks to a weird influx of focused energy that feels different than your usual boisterous, direct power. Make the most of it! You may grow bored with your work today unless you can figure out how to own your vision of the future. The lively Leo Moon activates your 5th House of Self-Expression, encouraging you to share your feelings, even if it means rattling some cages in the process. But putting your plan into motion might require more preparation than you want to invest. Don't let difficult odds stop you; creative thinking enables you to discover the best way to manifest a magical solution.

7 January 2015 : Complications in a relationship probably won't diminish the intensity of your current connection. Unfortunately, trouble may develop if emotional or geographical distance raises issues of abandonment. However, defending yourself by assuming a self-protective posture isn't the answer. Overcome your resistance and open your heart to the unknown. Your positive attitude is your best weapon in your ongoing battle for happiness.

8 January 2015 : Your attention is directed at getting ahead on the job now that the fun is winding down. Of course, it makes sense to organize your life and focus on your career as much as possible. But don't become so intent on your goals that you miss out on an amazing experience that's right in front of your nose. Take care of business today but don't turn down an opportunity for personal enjoyment. Adding a bit of mischief into the mix inspires you to put even more effort into your work.

9 January 2015 :  Your irrepressible idealism won't save you from the potential trouble caused by your irreverent behavior as you seek out the next adrenaline rush. You may be so excited that you lose track of your common sense and serious problems can arise if you don't stop to think before you act. However, a carefully calculated gamble might prove to be a lot of fun if you remember to take the necessary precautions along the way. Better safe than sorry.

10 January 2015 : Someone close needs your help -- so step up and give them what they need. Your energy is driving you in a million directions at once, but if you can focus for a bit, you can make a real difference.

11 January 2015 : Avoid the impulse to critique every little thing today -- there are enough people doing that! Just make sure that you're available when others ask you for advice. Then you can be free with criticism.

12 January 2015 : It's a great time to start up on something new -- maybe a new business venture, or maybe something as simple as a new way to organize your work. Things are sure to move forward quickly. You might blast ahead with your original plans even though they could lead to trouble. Ironically, your common sense is working fine today; the problem is your temptation to fearlessly overrule reason with your desires. Fortunately, you can minimize the negative impact of your carelessness by repeatedly reminding yourself to slow down and think about what you're doing. It may sound like a familiar warning, but the sky is the limit if only you stop to acknowledge your immediate surroundings.

13 January 2015 : Push away your own concerns or needs and try instead to just take care of your people. It actually works to your advantage in the long run, so don't feel as if you're doing yourself a disservice. A friend or coworker might tell you something that you prefer not to hear today, but you're so involved with talking about your career plans or a specific project that you don't even notice. Instead of being wrapped up in your own version of the story, refocus your attention on the point that others are trying to get across. Carry the light of your awareness when stepping into the shadows that appear in front of you. You have the power to transform your fear into courage if you're willing to give change a chance.

14 January 2015 : You feel a bit quieter than usual today -- and there's nothing wrong with that! Use this time to focus on internal issues and see if you can come up with good answers to intensely personal questions. You seem to be growing increasingly impatient each day, especially if someone is more interested in getting to the bottom of your current feelings than moving on to whatever happens next. You might feel as if you're trapped. Nevertheless, investing your time to delve into an emotional issue might be exactly what the doctor ordered. Set aside your desire for personal satisfaction for a couple of days. Finish up old relationship business now before distracting yourself with something shiny and new.

15 January 2015 : You're getting signals from the universe that are not exactly to your liking -- but you can still cope with them. In fact, you may not even be fully conscious of them, so try to just relax and breathe. You might blast ahead with your original plans even though they could lead to trouble. Ironically, your common sense is working fine today; the problem is your temptation to fearlessly overrule reason with your desires. Fortunately, you can minimize the negative impact of your carelessness by repeatedly reminding yourself to slow down and think about what you're doing. It may sound like a familiar warning, but the sky is the limit if only you stop to acknowledge your immediate surroundings. Your natural restlessness prompts you to blast your way forward no matter what the signs are saying; however, this isn't a winning strategy today. Your key planet Mars is telling you that all systems are go, yet your path seems to be blocked now, nonetheless. You don't have to add to the frustration by trying so valiantly to overpower the current obstacles. Make the most of the stressful cosmic energy by creating a long-term plan to clear the road ahead before progressing further. Work smarter, not harder.

16 January 2015 : Your energy is fiery and searching for new cultural excitement. It's not that hard for you to find new stuff to do even on a bad day, but you need to raise the bar and really go nuts today. You may be thinking about heading to your dream destination with the Moon moving through your 9th House of Faraway Places. But this isn't just about a vacation. You are on a mission as you search for your special place on Earth. Forget about immediate gratification; this journey is important enough that you shouldn't take no for an answer now, even if you can't follow through on your explorations yet. Setting your sights on the horizon is a good place to start, but it will take hard work and determination if you want to make your dream come true.

17 January 2015 : The incoming waves of excitement are so palpable that they could distract you from your previous plans. Your bigger-than-life fantasies keep your anticipation level high, even as you face pressure to meet your current obligations. Obviously, there are unchangeable circumstances, so accept reality as it is and just get busy. Don't worry about missing the big one; the truth is you won't be able to avoid it.

CURRENT SCIENCE 10 February 2013 : Bad weather and aircraft accidents - Current Science

■ 22 December 2014 : Suicide risk linked to insomnia, alcohol use, study shows
■ 7 January 2015 : PTSD doubles diabetes risk in women
■ 7 January2015 : Hello people, goodbye soil: Humans erode soil 100 times faster than nature
■ 7 January 2015 : Expressing anger linked with better health in some cultures
■ 8 January 2015 : Monkeys can learn to see themselves in the mirror

NEWSCIENTIST 14 January 2015 : Romance algorithm predicts if you'll be lucky in love

SCIENCEMAG 13 January 2015 : No more beach time for sea turtles?

SYDNEY MORNING HERALD 1 January 2015 : AirAsia flight's behaviour 'on the edge of logic' ||DAILY MAIL 1 January 2015 : Stricken AirAsia plane soared 'as fast as a fighter jet' and then dropped almost vertically into Java Sea as if being thrust down by a giant hand, crash experts revealed today || INDEPENDENT 1 January 2015 : AirAsia flight QZ8501: Aircraft's behaviour before crash was 'on the edge of logic', according to expert ||WORLD SOCIALIST WEB SITE 31 December 2014

■ 31 December 2014 : Russia's Putin Sends New Year's Message To Obama
■ 31 December 2014 : AirAsia Search Resumes, More Bodies Recovered
■ 4 January 2015 : What I Learned When I Moved to America
■ 6 January 2015 : 'We Survive by Living... Deliberately!' Meet Yemeni Female Blogger: Afrah Nasser

NY TIMES 31 December 2014 : Portrait of Iran, Where Revolution Is Ideological and the Costs Are Human Nazila Fathi's 'The Lonely War' Is a Memoir of Iran

AUTO EVOLUTION 24 December 2014  : Cessna Light Aircraft Turned into Racecar Becomes Street Legal [Video] ||DAILY MAIL 26 March 2013 : It's a car, it's a plane, it's BOTH! Man builds hybrid vehicle that is part 1956 Cessna and part 1987 minivan

HUFFINGTON POST 25 October 2012 : 2-Year-Old Vittora Cerioli Joins Mom, Licia Ronzulli, For Another Parliament Vote (PHOTOS)  ||DAILY MAIL 20 November 2013 : Can I vote too, Mama? Enchanting little girl who is following in the footsteps of her MEP mother at EU Parliament

US MAG 29 December 2014 : Taylor Swift, Laverne Cox, Beyonce Top List of Most Charitable Celebs for 2014 ||TAKE PART 30 December 2014 : Who Was 2014's Most Generous Celebrity?

► 10 January 2011 : NEW YEARS TRADITIONS IN VARIOUS COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD ||New Year's Eve and Day Traditions Around The World || New Year Celebrations Around The World || New Year's Eve

HOLLYWOOD REPORTER 30 December 2014 : Oliver Stone on Ukraine Protests: "The Truth Is Not Being Aired in the West"

BLOOMBERGVIEW 31 December 2014 : Inside Obama's Secret Outreach to Russia

E ONLINE 30 December 2014 : Antonio Banderas and His Young (and Tall!) Girlfriend Get All Dressed Up for Spanish Award Show—Take a Look!

DAILY MAIL 1 January 2015 : She's the (Formula) One: Jenson Button looks ecstatic as he weds his beautiful bride Jessica Michibata in sun-soaked Hawaiian ceremony ||MIRROR 1 January 2015 : Who is Jenson Button's new wife? Everything you need to know about stunning Jessica Michibata

■ 3 December 2014 : Depression in the US: Sad Communities Make Miserable People
■ 17 December 2014 : 1 in 2 Patients Keep Secrets from Their Doctors, Study 
■ 18 December 2014 : 3 in 50 Worldwide Suffer Internet Addiction
■ 31 December 2014 : "Thank You" Boosts Restaurant Patronage by Up to 57 Percent
■ 6 January 2015 : Selfies Expose, Identify Psychopaths, Researchers

GUARDIAN 30 December 2014 :  Military couple told to move wedding for Barack Obama to play golf ||NY DAILY NEWS 30 December 2014 : Obama pleads ignorance at interrupting Army soldiers' wedding for golf: 'Nobody told us'

LIBERATION FR  27 Décembre 2014  : Avec «», les vaches ont enfin leur Meetic ||BUSINESS INSIDER 1 January 2015 : Seek muscular male with quality rump? Try online dating for bulls

CNS NEWS 1 January 2015 : Israel Wants Int'l Criminal Court to Reject Palestinian Bid: It's 'Not a State'

NEWYORKER 1 January 2015 : Remembering Mario Cuomo ||NY TIMES 1 January 2015 : Mario Cuomo, Governor, Governor's Father and an Eloquent Liberal Beacon, Dies at 82

WESTSIDETODAY 1 January 2015 : Mayor Eric Garcetti encourages utilization of winter shelters in Los Angeles County


In this Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2005 file photo, wearing a flying gear Russian President Vladimir Putin holds his souvenir, a mock-up of a supersonic Tu-160 strategic bomber, at an airfield near the northern city of Murmansk, Russia, shortly after landing there aboard a Tu-160, with the bomber crew in the background. Russia’s defense minister says the military will conduct regular long-range bomber patrols, ranging from the Arctic Ocean to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. (AP Photo/ITAR-TASS, Presidential Press Service, Alexei Panov)

FORBES 2 JAnuary 2015 : Why Putin's Russia Is The Biggest Threat To America In 2015
ITAR TASS 1 JAnuary 2015 : Russian President Vladimir Putin's New Year address to the nation 

Dear friends!

A new year, 2015, is to begin in a few moments.

As usual, we are looking forward to this holiday with great emotion, we are making wishes, exchanging gifts and feel joyful about this wonderful tradition of seeing in the New Year in the company of our families, dear ones and friends. This atmosphere of kindness, attention and generosity keeps our hearts warm and opens them up to good thoughts and noble deeds and inspires hope.

Of course, at this very moment each of us keeps in mind first and foremost the prosperity of one’s family and wishes good health and happiness to the next of kin. It is the happiness and success of each individual that Russia's prosperity rests upon.

Love of the Motherland is one of the strongest and noble feelings. To the full extent it manifested itself in the fraternal support for the people of Crimea and Sevastopol after they had firmly made up their mind to get back home. That event will forever remain a most important milestone in the national history.

Dear friends!

Now, as we look back on the outgoing year, I would like to sincerely thank you for unity and solidarity, for the profound feelings of truth, honesty, justice and responsibility for the future of the country, for the unflagging readiness to stand up for the interests of Russia, to be with it in the days of triumph and in the times of trial, and to work for the success of our boldest and most ambitious plans.

Just several years ago the idea of holding Winter Olympics in Sochi had looked like a dream. It has not just come true: we managed to not only prepare for and host the best-ever Winter Olympics, but also to emerge the winner. That victory is a merit of all citizens of our country: the Olympic athletes and those who supported them.

In the coming year we will have to jointly address quite a few tasks. The new year's shape is in our own hands, it will depend on how effectively, creatively and productively each of us will be doing one’s job. There are just no other recipes. We must accomplish and implement every single plan of ours - for our own sake, for the sake of our children, and for the sake of Russia.

Friends! The New Year is on the doorstep. Time is ripe to see it in and to say the warmest words to the dear ones. It's time to thank them for understanding, faithfulness, patience and care. The more kindness and love there is, the more confident and stronger we will be. We will certainly achieve success.

Happy New Year!

TRUTH OUT 1 January 2015 : Vladimir Putin's Unraveling Russia
TELEGRAPH 1 January 2015 : So what should Vladimir Putin's New Year's Resolutions be?
TELEGRAPH 31 December 2014  : Vladimir Putin's Happy New Year message to US calls for 'equality'
GLOBAL RESEARCH 2 January 2014 : Barack Obama vs. Vladimir Putin: How Bloomberg 'News' Lies
RUSSIA TODAY 31 December 2014 : 'Landmark in Russian history': President Vladimir Putin's New Year address
NBC NEWS 3 January 2015 : Vladimir Putin Stays Popular Amid Economic Woes
MIRROR 31 December 2014 : War chiefs send US tanks sent to tell Vladimir Putin to back off Ukraine
POLITICO 4 January 2015 : Inside Putin's Information War
BOSTON GLOBE 4 January 2015 : Russia confronts uncertain path. Putin deflects economy's woes, retains support
VOX 6 January 2015 : How Putin could lose power 
FORBES 6 January 2015 : Russia's Gov't Wrong Again On Ruble  
NEWSWEEK 5 January 2015 : Putin Divides EU With Moscow Parade Invite, as Obama Declines and Kim Jong-un Considers
IB TIMES AU 6 January 2015  : Vladimir Putin Predicted To Resign Amid Economic Crisis; US-Russia Cooperation On North Korea Sanctions 'Not Likely'
FOREIGN POLICY 6 January 2015 : Putin's Eurasian Dream Is Over Before It Began

"A true history of human events would show that a far larger proportion of our acts are the results of sudden impulses and accident, than of that reason of which we so much boast." - Myers Y. Cooper
"Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant."- Horace
"Anybody at all has the right to talk about himself-provided he knows how to be entertaining." - Charles Baudelaire

■ 1 January 2015 : Bikini-clad Heidi Klum, 41, looks giddy in love while snuggling with Vito Schnabel, 28, on New Year's Eve holiday in St. Barts
Dahling, I have a true love for you, with better quality than what is intended as "love" by Heidi Klum to Vito Schnabel. You know I always doubt the love quality of American celebrities to their partner. They -- for sex and fun -- can change their lover as replacing old items with new ones. And I know I can do this (love you completely) because I've been getting your love with the best quality as well. With you, I have a partner who is not only great in bed, dining table and workspace, but I also have the safest hiding place for me in you. Thank you for your understanding to play very flexible with a very difficult word to me, to this day: marriage.

■ 10 December 2014 : How the Red Sea really parted? Moses used knowledge of tides to ensure a safe crossing for the Israelites - instead of waiting for a miracle, expert claims
■ 4 January 2015 : French mayor accused of racism after refusing to let Roma gipsy baby to be buried in municipal cemetery
■ 5 January 2015 : Bluefin tuna nets $37,000 in Tokyo new year auction
■ 6 January 2015 : Doorless India village sure thieves won't be knocking 
■ 7 January 2015 : Smarter than the average computer: Intel shows off SmartSense system that can do everything from make your dress smart to teach a drone to fly
■ 7 January 2015 : Meeting the world at less than a month old! Monaco's royal twins make first public appearance in the arms of their adoring parents
■ 8 January 2015 : She's all heart! 'Keen cyclist' Pippa Middleton beams as she launches London to Brighton charity bike ride
■ 11 January 2015 : Hundreds in NYC gather in solidarity after French attacks
■ 12 January 2015 : It's true, women DO cry more than men - and for twice as long: Hormonal differences and social conditioning said to be to blame
■ 13 January 2015 : Teenage beauty queen winner dies in Ecuador while undergoing liposuction treatment she received as a prize
■ 13 January 2015 : Feeling cold is contagious, scientists find
■ 15 January 2015 : Empty shelves across Venezuela due to tumbling oil prices create a new industry: People queuing up for goods that have probably run out earn more than professors

FORBES 29 December 2014 : Emma Stone Tops FORBES' List Of Best Actors For The Buck

TELEGRAPH 3 January 2015 : Michael Schumacher 'cries when he hears his children's voices'. Formula One icon cannot speak but can communicate with his eyes, report claims ||DAILY MAIL  3 January 2015 : Michael Schumacher is 'crying at the sound of his children's voices' after starting to recognise faces one year on from skiing accident

HUFFINGTON 4 January 2015 : Rihanna Continues To Vacation In A Bikini ||DAILY MAIL 5 January 2015 : Back to work! Rihanna kisses St Barts goodbye as she boards a small plane in a clinging black mini dress and furry fedora ||FEMALE FIRST 3 January 2015 : Rihanna - Musician Boyfriends Only Good For Sex  ||HOLLYWOOD LIFE 2 January 2015 : Rihanna's New Year's Resolution: Never Date Rappers Like Chris Brown & Drake Again
Ahahaha, you see? Many celebrities in America are not good at choosing their partners. They have a lot of money and luck in their careers, but even so, their money is not fully able to make them easily get what they want. What's so difficult to get a handsome man and classified as "good man" in America, hm? But, as you see, do you think Heidy Klum and Rihanna -- for example -- are smart in choosing a boyfriend? Sorry, confidently, I have to tell you : I'm smarter than them. Ahem ahem. Hello dahliiing .... mwah! You know one important thing, sweet heart? Well, only one serious problem among us: you are stupid in choosing a life partner, aahahhaa ... , ahahha.... I do not understand, "Why you are so faithful in loving me?" Whereas ye know: all of yours are mine, too, but all of mine are still mine, eehehhee ...

MEDICAL NEWS TODAY 1 January 2015 : Exercise may improve balance, mobility and quality of life in people with Parkinson's ||MEDICAL DAILY 3 January 2015 : Parkinson's Disease Patients Improve Strength, Quality Of Life With Exercise

CNN 2 January 2015 : Elvis Presley's 'Flying Graceland' up for sale ||MIRROR 2 January 2015 : Elvis Presley's private jets Lisa Marie and Hound Dog II to be sold at auction

BREIBART NEWS 5 January 2015 : Obama Hangs Out with Eddie Vedder on Last Day of Hawaii Vacation  ||NBC NEWS 4 January 2015 : Obama Hangs Out With Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder in Hawaii

GLOBAL DISPATCH 2 JAnuary 2015 : US, Saudi, OPEC blamed for lowing oil prices to hurt Russia, Iran || GLOBAL RESEARCH 31 December 2014 : Who Is Behind the Oil War and How Low Will the Price of Crude Go in 2015? ||DAILY MAIL 23 December 2014  : How oil's become the world's most potent weapon: Forget nuclear arms. The U.S. and Saudis are behind an oil price crash that could topple regimes in Russia and Iran  ||TELEGRAPH 2 January 2015 : Saudi Arabia bets its future on 'Berlin or Bust' oil strategy

FORBES 5 January 2015 : Saudi Arabia's $750 Billion Bet Drives Brent Oil Below $54

BLOOMBERG 7 January 2015 : Boehner Takes His Revenge on Republicans for Voting Against Him for Speaker

TELEGRAPH 5 January 2015 : Lamps go out all over Germany in backlash against anti-immigrant protests ||DEUTSCHE WELLE 21 December 2014 : German mosque vandalized with swastikas and racist graffiti 

HAARETZ 5 January 2015 : U.S. slams freeze on Palestinian tax money: We warned Israel it would cause tensions ||GUARDIAN 6 January 2015 : US officials and Israeli president blast withholding of Palestinian tax revenues

■ 31 December 2014 : Kerry's Miscalculation on the U.N. Palestine Resolutions
■ 12 January 2015 : 12 January issue Remote Control - Can an exiled oligarch persuade Russia that Putin must go?

GUARDIAN 6 January 2015 : Pegida: what does the German far-right movement actually stand for?  ||INDEPENDENT  6 January 2015 : Pegida protests: Germany's anti-Islamic movement sparks furious right-wing power struggle ||DEUTSCHE WELLE 6 January 2015 : Anti-Kögida: 'Protecting the Germany that we've become proud of' ||DEUTSCHE WELLE 5 January 2015  : Thousands march against anti-Islam 'Pegida' movement  || DEUTSCHE WELLE 5 January 2015 : Opinion: German parties leave PEGIDA support to AfD ||DAILY MAIL 6 January 2015 : Lights go out on German protesters: Authorities switch off power at famous landmarks as they show disapproval at demonstrations against the 'Islamisation of Europe'

GIZMODO 4 January 2015 : YouTube Will Soon Support 360-Degree Video Uploads

TELEGRAPH 9 January 2015: Paris Charlie Hebdo attack: live ||DAILY BEAST 9 January 2015 : France Kills Charlie Hebdo Murderers ||NY TIMES 7 January 2015 : 'Dangerous Moment' for Europe, as Fear and Resentment Grow ||NY TIMES 7 January 2015 : Terrorists Strike Charlie Hebdo Newspaper in Paris, Leaving 12 Dead  ||NY TIMES 8 January 2015 : Before Paris Shooting, Authors Tapped Into Mood of a France 'Homesick at Home' ||NY TIMES 7 January 2015 : Proud to Offend, Charlie Hebdo Carries Torch of Political Provocation ||MIC.COM 8 January 2015 : JeSuisAhmed Reveals the Hero of the Paris Shooting Everyone Needs to Know  ||DAILY MAIL 9 January 2015 : How hero hiding in cardboard box guided police by texts as they moved in to take out jihadi brothers at print plant ||DAILY MAIL 9 January 2015 : Girlfriend of murdered Charlie Hebdo magazine editor says 'I always knew he was going to die' and blames police for failng to prevent massacre
It's a very hypocritical coverage! In America, people of all ages and sexes can freely use weapons and kill anyone who desirable to die freely, although they shoot others without plausible reasons and motives, and the killers are not called terrorists. But if you are Muslims and they -- freely and with the pretext of freedom of expression -- insult your prophet by making insulting caricatures and ye angry, and ye --- of course --- also freely express your anger by killing those who have insulted you, assuming that what you want is only to eliminate forever the source of your pain, then they will easily point to you : You are a terrorist! And you will be hunted down as terrorists. It means, if you die in the hunt, then those who have killed you never labeled as a terrorist, but a hero.

Then they will be busy making a press statement blah blah blah, just for a classic hidden problem: they do not like Islam.  Whereas, anyway, you know it, the Muslims never insult other religions like what Charlie Hebdo cartoonists do to Islam, because Islam upholds the differences between religions. "To you, your religion is your religion, and for me, my religion is my religion". I uphold this principle.

Honestly, I do not fully understand what they respond with a very patriotic with this case. But this incident can be a lesson for how you act: Do not measure other people's body size based on your body's size, if you do not want other people's body size will be measured on your body, okay?

Now you have died, Stephane Charbonnier. Good-bye, good-rest in peace. Hopefully you can learn to appreciate the meaning of your life after you die. Use the freedom in your life more responsibly, because the dimension of life is more complex than the dimensions of death. After you die, you do not need to brag about freedom of expression, because you have been freed from all the problems of freedom in your life.

So, as long as we are still alive, please be careful in thought, expression and action. I hope this incident will create a deterrent effect to anyone who in the name of freedom has intentionally hurt another person's feelings. Using their own theory, then, please respect the freedom of others to express what they feel, right?

Note: I have a feeling, but I do not like crying for no plausible reason. Solidarity? Well, so-so, but tolerance is also important. This means, you will look ridiculous when showing your solidarity to the dead, who during his life did not apply his tolerance for other faiths.

I see they're trying to dictate an impression to be adhered together, that, as if this is the first cruelty made by humans, damn. Well, the injustice here is: if you are Muslim, then whatever we do to you, you are not allowed to protest, including if we insult your prophet. We are killing and wounding you with our cartoonist pens, because we do  not have weapons like you have and you do not have sharp pens (as sharp with the sword when wielding your heart) as our cartoonist. Now we are both dead. And there is nothing better than what we play, right?

Mmm, I'm also not sure they know exactly who is behind this attack. You know it,  they always will accuse all directions to justify their covert mission. Moreover, when this photo was published to the public, I did not see them directly but I just read it online while having breakfast with my baby. Sweet heart, finish your breakfast. Later, if you become a great man, do not be a terrorist, okay? Mommy will be mad at you if you do it.

Eehhehee.... what is the definition of a terrorist, Cisca? Every day they say it : in front of your dinner plate, in your book, in your radio, in your morning paper, on your television, and now, in front of your baby. So, prepare a correct answer if on one day your baby will ask you, "What is a terrorist, mommy?"

CNN 14 January 2015 : Man finds himself alone on Delta flight || TELEGRAPH 14 January 2015 : Man enjoys a whole Delta plane to himself  ||HUFFINGTON POST 13 January 2015 : Delta Flight Travels From Cleveland To New York With Just 2 Passengers

HINDUSTAN TIMES 6 January 2015 : Doorless Maharashtra village sure thieves won't be knocking

AP HOSTED 7 January 2015 : Blame game in Argentina over shortage of tampons

AP 10 January 2015 : Hundreds in NYC gather in solidarity after French attacks  ||TELEGRAPH 11 January 2015 : Unity rally for Paris shootings: live  ||CNN 11 January 2015 : Source: Terror cells activated in France ||  ► CNN 10 January 2015 : France: Raids kill 3 suspects, including 2 wanted in Charlie Hebdo attack ||  ► DAILY MAIL 10 January 2015 ; 'Deli gunman's 'wife' is already in SYRIA - having crossed the border to Spain and flown on to Turkey

WAPO 12 January 2015 : Charlie Hebdo reveals first cover since attack: A 'prophet Muhammad' caricature, crying behind the sign, 'Je suis Charlie' ||SMH AU 13 Januray 2015 : Charlie Hebdo front page to feature Prophet Muhammad holding up 'Je suis Charlie' sign  ||FOXNEWS 13 January 2015 : Defiant Charlie Hebdo to print 3M copies of latest edition with Muhammad on cover
Dahliiiing, .... I do not understand why we moan when reaching orgasm, but when sex has gone, we will make love again and again to reach orgasm and moaning again, as if we do not want all of this is completely finished.

Ahahaha ... sexual orgasm is not harassment, terror and death, Cisca! Stop insinuating them.

NY TIMES 11 January 2015 : Croatians Elect Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic as Their First Female President

E ONLINE 13 January 2015 : Julianne Moore Reveals Her Biggest Regret at the Golden Globe Awards! ||PEOPLE 15 January 2015 : Julianne Moore, Benedict Cumberbatch and Others React to Oscar Nods

ROLLINGSTONE 11 January 2015 : Five People Shot During Chris Brown Nightclub Performance

GUARDIAN 12 January 2015 : Abbas welcomed at Turkish presidential palace by Erdoğan – and 16 warriors

GUARDIAN 15 January 2015 : FBI arrests Ohio man who allegedly plotted attack on US Capitol  || CNN 15 January 2015 : FBI says plot to attack U.S. Capitol was ready to go ||TELEGRAPH 15 January 2015 : FBI foils 'jihadist plot to attack the US Capitol'

GUARDIAN 14 January 2015 : Al-Qaida in Yemen uses video to claim responsibility for Charlie Hebdo attack ||TELEGRAPH 14 January 2015 : Charlie Hebdo: 'Blessed battle of Paris' was our work, says al-Qaeda's branch in Yemen

VERGE 15 January 2015 : Google Translate will not help you have stoner sex in Paris || GUARDIAN 16 January 2015 : Testing Google's new Translate app in Times Square, 'the tourist capital of New York' – video

FIRST TO KNOW 12 January 2015 : 8 Things That Happen to the Body When Someone Is Dying
HOW LIFE WORKS 9 January 2015 : This New Natural Testosterone Booster Has Men Everywhere Raving

TIME OF ISRAEL 16 January 2015 : Busted Belgian terror cell linked to Islamic State, official says || DAILY STAR 17 January 2015 : New terror strike feared in Europe. Intel agencies warn 20 sleeper cells ready to strike several European countries; Belgium foils cop killing plot || THE AUSTRALIAN 16January 2015 : Dozens of terror suspects arrested across Europe ||CNN 14 January 2015 : White House: 'We should have sent someone with a higher profile' || CNN 17 January 2015 : Terror cell warning as Europe scrambles to handle threats || CNN 17 January 2015 : Source: Belgium terror cell has links to ISIS, some members still at large

TELEGRAPH 13 January 2015 : Rio's zoo animals cool off with ice lollies. Animals need special care as summer temperatures soar

QUARTZ 15 January 2015 : Putin is about to absorb part of yet another country's land

IB TIMES AU 16 January 2015 : Seven EU Nations Reportedly Agree to Cancel Sanctions on Russia; US and UK Commit to Face Russian Aggression

NPR 15 January 2015 : Hero Of Kosher Grocery Siege Will Become A French Citizen  ||WAPO 12 January 2015 : The Muslim who risked his life at a Paris kosher market to save seven Jews ||  ► LE MONDE 15 January 2015 : Lassana Bathily, héros de la prise d'otages de Vincennes, bientôt naturalisé

POLITICO 16 January 2015 : Rick Perry's oil hazard. Plummeting prices threaten to hurt his home-state economy — and 2016 prospect   ||WAPO 16 January 2015 : Rick Perry talks foreign policy, leadership at RNC || NBC NEWS 17 January 2015 : Rick Perry: I've Been Thinking A Lot About 2016

VOX 14 January 2015 : Chechnya's kitten-hugging, Putin-loving dictator, explained in 19 bizarre Instagrams ||  ► VICE 22 October 2014: Ramzan Kadyrov, the Chechen Leader With a $5M Islamic State Bounty on his Head || FOREIGN POLICY 15 May 2013 : Ramzan Kadyrov's 11 weirdest Instagrams ||DAILY BEAST 8 October 2014 : Ramzan Kadyrov: The Man Between Putin and ISIS

GUARDIAN 14 January 2015 : Israel protests to Nick Clegg over MP's Netanyahu tweet

LIFESTYLE : A Plane You Can Drive Like A Car. A Plane You Can Drive Like A Car: Converted Motor Car.  Car-enthusiast cop Jeff Bloch amazes road users by cruising the streets in a converted plane. The 40-year-old police officer - dubbed Speedy Cop by his friends - combined an abandoned Cessna aircraft with a Toyota van to make his jaw-dropping ride. The 27-foot vehicle was originally built for the 24 Hours of LeMons race in South Carolina, US - but since then Jeff has made the car street legal. Jeff, from Brandywine, Maryland, USA, said people follow him for miles to stop him to ask what the plane is and how he made it into a car. He even takes it through drive throughs and fills up at petrol stations. The vehicle reached top speeds of 70mph at the South Carolina race. Videographer/Director: Damion Jedlicka. Producer: Jack Mckay. Editor: Joshua Douglas / Ian Phillips. Published on May 26, 2013 by Barcroft TV  ||Cop Turns Abandoned Plane Into Street-Legal Car. CAR-enthusiast cop Jeff Bloch amazes road users cruising the streets in a converted PLANE.  The 42-year-old police officer - dubbed Speedy Cop by his friends - combined an abandoned Cessna aircraft with a Toyota van to make his jaw-dropping ride. The 27-foot vehicle was originally built for the 24 Hours of LeMons race in South Carolina, US - but since then Jeff has made the car street legal. Videographer / Director: Damion Jedlicka. Producer: Jack McKay, Editor: Kyle Waters. Published on Dec 23, 2014 by Barcroft Cars

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY : Thomas Piketty : New thoughts on capital in the twenty-first century. French economist Thomas Piketty caused a sensation in early 2014 with his book on a simple, brutal formula explaining economic inequality: r is greater than g (meaning that return on capital is generally higher than economic growth). Here, he talks through the massive data set that led him to conclude: Economic inequality is not new, but it is getting worse, with radical possible impacts. Published on Oct 6, 2014 by TED : Thomas Piketty: New thoughts on capital in the twenty-first century

NEWS & POLITICS : Thomas Piketty on Wealth, Income and Inequality. The Economic Policy Institute and the Washington Center for Equitable Growth host a presentation by Thomas Piketty—economist from the Paris School of Economics and ground-breaking researcher on income inequality—of the findings in his new book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century. His presentation is followed by a panel discussion moderated by Heather Boushey, Executive Director and Chief Economist of the Washington Center for Equitable Growth, with Josh Bivens, Research and Policy Director of the Economic Policy Institute, Robert M. Solow, Professor Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Betsey Stevenson, Member of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, serving as discussants.

Piketty examines data from more than twenty countries spanning in some cases as far back as the 18th century to assess the dynamics of income and wealth distribution, with a particular focus on the role of capital ownership as a driver of long-run trends in income inequality. He argues that when the rate of return on capital exceeds the rate of economic growth, as it has for most of history, then rising income inequality becomes inevitable. He says that if this rising inequality is allowed to continue unchecked, the results could be deep political and social disruption.

While Piketty notes that inequality has different dimensions across countries, he concludes with a recommendation: significantly increase the progressivity of both income and wealth taxation. Given the extraordinarily globalized market for capital, he further argues that the reach of such taxes must be global as well. Capital in the Twenty-First Century, already a best seller, is an invaluable contribution to how we understand inequality and its possible consequences. The book, which has already focused the attention of economists like no other work in recent decades, will be available for purchase at the event. We very much hope you can join us. This event is free to the public. Streamed live on Apr 15, 2014 by Economic Policy Institute

HOW TO & STYLE"Street Photography" BOOK - by Rui Palha. Uploaded on Sep 13, 2010 by Nuno Palha

SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY : Бе-200 Гидроавиасалон 2010 чать 1 Be-200 Hydro Air Show 2010 part 1. Published on Mar 15, 2011 by KonstantinKhmelik

EDUCATION : The Secret Family of Jesus - Full Documentary. Professor Robert Beckford explores the forgotten history of the Family of Jesus. Published on Apr 14, 2012 by USAGnosticChurch

NEWS & POLITICS :  Jeremy Scahill on the Paris Attacks, al-Qaeda Ties & Whether U.S. Drone War in Yemen Will Escalate. Published on Jan 12, 2015 by democracynow

NEWS & POLITICS : Charlie Hebdo Terrorist Attack in Paris, France | True News. Published on Jan 7, 2015 by Stefan Molyneux 

Oil ends on a low after halving in 2014 as OPEC stands aside
* Iran says Saudi Arabia should move to curb oil price fall

Search for AirAsia's black box could 'take a week' - By Fergus Jensen, Gayatri Suroyo and Charlotte Greenfield
PANGKALAN BUN/SURABAYA, Indonesia - Heavy seas held back divers waiting to inspect the possible wreck of an AirAsia Indonesia jet off Borneo.
* Video: Search resumes for AirAsia victims
* Bodies from crashed AirAsia plane arrive in Indonesian city 

Palestinians join war crimes court after U.N. rejection

Why Western Europe loves Putin. Why Vladimir Putin is a hero to some in Western Europe, too
'Charlie Hebdo': High-impact, low-tech tactics add chilling dimension to attacks
Vladimir Putin and Benjamin Netanyahu in the top 10 most admired in U.S. Why?

New Year's Eve stampede kills 36 on Shanghai waterfront

U.S. slaps more sanctions on North Korea after Sony hack

Obama's Cuba opening hits early obstacles, faces struggle with Congress

Oil prices hit fresh five-and-a-half-year lows; Brent below $56

Oil down almost 10 percent in two days as hunt for bottom continues

Euro hits fresh low before inflation trial - By Wayne Cole
SYDNEY - The euro hit a nine-year trough as collapsing oil prices and worries about the world economy drove skittish investors into the arms of safe-haven sovereign debt.
* Oil prices remain weak on supply glut 
* Opinion: The oil price is just wrong 
* Exclusive: Sell-side sours on U.S. energy stocks 

Consumer Electronics Show :From a self-driving car to a mobile living room  - By Paul Lienert
LAS VEGAS - Daimler wants to reset consumers' expectations about self-driving cars with its futuristic Mercedes-Benz F 015 concept, which the company envisions as a "mobile living space."
* Video: Breakingviews: Motown hits Sin City
* Video: Mercedes-Benz self-driving future

U.N. confirms Palestinians will be ICC member on April 1

French forces kill suspects - By Mark John, Ingrid Melander and John Irish
PARIS/DAMMARTIN-EN-GOELE, France - Two brothers wanted for a bloody attack on the offices of French satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo were killed on Friday when anti-terrorist police stormed their hideout, while a second siege ended with the deaths of four hostages.
* Obama briefed on Paris developments by counter terrorism 
* French satirical newspaper subscriptions soar 

Al Qaeda claims French attack, derides Paris rally (VIDEO)
* Paris police arrest 12 linked to shootings as Kerry arrives

Supreme Court to decide if states can ban gay marriage - By Lawrence Hurley
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court agreed to decide whether states can ban gay marriage, delving into a contentious social issue in what will be one of the most anticipated rulings of the year.
* White House to urge top court to legalize gay marriage nationwide
* Openly gay NFL draft choice Michael Sam proposes to boyfriend

Obama, Cameron vow to take on 'poisonous ideology' of radical Islam 
WASHINGTON - U.S. President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron vowed on Friday to take on "the poisonous ideology" of Islamic extremists and said intelligence agencies must be allowed to track militants online despite privacy concerns. | Video

Dozens held across Europe in Islamist suspect sweeps 

Protesters clash with Pakistan police near French consulate

After SNB shock, 'Swiss Made' may mean more expensive 

Raw: Bodies Found in Indonesian Waters ||Wreckage, Bodies From AirAsia Found

Newlywed, 95, Dies Soon After Wife Taken Away

Raw: New Year's Celebrations in Moscow ||Raw: New Year's Celebration in Dubai ||Raw: London's Big Ben Rings in 2015 || Raw: Brazil Celebrates New Year ||Raw: One Million Ring in 2015 With NY Ball Drop

Raw: US Performers at London New Year's Parade

Raw: National Zoo Pandas Frolic in the Snow. The Smithsonian National Zoo's youngest panda had a bit of fun in the snow Tuesday. It was the frist time Bao Bao played in snow.

Raw: Butter Sculpture Unveiled at Pa. Farm Show

Raw: Japan Snow Monkeys Enjoy Hot Springs

Raw: Gunshots Heard at Paris Market

Elephant Caught on Camera Trashing Car

N. Korea's Kim says open to 'highest-level' talks with South 
Ghost town: As Lithuania joins euro, concern over emigration
U.S. says it is deeply troubled by Palestinian move
Palestinians turn to ICC after UN bid fails
From Putin to the pope: Europe's year in review
10 people to watch in 2015 who may shift the 2016 campaign
Family in shock after US toddler shoots mom in Walmart 
Special Report: For many Russians, a growing list of problems – but not with Putin
Republicans to push ahead on new math for U.S. taxes, budget
Democrat tipped blogger about Republican lawmaker meeting with white nationalists
For Obama, reunion with pals a link to simpler times 
Seek muscular male with quality rump? Try online dating for bulls
Russia Starts A New Economic Union On New Year's And It Already Looks Like A Disaster
President Obama's Hawaii vacation: Day 13 
Politicians remember 'progressive giant' Mario Cuomo on social media
Back In 2000, The CIA Made These Predictions For 2015
Amal Clooney 'threatened with arrest' in Egypt

Russia 'may face chaos' if extra sanctions imposed: Germany
Haha, do not get too passionate to trouble others, damn! America, I know your bad character: you feel you will be in trouble if you see Russia is happy, and you feel you will be happy when you see Russia is in trouble. It only takes one easy thing to describe you: happy to see others unhappy, and unhappy to see others happy.

But you know one thing more important? Russia can cripple your economy by leaving your dollar in its trade with its main business partners in Asia such as China and India. Economics and business can only thrive in a stable socio-political conditions, and in this case both of you and EU are in different conditions. Eastern region (Asia) is more stable to encourage the growth of the economy and business. European economy is still in the entanglement of the crisis, while China, for example, grows rapidly. You, including the West, begin to reap the economic losses due to your sanctions against Russia because all sanctions have no effect on the east (Asia). That's why the current Russian economy (investment, exports, imports and technology) is growing to the east. Russia has decided to develop its business relations with Asian countries. India, for example, has now become a business partner of military equipment, especially for the high-tech segment. Meanwhile, Russia's relations with China based on the natural resources sector, engineering, and military technology.

I know you're afraid of China, and China just loves Russia, not to you! And you surely know, China's economic growth is directly or indirectly will provide great benefit to Russia. I am sure, your & EU sanctions can even strengthen the position of developing countries, including Russia. Local industry can actually thrive due to external factors. You and the EU only have a short-term thinking to dominate the market, including Russia's economy. That' s why you will always annoy Russia if Russia shows its independence stance in determining its own economic policy.  With the prospect of high economic growth in Asia compared with Europe, the establishment of "Asian Capital Markets" is possible and can be a serious contender for New York and London. And for Russia, as a country rich in energy resources, will be the driving force that deserves to be taken into account.

China's economy will be able to influence Chinese policy makers to make new oil and gas market along with Russia, which is free from dependence on you and the west. In the new global oil market formed by Russia, along with China, and India as well as one of the country's largest oil consumer, they can just leave your dollar as their payment instrument and replace it with their own currencies: rubles, yuans and rupees. In situations like this, your currency will sink and you also lose your influence, you will be like the dew drops on a leaf when the sun is dawning. Beautiful, is not it?

Israel eyes tougher moves after Palestinian tax freeze
Israel, indeed, you are crazy! You make all the sane people all over the world, except the US, hate your treatment to the Palestinians: evil and inhuman. And oddly enough, can somebody answer me, "Why the world can only condemn Israel's actions, but no country is able to take action against Israel by her actions that clearly violate the law and humanity in Gaza?" And I'm not asking you, Mr. Obama, because I know you do not have the answer!

■ In this Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2005 file photo, wearing a flying gear Russian President Vladimir Putin holds his souvenir, a mock-up of a supersonic Tu-160 strategic bomber, at an airfield near the northern city of Murmansk, Russia, shortly after landing there aboard a Tu-160, with the bomber crew in the background. Russia’s defense minister says the military will conduct regular long-range bomber patrols, ranging from the Arctic Ocean to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. (AP Photo/ITAR-TASS, Presidential Press Service, Alexei Panov

Despite pressure, EU's sanctions against Russia could last 
Joe Biden, John Boehner top awkward moments at Congress' first session 
Palin invokes Obama: "At least Trig didn't eat the dog." Inappropriate or fair game?
Will John Boehner Be Embarrassed Again?
U.S. House re-elects Republican John Boehner as speaker
Rubio understands Americans' frustration with immigrants
US opposes Israeli freeze on Palestinian tax revenues 
German anti-Muslim protesters rally despite Merkel plea
NASA closer than ever to finding Earth's 'twin'
Roma baby buried in France after racism row
US warns of global 'terror' threat after French attacks 
Al-Qaida in Yemen urges local and international jihad
Fidel Castro rumors sweep Internet, but no sign in Cuba
Why Would Romney Run?

Third time lucky? Romney mulling 2016 run: US reports
Ahahaha ... have you ever seen a monkey would turn into a man just because he could punch any numbers on a cell phone three times?

Romney, Romney, twice on the pipe means you ain't gonna show. Romney, Romney, twice on the pipe if the answer is no. Oh, no, no. no. I prefer Ron Paul than you, sorry. This world will soon be entering its third war if the United States is in your hands. Knock knock!

Yemen's al-Qaida claims Paris attack, vows more violence
Obama warns U.S. Congress against more sanctions on Iran
Obama: Europe should better integrate Muslims
NATO, EU set diverging tones on approach to Russia
Russia says Mohammed cartoon publication illegal
Romney hints at 3rd campaign in speech to national GOP group
Republican activists widely say Romney should sit out White House run
The Great Wall of Saudi Arabia?
Texas Gov. Rick Perry: 'I'm ready' for White House run
Condoleezza Rice says she was stunned CIA mission was leaked
EU Parliament calls Russia potential threat to EU
Erdogan lashes out at 'provocative' Charlie Hebdo
UN calls on Israel to unlock Palestinian tax payment

AUTOS : Watch North Korea's Supreme Leader Fly A Plane

SLIDESHOW : 2014 New Year's Eve around the world

GOOD MORNING AMERICA : Gwyneth Paltrow Reveals Why She and Chris Martin Split 

SPORT : Formula 1 - Michael Schumacher 'cries when he hears voices of family'

TV : Sarah Palin Goes After PETA 'Hypocrites' Again: 'Kiss My Okole'

PARENTING : Why I'm Keeping My Pregnancy a Secret From My Baby's Father

Huge UK crowds welcome in new year
Thousands of people gather in towns and cities across the UK as firework displays are held to celebrate New Year's Eve.
* UK welcomes 2015 with fireworks - VIDEO
* World celebrations usher in 2015 
* In pictures: New Year's Eve
* Thousands join Hogmanay celebrations
* London's fireworks to be ticketed

The New Year tradition with a dark history

Tree tops - Could 'Robin Hood's hideout' be Europe's best tree?

Tolstoy's top tips - The secret ingredients of a happy life - and they're 100 years old

New year, new you - Why I love to hate my fitness band
Nasa to hack Mars rover Opportunity to fix 'amnesia' fault
Pardon? Testing Google's speedy translation tool
Google Glass sales halted but firm says kit is not dead

EDUCATION : New rules for healthy school dinners

Formula 1's Jenson Button marries Jessica Michibata

Why are so many drinks flavoured with honey? 

New fanged frog 'gives birth to tadpoles'
Lost Beagle2 probe found 'intact' on Mars - By Jonathan Amos / Science correspondent, BBC News

Smartphone use 'changing our brains'
Cut children's sugar, parents told - Parents are being encouraged to cut back on the amount of sugar they feed children as part of a new public health campaign.
* Q&A: How much sugar should we eat?
* Is sugar the 'most dangerous drug?' 
Regular naps are 'key to learning'
Memory recall 'better when eyes shut'
Stress is 'barrier to feeling empathy for strangers'

When Does New Year Fall Around the Universe?
The secret origin of flowers
Dwarf elephant beats up big rival - The first recorded animal of its kind fights and beats a larger opponent
Sneaky female birds outwit males - When it comes to finding food, female great tits outsmart the opposite sex
Horror fly feasts on ant brains - Headhunter fly pulls heads off ants Head of a robber fly
The upside down tortoise enigma - Scientists investigate one of life's great struggles
How to discover a new lifeform -  A short guide to identifying new species
Superpowers of the deepest divers  - Some whales can dive nearly 3km. How?
Mystery of real-life sea serpents - A huge fish is still a mystery centuries after it began terrifying sailors Oarfish
When Earth was a frozen Snowball - Ice-bound Earth may have birthed animals

The jet cockpits of tomorrow  - How the fighter pilot's office has changed
Apocalypse when?
Why do we have lips? - They're not just for kissing
The hidden ways traffic flows
Why are we short-sighted?

CAPITAL : The real cost of hangovers

Furore over novel depicting Muslim-run France
The people pushed out of Ethiopia's fertile farmland 

Hunt for French terror accomplices
Police in France are urgently hunting for any accomplices of the gunmen who killed 17 people in two days of terror attacks around Paris.
* What we know so far
* Footage of Kouachi siege - VIDEO 
* Witness accounts
* Gunman 'met Yemen jihadists' - VIDEO 
* Police take warehouse roof - VIDEO 
* Hostages emerge from shop  

Deadly Charlie Hebdo protest in Niger
At least four people are killed in Zinder, Niger, amid protests against the French magazine Charlie Hebdo's Prophet Muhammad cartoon, officials say.
* Pakistan clashes over Hebdo cartoon 
* New leads investigated
* Twelve held over Paris attacks 
* Were gunmen helped?
* Did French intelligence drop the ball?

Belgium charges five over 'terror plot to kill police'

'Nyet' to Charlie -  Russia shuns French cartoons seen by many as 'insulting'. #JeSuisCharlie gets little sympathy in Russia

Why would anyone want an eyeball tattoo?

10 Things
■ Breaking Bad is the show people most lie about watching. 10 things we didn't know last week
■ Who is Benedict Cumberbatch's infamous cousin? 10 things we didn't know last week

Africa's great aquatic adventure - A swamp-like wonderland best seen by boat The Okavango Delta, seen from the air, Botswana
The world's greenest cities - What's it like to live in a sustainable city?

Today's African Proverb
"You cannot convince a monkey that honey is sweeter than a banana" - Sent by Abubakar Musa, Riji, Sokoto, Nigeria
"A hunter does not tell of everything he sees in the bush" - Sent by Sonny Nwadike, Abidjan, Ivory Coast
"No matter how drunk a rat is, he doesn't sleep in a cat's bed" - A proverb from Cameroon sent by Nganje Cheryl, Mannheim, Germany, and Zuobog Philip Neri, Hamile, Ghana
"If you want to catch a monkey, behave like one" - Sent by Nd Osemeke and Motunde Badmos, both in Nigeria
Forever and one, I will miss you ... however I kiss you, .... yet again, way down in Neverland never land... Ops, it's just a hum in the shower, ehehehe... my heart is still singing it since yesterday until today, ....well, and if my heart is in good condition today, then, I do not need to interpret the proverb above as, "So, if you want to eradicate terrorism, then you should behave like a terrorist". As I know, I'm just acting like a baby so that I can be easily understood by my baby. Ouch, ouch, my beloved baby, whose baby are you? Ehehehhe...

"Dine with a stranger but save love for your family" - An Ethiopian proverb sent by Martin Manyiel Wugol, Aweil, South Sudan
I like the set of words in this proverb :
A stranger.

"You become wise when you begin to run out of money" - Sent by Kenneth Opare-Obuobi, Nyankpala, Ghana

'CIA fingerprints' all over Kiev massacre Oliver Stone 
FBI silently changes cell phone tracking policy
Afghan army mortar fire kills dozens at wedding party
'No more waiting': Palestinian president signs Rome Statute to join ICC 
Arise, Sir Viagra! Queen knights inventor of sex performance drug in 2015 honours list
Attempts to isolate Russia have been thwartedsenator
All nations should recognize Islamic State as terrorists - Russia 
OP-ED : Cuba thaw: A chance to break out from the yoke of US sanctions?
Deadly New Year: Tragedies mar festivities around the world
Russian journalists attacked, robbed at nationalist torchlight march in Kiev (VIDEO)
Turkish man opens fire, throws grenade at president's office
Oliver Stone: Ukrainians are suffering from US 'ideological crusade' against Russia 
Palestine files 'Israeli war crimes' probe request with accession letter to ICC – report 
Shanghai vertigo, street mugging & running with bulls: 2014 in most gripping GoPro videos 
US military vet: Traveling to fight ISIS 'like booking a flight to Miami' 
Britain's Prince Andrew accused of using 'under-age sex slave' 
White House announces sanctions against N. Korea 
'Something wrong with Ukraine, EU': Czech leader condemns 'Nazi torchlight parade'
Iran 'thwarts Mossad attempt to assassinate nuclear scientist' 
Military company to release affordable augmented reality glasses for consumers
McCain & other top officials accused of illegally visiting Syria 
4k drone video reveals Apple's huge 'spaceship' HQ
Sanskrit shocker! Claims of 7,000yo inter-planetary planes shake up Indian Science Congress
Thousands protest 'Nazism, racism' amid huge anti-Islam rallies in Germany (VIDEO)
France probes mayor who 'refused burial for Roma baby' 
'Muslims don't believe in freedom of speech' – radical cleric Chaudry 
#OpCharlieHebdo: Anonymous declares war on terrorist websites   
Al-Qaeda in Yemen claims directing Paris attacks as 'revenge' – reports   
Police release footage of dramatic assault on Charlie Hebdo suspects (VIDEO) 
Charlie Hebdo massacre aftermath LIVE UPDATES
4 hostages, 3 gunmen killed as Charlie Hebdo hunt ends in France 
Abu Hamza sentenced to life in prison in US

Saudi Arabia blogger flogged 50 times out of 1,000 for 'insulting Islam', to be continued weekly
Saudi Arabia? Ah, America, to it, you can only bite your lip. If Saudi Arabia personified as a woman, then -- of course-- she is a jealous woman, you know? Eehhehe, I imagine this joke, you are a flirtatious man from the west surrounded by the Middle East women and all of them are willing to be your concubines, ehehehe .... but Saudi Arabia is also a lesbian. She wants you to play in between her and Bahrain (Saudi Arabia lesbian friend),  whereas  you're trying to smile sweetly at two other beautiful from the Middle East: Iran and Syria. Unfortunately, the last two women I mention here have been attracted by Russia's masculinity, and all these things eventually make Israel feel to be a perfect woman for you in the Middle East, although sometimes you feel bored with the type of woman like Israel, ahahahaa ...... Iran is so pretty but very difficult for you to conquer her, moreover, Iran has another sister as beautiful as beautiful as she is -- Lebanon -- who also does not like Israel, ... and I do not know who initiates who, this all makes you suddenly vent your rage on Yemen, ahahaha .. you say Yemen is the ugliest woman in Middle East, ahahaha ...

Oh oh ho, dahling, see! See! You see it? How ridiculous the U.S. role in the Middle East. But slowly but surely I feel that all of these probably because unwittingly America loves the big brown eyed women, such as Iran, Afghanistan, and many beautiful women eyes that you see as part of Arab clump. Well, those with eyes like my eyes, right? Ahahahhahaaa ... As you say whenever you're seducing me and tell me that one thing you like most of my face is my eyes, ahahas... dahling, you are really as stupid as the U.S seems.

'Cameron will lose election' – Ex-PM aide

Déjà vu? Mitt Romney considering 2016 presidential run

Haiya, ... is there a U.S. monkey in Russia? Romney, Romney, twice on the pipe means you ain't gonna show. Romney, Romney, twice on the pipe if the answer is no. Oh, no, no. no. Oh, knock twice on the pipe if the answer is no. Knock knock!

Navalny 'violates' house arrest, Moscow court again refuses to act on complaint 
Erdogan welcomes Abbas in Ottoman Empire style ceremony
Kitty rescue: Homeless cat praised for saving abandoned baby in Russia (VIDEO)
CIA leak trial: 90+ people reportedly knew of secret mission against Iran
'CIA killed prisoners, made it look like suicide'Guantanamo guard 
Let Jews carry guns for self-protection, leading rabbi urges EU
Russia could revise key nuclear arms treaty over growing US antagonism - official
'Least visited crash site in the world': More blame than answers 6 mo after MH17 tragedy
US, UK plan cyber 'war games' to boost defense against hackers
Chechen leader condemns Prophet Muhammad cartoons, announces massive rally
Gunman armed with Kalashnikov takes hostages at post office near Paris
Obama promises to veto new sanctions on Iran
'Je suis Palestinian': Israeli ambassador furious over MP's Netanyahu tweet
Billion-dollar deal: Russia to sell space rocket engines to US company 
Political NGOs must concentrate on national problems - Putin
IN VISION : Orthodox Christmas celebrations in Russia & overseas
Duma moves to outlaw 'undesirable' foreign groups 
US, UK want to tackle 'technical issues' of accessing encrypted private information    
US troops training Syrian 'moderates' could top 1,000Pentagon
'Rapid unscheduled disassembly': SpaceX releases video of Falcon 9 crash-landing  
Middle East cartoonists take on Israeli, Arab leaders in #CharlieHebdo response 
'Anti-Maidan' movement launched to oppose color revolutions in Russia

BUSINESS2014 in review: The wow and weird moments in business
Venezuela plunges into recession with record inflation 

Palestine submits final draft of statehood resolution to UN || Palestinian statehood bid fails at UN Security Council as US, Australia vote against  || ■  'Failed Palestinian statehood bid may cause a surge in extremism in Middle East' 

We all watched history in the making: RT wraps up events that shaped 2014 

CrossTalk: Farewell 2014 

Miraculous Moscow: Festive lights illuminate Russian capital (4K Ultra HD Quality 2160p)

Stunning! Sydney opens New Year 2015 celebrations with fireworks ||Hong Kong bursts in spectacular New Year 2015 fireworks ||Dubai Burj Khalifa show marks start of New Year 2015 with sparkle || Saying Goodbye to 2014 & Welcome to 2015: RT's New Year roll-out  || Welcome, 2015! Dazzling fireworks light up sky over Red Square in Moscow ||Breathtaking New Year Fireworks: France, Brazil, Turkey & Hong Kong welcome 2015 

Putin's New Year Address 2015: Reunification with Crimea landmark in national history 

#Heroes2014: 'Crazy Russians' climb Dubai skyscraper, snap vertigo-inducing selfie 

'Israel doesn't fear ICC' – Foreign Ministry dep. spokesperson
Toddler 'savaged' by dog in public park in India 
F-35 glitch? Pentagon denies delivery delay for advanced fighter  

'We Teach Life, Sir': Music amid Mayhem in Gaza (RT Documentary) Gaza may be a warzone, but everyday life for its inhabitants has to continue. RTD follows young students of a Gaza City music school who have lived through three major military conflicts since 2008. They have survived the destruction, endured the horror of shelling and seen people die first hand. Some have even come close to death themselves. But despite their experiences, they remain hopeful that peace will eventually come. Until then, they seek comfort in music.

No-hitch Nuptials: Couples easily get married w/o paperwork in Denmark
World's smallest electric motorbike goes on display in India. Indian engineer Afroz Shaikh showed off what is possibly the world's smallest electric motorcycle at the IIT Techfest in Mumbai, Saturday. The 10 inch (25 centimetre) high vehicle is made of parts from children's toys and can carry up to 80 kilogrammes (176 pounds).
'Spook First' GCHQ to start recruiting tech graduates to work as spies
Israel halts Palestinian tax revenues after move to join ICC 
'Skiplagged': 22yo startup whizzkid offers 'hidden city' cheap flights  
Israel promises retaliation after Palestine's ICC membership bid 
#Heroes2014: Farah Baker - Gaza teen tweeting of everyday survival in warzone 
■ 'Worse than preparing for torture': RT reporter jumps from world's second highest bungee  
Beep Beep! Emu running on Israeli highway caught on camera
■ 'Fear the Beard': Facial hair no longer symbol of wisdom, but Islamism
Russia sanctions 'must be lifted now' - Hollande 
Secrets for Sale at Slur: 'Whistleblowers should be paid for risks'
Thousands of believers gather to celebrate Orthodox Christmas
Shooting at French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo in Paris, 12 dead
Charlie Hebdo massacre: 'Attack will heighten anti-Islamic tensions across Europe'
RAW: Charlie Hebdo attackers shoot, then make their getaway by car
Charlie Hebdo attack: 'Who dares to publish anything after this?' - cartoonist Lars Vilks

Le Pen: We must respond to war declared by Islamic fundamentalism
Well, a concern arises in the midst of democratization in religious communities, both in developing and in developed countries. At least this phenomenon is evidenced by two important things: strengthening the wings of political Islam and a stronger tendency of radical groups that carries violence as one of their movement's core, particularly violence in addressing the differences and diversity.

Le Pen, if what you highlight in a wave of fundamentalism is just Islam and even then you tend to be negative, you are somewhat less fair, because fundamentalism also exists in every religion. In view of the post-modern, religion should be tolerant of plurality. Religion is not an abstract idea but a system associated with the scientific philosophical values and not connected with the mere ideological interests.

Unfortunately, Western thinkers often truncated in understanding religion, especially Islam, and they themselves are often inconsistent with their own statement. They talk about plurality or tolerance, but in discussing Islam they often tendentious and do not understand the "basic philosophies" of true Islamic theology. Islam is often imaged and understood as a source of violence, because there is disturbed interests if Islam is growing more fertile. They are so afraid of Islam, and unfortunately it is not from Islam itself, but from the interpretation of each group.

Many people think tricky about Islam, whereas, Islam is simple. In addition to teaching things unseen, Islam also teaches biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, mathematics, culture, environment (how to treat a blade of grass and an ant), economic law, ethics and selling (in the market, either narrow or broad sense ), governance, democracy, social ethics, and even ethics in intercourse are taught. You get rid of the stones in the road? Yes it is Islam. Islam is not only tangible in such symbol: cap, turban, black forehead, beads, robes, etc., but the teachings of concrete that anyone can do it. About fundamentalist, yes of course Muslims must be fundamentally, it means to believe and do things fundamental (basic), ie activities or actions that have been specified its terms and pillars.

Islam offers a dialectic with social change, and therefore we are encouraged to try and think hard. Islam is a system of values, and social reality is its nature, so there is no problem. In short, what would be offered by the West with its knowledge has long been taught by Islam. So, what exactly does this lady want to talk about?

Two hostage situations unfold in France (FULL HOUR)
Peter Schiff: Things bankers are good at – creating inflation, making prices go up
Hostage crisis in Paris kosher grocery store (Video from scene)
Two hostage situations unfold in France (FULL HOUR)
Hostage drama in Dammartin-en-Goele, police corner Charlie Hebdo shooting suspects (LONG VIDEO)
RAW: French GIGN storm hostage site in Dammartin-en-Goële with Charlie Hebdo attackers inside
RAW: Russian rescuers help recover Air Asia tail
Ebola Warriors (RT Documentary)
Unity March: Over 40 world leaders rally in Paris against extremism
Unity March in Paris on January 11 (FULL VIDEO)
Meanwhile in Russia: Donkey kidnaps traffic inspector
China/Russia rating agency 'because Western agencies sometimes just don't get it'
Baltic Build-up: US Strykers, Humvees roll through Lithuania. A train loaded with 17 US military vehicles, including Strykers, Humvees, and SUVS was seen rolling through the city of Klaipeda, Thursday, as American troops resume NATO training in the region. The 2nd Cavalry Regiment arrived in Lithuania from their base in Vilseck, Germany, on January 8th. The US troops have since resumed allied training under 'Operation Atlantic Resolve', with the Lithuanian military.

People&Power - Colombia: The End Game (Part 2)
NATO: Job done in Afghanistan? 
Palestinian statehood: a lost cause?
The Listening Post - Media trends to watch in 2015
Counting the Cost - 2014: An economic review
Bahrain crisis: Testing allies and opponents?
Inside Story - Yemen : Who controls the state?
Lebanon: restricting entry for Syrians 
German anti-Islam rally hits record numbers 
Inside Story - Is Sri Lanka's Mahinda Rajapaksa in trouble?

France 'ready' to strike in southern Libya
What do you want, Hollande? Dying for a pee? Please pee in a designated place. And do not forget to wash your genital thoroughly after urinating, for the sake of sexual health, okay? Mmm ... tell one of your citizens -- Alain Soral -- I still fall in love with him, and I do not believe at all in his silly sex gossip with Binti Bangoura. But my subconscious mind -- honestly-- likes his nudity.

The System - Flawed Forensics. A systemic FBI forensics failure of epic proportions calls thousands of convictions into question – including 27 death row cases. A government investigation leads to a correction and generates a list of convictions that need to be revisited. 
Cartoon shooting: Is Islam to blame?  
The System - False Confessions. Should a confession to a crime be enough to convict someone of a crime?  
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U.S. Fights Back Against Hack - The United States is imposing sanctions on North Korea following last year's devastating hack of Sony Pictures Entertainment, the White House said, calling them the "first aspect of our response" to the cyberattack blamed on Kim Jong Un's government
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Why Gay Marriage Will Win Again - On Friday, the Supreme Court announced that it will hear arguments on whether gay couples in the U.S. can legally marry. There's not much question which way the decision will go, writes TIME's David Von Drehle: Same-sex couples are going to prevail
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ALAIN SORAL : Entretien avec Alain Soral sur l'arrestation de Dieudonné et la liberté d'expression en France.

La garde à vue de l'humoriste Dieudonné, suite à un message publié par ce dernier sur les réseaux sociaux où il ironisait à propos de l'affaire Charlie Hebdo en disant qu'il se sentait «Charlie Coulibaly», a provoqué un tollé chez ses partisans et même parfois au-delà. Ils soulignent l'inégalité de traitement entre Dieudonné qui est persécuté par le pouvoir en place et Charlie Hebdo qui, depuis quelques années, bénéficie d'un soutien sans faille des autorités. Nous avons recueilli la réaction d'Alain Soral.

  Alain Soral, quelle est votre réaction à l'arrestation de Dieudonné le 14 janvier dernier?

Je pense que cette arrestation pour un tweet ambigu, discutable, mais dont il faudrait justement discuter, est tout simplement la preuve que nous assistons en France à une sorte de coup d'État perpétré par le gouvernement de monsieur Valls!

Un coup d'État policier, profitant de l'immense émotion qu'ont suscitée en France les derniers attentats, pour museler illégalement un opposant au régime. Régime actuel qui se caractérise par une soumission chaque jour accrue au pouvoir et aux intérêts américano-sionistes, contre les intérêts objectifs de la France, tant sur la question du Moyen-Orient et de l'Afrique centrale, que de la Russie…

Par l'obscénité que constitue l'arrestation d'un comique métis populaire et talentueux, pour une phrase, au moment même où l’on prétend mener un combat sans concession pour la liberté d'expression, cette opération policière, politique et médiatique nous place effectivement face à une réelle opération de terreur. Une opération de terreur policière, politique et médiatique menée contre le peuple de France par le sionisme international et l'impérialisme américain, dont tous les analystes sérieux, muselés par les médias dominants, démontrent depuis des années qu’ils sont in fine les seuls bénéficiaires d'un « terrorisme islamiste » dont ils sont aussi, via diverses médiations, les machiavéliques commanditaires…

Je rappelle en outre que les trois terroristes supposés ayant été promptement mis à mort, comme dans toutes les opérations du même ordre (affaire Merah, attentats de Londres, de Madrid…) manipulant des petits délinquants au profil identique, nous sommes donc obligés de croire sur parole la version officielle véhiculée par les médias de masse, quand une volonté authentique de démantèlement des réseaux islamistes aurait dû conduire nos forces spéciales – qui en ont largement les moyens – à tout faire pour les prendre vivant, afin de les faire parler…

  Le «deux poids deux mesures» qui caractérise l'attitude de ce gouvernement est de plus en plus insupportable et flagrant. Il faudrait être aveugle pour ne pas voir que le dernier tweet d'Elfassi est une incitation au meurtre à l'encontre de Dieudonné et de vous-même. Est-ce que vous comptez apporter une réponse judiciaire? Ne serait-ce que pour démontrer une fois de plus l'iniquité de la justice si elle en venait à classer cette affaire sans suite?

  Tout à fait, j'ai chargé mon avocat d'engager toutes les poursuites nécessaires, et pas seulement contre Elfassi ;des plaintes avec constitution de partie civile, afin d’être sûr que ces personnes – dont monsieur Haziza – soient au moins convoquées par un juge d'instruction. Même si le lobby sioniste passe de plus en plus en force et se croit tout permis dans nos territoires occupés, nous sommes encore officiellement en France dans un état de droit!

  Jean-Marie Le Pen a été le seul homme politique à défendre la liberté d'expression, notamment en soulignant le traitement défavorable infligé à Dieudonné. Qu'est ce que cela révèle de l'état de la classe politique en France?

Jean-Marie Le Pen a été aussi le seul à prévenir et à annoncer, depuis 40 ans, tout ce qui allait arriver! Ce qui n'empêche pas l'ensemble de la classe politique de reprendre aujourd'hui sans vergogne un discours qu'ils fustigeaient hier, tout en continuant à l'insulter! Ce qui se passe en ce moment, de façon si visible, ne fait que valider ce que je dis et ce que j'écris moi-même depuis plus de douze années. À savoir que le pouvoir sioniste a marginalisé, depuis le milieu des années 80, tout ce qui ne se soumettait pas à lui en France, et a promu tous les soumis, tous les crétins qui lui permettent aujourd'hui de régner sans partage ni aucune retenue. Le petit chien d'attaque Manuel Valls, officiellement chef du gouvernement français, mais «éternellement attaché à Israël» selon ses propres dires, en est l'illustration parfaite autant qu'indiscutable, pour notre plus grande honte et notre malheur!

Vous possédez également la nationalité suisse. Pourriez-vous être tenté par l'exil pour ne plus subir les persécutions judiciaires et les menaces de toutes sortes, qui peuvent vous empêcher de travailler de façon plus sereine?

Je ne l'envisage pas pour le moment, mais je ne vous cache pas que je fais très attention à ma sécurité!

  En janvier 2013, Téhéran avait décidé de répondre aux provocations de Charlie Hebdo, qui jugeait amusant de caricaturer le prophète Mohamed, en organisant un concours international de caricatures sur la Shoah. Que pensez-vous, a posteriori, de cette initiative?

Initiative très taquine, puisqu'elle a permis de démontrer, à ceux qui ont encore un cerveau pour comprendre, que le pouvoir occidental ment, quand il prétend que les démocraties avancées mettent la liberté au-dessus du blasphème et du sacré, alors que c'est simplement l'interdit religieux qui s'est déplacé. Le tout-puissant lobby sioniste, en même temps qu'il mettait au pas la chrétienté – et aujourd'hui l'islam – ayant peu à peu érigé, en remplacement, la Shoah comme religion du mondialisme…
Propos recueillis pour E&R par Alimuddin Usmani le 15 janvier 2015

X-mas 2014

Actually the boundary between narrow and broad stuck in your mind. "If you are always grateful for all the pleasure of God, then God will lift the narrowness of your hearts and minds. "he explained.

And before he went home, he asked him, "Do you often to pray?"

"Yes." the man replied.

"Well, know this, your prayer should not be accepted by God, because when God opens the doors of understanding to you and when he does not give you, then no gift is the true gift.