Saturday, April 30, 2011

It Ain't Easy

You, Jan Pepijn Servaas and Valentino Vie like this.

Valentino Vie: hahahaaa Bonjour ma femme, Où est la salle de bain? Je suis heureux, nous pouvons passer à travers tout ce qui!

Cisca Zarmansyah: Je vous remercie, monsieur. Je suppose que c'est la meilleure solution. Mais je me sens mal à l'aise, je ne peux pas être seule pour toujours, j'ai du mal à vous exprimer.

Valentino Vie: Je suis fin, pourquoi êtes-vous triste?

Cisca Zarmansyah: Il veut toujours jouer aux échecs avec nous, mais il manque des pièces dans nos têtes que le prendre alors. Il était mon ami, après tout, maintenant se retourner contre moi. J'ai eu l'intention que je voulais aller vers le haut. Je suis ici rampante de la vie et de puissance en captivité, jamais plus que maintenant à l'obscurité.

Valentino Vie: C'est le genre de journée où tout le monde vous regarde et prend forme! Jamais l'esprit, j'aime le danger de la vie.

Valentino Vie: J'ai vu une robe de mariée. Oui, pour nous, pour notre mariage le Juillet 2011.

Cisca Zarmansyah: eh bien,... je ne voulais pas me marier en blanc avec une robe un peu trop classique,...

Valentino Vie: Avez-vous d'autre choix? Pour les vêtements. Je ne parle pas des autres moyens.

Valentino Vie: Ne vous souciez pas mon esprit avec d'autres choses!

Cisca Zarmansyah: Non, je ne veux pas porter des vêtements et soutien-gorge ... ehhehhee.....

Valentino Vie: haha c'est très bien, ma chérie douce. Je veux vous embrasser nu!

Valentino Vie: Chaque nuit, je veux que vous coucher avec moi.

Cisca Zarmansyah: Je m'ennuie de l'entendre. Chaque nuit je reve de quoi?

Valentino Vie: Ce jour là, Il faisait froid, Un froid glacial, Un froid à mourir, Le soldat ne sentait rien. Un cri silencieux au ralenti. Son arme lourde, un lourd engourdi. Une bouche crevassée et un goût trop sec. Le blanc de la terre jusqu’à l’horizon. Une douleur sans fin et sans raison. Partout déchets de corps, et du sang mélangé. Parmi ce ravage, En duo chantent une cornemuse et une voix, illuminées, par un feu invisible. Silhouettes d’homme s’approchent de la musique. Comme des étincelles de feu dans une neige gelée. Cet instant unique dans l’histoire du monde. Hommes réchauffés pour survivre une journée. Courageuse et inspirée, Cette harmonie des ennemis. (Au tour du feu invisible - Chloe Douglas, 2009)

Jan Pepijn Servaas: ‎"Say, what are you doing in bed?" ....

Friday, April 29, 2011

Wedding of Prince William and Kate Midleton

Wedding rehearsal of Prince William and Kate Midleton in London, England, yesterday went well and followed by hundreds of the army soldiers, navy and air of England. Since at 05.00 local time, the soldiers lined up from the parliament building until the church of Westminster Abbey which its distance could be reached by a leisurely walk for 4 minutes. According to the plan, the bride and groom will be escorted by two squads contains 12 military personnel when leaving Westminster Abbey to a horse-drawn carriage. At least 5000 police are deployed to secure the wedding procession of the late Lady Diana's son, ranging from the guards at close range, firing squads, security officers territories, cavalry officers, special officer to check the luggage visitors, until the animal team. Total does not include military personnel from the British elite SAS that joins the crowd of British military citizens who are also alert three Chinook helicopters.

Meanwhile, British police said that the guests of the royal wedding would have to undergo security checks before entering Westminster Abbey, but the method of checking that will be used is not mentioned. Police intelligence data stated there was no terrorist threat to this important event. For security reasons, police will also monitor conversations on the internet.

Outside of technical matters, Prince William will probably be in heavy pressure. This was disclosed by a former instructor of the prince in the British Air Force unity. Kevin Marsh, the instructor of aircraft fighter pilot of British Air Force in RAF Valley unity estimates that Prince William will experience the extraordinary nervousness, just like when Prince William would take the test flight, he was so tense, but Marsh believes Prince William will be able to cope with that pressure.

Pranay Suresh, Almira Izzati and Jan Pepijn Servaas like this.

Valentino Vie : There's nothing as grand as any marriage, marriage as fancy as any in the world that attracts my attention except for our wedding. Since yesterday, past, present and maybe tomorrow, I'm always proud to introduce this suffering and introduce it to yourself as, "Here you are, my runaway bride. Forever, Cheers!"

Cisca Zarmansyah :  Hiya, stranger!

Valentino Vie: Hiya back.

Cisca Zarmansyah: Cheers!

Valentino Vie: Pourquoi t'as dit ça? Vous êtes têtu! On peut y aller? Cheers! hahahaaa

Cisca Zarmansyah: ehehheehe .... avec des enfants?

Valentino Vie : Nous allons essayer. Êtes-vous prêt?

Jan Pepijn Servaas : Royal wedding: gambler hopes to pocket £72,000 on Kate Middleton tiara bet. A gambler is set to win £72,000 if Kate Middleton wears the Queen's wedding tiara when she marries Prince William at Westminster Abbey on Friday. (29 April 2011). Ladbrokes, the bookmaker, has closed its book on the choice of headgear for the service after one customer bet £6,000 on the 180 year-old George III Tiara.

The diamond encrusted decoration, also known as the Russian Fringe Tiara, was a favourite with Queen Victoria and Queen Mary and was also worn by Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother.

Notably, Princess Elizabeth, the current Queen and Prince William's grandmother, borrowed it from Queen Mary for her own wedding in 1947.

She in turn lent it to her daughter, the Princess Royal, when she married Captain Mark Phillips in 1973.

Ladbrokes originally installed the Cambridge Lover's Knot Tiara, previously owned by Diana, Princess of Wales, as its favourite when it started taking bets on the royal wedding headgear earlier this month.

But staff at a branch in Ascot, Berks, were alarmed when a customer, described as a well-spoken middle aged woman, walked in asking to wager £6,000 on the George III Tiara being worn by Kate Middleton instead last week.

Fearing she may have insider information, they refused but she later managed to place the bet at a branch in Egham at odds of 12 to one.

Alex Donohue, a spokesman for Ladbrokes, said, "As far as we are concerned when that sort of money starts getting thrown around it looks very much like a done deal. We usually take bets of £10 or £20 on a "fun market" like this." (Source : The Telegraph)

That means, if Kate wears that historic crown in her wedding day, then the woman will win 72 thousand pounds.

The problem is, who is she? ;-)

Cisca Zarmansyah : That's what we learned from the Social Differentiation, Jan. I always try to think objectively, including today.

Cisca Zarmansyah : Jaaan,...Finally she wore the crown made by Cartier (1936) owned by Queen Elizabeth II! :p

Jan Pepijn Servaas : Yes, dear. Yesterday I dreamed someone asking you, "Will you marry me? And I heard your answer, "No, I don't." But it's just your wedding rehearsal in my dream, merely the shadow of my dream.

The song is blown at the time of Princes William and Kate Middleton down the aisle, composed by Sir Charles Hubert Hastings Parry.

You and Almira Izzati like this.

Almira Izzati ‎: ..........Cutie pie ..... being impulsive or creative? :D)))

Cisca Zarmansyah : ‎ Ssst! ... it's forbidden to laugh out loud in church.

Almira Izzati : ssstt...... ..... ssshh!

Cisca Zarmansyah:  ‎........

Almira Izzati : ssssstttt....!

Lakshmi Lavanya : C, sorry and sorry, this time i have to be very honest with youuu, ... I can't enjoy the church choir music ....

Cisca Zarmansyah : Anya, Music is heard by the ears but can only be understood by the heart. When I listen to this music, maybe my ears don't understand, but I think my heart knows. Yes, I feel like I know.

The song is dedicated to the late Lady Diana at the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, London - 29 April 2011.

You and Almira Izzati like this.
Almira Izzati : oh princess Diana ...

Cisca Zarmansyah : Oh...Dodi al-Fayed...

Almira Izzati : Camilla Parker Bowles!

Cisca Zarmansyah : ehhehee... Don't force me to mention one name remaining. If just type another word, for example: GOD, I can!

Almira Izzati : well, let me type it. Prince Charles! done. see that? what's so hard? ......

Cisca Zarmansyah : ‎ Ok, it's done! Don't blame me if in my sleep I'll dream of shopping at Harrods!

Almira Izzati : Go! go! marry your version of "Dodi", and get your honeymoon at the Ritz Hotel Paris! ....

Cisca Zarmansyaheehhehehee .... If I married him, we will not go honeymooning in five star hotels, Izti... but in his stable! ((((((:

Almira Izzati : ‎..................

A piece of promise from Catherine Elizabeth Middleton

Kate would say the pledge of "Love, Comfort, Respect, and Caring" for William. But Kate is not going to say "Obey", as did by the late Lady Diana when she married Prince Charles in 1981 and was also said by Princess Anne to her husband.

Technically, her action is valid, because she and William have chosen a wedding ceremony guide of Series One of Common Prayer (published 1996) which allows the bride crosses out the word "Obey" and "Serve" in the pledge of marriage. (►

Furthermore, Prince William will place the ring to Kate's ring finger and says, "With this ring I marry you." The Prince himself chose not to wear the ring.

Rowan Williams (as an Anglican Christian church leader who holds the Archbishop of Canterbury) will formalise them as husband and wife.

(photo: Wall of brick mosaic - shape of Prince William and Kate Middleton In Sydney, Australia)

You, Lakshmi Lavanya and Almira Izzati like this.

Almira Izzati : blah!

Pranay Suresh : Their moment is the ideal target for the opponents groups in UK. ( It's them, the "LOVE POLICE" ::

"This is a message from the Royal Institute for brainwashing and mind control. The issue for me is that the government create the greatest public spectacle in the world and we have to finance it, the taxpayer, millions of pounds has paid to safety, while so many people in this country against it." - CHARLIE VEITCH (

He and his anarchist group brought a megaphone to the field of Trafalgar London and told people his opinion about the wedding, then he was arrested in pre-crime raid for "Conspiracy To Cause Public Nuisance" At Royal Wedding (

Fairuz Azalia : Love becomes very expensive when involving the royal family. I hope their marriage will be lasting forever.

Lakshmi Lavanya : I agree with you, Fairuz. Britain has not been entirely free from the economic crisis. But the kingdom would hold a very lavish wedding. Although the royal family has a wealth of up to billions of dollars, the wedding was still regarded by many as an irony.

Cisca Zarmansyah : Kashmir, I love them! The activists & The Police

Almira Izzati, Jan Pepijn Servaas and 2 others like this.

Fairuz Azalia : At least, Kate seemed more mature than Princess Diana when she married Charles in 1981.

Lakshmi Lavanya : outrageous! the british royal family was famous cocky. They didn't invite Sarah Ferguson

Fairuz Azalia Maybe it's because Sarah had a "special note" for the royal family, but I think a wedding should be a place for families to rule out their problems in the past and come together.

Lakshmi Lavanya : I can't wait to find out the news about Mr. Bean at that party!

Cisca Zarmansyah : There are five important things from the wedding:
1. Wedding Dress
2. The Guests
3. When Kate said "I do"
4. Kiss when the blessing (This moment is a highly anticipated event by the news hunters. When William and Kate said, "I do" they didn't ... kiss each other, because the rules of church in England banned it in the house of God. However, both of them kissing each other on the balcony of Buckingham Palace)

That romantic event is not only witnessed by the guests, but hundreds of millions of people can watch it on TV and live streaming on the computer.

5. Bride for Prince Harry (The younger brother is rumored to be holding his lover. She is Chelsy Davy. About the truth, we'll see some more time)

The marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton will be a reason for flexibility of national pride, also reflects the changing social landscape in the UK. The happiest day of the prince and with the acceptance of Middleton family (a family of ordinary people), into the royal family, showing how far the rigid class structure in Britain has been stepped.

You, Jan Pepijn Servaas, Valentino Vie and 2 others like this.

Lakshmi Lavanya : Nobility always makes me feel insignificant as people

Fairuz Azalia : You right Anya, but Kate won't officially become Princess Catherine, because she was not born as Princess on her own right.

Cisca Zarmansyah : Whatever the nobility, being a Princess who is loved (until the death of the temporary world, and even still is loved until we are revived in the eternity world) by her Prince is the dream of all women. I am a woman, too. I take part of them.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Still, Dirty Thirty

You, Valentino Vie, Almira Izzati, Adriaan Zef and 3 others like this.

Fairuz Azalia C, I like if you always remember them, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Al Qaeda & Taliban ... I think, this is the main topic that makes life running in this century. As we talked about the sun is sinking in the west and rises from the east.

Cisca Zarmansyah : just wonder, Fai. Why do people who carry the black flag will always come from Khorasan? (:

Cisca Zarmansyah : Black banners troops!

Fairuz Azalia : Is it true that it is them?

Cisca Zarmansyah ‎: the reason is, this group is the only one of the most feared Islamic militant by the West because of their combat prowess, as well as their aspiration to establish a radical Islamic state from the tip of Southeast Asia to the west of Morocco.

Fairuz Azalia : Did you know it?

Cisca Zarmansyah : No, I don't!

Fairuz Azalia : So it's just conjecture, isn't it?

Cisca Zarmansyah : There are so many things still in the form of allegations.

Fairuz Azalia : And every allegation could have been missed from the actual truth...

Fairuz Azalia : But, apart from its right or not these allegations, there are other things more important to be understood by the Muslim, if it is associated with this fundamental group. Every Muslim should be careful to not impose a particular sentence on the groups that are born have the stigma and negative image of the Islam enemies (even from among the Muslims themselves), because it doesn't mean their situation is as the accusation.

Pranay Suresh : Sometimes I feel amused, but I do not know why and what. Yups! it's nothing Ma'am, this is just a matter of Cuba and the U.S. Their relationship is a bit strange, how do you think? ..... .... Cuba may be recognized as a leader of anti-US countries in Latin America, even embracing the communist political system. But on the Cuba mainland, precisely in Guantanamo Bay, entrenched one of the U.S. Naval Station and its jail which is known has extra tight security.

Pranay Suresh : But that's good, the prison officials are aware that at least two cases in which they arrested the man was innocent and it was written in their prison documents. But it takes months of time for them (the innocent) to be returned to their home country.

Jan Pepijn Servaas : Sweetie, what do you mean by prisoners who are considered "high risk" before being released or handed over to another country? And how is the US government's plan to move the prisoners to a prison in Illinois?

Pranay Suresh : read here, dude:

Jan Pepijn Servaas : wait a minute! well, it seems .. yeah, ehe, is there a person who becomes more fat while in prison? gosh,...! what is this? news, gossip or trash?

Pranay Suresh : We should not be noisy. She was making a draft of "THE PEACE MESSAGE FROM TORA BORA " Tora bora, it's nice to be vocalized. TORA BORA, try this!

Jan Pepijn Servaas : Tora Bora! Son of Osama bin Laden was invited by Bush to the White House. Welcome to USA! ....

Adriaan Zef  : High-risk dude, it's obvious. You don't have to pretend not to know the purpose of high-risk prisoners. Terror! yes, it is. And the perpetrators of terror are called terrorists. The events of 911/2001 is the mother of terrorism, which is now experiencing an escalation in such a way and kind. You know that various kinds? Terror in any way cause discomfort, instability! And more specifically, it can make a man has sexual impotence. Damn it! I think the report was written based on information available in the past, and doesn't necessarily reflect the latest views about the detainees.

Almira Izzati : Jan, it's disgusting! Omar was really outrageous. Poor Jane, she has converted to Islam but finally they got divorced. Is it true that he is schizoprenia? Poor Zaina

Adriaan Zef: And I think you're not blind to see the signals "friends" of the Obama administration. It has paved the way for the reduction of international tension triggered by anti dialogue stance of the Bush administration, and this is in line with the urgent need for a global leadership, widely acceptable to the international community in solving a variety of transnational issues, such as the threat of terrorism, climate change and global recession.

Almira Izzati : Pranay, it does not apply to detainees from Yemen!

Cisca Zarmansyah : Jan, perhaps this is what is meant by Zef. ;

To you, Kashmir, ... this is the final phrase of my Still Green Concept, "... He wants to immediately leave the place and the country, the battle and if necessary, immediately leaves the military with a new confidence."

And you, BB. We'll talk about it later. Sex impotence & Terrorism. Maybe I'll submit to you the new concept of Healthy Sex and Peace.

Valentino Vie : Baby, this is well-documented cases of violence during interrogations at Guantanamo, Mohammed Qahtani in 2002 and 2003. He allegedly was involved in planning the September 11 attacks in several locations in the U.S. He was tied like a dog, got a sexual harassment and forced urinating on him self. How do we pee ourselves? All I know is to drink urine tends to be good for health, but until this moment I have not done it. Did you ever?

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How I Want To Have A Baby

In this video:
Cisca Zarmansyah
You, Valentino Vie, Adriaan Zef, Jan Pepijn Servaas and 4 others like this.

Lakshmi Lavanya : Owwww.... baby,,,, so cuteeeeee......!!!

Lakshmi Lavanya : C, though we're friends, but if you kidnap this baby from me ..... life expectancy! I swearr! I will never see youuuu..... !!

Cisca Zarmansyah : Amen. Please keep this baby well as long as I'm not at home, ok?

Lakshmi Lavanya what? do you think I am a baby nurse??? and you're her mother??? ............

Cisca Zarmansyah :I don't say that yet, but I warn you. If you treat my baby like this, please pack up all your stuff. Now! ....

Lakshmi Lavanya haaaa....? does it mean you fire me?

Cisca Zarmansyah: ‎ eehhehehheee....Yes, Anya. Sorry about that. You get fired from your job as a mother, because you are incompetent to take care of your children! You exploit your baby cuteness for your personal enjoyment, but I think the baby is not happy. See at her face's expression. Lucy seems not to understand.

Lakshmi Lavanya: ‎............. it's up to your opinion, but to me this baby is funnyyyy!!...

Almira Izzati : olalaaa Cutie pieeee .... ik kan niet wachten om te zien word je een moeder. Schiet op, kom op! kom op, wanneer bent u trouwen? nodigen ons uit. We komen naar LA, of naar Frankrijk? of ga je naar huis en je roes uitslapen? hij sprak vaak over u

Valentino Vie :To you all, women, you can't give birth a baby without a male sperm. But you can still have children in other ways, such as adopting them. Hi, baby! S'il vous plaît revenir à la maison, ma femme. Laissez nous remontent à des choses qui sont encore loin derrière. Regarde-moi-ça! Donnez-moi une chance de plus. Je veux être un bon père. Et bon mari pour vous.

In this video:
Cisca Zarmansyah

You, Valentino Vie, Adriaan Zef, Jan Pepijn Servaas and 4 others like this.

Lakshmi Lavanya: ‎...... hellloooo.... what happened today? something inspires you?

Cisca Zarmansyah: For a moment,... I've been following my motherly instinct.

Cisca Zarmansyah: Anya, I love that dog!

Almira Izzati: Ik hou van de bubbels....sssss

Fairuz Azalia: C, don't you jealous of this happiness? Why don't you get married and have your own baby?